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oki Rares my question is
I need to pass an event from child to grandfather
A: Multiple Ajax loading problem in asp.net mvc

Ahmet TaşgözBecause your button type is "submit".Try to change your button type to "button". like this: <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search" id="btnSubmit" class="btn btn-rounded btn-inline btn-success" /> <span style="color:green">@ViewBag.Message</span> <input type="button" name="Submit"...

I can't use EvenEmitter because EventEmitter it's between father and child
so I need to create event emit from child to father and from father to grandfather
and this is not a good solution
So for those of you wondering if we recorded #spidermanps4 open-world Spidey dialogue twice-- yes, we did. One "resting" take, one "exerted" take. Programmers exposed a variable to Wwise allowing the game to switch between dialogue assets, depending on the player state.
that game followed the new trend of having a complete shit ending
I could not engage that game when I saw how silly the main villain looked
scribbletune.com Found this really interesting!!
lol, M. Green is just not "somebody" o.O
@KarelG of course not but read the twitter thread
people are educating him like "privacy iz ded" "Apple does it too"
@ShrekOverflow hmm, I'm not really sure how I can tune the audio output
@Ikari I am curious why did you ping me on that 😃 ?
because I saw a really old question on SO where you asked something about PCM data and the web, while trying to come up with something
so I guessed you might have a better idea at how this stuff worked
@Ikari ah, that makes sense. Well, audio is a bit complex, you can't just decode an MP3 and give it to a speaker that is expecting a specific kind of PCM data
well apologies thought if this seemed a bit unwarranted :P
for example, it'll depend on what samplerate, and how many channels the original mp3 was
yeah, I was going to try something with the libflac bindings for node tonight
@ShrekOverflow all I'm thinking is: who tf isn't already logged into their google account in the browser?
also, as for the bit rates and samples, I tried to use mplayer to play those files and get the meta data out of that
so, we're starting the CS course by learning java -_-
that's not bad
using a very graphical IDE called BlueJ
when I was your age they taught us VB
@ShrekOverflow still, I think that it violates GDPR
@towc is this literally the first class?
yeah, some places here use that stuff too
all the books required are written by the lecturers
@ShrekOverflow yes
@rlemon I wasn't and after his tweet I noticed that I am too xD
I need to check it out though, But the end result is that google will get another x billions fine that they pay without hassle
@towc also sounds like something that is good
means the profs know what they're talking about (should)
my CS prof was a maths teacher that didn't know CS
the one lecturer I met actually looked like a salesman
just read from the books
@towc so did I ...
@towc this means nothing.
I agree, but it makes me more skeptical than usual
lol, you would feel that way anyways
you look for reasons not to trust 'the institution'
I do :/
I'm also trying to give them a chance and be relaxed about things
@towc That's not a problem for you
😉 learn a bit of entaaprize
@KarelG so did @oboecat and she hated it too
idk, Java seems like a good candidate to teach programming concepts
you can use javascript too but it is still different
Id say use Java or Python
the Java compiler avoids most of the starting errors I see in javascript
c# as well, but idk about legals about letting schools use that
maybe none? I assume that's why they dont tho
is C# not an open source platform?
idk, been a while since I looked into that
I know they open sourced the compiler or some shit
could use it for some projects in my master studies
so might be possible now?
yeah just dl open licensed visual studio and start programming in C#
I'm not a pro in any of these languages, but I have dabbled in all three.
you have VSCode now btw..
all three seem like they would be good to teach a novice about programming
python is sometimes scary with their errors
I'd say C/C++/Python
lol c++
Over java I'll take it :P
skip C++ if you are including that within C and python
atleast your "data structure" has sense
I barely touched that language. I went full C
You never go full C!
@KarelG That is more or less my take too, but C++ is for the "academics", the "java minded"
How do I use a package from NPM?
$npm install <packagename>
I have a basic home.html page and I have modernizr downloaded into the node_modules folder
I don't know why you'd claim C++ is for the academics
how do I actually use modernizr now
I have the impression that people who program in C++ are doing so because "damn the torpedoes! efficiency straight ahead!"
Q: How to use npm modules in browser? is possible to use them even in local (PC) ? - javascript

BorjaI'm new to npm module and node.js so it is really difficult to me. I have a js code whit many points and for each one of them I want to get the nearest city. To do this, in other question (Reverse geocoding with big array is fastest way? - javascript and performance), a user suggested me to use...

The require method isn't exposed to me
That aside @towc take this as a good challenge to learn some fun java stuff
Do I need to download and add a script reference to Node.js
read the link
Browserify isn't the only tool, mind you. but it is a tool to do it. you can google "Browserify alternatives" if you'd like something different
$("#example1 thead tr").remove();
$("#example thead tr").add();
Add and remove is it correct or not?
not sure what your question is, but those two methods are not complimentary
$('#foo').add('#bar') returns a collection with foo and bar in it
ohh nvm, I see you've spammed that into a bunch of irrelevant rooms
hi Guys...

I am going to receive a binary data which is made from a .xlsx, .xls or .pdf file.

I will have to get that binary data from the web services and will have to create either of the xlsx xls or pdf files... and provide it to the end user

Is this possible in jquery... please respond with your valuable comments...
in C#, Aug 3 at 8:06, by Ivin Raj
please help me am in interivew
Lmao dead
@CommonMan nothing to do with jQuery, but yes this is possible with JS
assuming the server sends proper mime types, you can create a download link for the various files.
oh! nice... any specific... method...
hey guys can you tell me one thing --
I have a call already working that fetches the required query value itself that's to be used ---
this.http.post('api/SampleData/CustomerGradeByID', JSON.stringify(body), { headers: _Headers })
            .subscribe((result: any) =>
                this.gradeS = result.json() as any[]
            (error: any)=>console.error(error))
if it were thru jquery library i would be more than happy
I also have a service class that fetches a certain list of names based upon that query value ---
this.http.post('api/SampleData/CustomerGradeByID', JSON.stringify(body), { headers: _Headers })
            .subscribe((result: any) =>
                this.gradeS = result.json() as any[]
            (error: any)=>console.error(error))

export class CommListService {
    endPoint: string;

    constructor(private http: Http) {
        this.endPoint = "/api/SampleData/MakeCommunicationListByGrade";
@CommonMan a angular thing
@CommonMan a download link has nothing to do with DOM manip besides maybe creating the link.
omg. no angular.
just js with jquery
I just want to combine the thing in a nice way. instead of using multiple subscribe or anything. in 1 call, first get the query value and then use it again to make the 2nd call. I am unable to write the code. I have JUST READ about the mergeMap thing. But
I am unable to use it in my code.

tried a few perms and comms to put it together. Ended up screwing up the structure. The idea is still not much clear to me.,.....
can you show me?
how to add the call to the 2nd service in a nice way with the 1st call....
@CommonMan oops.
ok... so i will have to get the binary data and create a file... and write that binary data into that file...
I dont' know @Prabir
I dont' know @Prabir
hard luck for me then....

I guess angular or typescript room
@CommonMan okk,
fetch(url, options).then( res => res.blob() ).then( blob => URL.createObjectURL( blob ) ).then( url => {
	const link = $('<a>'); // there, jQuery
	link.attr('href', url );
	link.attr('download', 'filename');
where did you learnt all these... are you a code implement js?
i was always puzzled about people like you... do you all work in MDFN who support and help people learning...
@CommonMan that exact question comes up a lot lol
yes, it comes up often. also I've done exactly this for downloading STL files
@KarelG yes
@rlemon lmao that jquery
I deliver bruh
rlemon the obstetrician
Does english have a word I can use in my code for plural of "data" - data as in lots of information, not a calendar point? (Or actually, what is singular form of data? Datum? Date?)
posted on September 24, 2018 by CommitStrip

The early Romans used that time system
Write a function that traverses the DOM-like tree starting from the
given element and returns all (not only direct) the children of that element.
Each tree node is guaranteed to have children array-like property.
The return value of the traverse function should be a flat list of nodes.

@AlexanderSolonik Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
  chidlren: [
     {children: [{children: [], name: 'span'}], name: 'li'},
     {children: [], name: 'li'}
  name: 'div'
The above is the input
(li) (li)
need the following output
  {children: [{children: [], name: 'span'}], name: 'li'},
  {children: [], name: 'span'},
  {children: [], name: 'li'}
can someone give me a hint as to where to begin ?
I see many js libraries transpiling to es5 but they don't offer a "modern" optative es6 build, why? Some apps may target only modern browsers, and you could benefit from loading "modern" (thus lightweight) bundles from the libraries you import
got an example?
I ask because most that I've seen don't really care about the distributed bundle. they provide the source and the tools to bundle it
where you can specify your target
With Babel we are able to leverage all the newest language features in ES2015+, but that also means we have to ship transpiled and polyfilled bundles in order to support older browsers. These transpiled bundles are often more verbose than the original native ES2015+ code, and also parse and run slower.
Given that today a good majority of the modern browsers have decent support for native ES2015, it is a waste that we have to ship heavier and less efficient code to those browsers just because we have to support older ones.
That's the case of vue, but I'm wondering about generic libraries... What if I want to offer an extra bundle
a non-transpilled one with webpack. Sounds good to me, but I wonder why I see nobody else doing it
Just one thing, I'm not talking about the <script nomodule> fallback
I moved way from Chrome too.
I moved chrome
What's the best way to get a legit windows 10 key for a vm?
from my left monitor to my right.
@rlemon was that a political joke?
because if so, that was so well delivered!
I used to use chrome on my left monitor
now I use it on my right
it was a big changeover
Implement a function to make AJAX requests which caches the results of the requests.
Don't use any global variables, all the data should be stored in the function's inner scope using closure.
To make an actual request use function request(url) which is preloaded for you. It would return a Promise. In case request fails promise would be rejected.
Your function should keep the behavior of the request function: when request fails is should reject the promise and resolve it otherwise.
guys need a solution for the following
need to re write the following function ::-
function cachedRequest(url) {
    let cachedResult;
	return request(url) // rewrite it to use caching
it tells you how
> stored in the function's inner scope using closure.
Is this a homework question?
it is, but it also hands you the answer
google "closure + javascript" if it is confusing
funny how I found reading about closures actually more confusing that actually simple lambda explanation.
or "logical thinking"... First time I read on closures it confused the hell out of me, yet I apparently used them for a long time already.
maybe just a bad resource.
lots of people suck at explaining simple concepts
I think something like this is best explained "by examples", and just let people make it their own.. Like how you learn to solve algebraic equations, not by first learning all theory of calculus, but by just learning to follow examples.
and later you learn the theory behind it.
I feel lots of sources forget this method, and try to explain things first from a theoretical cs standpoint.
@KevinB you're a master of the close vote
stackoverflow.com/questions/52483120/… there are like 100 dupes to this with different delimiters.
do we cv those?
@rlemon if there's a canonical question or one that's delimiter-agnostic, I'd say go for it
Howdy! I am playing with ExpressJS at the moment and am running into a confusing problem regarding its "response.sendFile()" function... When I use it with a lowercase "F" as in "response.sendfile()" the file is successfully sent ( everything works as expected ) but on the server side I get a message about "sendfile()" being depricated and to switch to "sendFile()" ... When I make the switch ( just replacing that F ) my 200 status turns to 500. Any ideas as to why this may be?
I am just serving back a jpg just for the sake of exploring how to use Express.
#javascript can be fun sometimes 🙃
@ShrekOverflow did you ever use BlueJ?
(or anyone else here who did any java)
so, I already pissed off one of the people responsible for the CS course
there were only ~20 copies of the required textbooks in the library, for a course of 360 people who are already paying £9k/yr on tuition fees, so I found and sent links of online pdfs of the textbooks to everyone in the course, which were from sites of other academies
which seems to be pirating
and btw, sending emails to everyone else in the course is encouraged
@rlemon I don't think a dupe closure would really be useful for that kind of question, i tend to just downvote them and move on
unless you're building a markdown replacement or replica, those kinds of replacements are poor design/bad ideas, and i'd rather people not see them, even if they are valid questions.
fair enough
aight, last try before I move on. anyone use ST3 and eslint? for reasons unknown to me it only lints everything 2 levels or deeper
otherFile and Foo are not linted
everything in /src is
can't figure out why that is the case
I'm going to be it's some "feature" meant to not lint config files etc
@MadaraUchiha you got ST3 installed?
I'm still not convinced it isn't just me
No, but it sounds like the most likely scenario
VSCode FTW for me
you don't have an .eslintignore, right?
does /src have a .eslintrc?
no and no
github.com/rlemon/share-stl the problem exists in all of my projects, but here's a current one that Kamil showed me the issue in
> I was drunk, I swear. mobx all the way
well, that's what happened.
started coding drunk, forgot I used mobx in the project.
eww tabs
de-mod yourself for a sec so I can kick you, k?
i wish i got to see this answer before it was edited
> This solution should be deleted. You're using javascript as a solution when this is specifically for a case that has javascript disabled!
I think it was meant to be a comment to the other guy
talking about the IE workaround using JS
that makes more sense
he doesn't have comment rep.
well - there is a workaround. getfirefox.comnickf Mar 24 '09 at 22:32
I think it's odd you need less rep to join chat than you do to comment on peoples posts
bump up rep to join chat
Lower rep to comment!!! More fun for the mods
Aaaaaaaand I should take a closer look who's in chat when I write stuff. Hey Madara ;)
@MadaraUchiha @rlemon compromise. Tabs, but they're IDE configured as spaces
win win yo
why would the IDE configure them as spaces?
they're tabs
if you want control, tab-width
tabs as spaces, isn't it a common thing?
your ide converting tabs to spaces just 'corrects' the keys you're hitting if you want to think about it like that.
may as well omit semis while we're at it
Have to say it as it is: Tabs > Spaces!
You are so much faster navigating through your code.
yes, that's the setting I'm talking about
Unless the spaces people have some other IDE hacks.
indent using spaces?
no, tab-width
Hi can someone help me a array.map issue please
but since you have ST3 installed. clone my repo above, npm install, then see if it lints top level files
I'm done chasing this issue if it's local to me and me alone
I don't even have node installed on my machine :P
what kinda dev are you?
the mediocre kind? :D
sections = {
                            title: this.state.slots.map(x => x.time),
                            data: [this.state.slots.map(x => x.name)]
i want to iterate through state.slots , but all the array is passed to the title and data, i want them seperate
i don't understand
What does this.state.slots contain, and what do you want the end result to be
selections = {[{ <-- wut?
selections is a block with a floating array in the middle of no where?
I think... and this is a wild guess.
selections = this.state.slots.map( x => { title: x.time, data: x.name });
state slots is an array, this is for react-native , to populate a list it requires title and data, i want to loop through the array give x.title as the title and data to have the name,
rlemon's code should get you pretty close to your goal
I owe @rlemon like 2.5 years of half my salary :P
shit son, I'd take that
buy a boat
Well idk, the years where you helped me the most I was only making 50k USD :P
Unless you want a shitty dinghy lol
@rlemon thanks i think this is what i was tying to achieve, but not working but il get there
@SterlingArcher that's still 62K USD, that'd buy me a boat
Will it buy your dignity back :(
yea, and $61,999 to spare
@MadaraUchiha "sorry, Israel only got magic last year. still workin on it"
//this is working
                sections = {
                            title: this.state.slots[0].time,
                            data: [this.state.slots.map(x => x.name)]
//this isnt working
                sections = {
                    this.state.slots.map( x => { title: x.time, data: x.name })
@n4zg first one can't work
it's either doing nothing, or a syntax error
my money is on the syntax error
well, same with the second
sorry didnt mean working, meant compiling
well it's hard to tell you what is wrong when the entire thing is a syntax error
@n4zg params => { body } does not return an object
It's the syntax for a lambda with a block and statements in the body
You're looking for params => ({ key: value })
but even then...
!!> const foo = {[{some:'obj'}]};
@rlemon "SyntaxError: missing : after property id"
Even then it's probably not what you want though
have i got the brackets in the right place , i have matched them up
{ } <- block or object
inside of that you have an array
If you want that sections to be a list of these {title: ..., data: ...} objects
couldn't be a computed property name, you have no value
the brackets line up, but they are not correct.
Or if you want to be extra fancy
bah, misclicked
selection =
{ // I am just a random block
  [ ... ] // I am just a floating array, assigned to nothing, collected when the block is done parsing.
// normal
sections = this.state.slots.map(x => ({ title: x.time, data: x.name }));

// fancy
sections = this.state.slots.map(({ time, name }) => ({ title: time, data: name }));
aside from that, Madara is correct in the mistake in my demo
I should have wrapped it in ()
but backing up, everything before that is still wrong.
the normal version has got it compiling and close to what i need but the name is coming in as seperate characters 1 character per line
Is there an IDE which can list the global variables of js file?
for what purpose?
convenience in what?
I'm sure there is a plugin to list variables in scope with the file, but just having that list? or do you want better auto-completion? or definitions? or reducing unused globals?
@Knu No, because it's nigh impossible to track

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