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Hey guys anyone here?
Why wouldn't rotate3d work in firefox on an svg?
Anyone knows how to refresh a bootstrap div after a fadeIn?
Do you have a link @DavidKamer ??
I figured it out lol, wow... It's that firefox doesn't support 360 deg as a param 😂😂😂😂😂
This literally drove me insane
Indeed it is ;)
Anyone got an idea for this: stackoverflow.com/questions/52416720/… ??
On my website, I am triggering a fadeIn when I click on the BS switch, but my tiles in "right now" are stacking up on each other
col-lg-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 doesn't recalculate my element left:%
@bkseen give me a minute and I'll look at it.
ok Thanks :)
@bkseen How many are supposed to be displayed?
only 2
at the moment
but it's gonna be 2 rows of 4
I can create more dummies
I'm seeing one and three
yes so under the "one"
there is another one
there should be two?
because they're stacking on top on each other
is display set to absolute?
should try setting it to relative
you can use jquery or vanilla js to do that directly
yeah but it is strange that it's working when it's displayed directly (Incoming events..) but when I do a FadeIn for the "Right Now" events after the switch action it is not working
don't get it
also driving me insane for few days lol
@bkseen I remember having an issue like this back when I did jQuery
it's the way display is set with the fade's
so it's your display attribute I think
Just found an iSO image of North Koreas OS gonna install and see what happens
@JBis There's a good youtube video if you don't want to risk it
ok will run some test on the display then (again), thanks DK
@JBis my favorite youtuber: youtube.com/watch?v=f2N_nAZHDRY
Who was it that suggested Public Transport infrastructure uses local storage to remember which cards have been scanned - and that the Kiosk goes online (and communicates with server) at major stops?

Was it you @SterlingArcher?
@bkseen np, if you're still having issues, just tag me in here and I'll try to help more.
@DavidKamer will keep in touch ;)
@DavidKamer clicks on link Wix ad pops up sigh
oh on the video lol?
You can use adblock for youtube
@DavidKamer Yeah I have one doesn't seem to block youtube ads. Which do you use?
ABP : Adblocker Plus.
Once every 10 hours of viewing youtube gets angry and I have to restart lol
I have regular adblocker will test this
Personalised ads?
Wow its legit a copy of macOS. Creds to them for copying it so well.
I think that if you're going to advertise to me you should write your site in a way that my ad blocker can't see it... I'm pretty much worried about ad companies tracking me. I don't mind seeing ads
well that and youtube would give me ads for psychiatric medicine every time I listened to ambient music lol, that pissed me off so I don't care about being fair anymore
I personally dont think people shoud use Ad Blocks..
I don't take any persribed meds so it kind of pissed me off that their targeted ads thought I was mentally ill...
ADs is how youtube gets it's income
@JBis a terrible insecure version lol
@demonhunter24 yep, and I watch on my phone some. I get ads there, and I'm okay with that.
@DavidKamer OK with ADs or Personalized ADs?
Have you seen this:
@demonhunter24 I'd prefer personalized ads that are actually personalized lol. Not something that shows up repeatedly because I searched something one time. I'd also be ok with it if I was allowed to blacklist types of ads. I don't mind seeing Digital Ocean ads for instance, and I actually use them. I don't mind seeing most sdev or infosec ads, but I don't want to see ads for political candidates, meds, etc
@demonhunter24 yeah... that's bs imo, but if you're using a base chrome book or a windows pc that's your fault
tbh though, Linux could easily be easdropping on me.
I dont think they would actually care about what your talking about, though - they would only be interested in keywords.

@demonhunter24 that'd be nearly as bad
@DavidKamer Hopefully I don't accidentally launch a nuke
Decent vid btw
For installing and setting up this is really good
Especially when you don't know Korean!
Do you know how to trigger alerts in ubuntu?
wow, I should just google that lol
@DavidKamer +1
Da fuck is this video
New mobile OS versions come out once a year per company
Lol you just reminded me of something
@JBis they meant like no new OS like how we have a new Linux distro every other day lol
Yay! - youdontneedwp.com/?ref=stackoverflow we are back to frontpage folks!
MSFT was too ahead of its time, yet again!
@JBis There is FuschiaOS which is funamentally differnt
Adobe DW doesnt like const:
'const' is available in ES6 (use esnext option) or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz)
....it doesn't like let either
Any ideas why?
how do react devs handle sticky footer?
                    <div className="fixed-bottom bg-dark footer">
@harveyslash Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
sorry, fixed it
doesnt work in react (but works if i put it in body)
I'm so paranoid lol: github.com/UniWrighte/Safe_Space
@harveyslash is that bootstrap or something?
apparently the issue is that react attaches to a div , so this doesnt work. the footer takes up the whole page
bootsatrap 4 btw
any like to code critique
@Rick sure if it's something I understand lol
you understand generators?
and classes
@harveyslash Are you using the react bootstrap package or just using the css?
im using reactstrap
@Rick 100 on the classes but generators I know conceptually but never needed to use them in rl
i want a div that is of a certain height, that is stuck to the bottom of the screen
@DavidKamer thanks a lot for your time :)
@harveyslash Have you tried to do this manually with css
when i do position : fixed , that div takes the entire screen
but when i copy paste that directly under body, it works fine
did you set the height ?
i tried , it has no effect
@harveyslash where do you mean you copy and paste it?
in index.html
from my Page.js to index.html (where react attaches )
@harveyslash are you putting it in your root element?
I mean when you aren't pasting it into index
i am using react router
i am putting it directly under the component that is referred to in the route
ok, but you have a root element/entry point maybe App.js?
yes i do
but i want footer in only one page , not all
@harveyslash ok, so you have it rendering at the route?
hashrouter or browser router?
it says router
is it react-router-dom?
just that
ok, and there are no hashes but there are slashes in url?
have a peek, codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/204257/…. I was sorta lazy cleaning it up before posting.
there are no hashes, there are slashes, yes
url routing is working as expected
ok. are you switching your routes?
i have a SWITCH
 <Router history={history}>

            <Route exact path={ROOT_ROUTE()} component={HomePage}/>
            <Route exact path={LOGIN_ROUTE()} component={LoginPage}/>
            <Route exact path={SIGNUP_ROUTE()} component={SignUpPage}/>
            <Route exact path={RESEND_ACTIVATION_ROUTE()} component={ResendActivationPage}/>
            <Route exact path={TERMS_AND_CONDS_ROUTE()} component={TermsPage}/>
            <Route exact path={ABOUT_US_ROUTE()} component={AboutUsPage}/>
Try setting bottom: 0
in css
i have tried that
or style inline if you want lol
it takes up the whole page
did you set height like height: 100px and is display set to flex?
it shouldn't be
display is not set to flex
for this, if you are using flex-box that's probably where issues could be
wait i see something weird now
i see a 100% height bar thats just a few pixels wide
  <div style={{position: 'fixed', bottom: '0', height: "10px"}} className="bg-dark">
I don't even know why people are still using flexbox. CSS grid is the way of the future. you don't even need a lib
@Rick Its so handy, tho
@Rick I'll look at your review more tomorrow. I worked like 10+ hours today lol.
flexbox can kiss my butt
im sorry, i have nearly no idea about css and even front end. My front end engineer bailed and i have to ask stupid questions
@Rick flexbox is fustrating but it does make mobile adaptation pretty easy. I never really use grid and it's on my list to do a test project with, but just haven't learned it.
@DavidKamer I have no expectations I just like putting code out there :)
@harveyslash It's cool. I don't use Grid and I do mostly front end dev these days
@Rick do you want to see the most paranoid piece of code I've ever written?
css grid is amazing one you master it you won't need any other css
@Rick is browser support on par with flexbox?
only if it's elegant :)
I mostly use media queries for responsiveness
btw, do you guys use react for any large projects ?
ignore the commented out code it is sort of elegant
@harveyslash oh yeah
yep, with the exception of ie 10 and 11
i have never done front end in my life
but i totally got it
imo It's the only way to do it efficiently. If you don't want an spa just do server side rendering.
love the concept
ie 11 has an outdated version of it
@harveyslash React is super easy if you understand backend and big picture stuff
yes, and redux with it is magic
@Rick huh, I've just never really done it
trying to make my own react app , https://magna.beatest.in
but facing noob issues like fixed footers :P
@harveyslash Why do the info cards turn to a solid blue?
not yet done
they will have some product info
Looks great so far!
thanks :)
actually thats not the core
the core is a testing platform
yeah looks great!
I find the hardest part about web developing is the design work.. Once I know what I'm going for (the final product) it's smooth sailing
I'm betting you used a conditional background-color? or did it with the after pseudo selector?
an intern did it :P i have no idea how he did
this is what i am working on
that weird gray line is the footer
@Rick grid looks like it does practically the same thing as flexbox with less adaptability when you get involved with it.
@harveyslash you have position set to fixed on the whole div?
try setting max-height
what do you mean by whole div ?
the footer div or my app root ?
like the outer wrapper for the component or jsx
the footer div
also how are you rendering it?
what do you mean by how
one sec
it's actually quite dynamic. it's basically a new paradigm. You need to think of grid patterns. The syntax is different from the css you normally see.
i have added this css
html, body, #root, #root > div > div, .switch-wrapper {
    height: 100% !important;
    min-height: 100% !important;

.sk-spinner {
    transform: scale(2);
it's more programmatic css
without this, setting 100% height on my react divs was not working properly
@Rick see flexbox offers a lot of what grid offers but you have to think of it in a way that is dynamic
like each piece can behave differently
you have to think of it as a series of vectors
flexbox won't let you separate you grid logic from your html. css grid will
@harveyslash man if I could play with the code for it I'd probably get it in a few minutes
its open source
I'm setting up a codepen that I'll try to figure it out in
@harveyslash do you have the repo?
@Rick I don't know exactly what you mean.
I guess I'll just have to learn it and find out lol
if you find any other huge flaws or have suggestions, they are welcome :)
css grid layout is independent of the html.
the file where i was trying to add my footer is :
btw @Rick , i used nearly 100% bootstrap 4 on my website
the concept was quite easy to grasp
i knew 0 css or html 3 months ago
So ExamUI is the footer?
no exam UI is the page
my footer which i tried was:
   <div style={{position: 'fixed', bottom: '0', maxHeight: "10px"}} className="bg-dark">
so erromodal is the footer?
its not there in the code
it can also reorder your html elements without touching the html. css grid is very powerful. it's also built into the browser. no library needed. it's also faster than css on many different levels. I am not trying to sell you guys on. I learned it and I was shocked by how powerful it was after I got over the learning curve.
@Rick you and your CSS grid :D
I might actually look into it
@Rick sounds kind of like a virtual dom
virtual dom sucks. use lit-html
there are better architectures out there for handling the dom. However, React is cool and it's good for maintaining standards with large teams.
I must have stepped on a nerve
i am actually looking at react v dom alternatives now lol
holy hell why won't react work in codepen
There are so many ways of handling things from the server to the browser. There are really too many options. It really just depends on what you are trying to build.
did you forget to include the deficit-inducing library
@Rick what?
I am saying you probably forgot to include a library of some kind. react works on codepen
@Rick the issue is with the built in/default libraries
but I'm stubborn and don't want to find a cdn lol
maybe some sort of XSS... I'll believe anything at this point lmao
I wonder if facebook uses react
they do
facebook.com with react devtools says they do
serriously wtf why doesn't codepen load react
@DavidKamer you might want to check out repl.it as an alternative
@harveyslash I copy anyones and it still won't work lmao
and it works in the same browswer wow
even copying all settings and imported scripts
I know Amazon does not care for frameworks they only care that you know vanilla
I almost certain that neither Facebook, Google, Bloomberg, or Microsoft test for framework knowledge. but I am sure once you are in they probably expect you to get up to speed quickly on their internal tooling.
1 message moved to Trash can
@JacobSchneider Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I have a http server that listens for HTTP requests and when it begins listening, I want it to spawn an electron process. so i have

    server.listen(3579, e => {

    	const { spawn } = require('child_process')
    	spawn('electron', ['./main.js'])

unfortunately, when I run the process I get an error:
Error: spawn electron ENOENT
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:229:19)
    at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:406:16)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:745:11)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:266:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:596:3)
Emitted 'error' event at:
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:235:12)
I can run electron ./main.js in the command line, so why doesn't it work with spawn?
maybe because you are not handling the error, maybe there is something running on that port
its not the server, I can achieve the result I want by running the server and opening electron in a seperate CMD window, but not in the listen function
it looks like that works
you getting an error on your child process. maybe you should check that port from the command line
@DavidKamer thanks!
i think the issue is with this part of my code:
html, body, #root, #root > div, .switch-wrapper {
    height: 100% !important;
    min-height: 100% !important;

.sk-spinner {
    transform: scale(2);
@harveyslash Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@harveyslash haha, wtf that's terrible code
no offense, it's just a bad idea to have to use !important ever imo
if i dont do this , i am unable to use 100% height anywhere
inside my divs
no problem, it probably all sucks :P
@harveyslash you mean fit the whole screen
try 100vw
or 100vh
that doesnt work
you'll push divs off screen though.
I think he puts important on everything. it's his way of saying the code is important.
thats literally the only css i have written in my life lol
you should just change to absolute and put the zindex to 1
on my css ?
@rick I have chrome open at http://localhost:3579 and it displays the content I want it to, so its not that.l
could you pls show me a snippet
@JacobSchneider that in no way proves your point.
@rick I thought you meant check to make sure the server is running
omg omg
@DavidKamer , i did something random and it works
Dont touch it now then ;)
If it works, leave it alone
@harveyslash haha, nice.
html, body, #root,  .switch-wrapper {
    height: 100% ;
    min-height: 100% ;

.sk-spinner {
    transform: scale(2);
i have absolutely no idea what this does
wow something is so broken lol
i removed setting height in that nested way
@harveyslash you are no longer targeting the children of #root
@harveyslash Your site is asking for authentication?
i mean , it has a login system in place, if thats what you mean
I honestly don't know why codepen won't work half the time... It ignores random stuff
@Rick, i get that , but i have no idea why the other thing was there , or why this works
Loading the page results in a popup asking for authentication
wow , really
what link ?
magna.beatest.in ?
and it tells me server IP
what link are you opening

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