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Is it just me or is facebooks web design pretty shitty
The menu bar randomly moves if I scroll up past the page
If the browser is too wide than there is a random gray area on the right
ew using facebook
when I scroll down the menu bar isn't sticky but the right and left bars are
but the right and left bars stop in random places that cut off text and images
Appears to be just in Safari....
Although chrome is still having some issues too
@JBis You lost me at facebook lol. I like facebook as a company but I don't like what people use it for as a platform. I used to mistake my dislike for users behavior for dislike of Facebook... I deleted my Facebook account awhile ago and I don't necessarily regret it. I might use instagram in the future, which is really facebook 2.0.
@DavidKamer Oh. I don't use facebook. I have an account for multiple reasons but I don't post or comment pretty much anything. I use instagram a bit more for posting certain things, but not that much. Really pisses me off that the point of the instagram is to share pictures, yet they severely degrade picture quality when you post them.
@JBis It's a conspiracy to make you buy better cameras and phones with better cameras lol jk.
I might start an account back up but I don't even want to take a profile picture and I refuse to be one of those people on facebook with an avatar lol (no offense if you are one of those people)
@DavidKamer About Facebook as a company...I think the whole data collection things was blown wayyyyyyyy out of proportion. Like what they did was bad but we shouldn't go about pretending everyone didn't accept some type of t&c w/o reading. Also it was known MUCH before the whole controversy that many companies were collecting data.
@JBis the issue was that many people expressed deep deep opinions that they wouldn't have if they were aware... Many political opinions in the US aren't exactly accepted by the opposite side, and many have a strong belief that the other side would use the information as a type of blacklisting.
@DavidKamer Lol. But its true. I will never buy a phone for its camera. I'm sorry but there is no way you're fitting a good camera in a phone and then selling it for that low (even at Apple prices).
@JBis my Pixel is decent but I'm no photographer.. I am a good photographer director (talk to my friend who won an award on a photo I setup for him)
that's a true story lol. I've never felt bad about that. I've never really wanted to be an artist lol
you know, I just reread that and that makes no sense
It's just point and shoot lol
*this was said with ignorance as far as a I know, but I'll assume I'm right*
@DavidKamer Also with the Russia thing: Again Facebook should and should have done more to prevent it BUT again Facebook is a platform. Russia used the platform. I don't think we should blame the platform for what its users do. | And if your going to tell Facebook to moderate more than you can't yell at them when they make a mistake.For ex, media went crazy when Facebook removed a post containing a quote form declaration of independence for being racist. Best part, the QUOTE WAS ACTUALLY RACIST.
It said something like "the Indians were savages"
@DavidKamer Oooo that sucks. I am no where near prof. but I try to take good pictures with real camera. I find setup is always the most difficult. Biggest problem is that photography is really $$$$.
@JBis See I don't know if anyone can make determinations about what is and isn't racist...
@DavidKamer With phones, yes. With cameras, not really.
except for "I hate race x" or "race x is inferior"
@JBis I'm good at finding shots and implying meaning. It's really just being able to manipulate what the "theme" or "meaning" is of something themeless and meaningless because life and the universe inherently have these principles and humans just see non-real patterns in everything
@DavidKamer Ok fair enough but if I said "Black people are savages" the media would be so far up my ass they may come out of my mouth. Yet they criticize Facebook.
@JBis If I said that "the vikings were savages" would that be racist or untrue?
I think that a lot of what we see as "racist" in our ancestors is just failure to realize that any race with any technology that meets a race with an inferior technology is going to look down on them. Just look at people when they get the newest iPhone or Gucci face mask lol
@DavidKamer hahahah. I am the opposite. I see things at face value and thats it.
not the best trait for an artist lol
@JBis dude that would be nice in a lot of ways, but seeing the world as a series of fake patterns is kind of an addiction after a while. I don't think I would like my life much if I drank the koolaid at this point
@DavidKamer thats culture vs race I think. I wouldn't think saying "x culture is inferior to y culture" is racist.
"Science is more art than science"
@DavidKamer eh. I don't necessarily agree with that.
@JBis I would say that some cultures are superior in the end. I'm not saying that they'd actually be superior as culture isn't even a real tangible concept. I'm saying that some cultures are better at doing something they set out to do.
Like etruscans vs romans
@JBis It was a joke quote from Rick and Morty
@DavidKamer ok so its not just me when I think English teachers are pulling symbolism shit straight out of their ass
@JBis Oh they definitely are. Give me anything they find a symbol in and if I have half the knowledge on the literature that they have I can come up with at least 4 different ways it could be interpreted
I mean there are somethings that are clear
and that is what I think makes good literature, but most pseudointellectuals would totally disagree with me on that one
@DavidKamer Yes. I can usually understand those but some are just SOOOOO out there and far fetched...
George Orwell's Animal Farm is clearly themed for example.
@DavidKamer +1. That I totally saw.
He's a good writer because he set out to show something and he did it. He wasn't so self involved and so full of.. what is the word for this... the word for tricking yourself into thinking something because it is too uncomfortable to be honest with yourself? anyway he wasn't full of that like many others
Dancing around the bush comes to mind
but as a mental state...
I don't know the word for it
*beating around the bush
I get those phrases wrong half the time lol, I'm probably on a watchlist because of it
@DavidKamer "pseudointellectuals" That words is going in my repertoire of "nice" insults. Lol. +1
Anyone who quotes books written by someone who wears a black sweater or takes a black and white photograph while sitting on a stool is a pseudointellectual lol
I'd almost expand that to anyone who quotes books in conversation
If you're actually smart and could think for yourself you'd paraphrase or give the idea behind it, not quote it directly like an encyclopedia. Only someone who needs to feel smart does that.
@DavidKamer Thats reminds me of a time one teacher who cut a kid in line for lunch. The kid called the teacher out on it and she responded with something like "I have a masters. Once YOU get your masters you can come cut the line. Until then I can cut you." I just laughed is disbelief.
@JBis actually that isn't that bad lol. It's elitist af, but I'd high five her for being a blatant dick rather than quoting some sort of modern philosophy book on respect for the teaching establishment or some garbage
@DavidKamer I would agree, although you can do both. Say the quote and then explain it.
@DavidKamer I don't care necessarily that she cut the line since she looked like she was in a rush for a meeting, but to have the audacity to say what she said and actually believe it was really bad.
@JBis I think you can generally just give the idea without referencing the source as most stuff has a pretty wide acceptance and many people have probably said something similar at one point or another. I think things that will get you funny looks or things that are kind of fringe or specific shold get a shout out to their source. I can't think of a reason to memorize any single sentence ver batim from an author though. (I'm aware ver batim is not how it's spelled lol)
@JBis yeah... I'd have been like, "So if a Ph. d comes through, can he cut you?"
then as she looked frustrated I'd have said, "What about a masters in engineering? That's definitely one up from yours in the smart train."
@DavidKamer Firsst oof fukc spellling XD | If you don't say the quote or who the idea is from you may be accused of plagiarism or stealing
@DavidKamer +1 Nice response.
@JBis I don't mean in an official capacity. I mean in conversation
@JBis When I was a kid in highschool I played a game of rock paper scissors that got my teacher in the next period to take up every tray in the entire lunch room :D
@DavidKamer Oh in convo sure I'd agree for most part.
He was so awkward and pissed that block lol
Looking back I never bullied any of my peers, but I did bully my teachers some... I do regret it some
@DavidKamer When I was really young I was a dick to a lot of people. I am in the process of apologizing to many of them. Idk what triggered it.
@JBis yeah.. I don't really regret it enough to say sorry. They definitely were in the position of power and they were arrogant. I like to think that I only did what was logically comfortable.
I will say though that many of my latter friends where people I considered toxic for what you're describe. They more or less regretted (a few expressed it to me) how they behaved in middle school and early highschool.
@DavidKamer Oh I was talking about peers. Don't feel bad for most of things I did to people in power. Lots of time these people deserved it.
I gtg. As usual, good talk.
Good night :)
@JBis adios!
It is 2 am what am i doing with my life?
3 hours later…
I am sending a request to
using request package
        method: 'GET',
        url: url,
        headers: {
            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0"
now when I open the html response
it is not showing define æ—¥, instead only define.
I send the same request with same header using postman, and it works there
try urlencoding it
In short I am not getting if I am sending request to url: https://www.google.co.in/search?hl=ja&q=define+æ—¥, why is it going to url: \google.co.in/search?hl=ja&q=define';
ok let me try
thanks for the tip
1 hour later…
@towc Thanks that was missing.
2 hours later…
I'm in a hostel, and there was this person sitting next to me who kept staring at my screen, in a lounge. It was getting a fair bit annoying, so I decided to spice it up a bit. I googled "how to murder someone who keeps staring at your screen", and he stopped, but I feel like I could have made it funnier. Suggestions?
I understand I could have just asked, but I had the chance to have some fun
any one here?
Can we do image editing(brigntness, contrast, croping) using javascript and send the edited image to server? if yes please suggest me the plugin, thanks
Hi Sherkoverflow, do you have any suggestions for image editing(brightness, contrast, cropping) using jquery plugin?
While you're at it, Shrekoverflow, I need relationship advice.
While you're at it, Shrekoverflow, I need some popcorn over here :P
@littlepootis it's ok, I'm here for you. Hide in the shadows and make sure she never knows you exist. Can't be rejected or told to stop stalking someone, if nobody knows you exist
it's your best chance, with that body
Hey towc! How is your lawsuit going? :P
can you help me gys?
@towc If possible, place an image of someone staring in a way that it is always visible and stares back at them.
@geisterfurz007 I'm allowed to see the kids every weekend
Oh whoops! I didn't mean that, sorry. I was referring to the someone who was creating stuff under your name and sent you an email regarding copyrighted names.
haven't had other problems after that day
Good to hear. Hopefully it remains that way. Sorry for dropping a brick there. Good luck regarding that!
I don't have kids
I just wanted you to feel sorry
I got fooled!
leaves in shame
Scotland is pretty great :)
anybody knows about ckeditor
I want to upload images from ckeditor to a cloud, can someone help me
I want to List out all conditions and expressions inside 'if else' statement
eg:Input: if('a' == 1) then ('select') else ('b')
Output : ['a'==1,'select','b']
Any algorithm suggestions?
@ErBharathRam Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Anyone know of a Instagram cross referencer? FRIEND X AND FOLLOWS Y
@towc Not hard to hide from someone on the other side of the world.
@littlepootis oh wait you're serious
is she a fish?
Not about wanting relationship advice.
or he
How in the world do you know what city I live in?
the gender is not the thing I have a problem about
I can't find a snappy comeback
She lives not too far off from that marker.
I think it's the first I hear of it. Want to tell me more?
Well, the state she lives in cold and people are nice.
There are lots of lakes.
And winters suck.
I don't care much about the place. How'd you find out about her?
We met on a discord server for rationalists.
one day I'll come in here and people will be discussing js
And other popular fantasies
static class fields and private methods have entered stage 3, that's pretty exciting
that was months ago, apparently
proposal hasn't been touched in 2 months: github.com/tc39/proposal-static-class-features
the repos generally don't get updated that much
a stage 1 proposal for an alternative to Date: github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal
not really an "alternative" as such
I'm really excited for temporal to advance, whenever that happens
I haven't seen this one before: github.com/samuelgoto/proposal-block-params
might be seeing a lot of it in the future
It's been ages since I've written any JS.
I dunno about that block thing
What version of ES are we at now?
given that it's just function calls I don't see much of a point
@littlepootis es2019 is the next one
it's yearly
omg it's spencer
little pootis spencer!
@snek "just" functional calls?
it allows for so much crazy stuff, and a lot of that can be used for good
look at the :: part of the proposal. With that, and the fact that these statements are still actually expressions, it makes JS more procedural, declarative, and functional at the same time
which is fantastic
I don't like it, it's confusing in a sense that you expect a block but get an expression.
thing is, I'd like to always be able to expect an expression
@towc I agree with that, but it's a different concern
I've voiced my longing for if/switch expressions many times
That's not currently the case in JS, however much we wish it to be
I think this is a step towards having that
I think this is a step towards adding confusion to the language without followup
i think do expressions are plenty
well, maybe there should be a proposal about making every statement an expression in JS first
but it's a huge effort, right?
we're doing do expressions instead
which might set JS back a whole while, in terms of performance and similar
that's not enough though
how is it not enough
madara is right, we should expect if (x) { ... } to behave similarly to unless (x) { ... }
but unless is an expression, while if isn't
thats just a confusing mess
unless(x, () => {}) was that so hard
@snek yes, it's pretty shitty
@snek The idea is to make it seem like it's part of the language
yeah but it just adds more confusion
if (x) { stuff; }
unless (x) { stuff; }
This is extremely confusing since if is a block, and unless is not.
the community has done a lot to get rid of callbacks
main example being promises
Not to mention, unless needs to be a defined function
any reachable value can accidentally become a function call
which looks like a reified core syntax
@snek how
global.x = 5; x (whatever) {}
when was the last time you opened a curly bracket right after an identifier or a closing round parens
@snek this would be bad even if you don't have the block param
@towc Code is written once and read many times
It's the reading aspect we're worried about here.
i'm worried about pretty much everything
Because there are other, special cases, like for which has several forms, while, if, etc.
I'd much rather read consistent control flow statements, rather than a mix
so use sugarjs
don't screw over the rest of us
User defined functions and stdlib functions look exactly the same when called, and that's a good thing, because they're equivalent
But with this example, you gain the ability to add to a "type of syntax" but still have special cases.
if vs unless
@MadaraUchiha but I think it would actually make it much more readable
You'd expect them to be equivalent, but they aren't.
it introduces ambiguity
@MadaraUchiha but we can make them equivalent
they aren't equivalent
if isn't a function
for isn't a function
@towc I much prefer if if, while, for expressions became a thing first, and only then this to pass
well, not "we", but the people at the top, working hard
@MadaraUchiha sure, I can mostly agree to that
but in the meantime, I want to play
Make a babel plugin
or it can be a good practice to never have return values for those functions, and never use them outside of other blocks
i've attended tc39 meetings am i a person at the top
If one doesn't already exists.
Right, gtg, holiday dinner, ttyl
@snek can you write ecma docs?
you mean the spec?
yup, sorry
and I meant extend, too
i've written changes to ecma262, and i've made a proposal once
3 hours later…
Damn, that is so neat
What's up shakil?
@snek so you studied language design?
great ex, wbu?
@ShakilAhmed i'm hoping to when i go to college
Is it possible to accomplish something like export _get from "lodash/get" in webpack? The only way I could was by doing:
import _get from "lodash/get"
export default { _get }
but as far as I know, that defeats tree-shaking capabilities for that module
export { _get } from "lodash/get"
@snek Thank you!ª But _get is the default export, how would that actually work?
export { default as _get } from ...
@snek Black magic! Thank you!
And by the way, are you sure that is still supporting tree-shaking?
i have no idea
tree shaking is only as smart as the tooling
Gotta test then
honestly you shouldn't be re-exporting from random dependencies
especially lodash :(
@snek I want a single "checkpoint" for these "utils", so in the future I can get rid of lodash or any other lib without the need of refactoring all files

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