@nick Its pronounced "getting yelled at in java and php chat for not using an IDE but not wanting to pay for one so using Sublime but then still getting yelled at so you get PHPStorm for free through school"
oh dude... i had a interview last week when i told them i had a raspberry pi cluster.. they asked if i play SNES on it.....then asked if i stole the SNES ROMs
Now there's a code when the load the login page. You type this code on a different device (mobile) and then you enter login on that device which puts a token with the associated code in a DB. The TV checks a page every 5 sec that checks if theres a an entery in the DB for that code. If there is it will return the token. JS will set the token on the TV and reload. The signin page sees the token and redirects to correct page.
@JBis @nick although my solution would be to make a dummy throw away account for when guests are around...
@JBis @nick my complicated solutions would be to mount lasers and warn people to look away when typing my password. For users that look we shoot a laser into their eyeballs.
i also like the whatsapp/wechat authentication strategy where the new client (WhatsApp Web or Wechat Desktop app) shows a QR code... on your phone app you just use the scan QR feature and the web client logs in
if you ignore the QR bit, it is the same idea as your strategy
TV Login code: 12345 TV checks /sso.php?code=12345 ever 5 sec /sso.php check SSO DB for 12345 /sso.php returns fail for no code ---- Mobile: /sso/auth.php Mobile: Enters User Pass and Code 12345 auth.php checks credentials and generates token auth.php puts entry in SSO DB for token and code and puts the same token in the login token DB ---- TV checks /sso.php?code=12345 sso.php responds with the token JS sets cookie "token" with the token TV Reloads and is authenticated with the token
@MoonEater916 Tried that but someone bought special glasses and it bounced back destroying the TV. I sued and the judge said "It was self defense". Such bullshit.
later if our company has some bad PR in the news, we release a new update to the eyeball scanners and they do LASIK surgery for all our users, making their vision perfect so they can enjoy their TV
or they might get their eyes burned out if there is a bug in the code
@nick freak accident leaves users with viagra advertisement permanent burned into retna. Ajit Pai approves new regulation for permanent eyeball advertising.
At work they will force a update at midnight for all end users. that generated issues every day with people working late and getting mad that their computer rebooted.
Hey has anyone ever taken a Kenexa JavaScript rest and if so what is it like? I am going to an interview Tuesday and they said that’s the test they will be administering and I’m wondering what it’s like.
@JoeAlvini Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Yeah. I’m sure it’s probably a rare occurance. I am nervous as hell and trying to study for the questions but I cannot find anyone who’s taken this test
i cant find any info on this kenexa javascript test but i suspect it would be on basic concepts like closures and perhaps syntax and common ways to use strings or arrays
i dont know why i just assumed it was a multiple choice thing
Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references to other text that the reader can immediately access, or where text can be revealed progressively at multiple levels of detail.
A recursive acronym is an acronym that refers to itself. The term was first used in print in 1979 in Douglas Hofstadter's book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, in which Hofstadter invents the acronym GOD, meaning "GOD Over Djinn", to help explain infinite series, and describes it as a recursive acronym. Other references followed, however the concept was used as early as 1968 in John Brunner's science fiction novel Stand on Zanzibar. In the story, the acronym EPT (Education for Particular Task) later morphed into "Eptification for Particular Task".
Recursive acronyms typically form...
I’m gonna voice my opinion on the matter. I think PHP is great for getting the job done but for new developers I don’t think it’s a good language to learn on. In the long run it’s loose structure handicapped me with other strictly OO languages
@JoeAlvini Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
No that wasn’t it. I posted the wrong thing. I was trying to post one of the questio
ns on a practice quiz
I was taking
It was like a function with like 4 other functions inside of it and they wanted you to figure out if it evaluates to true or false in 30 seconds. I looked at it and promptly clicked the back button