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which console?
browser? Probably not
for node, you can fool util.inspect
and why are you trying to do this? You can define a toString and then log obj + '' instead, if that suits you
I want to know more @towc
@towc you know, we already have sugar for object assign
and sugar for piping is in the pipeline
I'm interested in the console thing @KevinB asked about
extend String
I can think of a few very naive answers, but I don't think that's what they mean
I think we need to look at the code
it's just occurred to be that my username looks like it's right at the upper limit of username length before it starts getting truncated
well, for example, say you have some ridiculous example such as the object i created here: stackoverflow.com/questions/48270127/… only instead of it mimicing a number, it's mimicing a string
if you console.log it, you'll get an object... what if i wanted to trick the console into displaying it as the string?
iirc the console does duck typing to decide how to display things
I'm going to put a debugger in the devtools and see
You can enter the devtools of the devtools which looks like a nice angle
you totally can. neat. +1
the goal essentially being repeated usage of console.log() resulting in different results
console.log(a); // 'foo'
console.log(a); // 'bar'
the real goal is different entirely, but if it can do that then it can suit the original goal
the original goal is a jquery object that looks like a string
looks like codemirror
var wat = $('.foo').find('.bar').attr('data-wat');
console.log(wat); // value of data-wat
wat.hide(); // hides $('.foo').find('.bar')
Lol so pointless
@KevinB RemoteObjectPreviewFormatter
let i = 0;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'a', { get: () => ++i });
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Apr 16 '16 at 19:51, by Cyoce
ηελπ μυ κευβοαρδ ισ στθψκ ιν γρεεκ μοδε
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Apr 16 '16 at 19:51, by Martin Büttner
translate: ηελπ μυ κευβοαρδ ισ στθψκ ιν γρεεκ μοδε
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Apr 16 '16 at 19:51, by Martin Büttner
(from Greek) ielp muscle keyboard currency stthpsk in greek mode
The console does _evaluateGlobal which does this.runtimeModel.createRemoteObject(response.result)
It literally looks at the typeof in the Chrome console
You'd have for it to actually be a string, sorry @KevinB
You can of course cheat with a proxy in a with though
anyone around?
got a chemistry/math question
other rooms are empty
Is this the room where I can yell and empty myself from all the stupid 21st century stress? TYVM in Advance
I'm around but I don't think I can help either of you
@Afra php is a better room for that
php programmers tend to be more stressed anyway
Q: How do I remove a destroyed lug nut?

Victoria DixonA neighbor friend of mine offered to change my brakes on my Pontiac Torrent, well my husband had the proper tool to remove the lug nuts off my car in his truck, and the neighbor along with some other helpful bystanders took it upon themselves to crank, strip, smash, hammer, melt tweak and literal...

aw someone fixed the title
I wouldn't be asking on SE, I'd be demanding the idiot who stripped it pay for the repair shop bill when they have to drill it out
or w/e they do for car lugs
right? no kidding
I'd, like, make an insurance claim LOL
also, you can link to revisions. mechanics.stackexchange.com/revisions/57461/5
I do feel bad for her, but then I remember it's a pontiac torrent
Is there a way to force GMail to run as a PWA ?
native offline mode
via an extension
there is already an offline mode in the main GMAIL
ohh then it landed already
it works everything like an SPA except for being able to render a separate window
idk, this blog is from this year but a few months ago
which is the point of PWAs i think
I am using the new GMail which has a shiny offline feature (love it)
did you use the old Offline Gmail app?
The only thing I think they are missing at this point is the ability to add it as a PWA separately
I'm still on the old gmail
I don't like change
Google first made an Offline Gmail app years ago
:waves cane:
I've been using Inbox for a while now, it's very nice
@forresthopkinsa the new version of gmail has a lot of features from inbox
btw that is how FlipKart looks, which is one of the PWAs I know
yeah I took a peep at it, it's nice
Now because it can do that, it shows up as a different window / app in the taskbar / app switcher and oh my lord that is so nice
This is all they need to add to give their users such a good experience
is that really all it takes?
I haven't looked into PWAs a lot
@ShrekOverflow but how do they parse the image when the code is all cutoff like that?
@forresthopkinsa yep just a manifest.json and the first <link> tag
@rlemon the image contnets are fine, you only need the <link rel="manifest" />
that is soooo sexy
@forresthopkinsa they also share session w/ browser its a WinWinWin!
reading about it rn
There's a section on the Google page about PWAs discussing 'reliability' -- the ability to never reach the "downasaur"
the section has a "read more" link
I clicked it and the page load failed. LOL
also the mysterious ports were indeed RJ 45s
just a weird one
at work I use linux ofc, but I just set up a new computer at home with an old-ish hard drive that happened to still have Win10 on it for some reason
so I was like, why waste a perfectly good license, I can use this to game and set up a dual boot for productivity
but then I realized: Windows Subsystem for Linux has come a really long way since I last used it in 2016
so now I have Intellij running in Windows, but its embedded terminal is a bona fide Linux shell
and when I use npm run dev in the Linux shell, I still reach the server using Chrome running in Windows
and I can open up vcxsrv and have a live-speed XFCE desktop running on my second monitor
my library directories, e.g. Downloads, are symlinked between OSes
anyway I'm pretty freakin impressed with it

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