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@towc it is in beta still
I need to rewrite the code to make it work in IE11
Yes images are missing
@KendallFrey Any clever ideas for holding one of these in a 3D printed panel without glue?
CC @FélixGagnon-Grenier
@towc thank you. Funnily json.org has a 404 for that also
well I thought hmm
it is irrelavent because the version needs to be changed
either way, from what I understand from what you were saying, JASON is actually a library, not a data storage standard
unless you changed your mind on that
@towc it is JSON + template string literals
@PerrinPrograms if your using blob bytes, you can use content-type as application/octet-stream
you need the library for IE11
@William so again, a framework for json, kind of
an extension library for json
@KendallFrey Any ideas on how to get one of these attached securely from about right here?
Without glue?
sure but in that case json is also just a library while also being valid JavaScript
That's so vague, the only thing I can offer is listing methods of fastening, skipping glue.
json is a format, and there's an implementation for manipulating that format in JS under the JSON object
JASON is just an extension of that library
friction fit, clips, threaded fasteners, face plate...
@towc That URL is case sensitive.
@KendallFrey Meh. Nevermind. Thought maybe you may have run into a similar thing when designing an enclosure.
@LadyBird I'm not the one who needs to know about it
You're the one that posted it.
Now ya know
clearly in reference to william's thing
I was telling william that his thing was broken
Y so angry bro
he also commented on that same one
yeah saw it
6 mins ago, by towc
also getting a 404 here: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ecma-st/ECMA-262.pdf
@LadyBird you have this effect on people
Nah somebody's just been poopin in your cheerios
The source shows the right url what is going on?
Your thing is broken?
I wish you a speedy recovery
@William Yeah but with the wrong casing
ahh the url is in their twice
404 also exists on json.org
@LadyBird stop diflecting blame
You're gonna get tiny avatared
sounds great
@sriya it seems that no matter what, I can only get ajax to return the type xhr
Does anyone know the proper way to create radio buttons in Vue with render/createElement?
@Hypersapien uhm you mean react?
or are you using the lower-level vue stuff?
Anyone at all?
what do you mean by proper?
where are you stuck?
do you have any code?
are you sure it's vue
Linking them to the data, and yes it's Vue
what would you need createElement for?
how about a v-for loop on some data?
@Hypersapien so you're using the lower-level stuff
are you using jsx? Are you using h-rendering? Something else?
No, I'm not using jsx or any kind of transpiling
so it should be as simple as input, {type:'radio'}
Yeah, I know how to "create" a radio button, but I'm trying to figure out how to tell it what variable in data to store the selected value in.
9 mins ago, by Hypersapien
Does anyone know the proper way to create radio buttons in Vue with render/createElement?
where are you stuck?

Linking them to the data
include that in the question next time, do you not see how the two don't match?
what data
I have a variable in the data object that is supposed to hold the value of which radio button is selected
@Neil Actually this is quite easy to explain: while watching any sports evenement, especially when you are emotionally engaged, people see a raise in their testosteron level. Now for males this raise coincidently also raises sexuality: this testosteron has to be relased in some way.
@paul23 Are you actually serious?
I thought it was obvious
Well I am serious with my question about angular :P
The amount of daily(?) downloads has doubled since begin june....
i have a question regarding this syntax
currentDownloadState = (loaded, total, fileName) => {
      let currDownloadObject = {
        fileName: fileName,
        currentSize: loaded,
        totalSize: total,
        visible: !(loaded === total)

  let currentDownloadStateArray = Object.assign({},this.state.currentDownloads);
  currentDownloadStateArray[pablo] = currDownloadObject;
specifically currentDownloadStateArray[fileName]
this will set the object to be entitled "fileName"
but why does it have to be something "set" before
@paul23 do you see a similar trend in other popular frameworks? There was a slight increase in react in that time period, but no more so than the steady climb it was already on. I would assume that there was some security scare that caused a bunch of people to decide to finally update their code bases
also, why do I have to use [fileName] vs .fileName
i mean... if the propertyname is filename, .filename would make sense.
if it isn't, then it doesn't.
i don't understand the question
Indeed it only happens with angular (yet angularJS doesn't see a comparable drop though), vue & react just see a standard increase in downloads.
Anybody brave enough to answer this (not stupid) question ?
Q: How does JS convert large numbers (above 2^53) to string

rivSince integers above 2^53 can't be accurately represented in doubles, how does JS decide on their decimal representation when they are printed as strings? For example, 2^55 is 36028797018963968, and printf("%lf",(double)(1LL<<55)) in C will print that number correctly, since it has trailing zero...

@paul23 No other lib saw any drop comparable to angular's increase either, it's unlikely that all of a sudden 100k new projects in a single day, it's more likely something else.
such as a bunch of people updating
@DenysSéguret I think the link in the comment is quite good? Especially "note 2" seems to handle your case?
@KevinB Yea, but why? Sorry I just feel like I missed the next big secret meeting :(
dig through the blog
Surely the huge dip is related to it.
@KevinB is there anytime when [] works over . notation
Hi everyone
@ChristianMatthew how do you mean?
@ChristianMatthew [] is used when you need to specify the key as a string.
. works when you can specify the key directly.
if you have the key stored in a variable, you can't use .
hey. can anybody explain a js concept to me, please?
@ShakilAhmed variables hold values
ahhh @KevinB thank you. thats it
no. I mean a specific concept that I'm struggling to understand
foo.bar will always target the bar property
regardless of whether or not you have a bar variable
don't ask whether you're allowed to ask
just ask
You have to be direct and type !!dontask towc
in this snippet
currentDownloadState = (loaded, total, fileName) => {
      let currDownloadObject = {
        fileName: fileName,
        currentSize: loaded,
        totalSize: total,
        visible: !(loaded === total)
the filename is a url which is a string
Hey guys, can I say something?
when when you call currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] you're saying that is making it a key in string format?
is same as currentDownloadStateArray.fileName
err whatever filename resolves to
what, no
When you call that lambda you are just creating a (temporary!) object..
currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] ,
{fileName: "https:blah/blah/navigation/ha.png", currentSize: 4703, totalSize: 4703, visible: false}
that is the console log
the log of what
you can do that? You can iterate over lambdas?
log currentDownloadStateArray
you'll have a key named "the value of fileName"
i did that too
maybe i am confused by scoping
i don't think scoping is related
how is an action happening after affecting the previous assignment.
      let currDownloadObject = {
        fileName: fileName,
        currentSize: loaded,
        totalSize: total,
        visible: !(loaded === total)

  let currentDownloadStateArray = Object.assign({},this.state.currentDownloads);
  console.log('currentDownloadStateArray ', currentDownloadStateArray);
  currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] = currDownloadObject;
  console.log('currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] , ', currentDownloadStateArray[fileName]);
(see full text)
To be frank that you think you are confused by scoping in this problem means you are confused by scoping. But it's not related.
currentDownlaodStateArray = Object.assign({}, this.state.currentDownloads)
You mean how is currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] = currDownloadObject; affecting the console.log before it?
lol not scoping but order
In the browser?
yes @KevinB
because... that's just how the browser console works.
how do I add code snippet here?
the console reads the object at the point in time you expand it
not at the point in time you log it
hmmm can you say that again a little different
var table = new Array(10).fill({foo: 0});
table[4].bar = 'test property'
try console.dir, it halts execution to show you exactly what it was at time it ran, console.log just preserves pointer to the data, so it may change, i think debugger even warns of this with little [i]
uuuuuh @ChristianMatthew I really suggest you post the full code (here, or on something like jsfiddle if it's longer). You honestly lost me somewhere in your explanation..
in the above code. adding the .bar property to a specific object in the array adds that object to all other elements in the array
I know objects and non primitive types are passed by reference. but why would one element's changes affect others?
ok let me explain what i am observing from my perspective. yes @paul23 i will post all of the code
after this
var a = {};
console.log(a); // when you look at this in the console, it will have a bar property.
console.log(a.foo); // this is undefined
a.foo = 'bar';
console.log(a.foo); // now it is defined

// the first console.log, when you expand it, will show the current value of `a` rather than what it was when you logged it.
from my perspective the assignmentof the object to the ...[fileName] is setting up an object that is keyed by filename
I also suggest you play around with simpler separate versions, so you're not afraid of screwibg up whatever works, or get confused by what causes what
guys. weirdly I think I got this after asking here :v
rubber duckey
@ShakilAhmed you're actually filling with a reference to the same object
@paul23 I'm not even able to understand the motivation of the chosen algorithm. I don't feel like just the algorithm would be satisfactory.
yeah. the filling is happening everytime that variable is called. right?
@KevinB is that why the first one is {} object
Use .fill().map(() => ({ foo: 0 })) or similar
@ChristianMatthew what?
no, if you click the down arrow on it it'll clearly show a foo property.
is that why in the logs the vevery first occruance is an empty {}
it isn't.
expand it
ahhh you right. the key name is empty but it is filled
does that sound correct
i don't understand
@KevinB when i console.log currentDownloadStateArray[fileName]
i get this
{fileName: "https://izona/bkg-arizona.jpg", currentSize: 248251, totalSize: 968541, visible: true}
the array that is being build by just logging the currentDownloadStateArray gives this
see the property is set byt the filename... and it is the name of the object now
im confused on how it's doing that.
I wonder why none of the modern languages have a form of "immutability" built in. For things like keys of a dictionary and sets being able to defined an object as "immutable" would improve code clarity a lot.
And programs in the end are just the glue to bind algorithms to data containers. So support for such basic containers is vital.
i don’t understand what you are confused about
YouTube page load is 5x slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome because YouTube's Polymer redesign relies on the deprecated Shadow DOM v0 API only implemented in Chrome. You can restore YouTube's faster pre-Polymer design with this Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/youtube-classic
Chrome is the new IE 😃
@ShrekOverflow no wonder why Google is facing lawsuits.
they want to create corporate totalitarianism
and people say Apple is Evil pointing to how nice Google is
I don't think they are that nice.
They aren't 😃 but neither is google
IIRC hangouts didn't work in Firefox for a sign. time
niceness of the companies is a face only. they are good to you as long as you are a viable source of profit
facade *
I mean they have to be nice to you so you keep giving them personal information to sell
Just use google chrome, and all will be fine
good evening
is there a way to convert a website that is 70% js to some node.js code so that the user executes less ?
You guys know some way to have the equivalent of nextTick of vuejs in pure javascript ?
well... i mean, it depends on the features.
node.js for example can't do client-side animations or client-side ajax requests. Or anything client-side for that matter.
@AllanRaquin ouch
"client-side javascript nextTick"
@KevinB only the external requests I need serverside so that the user can only load animations
like APIs
are you looking for server side rendering
that load images
Bascially... no, you can't do most client-side things from the server. but... you can redesign your site such that it doesn't do as much client-side.
you can't "convert" it
I know but I was wondering if the part that loads data from other websites can be converted with a tool
so no easy way
The settimeout, 0 isn't working well, not long enough.
setImmediate not well supported :/
is it time for another BrowserWars™️?
can anyone suggest an open source js project that needs contribution? should be easy to work with for a beginner
find something that interests you and work on that
How do I get rid of all the truly cringe-worthy activity around this room on my GH?
Lol don't want people seeing me debate whether we can say "fuck" in a chat room.
delete the account
can you delete the messages?
Maybe it's harder to find then I thought
The content I mean
Yea nvm
@KevinB the confusing part is about these 2 things
1. console.log('currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] ', currentDownloadStateArray[fileName]); logs out the entire object and not just the filename.
2. what exactly is this currentDownloadStateArray[fileName] = currDownloadObject; doing... what happens when you takea property in an object and set it to the object.
You set it to an object so it logs an object.
Set it to something elze
what happens when you takea property in an object and set it to the object.
You get a circular reference
!!> var a = {}; a['self'] = a; console.log(a.self.self.self.self);
@LadyBird TypeError: cyclic object value
this is a working example of code
like... i still don't understand where the confusion is.
this illustrates a new object being created that is keyed by the name of one of the property names
an object key, is an object key.
you can name it whatever you want to
I built a WordPress site for my partner ( www.saidasaetgareeva.com ) - she's a motion designer and it's a portfolio site - so it's content heavy and has heavy content, thus affecting load speeds...

Anyone know if loading content asynchronously is a good idea?
well... it could help, but ultimately if you're loading it all anyway, it's still gonna have loading problems.
My advice would be to ensure that the content being displayed directly is designed for the location it is being displayed.
Content is not what caused the site to take 8sec to even respond to me.
holy shit! 8s?!
In other words, don't try to stream something at a quality good enough to display on a 60" monitor in a web page, dial it down a bit.
Prob a fluke
probably location based
You have 1 2mb gif loading but other than that there's not a lot of content on the page lol
Yeah, we used to have more videos on home - looked very cool in the grid but was really slow
~18 images or something
I'm thinking it could be cool to have images load first and then replace asynchronously with gifs - if only there was a good way to know whether someone is on data or not
navigator.connection.downlink exists
Tells you how speedy their connection is... sort of
replace it when they click it
When they click it it opens the page with full content
As a motion designer her main target audience is people who might hire her who got the link from somewhere like her applying for something or being recommended - so they're more likely to expect long loading times and be willing to wait for the content. They'd also want the 60" version...
Guess it just depends on your audience. For me... i'd see displaying content on a web page that wasn't meant for a webpage as a flaw.
Based on analytics she gets few mobile users anyway. I think as portfolio it works as is quite well - but yeah something about it feels not quite right for me yet.
@LadyBird but that's the speed, not the capacity. If I'm on data, sometimes it's faster than my wifi - but I got to pay for it and I'd hate to download 10's of megabytes... then again as long as the gif is the same in the project once I open it I'd load it anyways if I got there --- guess worrying about that is like a pre-mature micro-optimization -> not that relevant to the business goals
@KevinB not sure I know what you mean. do you include web apps in web pages? if so is there any content left that doesn't belong in web?
Don't solve that
That's been solved. They can turn on Data-saver
In Chrome and other browsers. Also it's a portfolio website, why would you be catering to mobile users
Also unless you purposely ruined the cache, they should be fine with downloading a 2mb image one time, it will be served from cache for awhile
Nice, forgot about that! :) Now I feel better -- just got a 350 dollar bill for the two of us when we were roaming in Europe for a few weeks (despite "world traveler addon" and data saver mode... :D ) - but I think that was mostly google maps, not the browser
I just paid a $180 phone bill but I was at my house with no internet working remotely...
Q: Someone changed their username to claim a bounty reserved for me

Jeffrey RoosendaalSomeone asked a question about Bootstrap artifacts in a modal on IE11, and I thought I knew the answer. I tried to help by placing a comment first, because I was not sure it was able to solve the problem. With the help of my comment the problem was solved, and the OP asked me to turn it into an ...

Unfortunately we can't remove the bounty.
hahah quality SO mods
there is probably something I haven't through but still seems weird to me
@ShrekOverflow One thing I want to shoehorn into this: Projects take a bunch of time, it is completely reasonable too much was done to backtrack. I use to be part of the angular world, the shadow dom stuff seemed like the future at the time. 😕 Then we moved to React for the sanity.
Google "Don't not be evil."
I with create-react-scripts included the decorators plugin for babel
I feel that chromium based browsers (Silk, Brave, Epic, Opera etc) are in the best place right now.
@ShrekOverflow I kinda view all the tech companies as evil. Together they make enough products that well I am somewhat satisfied with.
Evil + Evil + Evil = meehh well at least I can watch netflix/youtube and email people
@William Are you freelance?
@jake freelancing? I'm confused
What do you do for a job?
I used to live in Chicago
nice place
still do
oh about to graduate college so nothing permanent jobs here and there
freelance always felt like a bad term for it but okay
doin' some prepared statements in php. Want Bobby Tables to be able to join the school.
If you want to come back to Chi, jobs seem to be plentiful...esp for React/frontend
@JBis are you joking?
I was bobby tables
in 2011 more like bobby admin
@jake I don't really care for react
but okay
@William :)
@JBis Go to the principals office and tell them you need the foreign key into the right classroom.
take a look at teacher logic xe
it is the stupidest school system ever
made in the 90s
@Jake lol
my school used it
to say it sucks is an understatement
@William Ew.
@jake do you actually live in the city
or surrounding area
I lived in suburbs all but a month or so
@William Nah, Im in the burbs closer to WI, I keep getting offers from the city but I don't want to commute. Did you go out of state for school? I got my CS degree from NIU
@jake we moved at the end of high school for me
so it was more like we moved out of state and I went somewhere differen
yeah I suck at math otherwise I would study CS
This is the kind of stuff they teach in 2015
60-100? that seems rather broad...
heck I was a 4.0 student
Cs get degrees was my motto
or "first class"
@Jake They teach that in your HS?
@Cereal is that a joke?
@William See if you can get a degree in business-track CS, instead of unless math, you learn statistics and accounting.
@JBis Northern Illinois University
@William Oh
@William No, CS classes are known for antiquated BS.
@JBis No, that was from uni
come to the south didn't seem antiquated to me
I know we're joking, but cobol developers make like 200k
I attempted switched majors
@jake what year are you and do you have a major link?
@Cereal Cite your sources
I'm curious if I could do the math at a different school
ABET acreddited no
I dropped calculus 2 and linear algebra & switched majors
@Cereal BC thats how much you need to pay someone to risk their carrer on a dead language
@jake Hehehehehe
@William major link?
@jake just curious what your class requirements were
the math not only felt useless but I made to many errors
@William See how the math is replaced with useful stuff?
pretty clever
so did you have to take calculus 2 it appears not?
I may have been able to do it then not sure
nope :)
@jake are you impying math is not useful
hmm interesting
live and learn
@jake what campus were you at
@KendallFrey I am implying that math is not always useful to every person.
@Jake I'd disagree. Just about everything requires some basic math skills.

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