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from my understanding unshift is O(1) how do they update all those indexes in O(1)
i need help with one thing it's probably simple. i'm trying to create a object constructor with a function
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function Person(name) {
	// Todo: Complete the function
	this.fullName = name;

	this.setName = function (name) {
		this.fullname = name;

var Mike = Person('John Doe');
Mike.setName('Mike');	// name setter
the setName is returning undefined
not sure why
cause you don't return anything
JS mostly requires explicit return statements
so just return this.fullName = name;
Where would the return go?
depends what you want to return?
i just want it so Cannot read property 'setName' of undefined disappears lol
function Person (whatever){ this.whatever this.whatever2 } <--- this is your constructor and these are your methods Person.prototype.learn(){ this.whatever }
i don't follow
i'm missing the prototype part then?
that works fine on that site
for your purposes, yes but I don't really know what you are trying to do. probably want to follow the class syntax it is more explicit
it is really more about object-oriented programming or duck-typing in javascript. It's a big topic. so your example from the site is a simple one. click "try it yourself" and you will see there is more to it than meets the eye.
I did' that was pretty much all there was and some how manipulating my code in there works fine but locally i get that error
var joe = new Person('joe')
you're amazing
thank's my man..
no you're amazing
anytime good luck
:) thanks
2 hours later…
morn all
Is anyone here well versed in vue?
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@NguyenTungs Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@NguyenTungs Don't use backticks. Write your code, then select it all (CTRL-A) And then hit CTRL-K
@Rob wow thanks a lot!
Can Least recently use can be done in O(1)?
Least recently used what?
it algorithm that requires keeping track of what was used when based on an aged-bit. every time a cache-line is used, the age of all other cache-lines changes.
[A,B,C,D,E,F] you have two slots [0,1] you put A and B in and then you overload by adding C which evicts B then you Add E and that evicts A etc..
Isn't that the opposite, if you're looking for the 'oldest' entry? It should kick out A and then B.
And if that's the case, it looks like you're trying to implement a round robin scheduler
I thought that it was last in first out too but it's not
Last in first out is just a stack
Oh, I misunderstood what you were going for there. I thought you had two 'buckets' to distribute data into
Well, what you're referring to in that link is just a queue
Or more accurately.. a fixed size queue
you could have two buckets, I am more interested in doing it in O(1)
it seems like the C++ implementation loops
That depends what you want to do. Do you want the items to 'shift'? Or is simply replacing the oldest item enough?
Because if you just want to replace the oldest item.. you just need a fixed-size array. And keep a pointer to the next index to overwrite
For example:
var arr = new Array(2);
var index = 0;
var addItem = (item) => { arr[index] = item; index = (index + 1) % arr.length; }

// arr => [,]
// arr => [5,]
// arr => [5,9]
// arr => [10,9]
If you want the result of the above to be [,] - [5,] - [9,5] - [10,9], then you'll need to shift each item, which would be O(k) where k is the size of your queue
nice, but I think There seems to be a distinction check this out, I am interested in the LRU approach the difference is small but significant. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_replacement_policies#LRU
Then you'll just need to shift each item, which is O(k) as mentioned above, which is O(1) assuming the cache size doesn't increase with the number of items
no it stays fixed, cool so it can be done in O(1). it is safe to say as a rule of thumb that if the number of inputs equals the number of outputs that it can be done in O(1)
or is that overreaching on my part?
Nothing to do with the ratio of input and output
Those units may be seconds, milliseconds, bytes, kilobytes, what have you
Sorry, that was actually incorrect
O(n) says, to process the entire set, it'll take n units.
Doesn't this all depend on how you approach the problem? if the problem is being done in an extremely inefficient manner it can be ON^2). But can you reason about the problem without delving too deep into the implementation details?
Yes, it does, to a point
It's impossible - as far as we know - to sort a list in constant time.
I read that unshift is done in O(1)
how can unshift be done in 0(1) if all the indexes need to be updated?
Likely because the array isn't contiguous in memory
It probably just updates the starting offset of the array
if it's not in contiguous memory what do you mean? that the values are not there until you access them, they are being calculated in real time?
i got response in console like this:{"res":[{"menu_code":"2","menu_name":"Plant"},{"menu_code":"3","menu_name":‌​"Line"}]} but i dont know how to print it in html div in ajax
this my success function in ajax
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@hearthacker Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
i placed code here after Ctrl+k
but i don't know? how can i format that?
My doubt is how to print into html div or store into php array this json format console output{"res":[{"menu_code":"2","menu_name":"Plant"},{"menu_code":"3","menu_name"‌​:‌​"Line"}]}
@Rick No, that the array can be resized without coping the data across. It may behave similar to a linked list of arrays. I'm not sure how javascript actually implements arrays, but that seems likely
@Rob you are the man! I found a satisfactory answer by researching contiguous and non-contiguous memory :)
Great! Glad you found what you're after :)
can someone help me with something
how do i add values to a object in a loop then pass that object to a function when the loop is done?
that seems something basic
@KarelG help me out?
@KarelG is name is hello world how much more basic you want to get
syntax plz & ill be on my way
no because those are very simple things to do in javascript. Basic actions in programming tbh. IF you are unable to do that, you might not be capable for developing a program
that is even a waste of a minute of my life to aid someone that may not aid him
so u dont know....
let I_am_an_object ={} I_am_an_object[put_key_here]=my_value_here function put_something_in_me(put_it_in_the_hole){ put_in_the_hole} put_something_in_me(I_am_an_object)
I am sure you know how to put things into wholes
Rick, allow me to be Morty: uh, that’s just Rick’s stupid nonsense catchphrase
> put_something_in_me(I_am_an_object)
sounds like a tagline at a BDSM party
(alternatively read that to an eurotrance beat)
the center of our universe is a black hole. and it sucks big balls of gas, that go into the hole. Everything else is essentially the same thing. Balls falling into holes
usually it is not the balls that "falls" in the hole ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
you know
I kinda wish I was working for the government on secret projects
just imagine, pretty much unlimited budget and whatever crap you come up with is p much guaranteed to be better than anything on the market
I'm reading about uranium centrifuges now
someone had to write software for them
regular companies may need such software too
but they want better quality, true
I want to help Elon Musk go to Mars. Elon Musk seems cooler than the government.
I hear the Chines just beat the Quantum-Entanglement Record. Why aren't we doing cool shit like that?
@BartekBanachewicz That doesn't sound very exiting to be honest...
Or complicated
> A section of centrifuges would (...) slowly ramp them up to the required speed, generally in excess of 50,000 rpm. One precaution was to quickly get past frequencies at which the cylinder was known to suffer resonance problems. (...)The whole process is normally silent; if a noise is heard coming from a centrifuge, it is a warning of failure (which normally occurs very quickly).
> The design of the cascade normally allows for the failure of at least one centrifuge unit without compromising the operation of the cascade.
how many fault-tolerant systems have you written so far? ;)
Oh, my systems are very tolerant of faults...
I've seen a video about quantum computers recently, and the expert there said that they're basically still solving problems analogous to hardware reliability in normal computers, like disk read/write fails, memory corruption etc.
catch (Exception e) { }
"quantum computer" :|
star if you get the joke
@BartekBanachewicz That sounds extremely optimistic.
I just do not like that term
I am more for "quantum computing"
@KarelG well in that case he was literally talking about a physical quantum device used to do computations
I mean, how are you going to play a game on a "quantum computer" if it has no memory?
> physical quantum
"physical computational device operating on quantum particles"?
he's having a breakdown
these are all pointless arguments. everything comes down to semiconductors size. a small leap in semiconductor nm size is a huge leap in processing power. everything else follows from that.
A quantum breakdown?
@Rick We're already pretty much at the fundamental limit for size
we can still bump up frequency though
I can totally imagine new exotic materials allowing sufficient EM shielding to reach e.g. 20GHz
nope we are at 14nm and 10 but the next phase is 7nm and there are plans to go down as far as 1nm
yeah but that's not just a problem of making smaller traces
I'm not a CPU design expert so I should probably shut up now
@Rick afaik intel said that they would use 5nm ones in 2020 or later
"there are plans to..." There always are.
they still struggle with the heat sinking and manufacturing it
and ofc the quantum effect that already occurs at <= 7nm
*digs up article from history*
Still blows my mind that we're able to make things with just a handful of atoms. And we can mass produce them relatively easily.
they managed to transfer an atom some hundreds meter further IIRC :o
new architectures mean stacking and re-engineering the shape of the gates. every time they get smaller it really is a large leap in processing power. I don't think it's easy. if it was easy china would be doing it. it is a very expensive process. The factories alone are in the billions.
oh they did it with a photon
thing is
do kernels not have to be rewritten if the architecture changes?
thx for sharing it though
is it possible to call child method from child?
uhm yes?
why not?
just trying to solve this problem stackoverflow.com/questions/51436680/…
@KarelG the architecture from the developers' perspective doesn't change
it's still x64
@BartekBanachewicz true but the compiler/interpreter converts your code in instruction sets, usable to hardware. That is where the kernel kicks in. If the architecture change, it has to change too. We have been using the same architecture (aside for some edits in the margin) for decades
those quantum computing may require some additional checks or other shizzle if you want to execute an instruction
@KarelG well the thing is it's really not dependent on the CPU nearly as much as it used to be
especially the memory management needs a revision
on old 8-bit computers, you had hardcoded addresses for disks, memory, io etc.
right now you have mobo bridges that do most of the IO for you
so e.g. bootloader runs on the CPU, but then goes to the motherboard and its disk controller to actually load data
if you want a challenge, try to explain how a boot process from a 3rd party PCI-E SATA controller-connected disk works :)
either way, the CPU itself still needs to adhere to those certain standards, so whatever changes underneath is probably less important to a typical programmer
for the last say dozen years, as a C++ developer you could go through last few intel generations and not care at all (unless you do heavy computing and utilize SIMD extensions like @Mysticial)
@BartekBanachewicz embedded instructions in flash memory
@KarelG IOW, BIOS :P
not sure if there are mobo's with BIOS being manufactured nowadays
UEFI is mainstream
@KarelG marginal difference in this context
3 hours later…
is anyone around to assist with building es modules with typescript? It's working great until I try and import anything external (eg: React).
What happens?
@KendallFrey well... I've been testing via import('').then(m => { ... });
works great until i try and add React, then I get TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "react". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
Why are you importing from a URL?
dynamic importing for a plugin system
idea is at runtime the user could've installed a set of plugins and then it's something like plugins.foreach(plugin -> { import(plugin.src).then(m => { const instance = new m.default(); instance.init(app); }); }
@KendallFrey any idea? :< struggling to find much prior art with es modules via google
You can't really import from a URL like that
you 100% can :) but I believe it's new
Typescript's imports work against Typescript files, you would need to serve the raw TypeScript and have the entire Typescript compiler available
perhaps I can declare react as an external and load it independently?
hm nah don't think that'll work it'll still spit out the import
that is for client side ...
you do not need to import React there ._.
i've constructed a question on SO which might make my question clearer: stackoverflow.com/questions/51443528/…
@KarelG I am trying to import on the client side
Hello. Is there any expert here from EXTS 6.2?
@Umbro Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@CapricaSix ok
Guys, I just spent legit 2 hours getting a ftp-srv node ftp server set up. tried over 6 different browsers, only to find that CURLing it was the only option that worked. but now firefox is being a good boy, so firefox is the only browser that works with ftp...
this is the code
const FtpSrv = require('ftp-srv');
const server = new FtpSrv("", {})

server.on('login', (data, resolve, reject) => {
	console.log('loggin in')
	console.log(data.username, data.password)

	if (data.username == 'un' && data.password == 'pw')
		resolve({root: 'C:/'})
	else {
		reject(new Error("login failed."))
server.listen().then(() => console.log("running"))
2 hours guys. 2 hours...
why do people still use ftp nowadays?
I need it for automatic ssl
it allows you to access a filesystem remotely
it's faster for that sort of thing rather than the HTTP equivalent
via browser ?
you could use a software tool like winscp
giving out ftp data for this.. that seems like an awful data
not to mention that no halfway decent ISP should allow unencrypted FTP nowadays
is prettier any good?
Q: How to create a popup on click delete button with ReactJS?

CodeLoverI want when I click on button delete, it opens a popup of confirmation. I try to use a sweetAlert, but it's not showing any popup. delete method : delete(Code) { axios.delete('http://localhost:4000/app/deleteclient/' + Code).then(function(clients) { this.setState({ clients: clients.records }...

Can you help me please ?
@ThiefMaster if they are going to fix it, they could do that for ALL traffic. Problem solved
but there is a problem with POP messages :|
if that does not get resolved, then yeah... nobody wants to do it
@SuperUberDuper what is the context of that question?
being fabelous? :P
im using vs code
what advantage does prettier give me, vs IDE formatting?
idk. I did not have figured that option.
Q: How to create a popup on click delete button with ReactJS?

CodeLoverI want when I click on button delete, it opens a popup of confirmation. I try to use a sweetAlert, but it's not showing any popup. delete method : delete(Code) { axios.delete('http://localhost:4000/app/deleteclient/' + Code).then(function(clients) { this.setState({ clients: clients.records }...

> room rules Do not spam. This is a fairly simple rule, do not repost questions because you did not get an answer right away. It was likely we read it and just didn't care. Tough luck. There are times when the room gets carried away with images or oneboxes, but this is no excuse to make a habit of it
how can you claim to be a "code lover" and at the same time post badly indented code? ;)
I'm so sorry, Yes, I love coding but I am a beginner :)
I would have just used confirm
Anyone in Texas? I'm in San Antonio today. Kinda last minute.
@William Happy Birthday!
Will be in Texas until Sunday.
that's ~7 hours away
Lol yeah in NC sterling archer I believe is in DC which is closer
texas is a fairly large state
i'm down here in mississippi
This is sad
Really ?
Also wat winblows for home is $119
Hmm so what OS do you get with out Winblows?
Mac or Linux
I was just trying to get something to game
So Linux
because no way that comes with macOS
not linux
or mac
@William I have a macbook
it came with Mac. I like gaming but most game developers have no idea how to code so their games obviously don't run properly anywhere but windows.
Shrek I'm confused
you link to matebook and claim it's 119 for Windows
@William NO -_-. I am just documenting my microsoft store experience
I was sad to find that Microsoft is now promoting MateBook (a macbook ripoff) over Surface (their homegrown) product
and then tried to buy windows, yikes this shits expensive
I have a MacBook that is really old doesn't do much more that I want then my windows
get a 20 year old computer from a thrift store, put RCT2 on it
I'm still saving up to upgrade my compaq presario
MacBooks have gone down hil lately
@KendallFrey Probably lol
keyboard issues amount other things
I can probably just boot my old windows 10 machine and copy the data over to get a windows 10 pro copy hat I got for free
if you running on Mac doesn't always work thoufh
@William 😬
I see no point in paying $99 for an OS I'll only ever use for gaming
I hadn't dual booting my Mac so I wouldn't try it
i hated
well technically i was tri booting it
@William meh at this point I might aswell just revive my old machine with an SSD and a better GPU
my mbp is a 2017 MBP pretty high specs
Have you had keyboard issues yet
but can't run fortnite, everything else runs perfectly
@William nope
but I am a mechanical keyboard purist, so I don't call this thing a keyboard.
I like having bash preinstalled on my mac
although it is old
nodehs works on windows well enough now so there isn't a real reason for me to use it
I have like 4-5 windows laptops
1 MacBook Pro. 1 hackintosh
the hackintosh runs but I don't use it anymore
@William I was probably programming on windows at its worst Windows 8 - 8.1 period
I have PTSD 😃
lol my main laptop still runs windows 7
I develop a fair share of native code, an mac / linux have seemed to be much simpler for that (even though I am programming for node)
native meaning c?
or assembly
or with kernel access
I will say I prefer my iPhone much more over android
@William that and C++
Like what do they do? I have yet to determine anything native code is useful for for me unless I want speed
do most of you use laptops or desktops?
Was looking at a few mid range laptops and most started at $900+
Buy a thinkpad off eBay is my advice. Cheap upgradable. I own probably 4 old thinkpads
i use one. My MacBook Pro is well nice for certain things but not necessary.
@William My side project is a VPN that is P2P and uses WebRTC data-channels to actually transfer data.
Its mostly written in Node for management etc, but the key data transfer parts well are written in extremely high performance C++
@William what's the selling point on the thinkpads?
For work, using a mac is a policy because we can manage them easily
I prefer low performance C++
@TravisWhite lol
Did you mean [:Java] ?
@HelloWorldPeace Dell XPS laptops are quite nice and I think you can get them shipped with Ubuntu
They're half the price of a similarly spec'd Macbook Pro
Cheap and repairable
I tried working on windows... ended up diving into linux land after the command promp/power shell issues. Eventually made my way to a mac due to a necessity. Now I choose to work on mac for all of my projects, and game on windows.
I do both on windows because I'm a masochist
@meagar yea, I was looking at the XPS 15 but it was running for 1200 -1400
Indeed you are
@TravisWhite Me too, except every place I've worked in the last ~10 years has given me a high-end Macbook Pro
The xps line is really nice. Used one while I was installing some software
I have a lattitude that I really like too
I'm running an xps. For mac and windows
@meagar free is always better
@HelloWorldPeace $1200-$1400 doesn't seem unreasonable for a pretty high-end workhorse development machine.
@meagar I haven't had the time to check, but if they are shipping optimus machines then they are scamming the linux community as a whole.
I want to get a laptop so I can work from outside/couch every now and then. I never enjoyed typing on those tiny keyboards
@ShrekOverflow Not really sure what "optimus" is in this context
@meagar NVIDIA optimus, the multi-gpu solution
I do know Dell Ships Nvidia GPUs not sure if they sell ones w/ Ubuntu.
@meagar I wouldn't mind paying that much if I felt that the laptop dwarfed my current one in features
it doesn't
I'm not sure they're big enough to house a gpu
They're very small

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