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@rlemon where is your dope ascii script ?
@ShrekOverflow [100, 111, 112, 101]
@forresthopkinsa what ?
He had a really cool friday demo
how to use caprica shell...
!!> [100, 111, 112, 101].map(it => String.fromCharCode(it)).join('')
@forresthopkinsa "dope"
used to be here
but is gone now
Q: Axios GET request not working on ReactJS

CodeLoverI am new developer ReactJS, I develop a table with ReactJS on the FrontEnd, NodeJS on BackEnd and MySQL about the database. I want when I click on the view button on Action column as below It will be redirected to another page, which display a list containing the result of the Select query. T...

that background performs horribly on my computer, and this computer is pretty powerful
!!> [100, 111, 112, 101].reduce((o,c)=>o+String.fromCharCode(c),'')
I need a help please
@Shmiddty "dope"
I like it @Shmiddty
it's more performeranting
because of coding and algorithms
oh. of course
@forresthopkinsa eh ?
the clouds ?
@ShrekOverflow yeah
It performs just fine on my iGPU :vOv:
what do you mean pretty powerful 😃 ?
are you using FIREFICX!?
I mean discrete graphics and 8-core i7
and no lol, chrome ofc
@KendallFrey I'm not actually sure
To me it looks potentially much slower
but reduce is much more hip
isn't join doing string concatenation under the hood?
@ShrekOverflow Chrome is saying that rlemon.ca alone is using 25 cpu
maybe I don't have graphics accel working
wow that is so slow
Try in Firefox, Edge or whatever else ?
you can check that I think at chrome://gpu/
mmhh I'll try fire
I am on Ubuntu though. No windows
looks like this is the culprit then
from my naive perspective, map + join would be O(2n), and reduce would be O(n)
@forresthopkinsa I am on a Mac
which drivers are you using for which GPU ?
It might just be a driver conflict
any dGPU should be able to handle such puny workloads
I think the problem is with Chrome
could be non-accelerated rasterization
You can check that in Chrome Flags
On Ubuntu 13.xx I had to force enable it in Chrome://flags
I was able to get this much with flags
yeah then its probably drivers
got the video decode
still don't have rasterization though
yeah just change that one and relaunched
Hmm what is the driver setup for you ?
hold up, I'm here now with the rasterization flag
Try running that now
crap. didn't fix. still using 20 cpu
and still choppy rendering
ok I'll check my drivers lol
Just tell me what exactly do you have
Linux does not auto switch to the dGPU afaik
GeForce GT 420, using nouveau
That is not a powerful computer
the comp is powerful
the gpu is not
I'm a developer, this is my work computer lol
what is the iGPU ?
integrated ?
you might get better performance from the integrated gpu
I don't know, whatever's in an i7 6700
@forresthopkinsa I am a Sales Guy, This is my work computer.
@forresthopkinsa hmm, can you try running glxinfo | grep OpenGL
> OpenGL vendor string: nouveau
OpenGL renderer string: NVC1
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 18.0.5
OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.30
OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
OpenGL core profile extensions:
OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 18.0.5
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30
OpenGL context flags: (none)
OpenGL extensions:
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.1 Mesa 18.0.5
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.10
Wow so it is using Nouveau, Yikes, I think your i915 will perform better here
I'm kinda using onboard and discrete. Two monitors on nvidia, one on intel. Not great ik
I was surprised that Ubuntu even let me do it
like, I'm certain that good ol' 12.04 would not have liked that
In this case you actually can't use your iGPU I think
because you are physically connected to the dGPU
yeah not a lot of flexibility here
which iirc forces the dGPU
@forresthopkinsa ask your boss for atleast a GTX 1060 lol
the onboard isn't going to render to three monitors
@forresthopkinsa it might
the GT 420 is a very very underpowered gpu
what reason do I give my company to buy me a 1060 for rendering freakin IntelliJ lolol
I got scammed the same way by HP where my GTX 625 OEM performs way poor than my onboard on the i7 4770k
@forresthopkinsa IntelliJ :D
not using the 420 for hd graphics; using it to let me use three mons
I know :(
jetbrains ftw man
VIM is the only thing your GT 420 can run properly
ouch was that built-in to the PC? goodness
and even VIM might suffer performance issues
HA ok
this is also an i7 6700 with 16GB of ram so
I think vim is fine lolll
your GT 420 is such a bottleneck
it's not gonna bottleneck my IDEs and terminals, come on
It actually might 😛
But chrome it definitely will
yeah clearly hahahaha Chrome is not happy
omg calm down it's not that bad
@forresthopkinsa I know, :P. But you know it never hurts to actually measure
yeah looks like it
I think then these are the two gpus you have - gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/…
> Hugely faster effective speed
Hugely better texture detail
Hugely faster multi rendering
Hugely faster NBody calculation
Hugely faster complex splatting
Hugely better peak texture detail
> +771% for the integrated
thanks nvidia
I think at that point not having the dGPU would be a better option
regardless of the onboard's monitor support, the mobo still doesn't have a third display output
True that
3 display are so much nice to have
I am considering wall mounting / hanging my macbook as a 3rd display when I get back home
I Need that juicy 3 display
lol yeah
at home I've got a pc that a friend lent me because he couldn't get it to start (and had a better one anyway) and I said I'd get it fixed eventually. Became clear pretty quickly that it couldn't start because the discrete gpu wasn't starting, so I replaced it with a cheaper gpu I had sitting around and voila, i5 + 20GB ram computer, free to use for a couple months
however, I'd like to get his (much nicer) gpu to work, so I've been investigating what the problem is. This gpu needs two PCI-E power supply inputs to start (pulls 500w) so I'm thinking, maybe the PSU isn't giving it enough?
so I go through the process of replacing his PSU with one I have lying around and nope, nada. So I'm thinking his gpu is really just dead
@forresthopkinsa you might want to try it without other things
such as?
are you suggesting that other components are pulling too much power
or are you saying I haven't isolated the variable yet
@forresthopkinsa that
Do you have another system to try
Hi. yeah I can try throwing it into the system I got the other parts from
I can't imagine what factor would change between though
I mean, clearly the PCI-E port it's plugged into works, or else the new gpu wouldn't be working
I already replaced the psu, remember
oh I confused it then
I don't have any other PSUs besides these two lol
not any that can supply that kind of power, anyways
anyway, I don't know how else to troubleshoot a seemingly burned-out graphics card
@forresthopkinsa What happened
see a few messages up
tl;dr: a friend loaned me his comp because it wouldn't start, I quickly realized the problem was gpu. Switched gpu and comp started, however I want to get the old gpu to work because it's a lot better
What GPU is it tho
the gpu pulls a lot of power so tried replacing psu, did not work
ehh I don't remember, it's at home
That's probably step 1
what, identifying it? lol when I was working with it a couple days ago I knew what gpu it was hahahah
@forresthopkinsa Does it have display port?
no. Dual DVI
@LadyBird o/ Can you recommend me if I should buy a GTX 1060
cause they are as down as 250 now :P
@forresthopkinsa USB 3?
You can use USB 3 to run another monitor technically
I do.
uhh I think we're talking about two different things here
you're talking about my work computer aren't you
@ShrekOverflow No clue I never pull the trigger I just make builds and forget about them
I thought you had 2 outputs and wanted 3 monitors
Idek dude haha
ok yeah I didn't pay attention to what you were replying to, sorry
I'm a dog.
might have usb3, I should definitely find out
can anyone suggest a js ide where I can directly run js functions instead of creating html and cs files?
@Shad if you need something lightweight, use an online tool. e.g. repl.it
or editor :P
I want something offline
I mean are you trying to do node or what
nope client side only
@forresthopkinsa They have USB 3 to VGA/DVI dongles, also thunderbolt but doubt you got that. I actually use a monitor that's powered over USB 3 also, uses the crazy super fat micro USB connecter the Samsungs used for awhile
oh right I remember you talking about that a while back
@Shad press F12 in a browser, type into the console
Firefox has some really gross "scratchpad" that you might like also
@LadyBird he needs something offline
That's offline
Just don't visit a webpage
shoot good point
You can execute JS even on the default New Tab view for Chrome, or even at chrome://settings/
Also Node has an interactive mode
I think you can do like node -i in terminal and have essentially a live Node console without creating any files
This is probably the closest to what he asked for
@LadyBird I have a mbp whcih can drive 3 and will be used for owrk
posted on July 18, 2018 by Michaël Zasso

Notable Changes console: The console.timeLog() method has been implemented. #21312 deps: Upgrade to libuv 1.22.0. #21731 Upgrade to ICU 62.1 (Unicode 11, CLDR 33.1). #21728 http: Added support for passing both timeout and agent options to http.request. #21204 inspector: Expose the original console API in require('inspector').console. #21659 napi: Added experimental support for

this is just for gaming on a single 1080 p 1ms monitor
!!> console.log(Math.random())
@KevinB "undefined" Logged: 0.40653554541152837
!!> console.log(Math.floor(Math.random()));
Floor that randomness!
@ShrekOverflow "TypeError: Math.foor is not a function"
@ShrekOverflow "undefined" Logged: 0
!!undu ~1
@KevinB That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: undo
:claps slowly:
@forresthopkinsa have you tried the GPU in a different computer where you know everything else is working?
thanks @LadyBird and @forresthopkinsa! :)
cc @Loktar 1060 at 250 is that . good deal . ?
@ShrekOverflow one fan or two?
@TylerH two
@TylerH nah haven't done that yet, I was thinking that the power supply was the problem so I just replaced that. didn't fix so I just replaced the gpu and then the comp worked perfectly
@ShrekOverflow Yeah that's about $50 cheaper than what you would normally get a 6GB 2-fan 1060 at right now
i still have issues with my video driver crashing randomly
assuming it's new and not used/refurbished, I'd say get it
been happening ever since i got this 970
@TylerH It is new
omg yesterday kendel now Tyler
bows down
@ShrekOverflow get the Titan
don't you ever bow to kendall
haha hy>
@SterlingArcher o/ BROOOO!
so I've finally moved my CI build to docker
so annyoing
uh and it seems my parser has a huge bug I've been missing for quite some time
oh wait no it's working fine
the test has a bug
oh so stackoverflow is written in C#?
that's nice
so javascript object equality is pretty stupid
please someone tell me I'm missing something here
@forresthopkinsa you're not, it's broken
@Shad wat
well I mean it's not and I get it but uuuuugh
@BrianJ and React
wait ffs
is this another bug in the test
of course it is
i mustve been drunk when writing those
@forresthopkinsa putting the questionable GPU into a known-good CPU that can handle the load would be a surefire way to find out if it is the GPU that's a dud or some other component. Otherwise if you can't boot then it could either be a dead GPU, faulty PSU pins, or faulty PCI-E port. If you have another x16 port on the same motherboard you could try it in that one
Hey @Shad, you ever used CodeSandbox.io?
I forgot to mention... I have been fixing some bugs there since it's open source
You can build and run the entire server/client application locally... Hell of an IDE for offline use
@TylerH good to know
I have a react-native build issue, wonder would they help? :P
well that's the thing @TylerH, I've ruled out the PSU by replacing it, and I've ruled out the mobo by replacing the gpu
@BrianJ unlikely :-)
@forresthopkinsa then assuming the PSU you replaced is a high enough capacity, it's most likely the GPU, especially if the computer won't even boot. Does the CPU/motherboard have no onboard graphics capability?
yeah didn't think so,off to the Googley
I don't understand how people are using ES6 and don't even know to open how to open the Console
what has ES6 specifically to do with it?
It's just.. "advanced" JS
the hotness
it's really not
it's just newer
the newer a technology, the better the documentation
some things are advanced, some are just plain
Better documentation typically mentions debugging
@SterlingArcher Er, after a certain point
Super fresh stuff typically has zero documentation IME
@SterlingArcher a better language should require less debugging ;)
but some website like w3schools could have ES6 stuff in it... easy to see how a noob could be trying ES6 stuff from that website and not know how to open the console
Fair point, but when I see people not knowing how to debug, I don't really reference them with writing super modern code
Yeah I guess
It's just weird to me
if they start later with better resources they'll learn es6 earlier
just like people starting C++ right now should learn optional and other "advanced" stuff from C++17 before old things like pointers
altough undoubtfully old C++ programmers will scoff at that endlessly
That means literally nothing to me
That's actually a good thing
When I finally had the chance to learn python at my old company, I was cursed with having to use an older version, thus had to learn old practices
Don;t half of devs just copy/pasta? Makes sense they don't know how to use console
Completely ruined python for me
If this room is any gauge of the the median JS skill level anyway
half of devs aren't devs
I think I'd argue that the room is well above median JS skill level
@LadyBird 80%
Or, well... was. Before the Welcoming
@KevinB Exactly. You're a bat, I'm a dog, Sterling is a man whore from an unknown time period
Its always 80% - 20% ratio
Shrek is freaking Shrek
i'm not a bat
@LadyBird the time frame is well known, but I feel you
Sup Shrek
@SterlingArcher But it isn't at all?
The Archer universe is a unique universe that takes place during an undetermined time period
First quote
Oh, I get it :P
now that I have my CI back I can go back to wasting time on my pet project
what to do next
My crash course in D3 was brutal, but rewarding
Combined with the docs not referencing react, it was hard to find out ways to break the d3 code into the proper lifecycle functions
 guy is there a difference between these these 2 lines of code.

    1) var mycar = {make: 'Honda', model: 'Accord', year: 1998};
    2)var myCar = new Object();
myCar.make = 'Ford';
myCar.model = 'Mustang';
myCar.year = 1969;
yes the 2nd one is 4 times longer
haha I meant with regard to object creation
one of them creates an object describing a Honda, and the other a Ford
in first I see properties being created
Did omitting
new Object()
made a difference in the first line?

An object was still created right?
in both cases, you go from not having an object, to having an object
> Why are there several notions of power in Haskell, namely (^), (^^), (**)?
yeah, so new Object() in 2) is just kinda like syntactic sugar?
it's actually the opposite
the object literal syntax can be considered syntactic sugar for object creation
ah alright
Does anybody use code splitting in their webpack definitions?
what's that
thank you @BartekBanachewicz
@KevinB I may be misreading, but it's webpacks way to lazy load components when a bundle gets big
For example, import keyword triggers a webpack code split
so a highly moduled app is more efficient
at least for loading/re-loading
pretty sure i'm using that
but i don't see a particular setting enabling it
and kevin :p
I'm starting to think it's practice oriented, not setting based
I just learned componentWillRecieveProps is being deprecated
@SterlingArcher Sure.
If you mean multiple entry definitions anyway
@SterlingArcher Not just that one either.... There's more.
as an example, i have an app.hash.js, a vendor.hash.js, and then an n.hash.js for each route
We have a decently long path to removal tho, not any time soon
Well, thankfully we have never used the "Will" methods so we don't need to update those
the n.hash.js doesn't get loaded until you visit the route
UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate, UNSAFE_componentWillMount also
The only thing I used was willRecieve
And in a very basic way
Find/Replace should fix the entire application
@TylerH it does but it'll defer to the discrete one if available
@KendallFrey looks like map + join is slower. :P
Probably because join uses a poor implementation
but apparently you can just String.fromCharCode(...array), which is even faster
even better
no noticeable difference between (...array) and .apply(String, array) for n = 1e5
I didn't know fromCharCode accepted multiple arguments
I posted the dumbest shit yesterday
yesterday, by Lady Bird
!!> [97,98,99,100,101,102,103].reduce((chars, unicode) => (chars.push(String.fromCharCode(unicode)), chars), []).join('')
Now how do you get the charCodes from a string in equal efficiency to String.fromCharCode(...array)?
there don't appear to be any builtins for that use-case
yesterday, by Lady Bird
!!> 'abcdefg'.split('').reduce((unicodes, char) => (unicodes.push(char.charCodeAt(0)), unicodes), [])
Well I'd done that first, I'm not a total dunce, was just reversing it heh
@LadyBird that is a situation where the reduce is just silly. You've already got an array, just use map
I could have sworn there was a new class in JS to do fast concatenation, but I guess not
it looks more l33t
your argument names are too long to be 1337
That's 1337
l33t isn't pre-obfuscated
oh. my mistake
You want 1337, look at the equivalent Haskell:
yep, that's it
I'm ready to go home
Not to the hotel to home. Been gone a week already
const mapJoin = (arr) => arr.map((c) => String.fromCharCode(c)).join('');
const reduce = (arr) => arr.reduce((o, c) => o + String.fromCharCode(c), '');
const spread = (arr) => String.fromCharCode(...arr);
const apply = (arr) => String.fromCharCode.apply(String, arr);

const testFn = (fn, ...args) => {
  const start = performance.now();
  return performance.now() - start;

const genArr = (n) => {
  const min = 32, max = 127, arr = [];
  for (;n--;) {
    arr[n] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
Oh. My
The only thing I care to see is if spread is signifigantly slower than apply
I'd assume WAY slower
Not sure how to read your results tho
nope (at least, not in chrome)
JSPerf says 99% slower
just have a lil bit of a difficulty understanding a import statement in a react component
what exactly is this line importing ?
@LadyBird the numbers in the arrays are the number of ms the function took to complete

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