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I know
I hate doing that though
.. is just ugly
!!> ...23
@ShrekOverflow "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '...'"
!!> [... ('' + 23)]
@ShrekOverflow "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '...'"
@ShrekOverflow ["2","3"]
probably the most ugly code eer
@Rick would be able to appreciate it
!!> Number.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function(){return this.toString(2)[Symbol.iterator]();}; console.log([...23]); [...23]
@david "ReferenceError: Symbol is not defined"
well nevermind then
Using JS to grab the IP and then translate the site according to the users location. It's incredibly slow and I'm using ipinfo.io - any ideas? Here's a link to the site: nicarpe.com
var country_code = "us";

$.getJSON("https://ipinfo.io/json", function (ip_data) {
    country_code = (ip_data.country).toLowerCase();
    $.getJSON("/locale/" + country_code + ".json", function (data) {
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $.each(data, function (index, value) {
                try {
                    $('[data-index="' + index + '"]').html(value);
                } catch (error) {
                    console.log(error + ': ' + index);
Yes, it's an incredibly stupid way of accomplishing it. Not sure what I can do to improve the situation, but performance is #1 issue atm.
@shmiddty cool one less character to type. I am so using that. What other things can you do this with
@forresthopkinsa O I do appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot
@david Owned
@ShrekOverflow i didn't want to play in the sandbox anyway :(
In Javascript dictionaries aren't ordered, right?
Javascript has dictionaries?
I don't think there is a defined order... but there may be for historical consistency
it's usually best to assume they're not
Oh, I mean things like myDict = {key:"value"}
They're objects
ups, sorry
They're ordered in ES>6
@littlepootis So they will remember their historical order?
Ok, thanks
@littlepootis yes but they are incomplete ;)
anybody wanna play league ?
In a script that cycles through images, the first time each image loads it 'pops' in, the div is blank for a split second while another image loads. to get around this I could stack each image on top of the last but it doesn't seem like a great way to do it. Any recommendations?
@Bonstark preload the images.
@PatrickRoberts That makes sense, just read about it. Thanks!
Is there a good way to do a bitwise XNOR on two integers in JavaScript?
@JennaSloan ~(a^b)
@david Yeah, but that gives negative numbers for some reason
that's just because it's showing it to you as a 2s complement number
if you try &ing it with a bitmask it will work correctly
1 XNOR 2 should equal 1, not -4
01 xnor 10 would be 00
but because the numbers are more than just 2 bits it ends up being something like
000000000001 xnor 000000000010 which is 111111111111100
which is how -4 looks in binary
I mean 0b01 XNOR 0b11 should equal 1, not -3
you're expecting it to only have 2 bits
if that's the case you need to mask off the rest
with & 0b11
@JennaSloan binary operators coerce the operands into 32 bit signed integers in JavaScript
!!> ~(0b01 ^ 0b11) & 0b11
@david 1
How is it possible for javascript to be temperamental...
@Bonstark it's not, you're probably just misinterpreting what's happening
I'm sure that's what's happening ha ha.
a '/s' was needed I think.
Anyone else here keep up with TC39 proposals?
I'm looking forward to seeing partial application and the pipeline operator in ES2019 or ES2020, very functional stuff.
2 hours later…
@PatrickRoberts the pipeline can be useful but that partial application is awful
@KarelG Pipelines is a form of partial application
fuck cannot edit anymoar
*partial application syntax
if(result.Password == data.password) This throws error on undefined. How do i get this to just fail out on undefined?
result && data && result.password === data.password?
but that will evaluate true if result.password and data.password are both undefined
if you are not certain about one of both instances, check it beforehand
that would be if(data.password) and such right?
@MoonEater916 if(data.password) could fail if data is undefined
thank you!
so you should decide if you want to enter the if statement when they're undefined or not
probably not, seeing how it seems you're authenticating
Now all i need is prremade sql statements
also if you're comparing password strings like that, you're probably making a mistake
I mean, not a logic mistake, but a vulnerability mistake
At some point i am going to hash the passwords
but baby steps (if thats what ur refeering 2)
ok, so long as you know :)
ya dont want to be equifax!
Although my current webhosts when i chat with them always verify my idenity with the last 4 digets of my password............. :/
god, is it possible that the program is using a query that takes > 5 minutes to launch?
did no one think waiting 5 minutes was a particularly long time to wait when they made this?
@MoonEater916 Yeah, not the best thing ever :P
that also means you only need to guess the last four digits of a password to authenticate
easy to brute force
way too easy
TIL justify-content: space-ebtween works if there is enough space to handle it
assume you have a flex container with two child elements.
the space only occurs if both child containers' width is <= 45%
So for nodejs i know about the whole asynchronous if-then-else that will put your code. Its maddening. anyone knew a good video to help me with the brutal transition?
@MoonEater916 not sure what you mean by asynchronous if-then-else
you mean .then()?
i mean. nodejs doesn't wait on no one and will run if statements even if the statement isnt ready.
ok, well I think there is a confusion of ideas here
explain what you think asynchronous execution means both in a general and practical sense
Not trying to put you on the spot, just trying how to best correct your misconceptions
Talking about Nested Callbacks and Promises
Q: Best way of structuring Javascript If statements to be synchronous in a function

bcan001I'm asking this question so I can learn the 'best practice' way of doing something in javascript. Say I have this code here: var someFunc = function () { if (something) { // do something } if (somethingElse) { // do somethingElse } }; The question is what would be the best way ...

@MoonEater916 If you do nothing special, javascript already runs instructions synchronously
As in, it won't move forward until it has completed the previous instruction
If you launch an asynchronous task, the "synchronous" part was to launch the asynchronous task, which finishes and moves onto the next instruction
To ensure that it finishes at that point, you have to do something explicit like perform the operation in a callback
Or wait for the task to finish
The if statements are simply normal synchronous calls
1 hour later…
damn knex is heavily outdated already? I liked it
but it still uses bluebird promises :/
not that they're bad. They're just old
^ wat?
do SO rooms cross out swearing?
no, he/she's just got issues
SO rooms automatically replaces your password characters with x
true, works perfectly fine!
@SurajRao Haha , so my password must be that long.
better security
ok, so we confirmed the being has some sort of cognitive system
why the being spammed a bunch of xs is still a mistery
Human being are mistery
do you mean the old spelling of mystery or short people?
@SurajRao that must be a reference to something
that definition is too specific
but urban doesn't say where it's from :/
yeah.. that site doesnt provide much context
@SurajRao Mr. Ree
this kinda screwed me over :/
I wasn't expecting the extra items
luckily there's (?:)
the mouthless charlie brown operator
I will probably not forget that one anymore.
@Tavo It does at me. I am disappointed. F♥♥♥ SO. F♥♥♥ you. Damn f♥♥♥ing me.
what's the second crossed out thing?
(I had to add that tag to be sure that - if flagged - it got interpret correctly 😐 )
@KarelG but it crosses you out with hearts. SO seems to be pretty byass
Valve does it on their steam games discussion portal
companion cube ftw
hi,im getting session time out error while loading next question through on click event in c#,i didnt set any time out in web config.default time out is 20 mins then why its coming like that?
@MohanSrinivas You should probably ask the C# room
Oh, you're one of those dicks that messages the same thing to multiple rooms
ok, SO doesn't cross everyone out :P
hi guys
I am using javascript datatables plugin for grid .But when I select all it shows one record less . Any idea? this is the link for the plugin datatables.net
Make jsfiddle, or at least show some of your code
Ahh man, that looks like a sticky good time
@MohanSrinivas aren't you that guy whom claimed to have 2.5 years experience in dot net and coming here with basic C# issues that is kinda solvable easily?
my vamp alert went rocking as a queen
in ASP.NET MVC, May 16 at 13:10, by Mohan Srinivas
i ve 2.5 years exp in dot net man
Before you guys say have u googled it yes I have googled it
Am I correct in thinking that the shadow DOM in ReactJS is created/rendered after the REAL DOM is created right?
Are you sure
I think this because u reference React in a <script> tag which is on the real DOM
but then I saw that it's possible to deploy react sites with node etc.
which makes me question my thinking
So does any1 wna help a brother out and clarify for me?
@BenFortune Yes im sure
@BenFortune I can't because codebase is quite huge.Sorry :(
@Exception Just create an isolated example. Chances are when you're creating the example, you'll find your problem
@Jim41Mavs I'm not very caught up on Shadow DOM, but I'd imagine that's the case.
Since it overlays the original DOM
@BenFortune Thanks for the clarity!
@KarelG hello,i know but this is like a bug i dono how to solve this one
should I be learning REACT
yea learn angular vs react
Hi, dono. I'm dad.
Hello all
Is there any javascript online syntax checher as phpstorm do ?
phpstorm is an IDE.. it probably uses a linter
@Webdev are you looking for a linter.. or something like jsfiddle?
something like jsfiddle
which checks syntax errors
ah you want to syntax test PHP ?
^think they want syntax test for JS
those two last comments pretty contradicts it
google search -> phpfiddle.org
@KarelG syntax test Angularjs
ok that is different
jsfiddle already does that..
you have to add angularjs cdn there
i am fed up with jsfiddle auto update stuff
I turn it off but that goes back on after a while because it is enabled by default
yeah, edit a code and wait for a moment. You will see that the version goes bumped up
in settings, you see "Auto-save code (bumps the version)"
i just use it for sample stuff.. havent used for long session to realize that
For ionic I use stackblitz.com
think you can use for angularjs too
vscodeonline :p
1 hour later…
So who wins tonight?
England or Croatia?
it's coming home
i hope they lose on penalties in the final
that sounds oddly mean
why do you hate the English so much Kendall? What did they do to you?
They contaminated my F1 content with soccer references
Who starred 23andme
kendall can undo it
Just seemed random not sure if it was defaced or something yesterday
*looks to the smart canadian dude*
@KendallFrey bastards
just check the post history
i guess shrekoverflow starred it
@KarelG Sorry, rlemon's not here at the moment
I'm still amazed I can order something at 5pm and have it on the truck for delivery at 9am... Thanks Amazon for CMA when I don't plan ahead for trips
@KendallFrey cough
Don't you fucking cough at my compliment
rlemon smart? The day that a citrus fruit is smarter than me has to come yet!
Found @jAndy
Aren't you like way more ripped than that guy
believe me buddy, you could tell if that was me if there was any hint about a certain game
without that... screw it
@Jhawins is that actually Andy in the video?
^ lol
lol no
we are not always serious here
I think that's that Nas Daily guy's girlfriend. They make videos of the exact same format/tone
now, that's 100% me
everyone fapping
settle down you penile enthusiast
please help me how to do this validation jsfiddle.net/hearthacker/3zmugctr
well, that's a nice mess of code right there.
did you just give up on regular DOM half way in?
I fixed the fiddle at least
@BenFortune yes you fixed thank you so much but after i entered input the error for first field displaying contineously
1st enter factory name the press submit but still the error displays that the issue i need to solve
@jAndy damnit
did boy pro just not come back, or was he banned?
he's not welcome here any longer
and in the same light, you should maybe try not to bait as much or be as much of a jerk to users.
or I'll start kicking a lot more
how to solve this issue jsfiddle.net/3zmugctr/2
Aloo Gents, hows everyone doing
I have an array where each item is an object like {a: 1}. Let's say the first 4 rows in the array looks like the object above and the following 4 rows look like {a: 2}. How can I find the index where a switch value and between those two rows insert a new object like {new: true}? Keep in mind that a's value change may occur multiple times in the array going from 1,2,5,8 for example
arr.findIndex(item => item.a === 2);
if you want to notice just any change, you'll have to track the previous value ofc
const firstChangeIndex = arr.findIndex( (item, index, array) => {
	if( !index ) return false; // first element
	if( array[index-1].a !== item.a ) return true; // comparing all elements
	return false; // fall through
something like this should work
didn't test, so double check I did those comparisons right.
But that only trigger on the first change. I want to insert a new object between every change
then use .reduce to augment the original array I guess.
Okay great, I'll test it out. Thanks!
Anyone here use c3js?
arr.reduce( ( arr, item, index, array ) => {
	if( index && array[index - 1].a !== item.a ) {
	return arr;
seems to work fine
although, there might be a cleaner approach. like a for loop or something
Depending on the size of your data, reduce works a lot faster than a for loop
but often isn't as elegant
not that this is one of those cases, but in general.
@Hypersapien no it doesn't?
or should we say "Hyposapien"
I've learned a long time ago to ignore 'performance problems' until they exist. so elegance wins most days (if I can pull off elegance :P)
except when it comes to mongo?
mongo isn't a performance problem. it has a long list of issues you may or may not run into
and I ran into a few of them
@rlemon I've learned a long time ago most people don't understand performance and treat it religiously and that it requires digging into for days before you have anything meaningful if you do it at a good level. I also learned I'm one of those 'most people' and to accept that.
That is - I'm a lot more hesitant to make performance claims now - and I really like good benchmarks which - it turns out - are often harder to write than compilers or code.
I can still say that reduce doesn't work "a lot faster than a for loop" is nonsense though
Performance bottlenecks (especially in the client-side) often come from misuse or misunderstanding of the tools you're using
just use jquery
For example, using toJS() often in ImmutableJS is a huge performance bottleneck, creating large lists of react elements without a proper key={} is a performance bottleneck
Those are all things that when you have experience make sense to not do, because you understand what they mean, but for a beginner it's different.
Also, mornin'
@MadaraUchiha to be fair - none of us are actually great at doing performance (and it's a considerable amount of my job).
Petka was great at doing performance, he'd look straight at the generated asm and go "ah, I know why it's slow" - but only for Chrome and he literally worked on the layer that does the asm and kept track.
@MadaraUchiha although to be fair - .toJS is the stuff of equally slow code - or "not optimized here" code. That is - you start with it and it works fast and then it gradually becomes slower - the problem is that this is also true for other parts of the system and you need insight in order to stop and refactor.
On the upside, refactoring gives you a chance to whine. It's not like I don't love that too :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right, but just like O(n^5) would work fine for 2-3 items, most people would know to avoid 5 nested loops.
@MadaraUchiha well, 5 nested loops works fine for n = 50 to be fair - 2 ^ n though...
If n is the number of categories you have and you assume that's fixed, then IDK. There might be cases where it's better to write the slow code first
@BenjaminGruenbaum I dunno, 15 billion moves?
@MadaraUchiha 5 ** 50 is 312,500,000, even shitty mobile phones do 1e9 - not that people actually count OPs meaningfully or use O notation meaningfully when discussing performance most of the time :D
That is, 5 nested loops would likely entail a bunch of checks just for the loops themselves - and it is unlikely what it is doing is really 1 operation.
But a low end mobile device in battery can likely do something that's O(n ** 5) with 50 items ~3-4 times a second, but since in practice it's never a single OP it's not fast enough
hi :)
i want to understand how to do hamburger
one does not simply 'hamburger'
@HatterIsMad which one do I take ?
FWIW these are from the event orbs (2)
I went with muse sona by dis-enchantin one poppy
hamburger is hamburger
i mean javascript hamburger
oh ma lord! where did this guy come from?
Hey, does anyone know a reason why, in sencha/extjs 6.5 modern, a store won't load/register with the storemanager?
hamburger is hamburger
Hey, can anybody tell me why my GraphQL Subscription isn't working?
@ConnelBLAZE do you mean the 'hamburger' menu icon? ☰ ?

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