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> Image not found
your network sucks
I'm working through VPN
Which vpn?
1 message moved to Trash can
i wish we could just click the down arrow to move messages
yeah, kind of a process.. I think the extension has some easy way to do it
It would also be nice if a kick mute would auto-delete a certain number of recent messages from that user
kinda like twitch chat
Just one more question
How do I pass paramaters to the callBack()?
}, this.callback);
        // the respons from the maps framework
        callback(response, status, i) {
            if (status != google.maps.D
you don't
I must
Otherwise my array is broke
can you show more of that example?
It's going async so it must be passed per array
How, per git secret?
here is fine if it's less than 100 lines
  // Calculates time between two places, using the maps framework
        calculateTravelTime(mode, i) {
            let service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();
                origins: [this.user.city],
                destinations: [this.advLocation],
                travelMode: mode,
                unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.METRIC,
                avoidHighways: false,
                avoidTolls: false
            }, this.callback);
It forms an array that needs to have pre-set indexes
It worked on the 'old' method in which I passed an index
what are you wanting to add to the callback?
An index
So it corresponds to the image array
how is i defined?
}, (...args) => this.callback(...args, i));
so... where's the problem, you've passed i to callback,
 this.calculateTravelTime(google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, 1);
'1' needs to land at the callback somehow
so instead of 1, you're passing i, right?
you don't need to pass something to the callback to be able to use it in the callback.
If it is defined in a parent scope, you can use it directly assuming it doesn't change by the time the callback is called
I can't
It's going async
that doesn't matter
So the index will always be '2' if I do that
I chcked
show me your for loop
 mounted() {
        // Get the advertisement data using the advertisement id
        this.$bind('advertisement', db.collection('advertisements')
                  .doc(this.advertisementId)).then(advertisement => {
            // Immediatly bind the location of the adv for use getRouteTime()
            this.advLocation = advertisement.location;
            let ref = db.collection('users').doc(firebase.auth().currentUser.uid);
            ref.get().then((snap) => {
                // Retrieve user, in order to get location for use getRouteTime()
For loop below
  <div v-for="(route, index) in routeTimes" :key="route+{index}" class="travel-times">
                <img src="../../assets/images/clock.png"/>
                <img :src="require('../../assets/images/' + iconSrc[index])"/>
                <p>{{ route }}</p>
I hope that clarifies my situation
not really
i still don't know where 1 comes from
or how it becomes 2
 this.calculateTravelTime(google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, 1);
it's just hardcoded to be 1?
Yes, index 1 correspondents to imgArray [1]
i don't understand the logic
how does it become 2?
are you doing foo(1); foo(2);?
or is it in some kind of loop, and instead of 1 you have an index.
I am passing the index as parameter, yes
that's what i want to see
and where the index comes from
what is incrementing it
if it's hardcoded it can't become 2
you keep calling it an index, but the way you describe it, it's not an index
if it were an index, it would be getting generated by some looping mechanism that is incrementing it, which would allow you to simply access it from a closure
Ok so it's a number
But that number is used as the index of an array so I kept naming it index
Besides that, I still have to pass it through callback
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 1000*i);
if i is defined outside
you don't need to pass it
you just use it
In your case it's hardcoded, so just use 1 instead of i.
it can't change
if it can, you haven't shown how
I'm sorry but I can't use that
before this.calculateTravelTime(google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, 1);, add let i = 1, and use i instead. Now you don't need i in any of your params.
it will always be 1, and you don't have to pass it around
If it's always 1 I will get the wrong icons belonging to it
how can it not be 1?
you're passing 1 directly
iconArray[1] is a car
iconArray[2] is a bicycle
how does it change
If I call a for-loop in that async situtation it does not go 1 2 3
It goes 2 1 3 or sometimes 2 3 1
show me an example of that
I am sorry I don't know how to fabricate an example that quickly
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  this.calculateTravelTime(google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, i);
like that?
That one, in the mounted() part of Vue
Causes a non-cumulative filling of the array
Plus, if I do pass 'i ' to calculateTravelTime() then I still fail to see how it gets to callback()
Haha you must kinda hate me now, sorry if so
instead of using this.callback, just put a function there.
function () { /* i can access i here*/ }
17 mins ago, by rlemon
}, (...args) => this.callback(...args, i));
@rlemon I tried it, but the args passed into callBack are not being able to be called on
Very strange
Ill give an example
this.callback(response, status, i));   <-- ERROR
callback(response, status, i)
thats... not what he posted lol
you can literally copy paste it in place of }, this.callback);
when you posted that a while back, i thought it was his and skipped past it
  }, (i) => this.callback(response, status, i));
again, not what I posted
I tried that directly when I saw it
the ...args isn't a placeholder
(i) should be (response, status)
it's literal code
will for await (let resolve of promiseArray){ get called in order? }
It's literal code?
...args is code
not placeholder
You will not believe it, there is a Tinder date here watching football cause I had this delay
And a bunch of stack chatters angry cause I misunderstood
Great day
you coulda been gone 17 min ago!
no one is angry, except maybe your date.
you mean for (...) { await something() }? @Rick
i've never heard of for await
async iterators
dunno if it landed yet
but it's a thing
Well it works
no, the way I have it, I have the await outside of the parentheses,
I am very thankfull for all of your patience
Well it works in chrome if the function is async
yea, because it only works on async functions and async generators
Sounds like it's identical to for (...) { await something() }
what am i missing
but yes, based on https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iteration, i'd say it's safe to assume that it will run in order
it does one, then the next, then the next
That's because of the iterators it will run in order, what if you don't care for it to run in order
don't await it
collect the promises in an array and use .all
(lul, .when)
await Promise.all(array)
But then you have to wait for all of them to resolve?
Yes, if you care to
if you don't care to wait, dont
then don't use await, like Kevin said
you said you don't care about order. not overall completion
I care about completion how best to handle that?
await :P
Promise.all doesn't guarentee order, but it does execute them all. awaiting that call will let them all finish to collect the results.
that sounds about right
thanks @rlemon :)
mostly Kevin
and @KevinB :)
don't forget about Kevin
not to mention Kevin
The first 6 minutes are so cringe worthy
1 hour later…
@Rick be an attentive lover
1 hour later…
@Shmiddty what are you talking about?

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