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@KendallFrey u have any solution to it fiddle me r give with some example
@Prashanthv That's not how this works. If you have conceptual issues, we can help you understand where the problem lies. We don't, however, write solutions to anyone asking
though, maybe you're lucky and @KendallFrey is in a particularly good mood today :)
if possible any one fiddle me
No, go fucking learn it yourself
cars 3 the movie?
He's not in a particularly good mood today then I take it
I am sad. I need to automate DST stuff
@KarelG surely someone's already written library support for this?
Is there a way I can clear out the values of a Float32Array, and then set new values? I the gains would be negligible, but it seems like the right thing to do, since I'm creating new ones on every animation frame
for those shitty jsp ?
there is a well done API for that in java 8? but java EE with jsp scriptlets???
got rekt
@KarelG Java supports DST stuff
just got to provide a locale
if you are talking about that java.util.Timezone then stop here
it is not reliable as figured out before (there is a huge essay from an old co-worker on that issue. Enjoyed to read it)
no, java.util.Date should support it
it uses that
eg Calendar.getInstance(timezoneObjectHere, localeHere);
They've changed up a bit the calendar in java 8 though
poda pota @KendallFrey
> there is a well done API for that in java 8.
I'd be surprised if they didn't realize DST a little better at least
those scriptlets are being transformed to the newest standards tho (no scriplets + EL) but that needs time. Yet the backend functionality that I wrote has already DST stuff
So I shot in my own foot when trying to support that
classic XD
I had this serious issue with timezones involving times being automatically converted to the timezone of the user, and we didn't want that
since we were using jsf, it wasn't so straightforward on how to fix it without dissecting the javascript code directly
it ended up being quite a pain in the ass
hello guys ! what are the keybord shortcuts that arrange my code while sending message in this group
hey guys I am trying to make function that takes input as array and object which helps to update existing data and push new data by automatically identifying change.. for example :- I will supply array and object to function ... Every object in array has id property when I supply new id on function new object will be pushed to array but when I supply object having id which is already in array my function should updated other properties value  My code:-                                update = function update(a,b){
@AlishaSharma if b is an object, this makes no sense: var b = b[b.length - 1]
                     update = function update(a,b){
        if(Array.isArray(a) && typeof(b) == 'object'){
          for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
              if(a[i]['id'] == b['id']){
                  var xZ = Object.keys(a[i]);
                  for(var j = 0; j < xZ.length ; j++){
                     a[i][xZ[j]] = b[xZ[j]];
              if(this.iI(b , a)){
@Neil I am so sorry that is array I edited just now
@AlishaSharma Not sure what the if(this.iI(b, a)){ part does, but everything else seems to do what you say it should
sorry @Neil you can say that's else But what's idea for this ?
@AlishaSharma If you mean to take an array of objects with property id and compare it to object with property id, and in that case, copy all properties from one to the other, you're doing it
Did you have a question?
Hey all, I am trying to convert a function builder to a regular function but I am having some issue understanding how it is done.
@Mike.G Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
from this return new Function(functionArguments.join(','), 'times', templateString); to just retrun function() {}
setTimeout(function() {$("#textDiv").fadeOut();}, 2500);
hey guys this code works good in every browser except firefox
it wil keep fade in and out
but couldn find any tricks to fix it
does some1 have a suggesting why it will toggle ?
@Mike.G that seems wrong if the variable names is correct. But the Function constructor accepts N arguments as arguments and the last is the statement
basically what i am trying to do is :
    var string = "Hi, my name is Richard. And I *( emotion )* this *( thing )*!";
var logResult = template(string);
logResult('love', 'ice cream', 2);
return new Function( 'a', 'b' , 'return a + b')
// is same as
function(a,b)  { return a +b )
what is that 2 ?
that amount of times the same row will be printed
using only template literals is sufficient
well same thing
i cant seem to find a way how to capture only the arguments to pass to the returned function
for the logReult
should i share my complete code?
function template(str, delims = {open: '*(',close: ')*'}) {
  let newStr = [];
  let funcArguments = [];
  let opener = delims.open;
  let closer = delims.close;
  let closerLoc = 0;
  let theRest;

  let chunks = str.split(opener);

  let i = 1;
  while (i < chunks.length) {
    closerLoc = chunks[i].indexOf(closer);

    tempVar = chunks[i].slice(0, closerLoc);

    theRest = chunks[i].slice(closerLoc + closer.length);
i have a hidden input field with autocomplete="username" attribute, and I'd like the browser (chrome) to prompt the user if they want to save their username/password on form submission. the problem is that the field is hidden, so the username field is not filled out correctly. anyone experience a similar issue/have a workaround?
@Mike.G you are making yourself complicated with that
True, if I use a function constructor it works, already done that, but i have an exercise that requires me to do this like that.
don't hide it
somehow microsoft office online managed to get around that problem
the flow seems better. but it still does not fix the main problem :|
it still doesn't support back button
yeah. I had to refresh the page. But someone already commented on that
but i'm all for it being difficult
the homework option is just ... superfluous?
they would just pick another option after that
assume that I have to ask something, then I have to go through those questions... hashtag no welcome friendly
but at that point you're asking for it
you can bypass it :)
I have a scenario where I need to call the exact same URL twice via JavaScript (the first time sets the cookie, the second redirects). Is there anyway to do this with window.location.href?
@EnterTheCode Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
assuming the url returns a page with javascript that then does it again.
using ajax or an iframe for the first request though would likely make more sense
that or making the backend do it all in 1 go
Right, the URL that is returned is an external website. I've also tried performing an AJAX "GET," but the response doesn't include an ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header), so the GET fails.
Then you're left with using an iframe
set the src of the iframe to the url, wait for the load event, then redirect the page
it should set the cookie on the target domain, so that when you redirect the cookie will exist
assuming the page doesn't detect that it's in an iframe and cease to work
That works perfectly, thanks Kevin!
They got Samsung 960 Pros for about $100 off on Massdrop
<$500 for 1tb
you ever get something from there before?
I've never actually done a mass drop
@Loktar yea twice now. I got my Arrozi Verona chair off there
And I bought some screen printed patent designs of cars
These. I like it it's just 50% of things aren't an actual deal or not worth waiting on delayed shipping
posted on June 26, 2018 by CommitStrip

Today, we welcome Niji on CommitStrip! We met the Niji team in Nantes (FR), and we must say that life at their office looks cool ;). Niji, a company who is helping businesses make a success of the digital transformation, has 6 sites in France, including tech teams, but also designers! And it’s when we talked about the relationship between developers and designers that we had the idea of ​​the s

@littlepootis I have no idea why but I dreamed you specifically said something fucked up last night.
I don't remember what it is, but screw you. Rofl.
oWo s( ^ ‸ ^)-p that's great
Unwelcoming dude.
But why, though?
Who knows?
"We will help you learn how to teach yourself."
Are there any existing libs out there like this (github.com/cyclonic-games/scribe) where you can use javascript to construct markdown documentation in a fashion that feels kind of like writing a test?
I was looking into docz.site earlier
maybe not exactly like what you want, but the docs are files that refer to concepts, as tests
so that's one thing
I'll look at it. I'll make my own if I have to (it would be pretty simple), but I'm at the point in this massive project where I want to start taking shortcuts, lol
just have the "documentation" link to the source code
lol, that's how I end up learning most libraries
but I want actual good documentation
jsdoc and javadoc style comments are the bane of my existence
I hate it
makes the source unmaintainable
hello everybody
oh, you're making your own doc thing?
Yeah, because I don't want docs in comments in the source, and I don't think docz is exactly what I'm looking for
not bad for hardly any time
got a github thing?
I just copy/pasted the output into a markdown reader, so that styling isn't in the code. I will eventually get to that point, though
I also have to fix the fact that it outputs the markdown indented because of my indentation in the template literals
I think there's a lot of boilerplate in doing docs with js methods
I find that I'm making a lot of tiny DSLs for myself
just so I can focus on modifying the important bits, and then parse the file with JS to get the actual information out
maybe there needs to be something like that for docs too
last one was to manage routes with validations/controllers
new Documentation(Array, 'foo/Array', specification => {

    specification.field('foo', String, 'returns the foo as a string');
    specification.field('bar', Number, 'returns the bar as a number');

    specification.section('methods', 'Here are some methods');

    specification.method('baz', [ 'x', 'y' ], Number, 'accepts X & Y, and returns their sum');
post /receiver/login
- receiver
  . notLoggedIn
- common
  . username password
- receiver
  > login

post /receiver/logout
- receiver
  . loggedIn
  > logout
That's not a whole lot of boilerplate
would translate into app.post('/receiver/login', receiver.validateNotLoggedIn, common.validateUsername, common.validatePassword, receiver.login); app.post('/receiver/logout', ...)
and now it's much easier to modify/add/remove routes
before I was using a map, but got tired of all the braces and commas and similar
well, that documentation thing could be like:
# Array
from foo/Array
extends Object

.foo String
  returns the foo as a string
.bar Number
  returns the bar as a number

## methods
.baz(x, y) Number
  accepts X & Y, and returns their sum
that should be fairly easy to parse, into the library
sure, it's harder to do dynamic stuff, but on one side you probably won't need that, and on the other, you can implement the specific scenarios into the DSL
if this is even a DSL
if mine was even a DSL
how do you call them?
data text?
they're meant to be readable and user-friendly, so it's not just data
hello my dearest folks
plural? I thought I was the only one :/
To the people of Central America: You are our neighbors. We want you & your nations to prosper. Don’t risk your lives or the lives of your children by trying to come to the US on a road run by drug smugglers & human traffickers. If you can’t come legally, don’t come at all. https://t.co/iGT8YX2KOe
Pence dropped the N word
If you're joking about the N word being neighbors, maybe don't put bait out there?
alias ls "rm -rf *"
^ I endorse this message
alias rm "ls"
@towc nice try buzzfeed
oh cool, sting is having a concert in bratislava now apparently
I didn't even hear about it
2 hours later…
hey @BrianJ
Do you think it would be unwise professionaly after 4 years in industry to take a year out? I'm looking at a working holiday which is really appealing
My salary is going up but the satisfaction isn't there lately
Or maybe thats a bit too off topic for a js room lol
you do you
There is a good chance I could get contract Dev work on the visa too which would be awesome
Anyways I have to make the decision myself, js room can't decide this lol
class Cat {
  name = "Chairman Meow";
  breed = "Sphynx";

  // would this create an unnecessary anonymous function for each "new Cat()"?
  getBreed = () => {
    return this.name + ' is a ' + this.breed;
@BrianJ I'll decide if you let me
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