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I know generally what a limit, derivative and integral are.
But just really roughly.
If you dont know I'm sure I can just Google around. Thought you might though. Thanks!
if everyone agrees that something is true, does that make it true?
@Shmiddty No...
I don't know, if we decided that blue is now green, the sky could actually turn green.
@Allenph Are you sure? ;)
@Shmiddty Yes. The universe doesnt give a fuck about what we think.
@Allenph Are you sure? ;)
And the example of color is a purely syntactical one. We could change the name of a color. But we could not change what wavelength of light we currently define as blue.
sure we could
also I could argue that blue isn't a wavelength, it's a sensory response
or perhaps a spectrum
in both the literal and figurative sense
I identify as non-binary blue
you're a spectrum
@Shmiddty You can apply css blur effects to the canvas, why can't it interact with html elements?
@KendallFrey Ok, so how do I use globalCompositeOperation on a P5JS canvas over top a text div
You use it within the canvas
The text isn't canvas
Maybe you can put it in the canvas
Good point. I'll try that
Can you use imported fonts?
I can't remember
P5JS has a text function, I'll try that.
It would be much nicer if it could interact with simple HTML text elements
Thanks, got it to work.
@KendallFrey Theres not really a way I could build that sentence to convey that the current wavelength or sensory response we currently perceive as blue would still maintain its fundamental characteristics even if we changed the name.
If that makes sense. Rofl.
Stack-overflow just lost its charm with the sidebar addition :C
can someone help me with some react stuff?
can anyone?
help me
with react?
yeah sire
is there a way to passing data from child component to parent without an event like onClick for example
two ways, one is using callback functions and one is using libraries like redux
what should i google?
is redux recommended ?
way of doing this. im 1 month into reactjs
redux is highly recommended. But i would recommend you get a solid understanding of react.
you should learn how to use callbacks to pass data back to parents and all without redux.
@illiteratewriter exactly what i want to do before exploring libraries
thanks for sharing that post, looks solid
I kind of hated redux, and found it harder to use redux, and used react's callback and all to pass data around
and then when the app became bigger, you actually will get to know why redux is needed and it would be better to do something, if you know why exactly it is there and what it is doing for you
having troubles implementing
what if my component is stateless
the child
Speaking of Redux, does anyone have a link to a good justification for it? I find the idea of a single mega-object global variable to be a bit sketch, and everything I've read tells me to just get over it - one tutorial even told me "the uneasiness will subside in time".
@shiftweave Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
so, the thing is when you have like one or two components, you can pass data around. In react you can pass data only one way(one way data binding), from top to bottom so you basically can't pass data from child to parent, unless you use call backs and stuff.
do you want to see my code? @illiteratewriter
So let us say you have like five components, and one is parent let us call it A and two are immediate children(B,C) of the parents, and the rest are children(D child of B,E child of C) of the children, to pass data from the lowest child(D) to (E), you have to pass it all the way through D,B,A and finally to E, that gets hard when you have like a lot of children, so it would be easier if you have redux (a central store) and just take it whenever you need
@helloworld yeah i can look into it..
@helloworld sorry, i didn't see your message. one sec
if the component is stateless also you can pass it around.
@helloworld i would recomend you take a nice tutorial or even the react docs is a really nice place to start, do the to-do app, and you will be sorted with all the basics of react
Thanks @illiteratewriter. I've seen that justification around before but it hasn't done it for me. I haven't had the chance to use React yet (I work in ng1.6) so maybe I just haven't felt the pain point.
:D Yeah, that,s why I said you can do things, and when you feel the pain, you'll be like 'WOW, redux is awesome'; till then it will be like I can do it easier, why use redux. Redux was kind of like a pain in the beginning for me. Hard to get your head around it.
class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.signout = this.signout.bind(this);

    this.state = {
      user: null,
      key: null

  // set user state whenever sign is is succesful from firebase
  componentDidMount = () => {
    firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
      if (user) {
        return this.setState({ user })
      this.setState({ user: null })

  // set user state to null whenever user succesfully signsout
My team feels similar pain points in Angular, but we've always found those to be a failure on our part, and restructure/refactor to have better data flow.
React is really big on stateless components though
so if you check my route for Register view im trying to set the user key with the setuserkey method
Sorry, dumb meta-question - if the answer to someone's question is "this is a known chrome bug", should I post that as a full answer or just a comment on their question
It feels low effort to reap all the answer karma for something like that
ill post my RegisterView Component when youre ready @illiteratewriter
@helloworld yup
const onSubmit = values => {
  var user = {
    firstName: values.fname,
    lastName: values.lname,
    email: values.email,
    password: values.password

  firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(values.email, values.password)
    .then(function () {
    .catch(function (error) {
      // Handle Errors here.
      var errorCode = error.code;
      var errorMessage = error.message;
      if (errorCode === 'auth/email-already-in-use') {
so if you check my  const pushToFirebase = status => {
    if (status) {
      const ref = firebase.database().ref('users/').push(user);
      console.log('im inside pushToFirebase');

in pushToFirebase thats where i would like to set the parent state for the key
@shiftweave I think that's mostly personal choice
ive tried this.props.setUserKey
but didnt work
@helloworld one sec.
that is because props is not there.
right its stateless
Thanks again @illiteratewriter. Have a good night
no no no
you can access props there
one sec
and it's good morning here
teach me sensi
const Registerview =(props) =>(
if you do this, you will have access to props inside Registerview
now you can access props anywere inside Registerview and the thing is inside functional components there is no this.
my onsubmit function is out of scope?
You just have props.setUserKey
your pushToFirebase cannot access props
yeah im folloowing u there, not sure how to refactor @illiteratewriter
It is not generally recommended, and i have no solid understanding as to why it is not recommended, you can write a function inside your functional component. Like this
Q: How do I define methods in stateless components?

YeatsIf I simply have: const App = function() { return ( <div>{this.renderList()}</div> ) } How do I define the renderList method? I can't do const renderList = function() {} (nor with var or let). I can't do renderList() {}. What's the right syntax?

ok 1 sec
give me like 5 minutes :P
im just going to convert the whole thing into a class
but not sure how
converting to class is pretty easy
export default class RegisterView extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  onSubmit = values => {
    var user = {
      firstName: values.fname,
      lastName: values.lname,
      email: values.email,
      password: values.password

    firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(values.email, values.password)
      .then(function () {
      .catch(function (error) {
        // Handle Errors here.
        var errorCode = error.code;
does this look right?
  Line 21:  'pushToFirebase' is not defined  no-undef
  Line 30:  'pushToFirebase' is not defined  no-undef
  Line 33:  'pushToFirebase' is not defined  no-undef
  Line 47:  'onSubmit' is not defined        no-undef

Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.
getting those error messages
  [worker] waitFor, exit 0
    does this even print?
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
i get this
the pushToFirebase function definition should be outside firebase.auth thing
and you have to access it inside the firebase.auth as this.pushToFirebase
it is
still getting 2 errors
  Line 34:  'pushToFirebase' is not defined  no-undef
  Line 48:  'onSubmit' is not defined        no-undef
the code looks similar to my App.js file as far as functions goes
im not sure why its giving me an error for both of those
what is the package you're using react-bootstrap? reactstrap?
react bootstrap?
okay :)
not onSubmit
can you send me your current code again
updated code here it comes
export default class RegisterView extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.pushToFirebase = this.pushToFirebase.bind(this);


  onSubmit = values => {
    var user = {
      firstName: values.fname,
      lastName: values.lname,
      email: values.email,
      password: values.password

    firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(values.email, values.password)
      .then(function () {
      .catch(function (error) {
still getting an error message for onsubmit
Failed to compile.

  Line 49:  'onSubmit' is not defined  no-undef
just make it this.onSubmit
now its yelling at my bindings for this
in the constructor
can you send me the file with the imports.. i will look into this.
import React from 'react';
import { Button, FormGroup, Label, Input } from 'reactstrap';
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form'
import firebase from '../firebase';

export default class RegisterView extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.pushToFirebase = this.pushToFirebase.bind(this);
    this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this);

  onSubmit = values => {
    var user = {
      firstName: values.fname,
      lastName: values.lname,
      email: values.email,
@illiteratewriter thank u so much
It's office time, can you put it up on github or something?
I can walk you through it if you want
@illiteratewriter thank you for everything, ill troubleshoot the rest
it's fine?
i am sorry I couldn't help you entirely
@illiteratewriter u helped me enough :)
How many of all liking SO new left panel with HOME, Public and Create Team Tabs.
honestly I neither particularly like it nor hate it.
The left panel isn't the worse. I had to activate ublock to clean out some things
It lost its charming look
Q: Gigantic headline in new interface

falseI am using a complex query to see what I am interested in. The new interface displays this using a very large font. Is it possible to reduce this somehow? I am using FF Quantum 60.0.1.

I hope SE implements global settings, but, based on past refusals to do so, doubt they will. As for the "Hide Left Navigation bar setting": Because I don't want the left-sidebar appearing on any site, I created Left-sidebar in the Topbar, which moves the left-sidebar into the topbar on all SE sites which have the left-sidebar, regardless of the preference set on each individual site. Installing this userscript is functionally equivalent to having selected an SE network-wide preference to "Hide left navigation". You don't need to set the preference on each site. — Makyen 12 hours ago
@DenysSéguret discovered that yesterday. I was staring at that for a moment. Then I shook my head before checking the results.
It's OK with uBlock. There's still all those misaligned things but it's bearable even if it looks amateurish
@DenysSéguret just discovered a weird design choice
A: Is there way to switch to the old UI of Stack Overflow?

CatijaFor right now, you sort of can. But it's temporary. My understanding is that once the update is actually complete (it's still in testing/development right now), you won't have the option any longer. Check the footer of any page that has the new site layout, it's the last link under the site name...

tbh the first time I encounter someone coming up with a link in footer to "disable responsiveness" ...
But it's temporary
What is the significance of this new UI changes? Its not helping anyway.
responsive design + integration of team overflow
I do not mind UI changes unless it is awful. The new one is ... "so so"
.left-sidebar { width: 150px; }
this should be enough
everyone has their own taste. It may not for some others. using user styles is a solution
@KendallFrey you forgot to @ikari on that
@Neoares baby metal isn't weeb
what then
metal, you uncultured swine
it's weeb metal
btw, someone is starring all the messages containing the word "jesus"
@SterlingArcher you're the first suspicious
it is the lord
announcing his arrival with STEAM SUMMER SALES
*sells my soul to Lucifer*
sells my soul to... wait... @towc
can I?
was my weebness summoned?
also, o/
Ben said that Babymetal is not weeb metal
2 hours later…
any node.js programmer here?
@J.Whit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
how can i maintain the connection with passport authentication when i change from one model to another?
When i login into my application using passport serialize and deserialize and using the User schema ONLY. the connection work very fine. But when I transfer to another schema e.g. food_types schema, the operation would be executed e.g. Insertion or updating. but it would log the user out the req.isAuthenticated() which was set to true when I logged in would become false when I change to another schema. Any help would be appreciated.
ho guys when i press my button i want to execute: document.querySelector('#toggler').emit('fade_1');
and when i press again it should execute document.querySelector('#toggler').emit('fade_2');
@Michael Hope you were trolling with that question
why are you replying on it?
couldnt resist
I have a bootstrap code which is like <div class="col-3"> </div><div class="col-9"> </div> . The col-3 div is a sidebar. When the screen is smaller I am hiding the sidebar but I want to use menu button which would open the sidebar as a overlay. Is that possible in bootstrap ? If yes , could someone point me to the right docs ?
1 hour later…
I wanna use arguments.callee in a library I am making; will it be a problem?
Do ppl use strict mode globally?
Is that even a thing to declare "use strict" for all exported modules?
@Knu yes. It is from ancient times to bypass the problem where the engine did not allow named function expressions. But that has been solved for all browsers so there is absolutely no reason to use it.
@KarelG my library is specially geared towards all browsers. It's cross browser: it matters to me.
@Knu some developers does that. There are others that do that inside a function body too (function level strict mode)
> But that has been solved for all browsers
all browsers
yes all, it's not multi browser it's cross browser
what do you understand under "cross browser"?
you have probably a wrong description of that
Ill answer it another way, jquery is multi browser it declares a list of browsers that it supports
is that clearer?
clearly I know what's cross browser :)
you do not because cross browser is exactly that
@Knu not really. As opposed to cross browser defined as?
karelG: you have no idea what's cross browser if you think that it is supporting a limited and ever changing list of browsers
I didn't come to argument
well, about those argument methods, they are deprecated
ES5 even forbids the use of it
so no reason to use it
I know that, I am trying to check if using strict mode globally is something that ppl do
Iv found this:
you need to lookup what "deprecated" means
it seems that would support the fact that ppl want to declare everything as strict
just saying that deprecation is not always a good thing
I cannot break free from use strict from within strict mode
and detecting strict mode wouldn't help much because it would require two declarations and eval
you just want to use those functions
well go ahead. nobody stops you
you are already in a tunnel vision
it needs to be future proof it shouldn't break if someone wanna stamp use strict globally :(
is he declaring his eval intentions?
@towc he wants to use the arguments object (more specific, the arguments.callee thing )
or you can scroll up :P
I'm with you @KarelG, I was just making a joke
did not caught it :|
> it would require two declarations and eval
I did :)
damnit interface is a reserved word, everything I wanna use is not allowed
use better words
... use emojis
you can't harness the power of emoji, you're not strong enough
@FlyingGambit Me? Trolling? I would never!
Not sure jscript supported unicode variable names.
@Knu use interface1 :D
@Knu I recommend you do some research. Don't make this chatroom your research
we're but starting points when you have no clue what to google. If we feel you're abusing that, you'll get ignored
Iv seen way worse off topic discussions here :)
we're regulars and we know each other
if one of us asks the others to stop, they will listen
hi, I'm regular and I know @towc
you still get the occasional regular trolls like Neoares
what's the best regex javascript library?
@towc I'd be an awesome troll if I were able to master english
I have a website on /MyWebsite/Index.html
And a log file somewhere in the file system.
Is there a simple way to just make the index.html redirect to the .txt file, or show its contents?
I just found a badly worded answer about how to read the whole thing and put the text into a <p>.
@Michael sorry what
I was going to star the message but then I noticed your 25k rep, so you're an obvious troll
anyway, xregexp.com
I just googled it
@Squirrelkiller you can get the contents with xhr or fetch, if you want that kind of control. Alternatively, you can do window.location.href = '/MyWebsite/file.txt'
if the txt file is publicly available
you just pinged me
Anyone got a recommendation for a generic name for the function exported by a factory? (shouldn't be module nor interface)
@Knu how about factory?
your use of exported here is very ambiguous
the factory would export factory ? nah
@towc I might try that, seems like a nice crude solution, just what I was looking for. Thanks.
exportedFactoryFunction ?
there's probably a technical term for what's exported by a factory but I didn't find it
maybe my old Java naming habits are creeping back
adding "function" to function names makes me wanna cry
const functionFunction = function functionFunction() { ... }
@Neoares wanted generic right :p
marvelous :)
@towc you must love the hungarian notation
@SurajRao I had a real hard problem to solve once, so someone suggested that I try using Java. Now, I have a ProblemFactory.
thats older than Java 6
default is a reserved word for IE
I don't have any more ideas :(
default is reserved in all browsers ...
just append it with some relevant name
ah you edited your message
i edited it because you like to misread something
it's a keyword not a reserved word, but IE used to be buggy
anyway all the generic names are reserved this is saddening
window = 'asdf'
generic is not reserved
@SurajRao would this question be on topic on programmers?
they should rename "window" to "tab"
@Neoares what about iframes?
@Knu you mean in SO? not according to current rules.. This is an old post
and closed
no I mean on programmers but I think the site has been renamed
not sure.. i havent frequented there
Ill just shadow the module global variable on node
StackOverflow is BestOverflow.
henlo frens
Q: Responding to people questioning my single status?

DavidBackground I am a computer programmer working as a graduate student under a biochemistry department in a university affiliated hospital. So far I have had a very successful career, writing novel and published data mining algorithms on top of programming hardware for spectrometers. I am also tall...

Interpersonal is always crazy lol
i think that it happens often
currently I am single for 2~3 years and I occasionally get questions from friends if I "still have a girlfriend".
so I got promoted yesterday
not sure if that's star-worthy
I still think that haskell is the bestest language
fite me
promoted to what btw?
just some senior position or management?
I am not sure if I would go on management level later.
@KarelG senior

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