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@AsafFisher that's like comparing whales and octopi
oh wait
You know whales and octopi are pretty similar animals ok.
Now stop saying, comparing a and b is like comparing x and y, I did SAT once I got a good score, I don't need this type of analogies.
@towc Your answer compared to a real answer is like comparing HTML to C, go figure
I intended it as a joke
but if you think getting a decent score on the SATs makes you good at this sort of thing, well sir, you're very wrong and I'll need you to rethink your position before you ask for more help
@towc I know, its all over the internet
you've lost me. People who score high on SATs don't lose points just like that
you don't seem to be getting it
nah I get it, I just don't want to fight so whatever
you know what yah this whole conv is irrelevant have a good eve.
@towc Lighten up.
1 hour later…
Wow I wonder why hasn't anyone (and google themselves) have not embedded this as a chrome app vOv github.com/googlesamples/assistant-sdk-nodejs
@Allenph LMAO, thank you
@JacobSchneider India. 1Mpbs is too slow, wtf
@littlepootis it is hideously slow, but that's normal for where I am
Anyone know how to use Exress?
Q: react component not re-rendering on state change from parent component firebase

hello worldim trying to re-render my header component based off state from my app parent component (didnt include import statements) header.js export default class Header extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); console.log('im inside header component'); console.log(props...

plz help
Trying to figure out what backend I want to use for my next project is terrible. Gahhh
oh I just stick with express...
but it's giving me the shits
@TristanWiley Why not ruby on rails? I've never used it, it must be good!
I haven't used as much Python as I wanted. So I'm planning on either Django, or Flask (since those are the only two options really with Python it seems). But I can't decide
never used either, but I heard that django's losing popularity and people are now moving away from python (except for google) for other frameworks.
Please host your code somewhere (ex: react sandbox) as that way it would be easier to debug it — Anshul Sahni 4 mins ago
@helloworld sorry mate, I can't help you, would love to, but can't
im in need
plz @JacobSchneider just peep it
@JacobSchneider ty so much
@helloworld I'll do my best
i was curious
would do the same thing as
@JacobSchneider any help is better than no help
@helloworld true
@helloworld I'm really sorry, I've had a look at your code, and I'm kinda unsure about what the problem is
@JacobSchneider my navbar is not re-rendering when theres a user state
ok, so you have a nav bar?
and the bar I'm guessing, dissapears?
no it always renders the false condition rather than the true
which is a sign up / login in button
export default class Header extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
console.log('im inside header component');
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.state = {
isOpen: false
toggle() {
isOpen: !this.state.isOpen
render() {
if ( this.props.user ) {
return (
<Navbar color="light" light expand="md">
<Link to="/"> raffleraffleraffle </Link>
<NavbarToggler onClick={this.toggle} />
<Collapse isOpen={this.state.isOpen} navbar>
<Nav className="ml-auto" navbar>
above ^
is it always the wrong state?
its always false
I see that yours second return () statement is outside of an if or else block, maybe that's why
I'm guessing you'd want to render the second header if ( !this.props.user ) { in which case, wrap your last return function in an else block
tried that nothing :(
i dont get it
heres a thing i did, help me debug
in my app component ive set this.state.user = dog
Are you always getting the signup / signin navbar? or always the wrong one, if you always get the wrong one then you could invert the this.props.user variable.
and then i did this.props.user === 'dog'
and it render the proper navbar
im always getting signup/ signin navbar
then there's an undefined or null
so my condition is wrong?
export default class Header extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
console.log('im inside header component');
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
this.state = {
isOpen: false
toggle() {
isOpen: !this.state.isOpen
render() {
if ( this.props.user ) {
return (
<Navbar color="light" light expand="md">
<Link to="/"> raffleraffleraffle </Link>
<NavbarToggler onClick={this.toggle} />
<Collapse isOpen={this.state.isOpen} navbar>
<Nav className="ml-auto" navbar>
there's an else block just before your second return statement
put the other navbar in the else ?
not sure
you said it always shows the one outside of the if, so it's running indefinately, which means that if it is not supposed to, wrap it in the else
nothing :(
still false
oh shit wait had commented out code
i think its this method
1 message moved to Trash can
@helloworld Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
  componentDidMount() {
    firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
      if (user) {
        this.setState({ user })
      this.setState({ user: null })
1 message moved to Trash can
@helloworld Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
what's the difference?
WOW @JacobSchneider its my condition on comp
  componentDidMount() {
    firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
      if (user) {
        this.setState({ user })
      } else {
        this.setState({ user: null })
is it? Excellent!
ty man
you're welcome!
but whats the shorthand rule
for not needing the else conditon?
this.setState({ user : user ? user : null })
ty mate
u the best
Ha thanks
i have something like
const child = async (command, options, logger) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const start = Date.now();

    const child = child_process
      .spawn(command, options)
      .on('error', (err) => reject(err))
      .on('exit', (code, signal) => {
        const duration = Date.now() - start;
        resolve({ code, signal, duration });

i have a test for [worker] waitFor, child_process.spawn failure
assert.ok(logger.workerError.calledWith(err), 'called with error');
this assert fails
i stub like
   sinon.stub(child_process, 'spawn').callsFake(() => {
      const p = new events.EventEmitter();
      p.stdout = new stream.Readable({ read: function() { this.push(null); } });
      p.stderr = new stream.Readable({ read: function() { this.push(null); } });
      setImmediate(() => p.emit('error', err));
      return p;
does someone here know why?
assert.ok(logger.workerError.callCount, 1,  'logged worker error');
this passes so it is being called
i logged the error
using console.log(logger.workerError.args[0][0]);
does someone has any idea about what am i missing here?
I've had a look, but I can't see anything that looks wrong
TypeError: child.stdout.write is not a function
this is in node, right?
tho this is the error that i get when i run npm run test in my local, travis says something else
v. small change
i won't add bias, but an important one
might be i'm not sure why adding github.com/mapbox/ecs-watchbot/pull/205/…
breaks the test
Why do you have to use child.stdout.write, won't console.log be sufficient?
i want to add the string to the specific child which called it
before the logger.stream gets added
look, this all a bit beyond me
I'm sorry.
oh ok, np.
i was thinking someone here could help me
do you know any other chat places where i could ask this?
uh, this is probably your best shot other than asking a question on stackoverflow directly
maybe github issues?
in general are there no stackoverflow js chat like chats?
i did some googling but was not able to find any
other than this, I don't know of any good ones
ok, thanks
is there a chat that one could do on this website?
doesn't look like it
@Tap Try IRC
Can someone review the code for this app? Would like some feedback, JS and overall.
I've posted it here a few times. Basically putting finishing touches on it.
there is usually too many people on IRC and don't usually get help there.
tho i asked the question just now still
@TapasweniPathak are you using regular JS?
it is node8
but yeah this part is regular js i would say @HelloWorldPeace
@TapasweniPathak I'm just getting into Node so won't be much help. As far as add the string, what is the error you get or what is stopping you from doing what you want to do?
can phrase it simply
also does worker represent an attribute? .write('[worker]')
adding this github.com/mapbox/ecs-watchbot/pull/205/… makes the test fail?
worker is just a string
want to add [worker] to the logs when it is child
other than just piping logger.stream
i see
@TapasweniPathak I can't help you much. I'm not familar with the code so would probably be slowing you down.
Good luck.
np, any pointers would help i feel atm.
Hi guys I use promise all with map. It returns the result like this
  [[{"id_event":"event_145150200111151_event_mahasiswa_562018100347","nama_venue":"Aula Gedung A","nama_lengkap_peminjam":"Event HFB","jabatan_nim_peminjam":"Event HFB","jumlah_personel":120,"id_google_calendar":"-","waktu_mulai":"10:00:00","waktu_selesai":"10:30:00","tanggal_mulai":"2018-02-11T17:00:00.000Z","tanggal_selesai":"2018-02-11T17:00:00.000Z","fasilitas_lain":"-"}], [], []]
How to get only id_event?
I have a URL which when I use on my browser, directly downloads the file. The file actually contains JSON text. I am trying to write a Tampermonkey plugin which will use the URL and prettify the JSON. Since I've the URL, should I be sending an AJAX Request?
I tried with $.ajax, but it did not seem to work. (If it matters, it is an S3 signed url link)
@TapasweniPathak You'd have better luck on here at a later time when the room is more active.
i'm hoping that too.
Can someone tell me .. if I make an object say obj, then add new property to Object using Object.prototype, say that property is prop. Now if I do obj.hasOwnProperty, will this return true for all properties of obj except prop ? That means when obj is created, it takes all properties in Object, but if we add more properties to prototype, then it doesnt get 'added' to obj, but obj can access them??
hi, would someone be able to help me in figuring out why adding github.com/mapbox/ecs-watchbot/pull/205/… would make travis error as Error: write EPIPE
@TapasweniPathak i could that, for $, :D
i don't have any, otherwise i could have gone to the websites which explicitly says $. :D
post an question ? : p
jokes apart, i have tried to debug this with different things, i'm not able to figure out what exactly is causing this
there is stdout.write i have added, so not even able to make a good question for this
looks like test is failing because an connection to somewhere couldn't be made, an the error event was emitted but no one listened to it.
I just woke up with a wart in between fingers. I don't know how
I mean, I spent part of yesterday chopping wood, but I don't see how that puts any stress in between my fingers
@towc you should go to doctor immediate, it can be serious
I probably have cancer, you're right
@towc not cancer man .. : d but it could be that you stressed your hands too much
or you f*pped so furiously that you can't remember
@Gntem yeah i can see it in travis, there is some pipe issue for sure, i checked if writing to a closed pipe, i dunno what am i missing
maybe something hasn't been setup properly try running everything locally maybe you can reproduce the error there.
the test fails, try working on it so it can pass never worked too much with travis it might not be able to spawn process or something ..
right, so i did work on it. i printed args[0][0] which gives
TypeError: child.stdout.write is not a function
wierd atm
the callCount is 1
Hey gous. does anyone know how to do a pop-under?
@CaptainHere no captain : (
       function popunder()


I have this piece of code but the new window is displayed for a split second
maybe remove .close() ?
haha. im opening 2 windows. the purpose of the second window.open().close() is to bring focus back to the main window
>.> what kind of UX is that? maybe try calling window.close() on the window that opened
1 hour later…
@towc Yes, you're going to die
You can verify the authenticity of the request by looking at the X-Dropbox-Signature header, which will contain the HMAC-SHA256 signature of the entire request body using your app secret as the key.
Anybody understand that?
are you lying to me sir?
you're not a sir, sir
i identify as a sir
that's racist
thats what she said :D
@Shamaran No, just find the HMAC-SHA256 signature of the request body using a library and verify against the header. It's not complicated.
How would I find the signature of the request body?
It sounds really really complicated.
between the legs of the request body
getUpdates() {
  const headers = new Headers();
  headers.append('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + this.accessToken);
  headers.append('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
  headers.append('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
  return this.http.post('https://url/webhook', null, { headers })
    .pipe(map(res => res.json()));
Am I supose to get it in here?
res.body ? no ? tried?
Been trying loads of things for hours...
i've been trying to setup kibana/elasticsearch for hours : (
Don't bother with that, help me do this thing instead, please :)
why ? who cares : { you can post an question
@KendallFrey In case you're interested, I've just started this course
nice, I'm jelly
4 hours later…
can someone help with the travis error in pr
Error: write EPIPE
on local when run npm run test
i printed args[0][0] which gives
TypeError: child.stdout.write is not a function
i have been looking for someone who knows the parent, child and pipe in node8
and if there is something i'm doing wrong
basically i want to print a string before child.stdout.pipe(logger.stream)
for this i do child.stdout.write('[string]')
is there any other way to do this?
hello any help i can get for this?
can anybody help me with instascan qr reader?
oh my
scanner = new Instascan.Scanner({ video: document.getElementById('preview') }); is not running..
can any body help
2 hours later…
what are messages that have an empty star?
pinned messages
means a room owner pinned them to the star list. they stay on top for a while
you have to say a very smart thing to be there...
Hi ev1
Someone ready to help? :)
With Angular 4
you can't ev1 and then not som1
I'd rather you didn't ev1 anyway, but still
also, read the room rules: don't ask if you can ask
just ask. if someone's around and willing to help, they will
if not, tough luck

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