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> competing standards
and then you get Applescript
Never heard of it
I should probably get back to the website. Fun discussion! Thanks!
@rlemon thank you for html5rocks. It has been very informative.
wasn't me
sorry my bad
Hehe, I didn't know HTML was actually a Type-1 grammar
Or is it Type-0?
1 hour later…
My grandfathers younger brother just died from an aneurysm. :'(
@AMDG aho and ullman text book should answer such questions. Why are u getting into types of grammar?
JS guys, Web assembly? What is it now? Because we are yet to support all JS features using TypeScript.
Something to do with performance optimization? Asm.js
I can't send an image via XHR to Express because it's telling me 413 (payload too large) I tried setting body parser to 50MB but that didn't work.
do you have something in front of node.js that could be throwing that error?
like nginx/apache
only express
should I give some code?
however it appears that the answer has been kept up to date
i get to build a node server from scratch tmorrow
as opposed to being stuck working on coldfusion
firebase doesn't have an admin sdk that can interface with coldfusion TMK, so node.js is my only option
I've read all the answers on the question you provided, but the f***** is still not working
Maybe it is
I wouldn't know
I only work with node and a bit of python
oh... wait... there's a Java sdk now..
why did i look
Now as a responsible developer i will want to do it in coldfusion
is node bad?
or what are you saying?/
but buildign a whole new solution when you can just plug into an existing one is a waste of company time
Well I don't work for a company, i'm by myself, cause I'm not yet old enough to work!!! yay, so I just code as a hobby
@ntulsi Hi
2 hours later…
I think it's important to distinguish working on a project for the sake of learning and doing it for a job
there is a lot of overlap, but it isn't the same thing
learn how to make the right technology decisions by doing things as you would do them at work (or trying to at least). Otherwise if the point is to learn something new, then obviously you use that instead
both are equally decent concepts to learn well
someone please kill me figuratively
the node api was going to be more of a... substitution due to the lack of a coldfusion or compatible java lib, being able to do it with java makes a lot of other things we have planned easier to accomplish
i should learn java one day
Morning all
Morning? It's 5:30pm!
@JacobSchneider 09:05 when you sent that. (My time.) :D
@KamilSolecki I think you actually showed me that!
Q: re render navbar based off state from firebase

hello worldim trying to conditionally re-render my navbar based off state from firebase, here is my code (ive left out all import statements in the examples) header.js export default class Header extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this); ...

help plz
would love the help tty
@BenFortune ^-- move the last one please
ziekuje si
or something
Q: re render navbar based off state from firebase

hello worldim trying to conditionally re-render my navbar based off state from firebase, here is my code (ive left out all import statements in the examples) header.js export default class Header extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this); ...

PLZ my fellow programmers
@KarelG ?
Guys, does anyone know if it's possible to listen for cookie accesses from JS? Should I use something like an ES6 proxy?
@BenFortune kamil came to the rescue. He has posted that SO question twice in a row, which resulted in two one-boxes
@Rishav proxy yes
@JacobSchneider Hi man
somebody here working on angular
I am a newbie, would like ask a doubt
@ntulsi Ask away, if someone knows the answer or is willing to help they will.
@KarelG I'm not RO, pleb
you mean "fellow pleb"?
Whelp. Did not realize it
if you're not a RO you're a pleb
just saying
@ntulsi wassup?
pleb is a belp written backwards
my cat's breath smells like catfood.
Hi there
I'm wondering, when download a file with jsfiddle.net/koldev/cW7W5 why sometimes it asks me to confirm, and sometimes it does not ?
mostly, on Chrome it does not ask, on Mozilla it does
oh, just found, some parameter, in Mozilla we can set ask/download and download in dowloadFolder or ask where^^ :D
@azro Correct. ;D
Q: Make SOAP request using axios

Bobeki would like to make post request to WCF SOAP service. currently in network view getting error "400 bad Request". Request in variable xmls is same as in WVF test client request. let xmls='<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"\ <s:Hea...

@Bobek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Total newbie here re javascript. But if I have a page that loads a script like <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js" async="true"></script>. On the page that loads this script there is a call using jquery.html() which updates a div with some other HTML. Will the script.js still be accessible in HTML in jquery.html()
is jquery.html() inside of script.js? @neildt
or is it an inline script?
also what do you mean "will the script.js still be accessible in HTML"?
Let me get a example
owl carausel showing slides only device width<992px
is there any missing code
space burials are a thing: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_burial
cc @KendallFrey
has anyone worked on node_redis?
@Kunal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@towc so, someone got "kicked" to the moon?
must be interesting to think that the relatives have a portable graveyard
sending the guy to the moon was an investment into not spending money on flowers
was there not a service beforehand?
you're ruining the fun
@user007 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
anyone know how to make soap request?
@Bobek, you should read the documentation for the api you're trying to get information from
@johnmarinelli its my own API
looks like you just set the Content-Type header in the request then
if it's your own API, what error do you get on the backend?
@johnmarinelli 404 Bad Request
@johnmarinelli i have checked and used that code
I am facing connection drop issue on Azure Redis...can anyone help?
Hello community !
How do you import compass-mixin in gulp ?
I've seen https://www.npmjs.com/package/compass-mixins but it has not been update for years.
Is there a better mixin outthere I could use ?
compass itself hasn't been updated in ages
the whole project seems to be abandoned
What kind of mixin is used now ?
hmm, not sure. What kind of functionality would you need?
stumbled over github.com/thoughtbot/bourbon a while ago for example
Well I've got a big project which use (out of memory):
• border-radius
• box-shadow
• sprite (but I could probably remove this one)
Nice one !
there are so many mixin libraries that are abandoned
I could understand why :/
Where is the standar :'(
Finaly the simpliest solution would be to import directly mixin from old version of compass ?
yeah, that would work
'Right I think I'll do that, simpliest and the more sustainable solution
Is this el domo in your back ?
Oh no its Roma right ?
@KarelG I mucked around with it for a while and it seems impossible, because you cannot rewrite the document with your own Proxy object, and it's not possible to proxy on document.cookie instead, because there is no trap for assignment.
how are you proxying it ?
document = new Proxy(document, {})
Proxy {location: Location, jQuery112402961884802563177: 6, implementation: DOMImplementation, URL: "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3349380/jquery-proxy-usage", documentURI: "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3349380/jquery-proxy-usage", â€¦}
it doesn't matter, the change to document doesn't stick around
@Rishav you need to check the MDN docs of how to use proxies :)
Aye I did
Don't think I'm making an error here
ah right; you cannot alter document
I was thinking at that
const p = proxy
document = p
gotcha move to cookie
there is a reason for it though
@Rishav good ol' mr floatyhand
@Baldráni sorry, was afk. Yeah, that's in Rome :)
most beautiful city in the world
@GNi33 Tell that to an Italian
They don't like it?
well there's much to be improved, lets say
oh yeah, of course
it's not a perfect city by any means
I think it's funny that the people who are most interested in the roman ruins aren't the italians which live around them everyday
for them (us) it's scenery
but I've been into ancient Rome since forever
visiting Rome was a mindblowing experience then
hehe, well, if you see the stuff every day, it loses its appeal
I still really need to visit Firenze
and a lot of other italian cities while we're at it. But Firenze is a must
it's quite amazing
@GNi33 nah, keep away
just a bunch of people trying to sell you stuff
@towc people don't share your hatred for Italy usually :P
@GNi33 To see the tourist stuff is fine and good, but I would encourage you to find a spot on the map in central florence away from touristic spots and just wander around
tourist spots try to provide what they think you want to buy
but that's not by any means normal
also, less touristy cities like Turin merit a visit
if you want to visit italy, go to the 5 terre maybe
no people, just great scenary and decent safe hikes
or get lost somewhere on the alps
can't speak for the south of italy, never been there for longer than a few days
@All hi
@towc we share those, you know
@GNi33 well, the ones bordering you are fairly different from the ones bordering france
or switzerland
or go to sardinia
again, depending on how much you dislike people
when the cut event is fired, the clipboardData object dont have the latest text
is there any alternate to get the edited data
@towc yeah I agree to that
my friend at work is vacationing there at the moment for 5 days
He jokingly said one land per day (5 terre = 5 lands)
Hi does anyone know why I am getting error while installing meteor.js
I am getting time execution error.
@stonerock Seems like it's taking to long to execute.
@New_2_Code Check screenshot pink color
Hmm, I never tried to do what your doing. By the looks of it you can specify a longer time out period using a parameter in your command line. Maybe up that? If is still fails. No idea.
Oh ok I will try thanks
Best of luck
@towc yeah, I was in Sardinia. Amazing
but I really like city trips as well
I'm not bothered by tourist traps that much
Something that I found remarkable about Sardinia is that they have these cacti which grow fruit during the right season
and I've been in the Dolomites as well. Although, I should definitely go there again. Tre Cime would be nice
they're literally everywhere growing on the sides of the road and if you were careful and didn't prick yourself, you could eat them, they're deliciouis
Nearly ran over a wild hog on a mountain pass there
I saw a wild pig and her piglets going to one of their beaches
the fact that random fruit on the side of the road are perceived as delicious tells you something about the local cuisine
it's so overhyped
My wife was ecstatic but I was scared
hogs are dangerous
And I didn't see the "male" hog around
In mozilla I cannot validate a string that conatain space only
is there any laternative for this
any help would be appreciable
@towc It tastes like a cross between watermelon and melon
I need not to submit the stirng which contain only space
how could you not like that?
issue found on mOzilla
@Neil I know what you're talking about
is there any ready made code for this?
it's just that it sounds kind of silly when you put it in a certain perspective
as I said, I know what you're talking about
ohh fruit in water lilly
think again
@RAJMOHAN it's a type of cactus
ohh it was cactus
Water lilly is seen on pond
and this is seems in desert
@towc how so?
it might very sweet
you mean sardinian or italian cuisine in general?
like dates
@RAJMOHAN Are you a bot?
Don't take that the wrong way, just curious
It is sweet, but maybe not quite as sweet as dates
I am working around this article:
How can i use: tree.add(...) inside tree.traverseDF(...) ?
The first add is done, but i cannot render the new part of tree.
Can someone help me?
when using setInterval() with no delay parameter, how often will it invoke the callback function? each frame?
it will try to use 0, then run at whatever the browsers minimum interval is
probably try to run it at 1-2ms
ohh, the minimum is way higher. 10ms
@rlemon got it. as well, it will run the callback function immediately right? where if you supply a delay parameter, you have to wait delay ms before the first call
setInterval runs it immediatly iirc
setTimeout delays
I think so.
but I might be mistaken there, I don't use setInterval
@rlemon That doesn't sound right to me
My co-worker just tried to imitate the tone bfore "Your call cannot be connected as dialed" in my planning and it was the best
@KendallFrey yea, I'm probably wrong
I tested, looks like it waits
@New_2_Code sure man.
what is the easiest Rsxjs tutorial you came across
I am trying to implement an app using angular 6 and socket io
good luck my dude

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