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the place I work for has me working on a project with no back end
Save to the disk?
That doesnt even make sense.
no not to the disk
save to the browser's local storage
What situation calls for 10MB of data?
A bad situation that you should fix lol
Announcement is live now
they are large xml files that the user will upload and most are very large
But also dont DP what you're doing.
But also dont do what you're doing.
But they're not uploading them anywhere, what's the point of putting them in local storage
binary encoded json
they're catalogs. So they contain massive amounts of data about tools. Some of these xml files are 250k lines
store them in a public gist, and download it form there :P
the point of not having any back end is for users in the manufacturing business who may use this without an internet connection
and the company I work for doesn't want the user to install any kind of local server at all
Sounds like what you want is a program, not a website
I've been trying to tell them this
You can't do what you want to do so I would propose a solution that you can do
I was interested in electron
If it was a program, you could use an sqlite3 database and just go about your way all local
because it's like a middleground
!!s/DP/double penetrate/
@Shmiddty But also dont double penetrate what you're doing. (source)
This kind of sounds like asking how to hammer a nail with wet spaghetti
yup you got that right
No conventional internet connection required.
I'm just going to hand you the link because I seem to have been ignored twice now
if you must proceed in this, you have to encode the data other ways
I know some things like WP require jquery 1.12?, so people will often then include version 3 on top of that for the additional features. Is there any additional features in jQuery 1.12 vs 1.7? This website includes both and I don't know if removing one would possibly break something
@Allenph yea plus a whole lot of these en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern
@Allenph Thanks :B I'll take a look
I found this as well
but don't think it's the best solution
What does it mean to "sulk together"?
@littlepootis To be like have a bad attitude together.
Have a bad attitude together?
A girl asked if I could sulk with her.
I imagine sulking as closing in on yourself in a fairly annoying way
so I guess sulking together means being closed and annoying together
what does she want to sulk about?
I have no clue, I'm confused
I guess she just wants to talk, as with someone she's close to, about things she doesn't like
Misery demands company
it's meant in a bit of a jokey way, probably
but then again, my experience with females (or most other humans) with quantitatively negative
i would like to remove item in foreach statement:
Then don't use foreach
1 message moved to Trash can
@javadaskari Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Language : Type script (ionic 3)
Foreach is the wrong loop if you want to remove an item
@javadaskari it's heavily discouraged to mutate an array within a forEach or other functional methods
exactly because you end up with things not working, like in your case
I recommend you think around it, with a different algorithm structure
or you can use filter
    var isFind = -1;
                    this.List.forEach((item:any)=> {

                        if(isFind == -1 && item.Id == id) {

                            isFind = 1;
                            item.pop(); //THIS DONT WORK
use .filter my dude
in this case, it looks like you want to find the index of an item, and then splice with that index, and 1
findIndex is a thing
@Loktar HOW?
don't yell at the guy, he's already helping
what is isFind though?
looks static
this.List.splice(this.List.findIndex((item) => item.Id === id), 1)
this is probably what you want
feel free to typescriptify it
that removes his isFind..
@Loktar I think it's just there to check if the item was found already
and it should probably be called wasFound
@towc what is 1 in your code?
@javadaskari read into array.splice
the splice second argument
and then array.findIndex
Copied from console:

(2) [{…}, {…}]
@ChrisP stinks of XY
why do you need to eval this?
:42848183 .toJS or w/e
:42848183 oh, I assumed it was an array. You should give more context
I cant see splice method (my variable is Obsevable)
also the observables should expose the underlying methods
in mobx at least
either way, it seems like observables aren't actually what you want
@rlemon i have make a pacman game, and i am trying to use dijkstra algorithm or A* for find a good path.
it looks like a minor memory leak
which is still bad design
@ChrisP and why do you have to eval things?
unless you close the stream after finding the item
@rlemon i have to make node structure with variable (not const) depth.
on that note, I'm not too familiar with observables, so I'll back off
Anyone here familiar with foreverjs? I have a problem I think is simple, but can't figure it out.
@towc Is there no way?
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@javadaskari yes. There's probably examples on exactly that in the docs
read the docs
@towc could you give me a link?
to the docs?
I should spank you instead. Google it
!!tell javadaskari lmgtfy mobx
I think angular uses rxjs by default doesn't it?
@Jhawins he wanted observables anyway. Probably rxjs
mobx has observables
MobX is all about observables, Idk what he's using tho he should just google it
but he probably wanted rxjs
WHo cares. Let him google it lol
@rlemon yes, against my better judgment
well, your lmgtfy link wasn't helping at all, was my point
lol cool
MobX 5 was released like 4 hours ago I think
oh no what did it break
thanks all
nice, mobx 5 doesn't support es5 anymore what lemon said
maybe babel. Can't bother to check
that's misleading.
it's the minimum support target that changed.
> .$mobx property has been dropped from all observables and replaced by a Symbol. Instead of using x.$mobx.name, use import { $mobx } from "mobx"; x[$mobx].name etc.
not sure if that was a good idea
> MobX >=5 runs on any browser with ES6 proxy support. It will throw an error on startup on older environments such as IE11, Node.js <6 or React Native Android on old JavaScriptCore.
Wait what
So if you support IE11 (which just about everyone does) you can't upgrade?
just serve a different bundle to IE11
IE11 no longer gets feature updates, etc
Fuck no
only bug fixes
We would have to do full QA on both bundles
very infrequently
On every build
the "legacy" bundle wouldn't change often
@Jhawins correct
You can use MobX 4 which still works everywhere and is supported
Welp, long live MobX 4
We've waited 4 years to release a version with proxies
More people use IE than Edge still
Nah, I support them, it's my job
everyone should bow to the one true browser of westeros
what they really want is 3 solid inches of J
@towc netscape navigator?
@Shmiddty Thanks for saying solid
Well, mobile apps (including React Native) really benefit from this. It is unfortunate that older desktop browsers still need to use MobX 4.
sure, why not
I think using proxies is great, what I think is unfortunate is that we have to use 2 separate bundles instead of retaining compatibility
I haven't used a store that wasn't custom or vuex in ages
Either the old codebase was shit and this is SO far diverged it couldn't be compatible (not true because it's mostly the same) or this was just poorly planned for (IMO)
mobx is still relevant, yes?
Tho if I could just not support IE11 that's what I'd do... So whatever, is what it is
wont be using mobx 4 for a while
idk what they could even add that I "need"
@Loktar oh we're still on 3X I forgot!
Yea afaict it's been a pretty complete library for a long time
Very basic functionality and it all works.
Except now there's a version that doesn't
@rlemon I can't find what the announcement was. Just links from before... What was it?
organic molecules
nothing exciting
That's kind of exciting
it's not exactly evidence of life on mars, but it's encouragement for the search
there'll be life there soon enough even if there werent
I mean sure, every discovery on mars is kinda exciting
but it isn't a smoking gun, and doesn't prove life, and doesn't stir up the news
Wait organic in a chemistry sense
finding fossilised bacteria, or more water ice which is easier to access on mars.. that would be exciting
Ahh okay.
@Jhawins yes, like methane
Well we knew about that...
I don't think they've conclusively found organic molecules on mars before now
space whales
well, they've found methane in the past
mmhh well this isn't methane
they found more than methane, yes
but they specifically mentioned 'organic molecules like methane'
then went on to list a few more
methane is the only one I remember now
> The result of this careful analysis is that scientists have conclusively found thiophenic, aromatic, and aliphatic organic compounds on Mars.
@KevinB I am so down for treasure planet style future
I for one am excited about the prospect of mining minerals from satellites
Actual footage from voyager 2
I was actually just barely about to come in here and complain about that.
the left navbar?
NASA got me all hyped yesterday for what I perceive as basically nothing.
what happened yesterday?
methane on mars?
@KevinB the new meta navbar is absolutely disgusting how bad it is for the UI
nasa found stuff
yeah, it's awful.
lets waste 1/8th of the page on 4 links
they kinda have to have it though
where else are they going to put the teams navigation?
it isn't a separate site, it's integrated directly into SO
What they should have done IMO is left the 4 links in the current nav, and then displayed the left menu if you have teams enabled.
but you know they're gonna want "Teams" to be a link in the navbar, so that's not gonna work anyway
is SO going mobile-first?
NASA should just siphon their budget for those rovers into SpaceX. They give me actual results.
clearly not
And getting one dude to Mars would be more valuable than 20 new rovers.
since they designed the desktop version first, and are still optimizing for mobile
@Allenph the cold war is over
how is that related?
I can't think how getting a dude on mars is more valuable than highly performant probes
@Allenph only valuable in figuring out how to get them there. 20 more rovers would tell us a shitload more about what to expect when we arrive
if not for "oh hey look, we're humans and we're exploring"
it is scientifically more valuable
but it won't be profitable and will cost WAY more
it also wouldn't advance Mars discovery any further. just transport technology to get there
@KevinB for future human transportation?
I'm pretty sure every aspect of it can be simulated, and is fairly well known
i mean... human transportation to mars is useless
and what isn't, is easier to find out using rovers
until there's a reason to be there
so tell me again, how is it more valuable?
unless we can get a team of scientists and engineers (and botanists?) to mars all at once, there is no gain. sending one person would be just flexing muscles.
you don't need manned missions to be able to extract materials to bring back to earth
@rlemon and a pretty good burn
No, but I don't understand the ultimate goals of the probes.
@KevinB so you're disagreeing with your earlier statement or am I missing something?
@Allenph For scientific research.
no, you're just trying to make me look stupid
@Jhawins Exactly. I feel like the goal should be different.
you're doing that
@Allenph What is the goal of Chikyu drilling into the Earth's mantel?
I like you as a person
you're using the word "valulable"
which, unless defined, is basically... useless
well, that's the word you used
I've been promised human spaceflight and I want to see some results there.
do you mean profitable?
because that's how i define valuable
@Allenph the direct impact of scientific discovery is often lost. it is very hard to measure the direct benefit from any scientific discovery... until it starts to really become valuable.
by what meaning of valuable is it better? Any meaning other than pride as humans?
@KevinB Now you still have to define profitable
Or do you mean monetarily
@rlemon Yeah, yeah. I understand that.
everything is about $$
But we want to send people eventually right?
that's the idea
even going to the moon was about $$. it wasn't profitable at the time, but the return on investment was huge.
but we're sending a team, with proper materials to build an outpost
otherwise it'd be pointless.
I don't see the same return happening from a mars manned mission
again, there was a cold war
we can't return yet
(we can't get people there yet either, for that matter)
hence my comment about "the cold war is over"
the cold war is irrelevant
@towc You keep mentioning that with no relevance to the convo
At what point does sending probes just become perpetual preparation for something that will never come? @rlemon
It is entirely irrelevant
We've been sending probes to mars for decades.
And delyaing human spaceflight.
I think colonizing another planet is a pipe dream and there will be less than 1 million humans within 500 years
@Allenph idk. not my area to comment on.
The gulf wars are over guys, forget about mars
@Jhawins the US wouldn't have gotten to the moon that fast if it weren't for the cold war
the probes get exponentially more capable tho
I don't think that's deniable
so what?
@rlemon I mean...sure...but again...
there was a clear return on investment for going to the moon.
Not really furthering the ultimate goal much.
we might have not gotten there yet, if it wasn't for that
sure it is
@towc Is that a true statement? That's actually a wild assumption
@KevinB what was that?
the more we know, the higher chance we'll survive once we get there.
They're doing scientific research on the geology and looking for life at this point @rlemon.
@Jhawins what motivated the US to get to the moon?
It's not like they're looking for landing sites or trying to find resources.
also water, also other minerals, also trying to understand mars's history and biology (if any)
If we're assuming history is different... All outcomes are on the table
they are looking for resources.
if there wasn't a cold war, would something else have motivated them enough?
that's part of analysing the soil.
@towc So what?
just because they are also looking for life, doesn't negate that
@towc eventually
@rlemon They've been analyzing the soil in perpetuity.
@towc Good question. It has no answer. THe cold war would have to have been avoided because of other things... What are the implications of those other imaginary things?
@KevinB yes, sure
so the quesiton is moot
Also, sending people basically nullifies the search for life
they have a rover the size of a car, which moves stupid slow, and has a rediculous turn around time for reprogramming
This is a blank page. You can't delete a single piece of history and draw conclusions about what would've happened.
I don't think they're just scratching their asses and driving a rover around.
maybe it would have taking 10 more years. 40 more years. doesn't really matter,
there is still so much more to learn
@KendallFrey Who cares? That sucks, but that's the cost of expanding.
@Jhawins you can make informed guesses
Who cares? astrobiologists, I figure
We kill species here on Earth all the time and it's understood that it is a cost of advanced societies sometimes.
Why expand?
@towc You can't..
I don't think you can really argue that humans went to the moon for scientific reasons first
We never went.
i don't think anyone is.
EVer heard of CGI
it was mostly political
Now we're on equally sensible arguments
Because expansion almost always coincides with the greatest economic and scientific periods in the human story @KendallFrey.
no one denies that. but that makes no difference to the conversation right now @towc
It's like...what we do.
The most amazing thing is that JFK promised and Nixon actually delivered
^ It makes no difference that was my point. SOmehow I got sucked into the straw man..
i mean
nasa delivered
it absolutely does
there's no rush to get to mars
Define rush
@rlemon I don't think so exactly either.
We are spending what, trillions on it?
Maybe it's a rush goal but progress is slow.
But government has a way of ending up in situations like this.
@towc there is, just not between two superpowers.
@Jhawins we should spend that money on more probes, rather than sending a couple astronauts there
And at this point I'm pretty sure that's the case.

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