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github.com/jantimon/html-webpack-plugin/issues/325 This answer doesn't make any sense :(
<%- logoPath %>                  // Returns './img/logo.png'
<%- require('./img/logo.png') %> // Requires the image and returns path to image
<%- require(logoPath) %>         // Throws an error
And for some reason the only solution for that is to pre-require all the images that are set via a variable
@Matarata Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I got a question! I want to use a custom alert inside my javascript file
but how should i import that custom alert into my js file and use it?
I would appreciate if u help me guys
1 hour later…
@KarelG today I said it :)
Anyone know of a good alternative to GitHub?
I'm not trusting anything I write in the hands of Microsoft
Open source or private repos
And I pay for GitHub, so that says something lol. I legitimately hope it fails now and I never feel that way about something. I don't even feel that about Microsoft, but Microsoft+GitHub should fail hard on moral grounds
This isn't 1997
I hope it fails for other reasons, but not MS.
@Loktar ok now I'm curious
Microsoft isn't going to steal your javascripts
@KendallFrey SJW nonsense reasons
I don't care. I don't have a Facebook either. There are certain company's I think are irresponsible and Microsoft is one of them
I like Google, apple, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, and pretty much every other company
Just not Microsoft and not IBM
In principle I have no qualms with switching immediately, but I have existing repos and I'm hoping I don't get the the point where it's worth moving them
@KendallFrey same culture being pushed other places cough here.
I'd happily watch that fail.
And IBM is a soft dislike based on how they treat employee's
@DavidKamer lol wow
I think MS is one of the more responsible companies by far
I trust them more than Google tbh
MS has been giving a ton to the community over the past few years as well
TBH I'm really torn about whether a company's practices that do not impact me should affect me using their products
@Loktar Agreed, it looks good
@KendallFrey yeah I struggle with that as well
If I have an alternative choice I'll more happily choose that, but if I don't meh
Devil's advocate, they've been planning a takeover for a while, pushing stuff to GH to gain trust, now they buy it all back and fuck us all over
*fork us all over ;)
@Loktar that's fair. I really can't even fully rationalize my hate for MS, but it's there. I just really really really have a strong gut feeling that they are not trustworthy and would even steal your work if you made a competing product on one of their platforms.
I'd rather be spooned all over tbh
@DavidKamer but they havent
So many fantastic applications exist that run on Windows
and MS doesn't go around just stealing them
That competing product thing does get pretty dicy
My biggest fear though is definitely a Skype 2.0
MS Messenger 2000
They really fucked up Skype
so badly it almost physically hurts
I'm just a windows fanboy now so I'm pretty happy MS is buying GH
I also am made happier by people freaking out over it
just being honest.
@Loktar I'm not even claiming any proof. I just have a very suspicious inclination towards how Windows works on a basic level and how competitive they are in AI. I'm not worried about a simple application but I am worried that a new method I implement could be copied with no reprecausions if down on a MS platform and that they could legally erase any trace that they watched me create a new method, implementation or algorithm
Well, I can't think of any feasible way this improves anything, but there are plenty of ways it really causes problems
> SourceForge announces tool to import your GitHub project to SourceForge
good god not surgeforce
I tried that once, fucking ragequit
Does it even git?
hm, I used to use CodePlex, lol
that was MS
yeah, was pretty shitty iirc
I wonder why GH did sell itself
It was quite good, but GH just put it to shame
must have been doing terrible monetarily?
I wonder how hard server side git even is to implement. Also wonder if there are any reasonable block chain solutions
Or MS just offered them a buttload
@DavidKamer super easy, afaik
> The VC-backed unicorn startup lost $66 million in nine months of 2016, financial documents show.
wonder how they did last year
The future of open source is in block chain. I wonder if git can be easily integrated into ethereum. There should be a separate block chain all together tbh.
git seems like it would work well with blockchain, since it is already a chain
not sure what you need the crypto for though
To verify it. Half of why GitHub is used is because you can generally tell you're pulling from a verifiable source. I would say that block chain would do a better job considering you don't have to worry about sensorship and proof of stake would make the records nearly infallible. You could also reward users that have highly influential pieces of code.
@KendallFrey It already is
When you check out a commit by hash you're guaranteed to get the same code on two machines
And the same history
Well, only if sha1 wasn't broken
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Morning all
Ig I want to change the variable which is sent to function. An example, I have var a = 5, b = 9 and say function sumDiff (x,y) {}. I want to pass (a,b) as (x,y) so that value of a,b changes
normally passing will only pass value that is a problem
I need something similar to what we have in c++: void sumDiff(&x, &y) {}
Hello everyone
@user9582479 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Hello, everyone, I'm back :)
Anyone here ?
Yes I am here hello
Hi, is @ towc here ?
Looks like he's not here, I'll come back later...
Ok bye
@Feeds I like how Lebron supposedly took a shot from the locker room
My guess is that it wasn't a "basketball" shot
those statistics seem a little fake to me
@Neil it's not Lebron
it's Stephen Curry
you ignorant
no u
no @ndugger
I created a web app for foreign language learning and song sing. It's called "Movie Shadowing". The recording functionality only works on desktop chrome, though.
Here's the link for you to check it out: movieshadowing.com
It basically allows you to select a video duration and play it over and over again in a convenient fashion. You can record your own voice and compare you voice to the speaker's in the video clip. In this way, you can easily find flaws in your pronunciation.
> Microsoft Will Acquire Coding Site GitHub
I like Coding Site Github
I love to code on github
Your avatar is funny. A mouse resting on a cat's head.
lol never realized about the mouse
@ZhengquanBai yeah, I thought so too :)
I'm a cat person. I find it so awwwwww.
@ZhengquanBai what do you use to record?
built-in mic on my laptop
is there any PDF viewer for linux that supports highlighting?
@ZhengquanBai I was thinking more of code wise
how do you save it?
It's just,
Once you get the audio blob, use URL.createObjectURL to generate a srcUrl you can later assign to an audio dom object.
Hi, can someone help me on creating a textbox with html css and js like this image : imgur.com/OJ71skk
@ZhengquanBai interesting. do you have any good documentation or blog post about this for me? :)
@f.n174 is this just a design or is there any working example?
@GNi33 That is just a design, i need a textbox that is limited to 9 numeric characters and shows a dash in place of each character
I know of this for example: jessepollak.github.io/card
not exactly what you need, but close
I guess changing it to display dashes before you enter numerical input wouldn't be too hard
oh boy, the code seems horrendous though
@GNi33 I was created such a thing like that but when i hide the text input browsers was melfunctioning (firefox and chrome)
@GNi33 http://air.ghost.io/recording-to-an-audio-file-using-html5-and-js/
It is this link that brought me inspiration.
nice, thanks a bunch
No problem.
@ZhengquanBai can you help me on my problem ?
Sorry, I'm afraid not. I don't quit get what you really want to implement.
@ZhengquanBai i need a library or code that let me create textinput like this image : imgur.com/a/Y71wvxF
It is a numeric textbox that only lets 9 characters
and shows dash in place of each character
also it must support the mobiles
@Neoares you are attracting flags like flies there
what was flagged?
1 hour ago, by Neoares
you ignorant
how many times?
4 so far
can't phrase that any other way, sorry
@f.n174 it's called a masked text box, look for that
in C# it is, yeah
in general it is
I can't find any nice web implementation though
@GNi33 oh come on.. this isnt directed at anyone...
what do you mean? If stuff like that is getting flagged, the system is broken beyond repair
2 flags on that one
on what?
@SurajRao lol
3 mins ago, by GNi33
this place has become fucking stupid
of course
only 10k users can see flags, right?
Yeah, not surprised at all
this has become so cumbersome
I thought ROs could see them also
People abusing flags is a pain
@Neoares no
well, I got flagged but not hammered, so keep going xD
the problem becomes when a mod hammers someone cause obvious flagtrolls
flag system is broken anyways. And as long as people get rewarded for flagging, nothing will change
This is a feature you do not want to "gamify"
they don't get rewarded
of course they do
I am really curious how that was offensive/rude
it's in the gamification system?
there's a flag counter
its venting frustration afaik
the only person that could be offended was Neil, since I was talking to him
I am refering to the second one
@SurajRao yeah, we're not allowed to use the f word anymore, I guess
it's probably unwelcoming
fucking f word
ffs what have we come to
@KamilSolecki nice, thanks
this place has become a joke. on itself
problem with flagging is you only see an isolated message posted by someone who you probably don't know
yeah, like I said, the system is fundamentally flawed
@Neoares you were borderline on that other flagged comment to be honest. you might run afoul of a mod/RO
@TimCastelijns well that's why I hope that mods watch the context first
I think that we should not give it importance for now
I mean, as long as we keep talking about this, random twitter flaggers will come and do it again
I find it baffling how little did it take to vanquish literally half of the room. and hey, guess what - probably a third of people get help compared to what used to happen - as most of the skilled individuals in the room simply left. Congratulations @flaggers, you played yourself.
omg stop being so fucking unwelcoming
@GNi33 @KamilSolecki Thanks i think inputmask can do what i want
indeed, you should escalate this to twitter, Ben
that was interesting
who unbanned me?
i've unsuspended you, that flagban was fucking ridiculous
I can see that the f word might derail some people, but come on
lol, and why didn't I get banned
is there a way to punish troll flaggers?
I mean, as long as they stand anonymous and unpunished... they will keep doing it
nor should there be I think
I don't know what one could do about flags
why not? in real life, if you accuse someone about something without reason, he can counter-accuse you and make you get punished by justice
I mean, the flags on your message is something I absolutely do not understand
I called someone stupid :/ that's rude and unwelcoming
I deserved it
for now, a flag has 2 outcomes: the mod comes and hammers it, or the mod decides that it's not a ban reason and he ignores it
maybe ad another one for obvious troll flags, that adds +1 in a troll-flag counter, and if someone has a lot of them compared to the "good flags", he gets a warning, or even hammered
I dunno
@Neoares admitting it is the first step to redemption, well done
actually, my comment had 4 flags.. that means that probably the 3 last flags were from 10k+ users... that's sad :(
Is there a suggested way in vanilla JS to select an input field based on 2 data-* attributes? What I'm searching for is, I have a set of fields, a grid. And I have socket IO enabled to create a realtime editable table.

Now I retrieve back [column] and [row], but I should set that as value of the field.

So should I be able to 'find a field based on 2 data attributes, column and row'?
you can, with a CSS selector
I need to use, the input not style it :)
use it with javascript
it's called CSS selector but you can use it with javascript :)
document.querySelectorAll('[data-row]'); document.querySelectorAll('[data-column]');
for example, yes
testing 1 second thanks already!
you can also use querySelector, but that will give you only 1 element, which is the first occurrence
ah yeah they are unique
it's like a large grid.
then use querySelector
The thing is that I nave to select now the field based on that. ;p
since querySelectorAll will give you a list of size 1 that contains your unique element
if ((document.querySelector('[data-row]') == e.row ) && (document.querySelector('[data-col]') == e.col )) {
shouldn't it be && ?
there you go :D
actually, I think you can do that in the same query
But that does the CHECK but not yet the result?
wait, wait
querySelector gives you the element
and e.row is (i guess) a number
so I would need an example of your code
<input type="text" name="field" data-row="3" data-column="9" placeholder="9,3" class="form-control">
That a html line.
you can select this: ("[data-row=" + e.row + "]")
it will do a querySelector("[data-row=3]"), in that case
Yes but that's only the row?
you can mix them, but I don't remember how
maybe "[data-row=3][data-column=3]"
I suggest you to search for CSS selectors in google
Testing serveral things :-D kopy.io/NRwZf
@f.n174 that works, I guess :) a masked text box is the name you'd give to the input masked box, searching for both should give you decent results
So far that gives false :D
because it's wrong
you're comparing a HTMLElement with a number
and also, doing querySelector of a query that could give you many things, will return only the first match
try printing the result of your queryselectors
Aha: var res = document.querySelector('[data-row="'+ e.row +'"]');
gives me: [object HTMLInputElement]
now you can see the attributes for that object
you can get many things from there
I have to SET a value now :)
anyway, I think that you might be having an XY problem
so I recommend you to do a MCVE of your main problem
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
Nice, it does return the the HTML element now
that's good, you can get things like "value" from that element
Vica-versa aswell? (Set) (If it does not yet exists.)
Because currently there is no value returned.
Yes I tried that but gave me an error.
I suggest you to search in MDN for things you don't know
Fcourse I live in that website.
it works
We're seeing 10x the normal daily amount of repositories #movingtogitlab https://www.dropbox.com/s/uzg9vc5oljr8lin/Screenshot%202018-06-03%2015.52.52.png?dl=0 We're scaling our fleet to try to stay up. Follow the progress on https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer?orgId=1 and @movingtogitlab
why? cause the microsoft acquisition?
@MadaraUchiha seems like a bit of an over reaction
@Neoares Yup
hate is the strongest force in the universe
@SurajRao No I imagine that's about right
@SurajRao That doesn't sound right, it's not like the internet to go crazy and overreact over things
someone should really make a project built specifically to move from github to gitlab
they'd get a lot of followers imho
how in thy hell
they have calmly been waiting for someone to aquire github
gitlab always looked more profesional to me
and github for hacky things to add to your portfolio
cause gitlab is GH on steroids
GitLab has the awkward toolbox problem
hmm, maybe
not that much tho
It's a complete toolbox, it has all the tools, but everything there feels juuuuust shy of being complete and mature.
they added free trial to their "Ultimate" plan
anyway, is gitlab "free" as good as github "free"?
I will give it a go then
does gitlab have free private repos?
I dived not long ago into Gitlab, and am already loving their CI / CD
@KamilSolecki Node?
> Unlimited private projects and collaborators
@MadaraUchiha my GL projects are currently dotnet core
if thats what you are asking
😬 I still haven't managed to get it to not spend 10 minutes doing npm i (or yarn in my case) before every build.
hm, dunno about that, I actually havent worked with node with it
I already got my gitlab account
but it works all good with my containerized dotnet stuff
you can follow my empty profile
@KamilSolecki How do you fetch dependencies?
well docker does it all
with dotnet restore
doesnt take abruptly long
seems normal
Anyone got experience with streams and XHR?
Id like to know if I can access the response of responseType moz-blob outside of the progress handler. I cannot find that piece of information and don't have the time to test.
poll: did you migrate to bitbucket or gitlab?
@Knu there's no reason to migrate yet
if MS wanted to scrape your private repos, they've already done it
yeah the only reason would be that some shitty company acquires github
and there's no major change to the UI or system yet
inb4 they already have plans to metro it
@Neoares what do you base that on?
that's a toxic accusation
MS is moving away from windows, contributing to OSS in various ways, and their cloud/ai products are pretty damn good
If they break my dark theme again
they have a history of being awful, but it looks like they've done a lot to change that
Imma be pissed
@Knu no, bitbucket is garbage ("want cross-repo linking in issues? screw you, use jira!") and gitlab is just open core, not true open source ("want squash+merge in PRs? better hand over your credit card...")
@Knu so?
just curious if there was a massive migration
:42796436 yes, so...? unless they screw it up - which i doubt, since that'd mean they wasted lots of money and pissed off almost every single developer out there - there's no reason to move away
apparently it's wait and see
I don't think github or microsoft officially said anything yet
i'm sure some purists will move away because hey, for-profit company MS is apparently much worse than for-profit company GH
@ThiefMaster well, them being independent is a plus
I think someone should create a standard for issue linking
simply for variety in the ecosystem, and decentralization
so that when you migrate the issues gets migrated as well with the same reference
Wow that was fast.
I think it would be bad if we went back to the time when IBM owned almost everything it-related
april already?
@ThiefMaster holy crap you got integrated into GH real quick.
@SurajRao kek
@KamilSolecki eh, i kind of dislike github as a company (because apparently it's infested by SJWs), and microsoft as well (for unrelated reasons).. but as long as the product doesn't suck i couldn't care less who owns it in the end
(except if it was oracle, i'd really dislike that, because oracle is certainly evil :P)
Prediction: If Github ends up selling itself one day, Microsoft will be the buyer.
Microsoft isn’t nearly as organized as it’d need to be to be as evil as you think it is.
I was referring to the pic posted by suraj as a reference to your avatar ;P
But yeah, the chance they will fuck up things is imo pretty low.
@KamilSolecki What is the chance they improve it?
@KamilSolecki ah, totally forgot that i stole their logo for my avatar a long time ago ^^
maybe i should screenshot the page where they claim it's ok to use it as avatars etc in case they ever remove it and ask me to change it
@KendallFrey you riddled me now
> but as long as the product doesn't suck i couldn't care less who owns it in the end
@ThiefMaster you should know better: winamp, skype, etc.
@KendallFrey BS, it used to be real evil. Intentionally real evil.
00:00 - 12:0013:00 - 00:00

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