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look at the little feets
RXJS question: Would this be the correct way to stop a bufferCount from continuing?

this.data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];

      this.foo = Rx.Observable.from(this.data)
          .concatMap(data => Rx.Observable.of(data).delay(3000))
          .do(data => {
              // some logic goes here to stop bufferCount
              this.foo.dispose(); // is this correct? Assuming this would cancel the bufferCount

              return this.send(data); // make API call
2 hours later…
has anybdyt else had a problem with Github PAT ?
I can't auth with it no matter what
oh nvm I am an idiot, forgot to grant permissions xD
@LittleWhole Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Okay, thanks
What does being gay buy me?
@Jhawins yes true. But you need a -1 when calling that object construct :P
instead of that +1
@towc a co-worker just passed this around through our slack workspace
he was telling some jokes about it :P
guys i have a doubt if i intend to change my rest apis to graphql apis will my url/endpoints will also be changed ??? for each of them i have no idea on graphql currently how it works
why I am still going inside if condition?
var x = ",";
if(x.split(",")[0] == "" && x.split(",")[1] == "")
because you wrote that if condition and the condition is true
did you check what is x.split(",")[0] == "" and x.split(",")[1] == "" logging
@KarelG ew, windows
yeah sorry my mistake
eh littlepootis, that is my work env... so yeah
but there is a wget, 7z and mv command to update git
@KarelG Dude, I've been using vim for the past 6 years now.
it depends of the preference.
Mostly, because I have no idea how to exit. Send help.
And forgot to mention that git has an update command: git update-git-for-windows
So I can continue my life in the terminal
@MadaraUchiha use :help. then the vim god will help you if you are devoted enough
Hello guyz I want to find a streaming server of video and want to download that so I got the response so I need a help to download that video so looking for someone who can help with that
you need do a bit research on that because it is not so straightforward
@BenjaminGruenbaum maybe you can assist him?
hi how could i get $(this).parent.addclass(active) in vue js
@Noni Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
did you just mix jQuery and Vue?
@KarelG did you just mix Git and Windows?
please check the other comments after it
I did
hence the "lol"
windows is my work env. But git runs well there. So I am fine with that
@KarelG "well"
@MadaraUchiha "well"
@KarelG Or use Chocolatey instead of going through install wizards..?
hello , I want to set img.src from uint array
How can I do that ?
can you explain better?
img.src should be a URL
not an array of uints
I have an Uint8Array .
which is...?
maybe if you had a matrix of uints you could convert it to a grayscale image
or 3 matrices to an RGB image
I can create RGB value from that array
then I show It to canvas
After that , I show the image tag by this code .
const img = document.getElementById('i');
img.src = fingerFrame.toDataURL();
what is fingerFrame
Now I shot the image in image tag without canvas
How can I do this ?
I have no idea
I suggest you to keep googling until someone answers here, if not, open a SO question
@IccheGuri That should work, what's your issue?
I will not use canvas
I want to get image from Uint8Array
That image will be used in img tag .
And this Uint8Array contains image data?
How was it obtained? getImageData?
It is got after calling a web service .
Basically the data is byte array of fingerprint
You can copy it into a Uint8ClampedArray and recreate it using new ImageData
any example ?
Hold on
@Patrick lol why? just use the terminal (wget and 7z) or more simpler: git update-git-for-windows
no chocolatey for me
@KarelG Figured since you screenshoted your install dialog
read the comment after it ...
@KarelG Why the "lol", you don't like choco?
if a co-worker uses the installer, then it is his business. I know that he is not a fan of using terminals
@KarelG I did, but I can still hand out tips that you can forward, no?
@KarelG Alright, fair enough
Hello, so now I know var anArray = [[1,2],[3,4]] gives a two dim array. To access the element, I use anArray[0][1]
@IccheGuri Do you know the image format? png/jpg?
@jeea Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
People sometimes treat terminals as something obscure, something they just adopt on. It is not the case for me because I was born in it, molded by it.
hmm ... did you not ask something similar yesterday?
gotcha put some ail out if that is the case
Hmm while writin the question I founf answer! :)
@KarelG that git tool for windows is awful
@IccheGuri what about dimensions?
@towc should I use svn then? >.>
a few days ago I was helping a friend on windows change some stuff on a repo
he had that git tool installed, which came with "git bash" I think
after 10 minutes, we gave up on it. I made him install vscode, and we used vscode's git ui
@KarelG well, you shouldn't use windows
<img id="i" height="380" width="320">
or you should use vscode
or cygwin
git bash doesn't support https cloning
I have used cygwin in my student life
maybe he was on an older version
during operating system course
@towc that git ui uses the same git scripts as git bash ...
how is that different ?
he may have borked his bash terminal
through vscode, we managed to clone it
and then we were already in vscode, so we just used that instead
I am waiting for new updates to WSL tho
so that I can use some intensive git commands in my ubuntu shell
currently, the system calls is just slow as fuck
@Kamesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
hi everyone how are you doing?
I'm dying
Why is that funny?
This chatroom is very unwelcoming.
sorry .
But can I know why are you dying ?
he suffers of being bullied due of the fact that he's little
@FaseehHaris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@CapricaSix , the silent protector of this chat group .
I am calling one function inside other function which dynamially creats a html table and gives it to a div
but I don't get the value
how to make sure that the function is called and completely executed
if the function is synchronous, just do your statements after its call
Q: Uint8Array to image in javascript

Icche GuriI have Uint8Array named frameBytes. I have created RGBA values from this byte array by this code . for(var i = 0; i < frameBytes.length; i++) { imgData.data[4*i] = frameBytes[i];// red imgData.data[4*i + 1] = frameBytes[i]; // green imgData.data[4*i + 2] = frameBytes[...

Can any body please give an answer ?
How to download file from url
in angular 4
asynchronous? use async function + await or a callback

function f1()
f2(); //this creates data dynamically and assigns value to the id of the div
var x = $("#divid).val(); //giving me ""
I see var x is giving me empty value ie ""
but on my console after function has executed I can see #divid has the value
@KarelG How to do it via code?
@Breathing Create a promise and wait until the value has been set, or react to the change in divid instead of getting the value immediately
you are probably using jquery animation?
@Breathing Yes, a Promise
can you show f2 then ?
f2() is creating an html table dynamically
with jquery, and how are you injecting it in html ?
and at the end, $("#divid").html(Htmltable);
just show that part
@MuneemHabib we're not google
@Patrick a code snippet would help since I have never used
@KarelG that is what f2() does in the end
@Breathing Are you a student or are you working with programming?
No one helps me
@BenFortune , where are you man ?
I got sidetracked
@Breathing you are not telling everthing because if you only created a table, added it with .html and getting the value ( you need something different tho ), then you should be able to get a non-empty result
If you know the mimetype just convert it to a Blob
all of those are sync
Basically since you are doing something asynchronous you need to wait for a value to be set. So in your f2 function you can return a Promise, and then wait for that to finish f2().then(result => /* hopefully div id is set */ }). Now you only need to change f2 to actually create the promise and call its resolve function. Either that or you are not giving us the full picture
I have posted it as an question in SO .
Here is the link .
Q: Uint8Array to image in javascript

Icche GuriI have Uint8Array named frameBytes. I have created RGBA values from this byte array by this code . for(var i = 0; i < frameBytes.length; i++) { imgData.data[4*i] = frameBytes[i];// red imgData.data[4*i + 1] = frameBytes[i]; // green imgData.data[4*i + 2] = frameBytes[...

jsfiddle.net/2xj2makc <-- just wrote a simple example from what you just told
all sync
if you were using jQuery animation, then it is a different story because that is async
@IccheGuri That's the recommended way to do it, but as far as I know the only alternative is a Blob and createObjectURL, but you need to know the mimetype.
Wait , I am letting you know about the mimetype .
@KarelG well that is what basically I am doing
then you should get your value after the call. My fiddle proves it
i am downloading file from s3 bucket
i am using <a href="filename" download>
but i am getting warning that MIME typ is document
so how could i download from there
mime type is png
@KarelG Yeah Got it! :)
val() doesn't return anything as you said
it was synchronous
innerHtml I used
@Patrick Thank you! :)
@Breathing that is a javascript call. If you are using jQuery selector, you have to use .html()
How to add more objects to already create object
var obj = {name: "Seymon", number: 6};
obj.bar = 'bar'
should we tell him about Object.assign?
We'll see
Oh thank you ! I was trying obj[bar: "bar"]; :)
obj['bar'] works too
obj['bar'] = 'bar' is same as obj.bar = 'bar'
So does obj[0]
but don't do that :P
@Neil Well that's not a named property
Well, technically it is
but it's not obvious
it's misleading
which is why it shoudln't be done
though i don't think ultimately arrays are so different in reality
So why was there colon notation in original object declaration, to confuse
there is a bit history behind that
Is it ok to add new function to object like this
obj1.changeName = function (newName) {this.name = newName};
json was originally supposed to be a string form of a javascript object
@jeea it would be more elegant to use a class
guys can I login with my phone and email using passport.js
@towc then create an object of it, actualy not covered class yet :)
@jeea sure. Most of us has done it
but is it clean? Not always
@KarelG wat :/
it's not like you're a real developer or anything, Karel
Sometimes I use Object.defineProperty(obj, 'bar', {value: 'foo'})
@sriharsha_bhat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
when I am trying to send that table data across to the control through ajax request I am getting this message, "A potential dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client"
just google that warning ...
I know what that is, but you can do some research. Doing it yourself will improve your skills while if I gave you an explanation directly, it would not.
that came after experimenting, actually I originally did this:
`obj1.changeName = function (newName) {name = newName};`
Not sure what this does though
I agree
Why is it not formatting
lol stop with the edit please
got pingfested
I'm very sorry, thats why I stopped, but it wont format :(
formatting does not work well if you do new line stuff
Maybe it takes name to be global varaible
as towc has said, you should work with classes
Cool thanks a lot towc and karelg and ben fortune and neil
before those class syntax, object inheritance was a dirty work. I adopted crockfords' approach which is not so clean (prototype poisoning) but could not find a more elegant approach unless you want infested functions
So was classes introduced only recently?
o god... forgot to use the R
@jeea "recently", it got added in 2015. But not many browsers supported that syntax
you can use babel/polyfill for missing ES2015+ support
I live under rocks so..
@BenFortune boy
You what lad
I do not want to remind such dirty work :P
I loved John's implementation of classes, I used to use that everywhere
@jeea Some of us have never seen the sunlight, so, you're in good company
Could a JS gold badger please close this as a duplicate? The dupe target is listed in the question. Someone else re-opened it after I hammered it, but in the comments, they agreed it was a dupe after all.
He just seems to be unable to find the "dupe" button
Kewl, thanks.
@Cerbrus who's a JS gold @Badger ?
just someone with a gold badge in ...
Well, we all know @Badger is golden
pretty odd that the question title should lead to the other post because of the matching pattern
OP obviously ignored the suggestions
@KarelG: He linked to the other question
He obviously didn't "get" it though
wait, why 1+2⁵⁴ is the same as 2⁵⁴ ?
@Neoares "undefined"
Anyone here familiar with Angular 2+?
@Neoares 9007199254740991
!!> 2**54
@Neoares 18014398509481984
uhm ...
not sure that you are aware of that, but the engine checks if an addition is justified
had to search for a while, but here are the cases
@CapricaSix mother of god..
nobody is safe
@Neoares, This is typical loss of precision. There are 64 bits for a number and in them 52 are used to store the digits
the least significant digit disappears
Javascript doesn't trigger error instead tries to fit the number
and what are the other 12 bits used for?
the first one is the sign, that's for sure
but the other 11?
What does CSP header sandbox does?
I guess they're for floating things
!!> Number.EPSILON
@Neoares 2.220446049250313e-16
I just want to use it to disable script and does not do anything else.
!!> 1/2**11
@Neoares 0.00048828125
I cannot figure out how to do this.
yes for floating
all numbers in javascript are floating point
Read more here about javascript numbers and how they are encoded dzone.com/articles/how-numbers-are-encoded
Wut, 2 downvotes on that answer of mine...
I have a question regarding Angular, should there be a model file for every response that comes from a request? or only on some of them?
@Cerbrus if you are talking about that 0.1+0.2 thing; I recall +3/-1
@ZetCoby you need to reread the tutorial.
it is for representation of something, an entity
@KarelG It had -2 for a while
i know that models are not mandatory, i can also work with the plain json response, but making a model makes it cleaner somehow
!!> +3/-1
@Neoares -3
@Kerol pls
Hey can any buddy help with my question please stackoverflow.com/questions/50623374/…
@elizabeth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Sure thanks will do sorry:p
I'm not your buddy, pal
I'm not your pal, friend
If I pay you, does it make you my pay pal ?
@elizabeth I think you can from mongoose but I think many are here can guide you better in your request then me
can I request someone here to help me as I'm really stuck :( all I need the ability to login with my phone or email. I can login with my email right now but not with my phone
@ZetCoby it's not mandatory to have model files for every response. For some applications where models need to be extended further for other implementations, you can use them as model files.
But yes handling a model object 'real entity' rather than raw json object has its pros
apologies just posting my question for a last time stackoverflow.com/questions/50623374/…
If you apologize for something before you do it, you're not truly sorry.
Don't post the same question twice. We saw it.
I didn't
now I dod
@elizabeth I'd suggest you read about "MCVE" (all letters matter) and about "how to ask".
Okay @KendallFrey I understand. @DenysSéguret Sure.
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
@DenysSéguret use the bot :D
@Neoares I didn't know she had this command. That's nice
yes, and you can combine it with !!tell
nick, your avatar disgusts me
thanks @CapricaSix
import passportLocalMongoose from 'passport-local-mongoose';

let Account = new Schema({

phoneNumber: String,
email: String,
password: String

module.exports = mongoose.model('Account', Account);
let Account = require('./model/account');
passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
  usernameField: 'email',
  passwordField: 'password'
@CapricaSix I think only these two are important and holds the logic to login with both email and phonenumber
Elizabeth, please be aware that CapricaSix is a chat bot. Do not expect it giving you feedback or some intelligent aid :P
@KarelG you ruined it
@KarelG really :( ..lol
@Neoares you guys are funny.
@Neoares I am not so into ... archaeological examinations
please, close the door when you leave
guys if you can help me please do I have half an hour to finish it
is it an exam?
no I have to send the build for my internship.
ey guys
ey guy
anyone know a way to make mocks from function interfaces (ts) ... I need to mock some browser extension api calls in nodejs (for testing), but I cant really mock from the interface (I got types index.d.ts for the api) without some kinda implentation.
Hi guy
I am having 1 interface where i am showing list of records
I tried with typemoq but no luck (I want to make a mock of chrome.runtime.connect or browser.runtime.connect from only the typings)
Where user can download those 2 records in either pdf or excel
Shall i do this on client side or server side?
worthy of your name eh?
morning friends
or maybe it is possible to generate mocks based on definition files... (havent found a way yet)
Aloo all
hey beautiful
@RonniSkansing this might be helpful ilove-it.com/post/2016/07/28/…
@corvid Oh you... blushes
@sriya Ill just take a look, thx
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused Is that confusing?
Because I'm very confused right now.
I'm not learning anything, but I'm certainly overthinking.
Not sure why I'm overthinking about something that I don't need to actively work on.
hi, dont you know how to pass a variable into javascript onEvent closure?
qq, is there a reason node doesn't install its html docs like python does?
node is typically used when you have wifi, while python often isn't, is my guess
node is used for cli's now
@KendallFrey he is being polite to the macbook users
well, internet connection damnit
My favorite part about python - /usr/local/Cellar/python@2/2.7.15/share/doc/python@2
came with the verbose C-API docs and a static website that i can browse
@ShrekOverflow this path goes to a navigable html doc version of the node docs for me: file:///usr/share/doc/nodejs/api/all.html
❯ ls
bash cups groff ntp postfix
well, I think I accidentally installed the nodejs package at one point, instead of node
❯ ls
gdbinit lldb_commands.py lldbinit
could be mac madness
well, I ran this to find it: locate node | grep doc | grep -v node_modules
you'll get some false-positives, but you might find your solution in there
Current solution
❯ tree -L 1
├── abi-stable-node-addon-examples
├── node-addon-api
@SterlingArcher o/ o/

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