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The funny part to me is that it would basically void practically all translations that fair back.
Literally everything.
2 hours later…
I'm currently bashing my head into a wall
Trying to figure out why my setState is not updating my React state
And any possibly solution online just tells me what setState is asynchronous. WHICH I KNOW, but is not the issue.
Gah fliberdygahbmubug
are you setting an object to state? possibly deeply nested?
can you post your code somewhere?
Work code, so I can't too much. But basically in my onClick I'm trying to set my state to something else. At first I thought maybe a confused this, but I can use this.state fine.
I'm gonna take a shower and take some time to think on it
@TristanWiley Make sure you are not mutating this.state directly.
What do you mean by that?
I'm using this.setState if that's what you're saying
Then that should be good.
The states are meant to be updated successfully.
Yeah I've got no idea right now. Gah
You may want to post code somewhere.
If I'm still stuck in an hour or two I will :)
Mainly just came to complain and cry
Let me give you some solace.
@TristanWiley can you make a non-proprietary example? Im sure you can recreate the function without context
More context on whats going wrong might help. Errors, weird results, state loss?
hey does anyone know python here? i am getting this error that i dont quite understand and it would be helpful if someone could help.
@BOi have you tried the python room?
yes i did. havent got anything. most of the users there are not active right now
so i came here to see if i could get anything. i know this is a js room, so sorry if its any trouble
Nah it's cool, but my python knowledge is semi-deprecated
ok is it okay if i post the error here and see if you can help me out?
its pretty long so just making sure its okay
Yeah man go ahead, cant promise I can help though
thats fine. here it is:
2018-05-23 21:37:08.356 Python[995:146606] WARNING: nextEventMatchingMask should only be called from the Main Thread! This will throw an exception in the future.
2018-05-23 21:37:08.356 Python[995:146606] *** Assertion failure in +[NSUndoManager _endTopLevelGroupings], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/Foundation/Foundation-1452.23/Foundation/Misc.subproj/NSUndoManager.m:361
2018-05-23 21:37:08.362 Python[995:146606] *** Assertion failure in +[NSUndoManager _endTopLevelGroupings], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/Foundation/Foundation-1452.23/Foundation/Misc.sub
(see full text)
I get this error. I'm working with the matplotlib library and i created a thread that runs a function that uses the matplotlib module. but when i run the code, python launcher unexpectedly quits and i get this error. i searched everywhere on google(github conversations, stack overflow, etc). couldn't find a solution for it
Sorry the Caps just won the eastern conference finals
Unfortunately that's python beyond me, I can't really provide help
@SterlingArcher no problem mate. thanks anyway for trying. enjoy celebrating the Caps' win
How often
How often do you connect in redux?
Do you have any thoughts on deciding on connect or props passing to obtain necessary data?
I've been tinkering with this for 4 days now, 8 upvotes, 170 views on my question but not a single person saying a word about simply whether or not my math is right:
Q: How can I properly write this shader function in JS?

john doeWhat I want to happen: For testing a game art style I thought of, I want to render a 3D world in pixel-art form. So for example, take a scene like this (but rendered with certain coloring / style so as to look good once pixelated): And make it look something like this: By playing with diff...

Fiddle: jsfiddle.net/31tw9nh3
Every soul comes here with a purpose in mind. I come here solely for fun.
@johndoe Yeah your math is wrong
not exactly sure how yet, but it's somewhere around the x * y bit
oh and you're not handling the rgba components correctly
@johndoe Here's an improvement but i'm done messing with it for now: jsfiddle.net/31tw9nh3/1
You're so awesome.
It's too complicated for me.
For those who use redux with react, what do you have to say on choosing connect or props passing to obtain necessary data?
at my work I think we use too much prop passing and not enough connect calls
but other developers disagree with me and i haven't tried pushing for change
Wow, good
I'm also in favor of more prop passing and less connect.
My reasoning is that more connects means more selector functions. Less connects make debugging a bit easier.
For components nested deeply inside, they can for sure connect to store to reduce lengthy prop passing.
hello guys
i am new in javascript i learn currently angular 3
i need advice for me
pick up JavaScript: The Definite Guide
do you know angular 4 , i have silly error with firebase
no, i don't. i'm a reacter.
Q: Angular Firebasedatabase error Cannot read property 'databaseURL' of undefined

Hesham Faragi install firebase on angular 4 and i add it on app-module and in enviroment get config script also i changed i changed the authentically from rull to true and in component i was import the AngularFireDatabase and write constructor(db: AngularFireDatabase) { db.list('/courses') .sub...

if any walk to my error i will be pleasure for him
@MadaraUchiha is there a means to track an edit suggested review ?
it is for this edit which should be rejected. But I think that there are people that would approve it
so idk what happens. I bookmarked it so that I can check it later. But seems so cumbersome.
@KarelG the edit seems to be because of stackoverflow.com/questions/11467873/… comment
that comment is from 2015 :P
the answer should be dv'ed. not edited
I am not getting right html for this code
  var  Dhtml = '<option value="' +
                            data[i].ID + '">' + data[i].FirstName + ' ' + data[i].LastName + '(' + data[i].True == true ? x : y + ')</option>';
@Breathing select code and ctrl + k
If I remove the ternary operator I get right format
Morning all
@Breathing please use document.createElement if you want to create option elements
then append it to your select box
const opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.value = data[i].ID;
opt.textContent = data[i].FirstName + ' ' + data[i].LastName + '(' + (data[i].True == true ? x : y) + ')';
But I am creating an html
a better approach for the last line is to use template literal
and then appending
that is what creatElement do ...
it gives you an <option> element
so that you can manipulate it in a clean manner
if you still insist to go that way, just put your ternary operator within brackets
(your error is caused by operator precedence)
Thanks a lot KarelG for the advice!
do you have resolve to my error firebase with angular4
Q: Angular Firebasedatabase error Cannot read property 'databaseURL' of undefined

Hesham Faragi install firebase on angular 4 and i add it on app-module and in enviroment get config script also i changed i changed the authentically from rull to true and in component i was import the AngularFireDatabase and write this github link for test https://github.com/hesham-faragallah/fireba...

@HeshamFarag please dont keep reposting the question here.. If anyone else knows they will answer
ok @su
ok @SurajRao sorry for bother guys
hello. has anyone here used alt.js for flux? I have a question about how to dispatch actions from the react component on scroll.
@MadaraUchiha what are you doing here? go to work or I'll tell your boss
are you not at work either?
my job consists in chatting here
plus, you don't know my boss
hey guys, i want to check if element exists or not, so, as far as i know the correct check would be:

if($('#element').length) {it exists}

but instead of just passing the execution when element doesnt exist i get the following error

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

is jquery loaded?
yes, it loads before this script
if element does actually exist, i get no errors and script inside executes. I assume that if it jquery didnt load, the selector would not be recognized
jquery gives you an empty jQuery object if it cannot find any element that matches with the provided selector
I just found one of my favourite answers in SE
A: What does the hidden layer in a neural network compute?

David J. HarrisThree sentence version: Each layer can apply any function you want to the previous layer (usually a linear transformation followed by a squashing nonlinearity). The hidden layers' job is to transform the inputs into something that the output layer can use. The output layer transforms the hidde...

so what you are doing is correct
the problem is just $ is not jquery (I think)
does anyone know in an object like
@KarelG how you dare
@BikerJohn print $
I just approached a contracted recruiter who tried to hire me for a few companies, saying "I have some strict ethical requirements. Do you have something that might fit?". Oh man, 2018
options = Object.assign(
        prefix: 'Watchbot',
        reservation: {},
        env: {},
        messageTimeout: 6,
        messageRetention: 12,
        workers: 1
in es6
how can i assign a default as well as user defined value
here user cannot say override messageTimeout
object destructuring?
@Neoares ƒ (a,b){return new r.fn.init(a,b)}
one other way is to just simply
but that's es7 I think
@TapasweniPathak Why not?
options.messageTimeout = options.messageTimeout || 600;
@BikerJohn now print jQuery
If options contains a messageTimeout, it will be overridden
basically i want to achieve something like
options.messageTimeout = options.messageTimeout || 600
that dollar doesn't look much jQuery
with object.assign can I do that?
oh wait
@Neoares i get the same.. ƒ (a,b){return new r.fn.init(a,b)}
@BikerJohn ok, then you don't have an element with id "element"
@MadaraUchiha if using the same as above Object.assign if user provides some other value for messageTimeout would it work?
@TapasweniPathak Sure
any other value than 6
so I think I understand it wrong
so then
@BikerJohn print document.getElementById('element')
options = Object.assign(
        prefix: 'Watchbot',
        reservation: {},
        env: {},
        messageTimeout: 6,
        messageRetention: 12,
        workers: 1
if the user gave a different value than 6 before calling this file as messageTimeout it would work
!!> var options = {messageTimeout: 9001}; options = Object.assign({prefix: 'Watchbot', reservation: {}, env: {}, messageTimeout: 6, messageRetention: 12, workers: 1 }, options); options
@MadaraUchiha {"prefix":"Watchbot","reservation":{},"env":{},"messageTimeout":9001,"messageRe‌​tention":12,"workers":1}
oh okay so here if any value inside options works as default value but if provided other value it would be overriden
is this due to options present
may i should go and read something good about assign, sorry for basic question
@Neoares thats the catch, i would like to check if #element exists or not. As far as i know checking for length is the correct method of checking for element existance. When in DOES exist, everything is fine, but when it doesnt, i get this undefined error. What is then the correct way to check existence of element in jquery, without getting any errors existing or not?
@BikerJohn no, checking for length is not the way to go
you just check the $('#element')
because if it doesn't exist, it will give you null
and you can not do null.length
well, undefined, not null
Hi guys,

Can someone check my question please and let me know if anymore info is required.

if ($('#element')) { // it exists }
BUT I recommend you to not use jQuery for that
you can use this
that's wrong
that code won't work. a jquery object is never falsy
Q: Check if element exists in jQuery

NickHow do I check if an element exists if the element is created by .append() method? $('elemId').length doesn't work for me.

@ThiefMaster I was expecting that...
which actually sucks (as a python developer where empty lists/dicts are falsy)
million votes on .length
document.querySelectorAll('your_query').length === 0
that's the way to go, IMHO ^
or even with querySelector
that ^^
the browsers don't show a js file while on my html file the path to the file is correct
i feel a bit stupid but I don't know what to do to fix this strange and unprecedented problem at least for me
@ThiefMaster, @Neoares queryselector works fine, thanks.
@Riccardo show the code
@BikerJohn do not listen to Neoares. Your approach is right. You still have to figure out why your $('#thing') does not work as intended
@KarelG wtf dude
<script src="careers/js/jquery.autocomplete.min.js"></script>
this is the relative path to the js file
I agree that he should try to figure out why it doesn't work with jQuery
while on Chrome or Firefox it does not appear
it does not exist
but come one, he doesn't need jQuery for that
and if I try to go to the file directly on the browser I can see it
using jQuery for that is a really bad practice
@Riccardo we're going to need more info than that
what's your current path on the browser?
@KarelG yea, i agree, i will try to find whats going on, thanks everyone
what is the actual path of the file on your machine?
@towc when you say actual you don't mean the relative one do you?
@Neoares if the whole script is in jQuery then it is best to not mix in javascript commands. You can do that within bodies of callbacks at a jQuery function but it has to be sane.
@Riccardo I mean all of the paths
@KarelG you don't even know if he has "whole script"
the resolved path is the "actual" path
see like this way: js is ketchup and jquery is mayonaise. You can place both on your fries but if you mix both too much, you get cocktail (a sauce that is a mix of both). Try to distinguish mayonaise or ketchup in that
@KarelG it's called pink sauce and I love it
we call it as "cocktail sauce"
wait a moment something like mywebsite.com/careers/js/myquery.js?
@Riccardo that's one path
@KarelG yes, that
that one is not mixed ^^
so the actual path is this
click on it you will see the jquery autocomplete plugin
@Neoares frankly, first time I see that
@Riccardo and you want the script to be loaded from which path?
that's a $(query)[0] @KarelG
@Riccardo that's "at" which path
which path are you on, when you're trying to load the script?
on the index that is careers/index.html
and inside careers you have a js folder
so, you're on /careers, and you're trying to load the relative careers/js/myquery.js, which resides in /careers/js/myquery.js, right?
I've already try to loaded it without the careers folder and it does not work
this should be a strong hint, but you can check for yourself. Open the network panel in the devtools
reload the page, you should see at least one 404
yeah I see it
and you'll notice that it's been trying to load /careers/careers/js/myquery.js
wait I link you
GEThttp://prassiericerca.com/js/jquery.autocomplete.min.js[HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 44ms]
you have more than 1 404
you see why I'm going crazy I've tried to add careers and it does not even show the changes in the index.html
I've set an octal permission to the root folder that is careers
wait, so that's the script you're having issues with?
and it didn't work either
the first 404 is originating from this tag: <script src="../js/jquery.autocomplete.min.js"></script>
that means "from /careers, go back one directory, then go to js/jquery.autocomplete.min.js"
yeah but that's not the path I've got on my index
well, then you need to bloody upload it
i uploaded it
is the careers/index.html on the site the same as the one you have on your machine?
I deleted that old path and updated it but somehow the browsers don't see the changes
@Riccardo if the browser doesn't see the changes, then it means that it's not the same
or at least, it may be cached
the fact is that the browsers don't see the changes whatever I do is not updated it
but it was the first time I opened that site, so I had no cache of it
so you haven't correctly uploaded it
I cleared all the cache thousand of times before I came here
so your problem is you didn't upload it correctly
after this, I recommend you look into local development environments
I'm not into a development environment I'm live
what you're saying is making me feel very tempted to give up helping you
I've said "after this"
and about the upload thing seriously I don't know what to do to proper upload it
so you can differentiate whether the problem is with the actual code, or with your transport layer
@Riccardo how are you uploading it?
I have that careers folder on my server and inside that root i have some folders one of them is js
inside js I have that plugin
no more that this
I hope to have properly answered your question
sometimes I can't correctly get at what you mean
I'm sorry
what's your server?
is it some ftp site that you upload to?
is it some application which needs to be reloaded when you add new files?
is it an express static app?
@Riccardo yeah what?
I've been using a ftp client to upload files
i'm on secure shell access to add update insert or delete any file
I would like to know your server: which tech do you use?
through some cdn that your provider has? Is it your personal server?
so PHP ?
using zend framework or another framework?
drupal ?
I've been using WinSCP as FTP client
no framework
so just plain PHP ?
I make ajax call to some php pages
that run sql query to some phpmyadmin
try to re-deploy your server
because eg zend needs a re-deploy to move all new files in the operational folder
just uploading it is not sufficient
I'm not using a framework because of the simplicity of my webapp
maybe you don't know you aren't
eg = "by example"
try it, see if it helps
how can I redeploy the server?
probably depends on your provider
or do you own the machine?
no I don't
my ISP is one.com
google how to redeploy the server with them
or see if you need to do something particular when modifying some files
thank you for your help
it's possible that it simply takes some time for it to update on their side
yeah but that's stressing
especially when you don't need no framework cause you're building a simple career page to let applicants to upload their CV
my employer is getting tired and I'm a bit frustrated
@Zirak you're getting flatMap
And we're getting top-level-await with the exporting issues resolved
And realms and a bunch of other shit
This is fun docs.google.com/presentation/d/… cc @MadaraUchiha
@BenjaminGruenbaum o.O ?
ooo, you are there?
hmm I need to check that super[super(), 'myProp']
did not know it is possible
I would throw an "invalid argument" error or something like that
I'm not there - I am just reading
Would love to be there - wasn't invited
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd add a throw in this case
throw new Error('Stop trying to break my language, you turds!');
I wonder if expression-throw made progress
@BenjaminGruenbaum unlikely, it's one of those things that everyone agree is a good idea, but no one important has the motivation to push, at least that's how it feels
Huh, I stand corrected, it's stage 2
Was stage 1 last I checked it.
@MadaraUchiha made me grin +1
@MadaraUchiha the TC is full of new blood
That is new, but not new enough to not be able to push stuff
All the small & nice shit is getting done
that throw exception is stage 3 if I check that proposal
but f*** at that
// via arrow...
function getEncoder2(encoding) {
  const encoder = encoding === "utf8" ? new UTF8Encoder()
                : encoding === "utf16le" ? new UTF16Encoder(false)
                : encoding === "utf16be" ? new UTF16Encoder(true)
                : (() => { throw new Error("Unsupported encoding"); })();
why does it need the arrow?
or lambda
nvm, i get it
the fuck is not that arrow thingie but the nested ternaries
*wanna b-slap someone* 😬
i get the same about
my boss is talking with an italian in english
set id(value) { this._id = value || throw new Error("Invalid value"); }
the guy ends everything with an "a"
im like "why does this even compile?"
its soo non-self-explanatory
if my boss talks to a dutch person in the netherlands, he ends everything with an "ok?" or "ok"
lol why
habit i assume
and no, my boss is not an indian
or... from india
!!giphy indian
sometimes I wish js has a functionality to look up the DOM tree
const tr = img.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; is just meh
you use a loop for that
that is more code ...
but cleaner
jquery has a .parents for that
while parent is not undefined:
    parent = parent.parent
then implement your own .parents, like jQuery does
it's super easy
ofc but i am lazy and that happens rarely
function parent(element) {
    let ret = []
    while (element.parent() !== undefined) {
        element = element.parent()
    return ret
not tested
actually, it's parentElement not parent() lol
function parents(element) {
    let ret = []
    while (element.parentElement) {
        element = element.parentElement
    return ret
function parents(element) {
    let ret = []
    while (element = element.parentElement) {
    return ret
this is so funny
!!afk lunch
can someone benchmark that vs jQuery's parent? :D
@Neoares .. you need parentNode ... best practices
@KarelG Neoares is afk: lunch
and it has to be based on the same semantics as queryselector :P
benchmarking that to jquery is unfair because both are different

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