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so back on topic...
Well, the difficulty starts with a lack of tutorial
I had a proposal for my solution...or would it be bad practice to do so
"What button do I press?!"
*Smashes head into door*
there is a tutorial, its the undead asylum
create json inside my file that i use as a local variable
and then just call what i need from there
Why is everyone talking about games
yeah Id use a count number system @cryophoenix, I don't use jquery but I know your solution involves local variables
Because we like games
@RakeshLal Becasue it's fun
@RakeshLal games require code to operate, this is a code website
yeah for real, didn't you ask how to make that .io game? Tech involved?
May 15 at 20:46, by Cerbrus
> The room title is JavaScript, which only implies we all have some interest in the language. That does not strictly limit the topic of conversation to JavaScript, and often it is not about JavaScript. Please do not inturrupt and complain about this, if you have a comment about the language toss it in and if someone is interested they will stop and help.
@GenericOverweightProgrammer That's not why
@KendallFrey isa joke
@Cerbrus I know but I am lonely and bored. Ill give emotional support
I only use jquery to call scripts for bootstrap components using sequel server
wait its java script not jquery
@GenericOverweightProgrammer oh god ... that was a bad place
I am curious if they really redid the map and the scripting of the swamp area effect
it is just badly coded
They finally have
heh if they did not, but provided better textures for that map, then I can imagine crashfest talk
I think they are using Dark Souls 2's engine for the game
which runs at a locked 60 fps
@cryophoenix personally I would spent about an hour or two probably structuring the question you want answered. A question cannot be broad if all the information is there to answer it. This website is full of people who enjoy a good challenge. Hope you get it answered soon
I aint criticizing. I have played every frame of crysis 3 in my potato pc with integrated graphics.
people should close typo questions instead of replying it ... stackoverflow.com/questions/50471074/…
I have the set of checkboxes:
<div class="days sessionDays">
                    <label>Select Session Days</label>
                    <p class="text-muted">Select the specific days you want to come for training.</p>
                    <div class="form-check">
                      <input class="form-check-input weekend" type="checkbox" value="1" id="sessionSunday" name="sessionDays" onFocus="startCalc();" onBlur="stopCalc();">
                      <label class="form-check-label" for="sessionSunday">
I have assigned value 1 to all of them.
Now I want to count checked checkboxes. How can I do that?
you can select those checkboxes by adding :checked in your querySelectorAll
then the size of the collection = number of checked boxes
@KarelG should I add same name for them?
sessionMonday.checked = true
be aware that it does not work when you do form submit
wait no nevermind, forget that
How are games like diep.io made?
document.querySelectorAll('.days.sessionDays input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length is what you need (counts checked boxes)
I have applied timer for the automatic calculation.
I am going to take a guess and say it is coded on c++ @RakeshLal
C++ runs in browsers?
@TravisWhite wait is diep.io that snake game thing
the servers could be c++ I guess
similar but not the snake game
@RakeshLal i think you're best doing a google search for that info
could be made using Java, most web games are
java in web is not an option anymore
see i was sort of thinking that
@GenericOverweightProgrammer its a sort of tank game
snake game is slither.io
Well I guessed that. I read somewhere node.js was used.
would definitely be js, the framework/libraries they use I'm not certain about, but it is JS
game is quite old
so its a possibility
Hello I am currently using console for seeing js code, is this environment good
for what? good for debugging? yes
Yeah but still people play it. And I play it too.
i love java, make blackjack on it. perfect for 2d games
In slither I got till around 20 rank, snake became very big when a tiny snake came in front
@TravisWhite No for checking out my program, which I study from book
My mate sits and plays diep.io when he should be working
don't blame him though, coding can be soul destroying sometimes
I find slither a pleasing game, not too harsh on eye and also soothing to mind. diep is not like that
@KarelG Thank you so much. It's working for me. I have calculated total days.
A dedicated server is needed right?
i dont know why they end with io
cool, vscode failed to update again
@RakeshLal definitely
peer to perr just wouldn't work for a game like that but i don't know much about servers
peer to peer*
Hello fiends is it good to use console for trying out my program
I'd guess it is a node server
google 'io' games, is a trend that one of those games started
@KingTut yes, i'd recommend it
snakey bois
misunderstood. Ok @Generic so I can try out all my program on console cool
@KingTut try them but don't take my word for it
@KingTut maybe something like this as a starting point? github.com/jondubois/iogrid I've never used it and didn't spend more than 2 seconds looking at it though, google 'io game framework'
My book tells to print a triangle of hashes, one hash on one line, two hash on second etc, I print it but it shows this:
I am using this code to run timer:
function startCalc(){
      interval = setInterval("calc()",1);
what's the difference of putting quote and removing quote?
developer console in chrome combines exact same lines sent to console.log with number indicator
function startCalc(){
interval = setInterval(calc(),1);
@KingTut console.log includes a newline
when I remove quote it runs on click only
but when I put quote it runs indefinitely
@MilanUptech Do you understand the difference between calc and calc()?
Also, don't use a string, that's smelly
@KendallFrey I think Yes
Better explain it to make sure
How can I then print
@KendallFrey it runs infinitely while using "calc()" but it runs only on click while using calc()
A: Chrome JavaScript developer console: Is it possible to call console.log() without a newline?

shennanThe short answer is no. But If your use-case involves attempting to log perpetually changing data while avoiding console-bloat, then one way to achieve this (in certain browsers) would be to use console.clear() before each output. function writeSingleLine (msg) { console.clear(); c...

@MilanUptech That's not what I'm talking about
WHy has my book started out with such a complicated example! @Kendall I am using eloquent JS book
Thanks but that code is horror
The problem isn't that complicated, you're just approaching it the wrong way
@KendallFrey calc() is a function and calc is just a variable. is it right?
calc is the function. calc() is the result of calling that function
@KendallFrey Ok but I think what problem is there? I think code is ok
@KingTut The problem with your code? I already told you
@KendallFrey Ohh. I learnt new thing from you. :p
@KendallFrey what will be the solution for me?
@Kendall Yeah thats what I am saying, we dont need the endline of console log, but that requires that big code you linked, why book starts with that
@MilanUptech setInterval expects a function to be passed in.
@KingTut No, it doesn't require any extra code
You just need to handle it differently
function startCalc(){
      interval = setInterval("calc()",1);
Let me thing and try
function calc() { //code }
function stopCalc(){
@KendallFrey this is my set of code
"calc()" is a string
calc() is not a string
it beign not a string means it runs right now
if it were a string, it would instead run later
you want it to run later, so either use a string, or don't call it now by removing the ()
yeah, otherwise you're passing to setInterval the result of calling calc()
and you need to pass the function itself, which is just calc
@Kendall we have only been taught console log, so I cant think other way, please tell me your way. thanks!
@KevinB its running infinitely when I use "calc()" which is good for realtime calculation sometime. but when I use calc() it just works on click.
@KingTut right, but... console.log('#') will always print only '#' to the console.
if you wanted to print '##', you'd need console.log('##')
@KevinB @KendallFrey And I am caling these functions onFocus() & onBlur() of input fields.

Like This:

<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputFirstName" placeholder="Enter First Name" onFocus="startCalc();" onBlur="stopCalc();">
i don't see how that's relevant
> onFocus="startCalc();"
@copy have you ever written an ABI?
@MadaraUchiha done.
@KevinB so I write console.log("#"); console.log("##"); console.log(###) etc?
It's working fine for me with quote. "calc"
@MilanUptech I already told you not to use quotes
I don't understand how the div with image is removed from the previous container div. I'm appending when dropped
@KendallFrey okay boss. :) :p
@KendallFrey I am stuck into another thing now. can you help me please. it may be very minor problem for you. but it's big for me. :D
Don't grovel
Was my question not clear? anyone?
What question?
I don't understand how the div with image is removed from the previous container div. I'm appending when dropped
I mean the first div should also contain the image, no?
I mean after dragging and dropping to another div
@KendallFrey jsfiddle.net/humanware/jt09tmjb this is my fiddle. As you can see there is Select Your Age, Under 18 & Over 18. I have set some conditions like if Under 18 radio && hourly from sesstionType dropdown is selected. assign values to checkboxes. but I don't know How can I assign values to sessionEvening & sessionMorning checkboxes and count how many are checked and calculate sum of checked checkboxes.
I love how Facebook makes it infeasible to remove all your targetted interests by hand
You get like 5 results per click of "See More", can click See More 4 times per page load
So you can do 20, switch sections do 20, repeat X4. Then reload the page and start over
I made a bookmarklet to do it. Removed some ~2000 entries lol
What book to refer to get good hang for JS, currently I am using eloquent JS. My motive is making graphic applications/ simulations
@Neoares You can't tell it's broken until you plug it in. The outer screen is perfect
someone please help me
So I plugged it in all excited and then... Yea..
@ShrekOverflow Where at? I'm in Indiana now heh
Paper.js is a graphics framework. paperjs.org/about
@AdrianTanase Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
function foo(a) {
  let b = helper(a);
  return b + 1

  function helper() {
    return a + 7;
Is this considered a closure despite not returning a function? Is this good practice to organize helper functions with their parents?
Even though functions are hoisted, I still prefer to declare them in the code before they are used. It can help remove confusion around where it came from
I looked here but couldn't find a clear conclusion
@ndugger so how would you write something like this? My thoughts were that I don't want helper defined outside of foo, to keep the global namespace clean. I also thought its nice to see what foo does on top and then you can drill into the helper functions below?
If you're using modules, as you should be, it's already encapsulated and will not pollute the global namespace
@Shmiddty Nope. Are you going to write one?
Ah I see. So you'd define helper outside of foo? and you would have to give helper the a parameter? a is constantly called in the helper functions and I didnt want to make it global? @ndugger
Maybe. My brain is running on low today. I can't really help in-depth beyond that.
I think that is still a valid closure.
> My brain is running on low today
dude, same
My depression is crawling back, and I can feel it. I'm gonna take my meds as soon as I get home.
Do something fun
Talk about games
I have completed calcuation in the form. Now I need to do two things from one button. first send the form value to email and another is I need to get the total cost and pay via paypal. How can I do that? any tips guys?
I am thinking of using PHPMailer, first I will send data to email and I will redirect to paypal with values. is there any idea how can I implement this?
Please don't link me to that cancer again
@KendallFrey ok chief
uh..ok but why?
@Loktar wat
reddit is a trash fire
57 mins ago, by Milan Uptech
@KendallFrey okay boss. :) :p
was just in reference 😬 jeeze boss.
wtf? lol
ndugger, Um..okay but try Ashwagandha.. It's great. Read about it
Ashwagandha is herb. We have it in bunch. :D
> Withania somnifera, known commonly as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, or winter cherry, is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family
Did you just tell me to kill myself? It sounds poisonous
do you guys know about Yarshagumba. it stays 6 month insect 6 month herb??
@ndugger not really. Ashwagandha is a medical herb. it can cure many diseases.
Boo are you from India?
I don't believe in shitty herbal medicines. I prefer science and technology.
hey boo 😉
@ndugger lmao
@ndugger you should research about Yarsagumba "Caterpillar fungus" too. it stays 6 month as plant and 6 month as caterpillar.
Indians like to talk about fake herbal medicines the same way that weebs love to talk about Anime
> Have you seen naruto?
Have you tried this herb?
Okay fine. May Science and technology be with you.
@ndugger yes. we are being relied on science and technology but there are many things which science and technology cannot solve.

I am from Nepal. you can find many herbs that can even cure cancer in the forest of India & Nepal.
> Cure cancer
@MilanUptech I think you're full of bullshit.
I'm pretty sure if there were cancer curing herbs, it would be a mainstream treatment by now
Stop lying
I haven't seen a pile of shit that big since Jurassic Park
For example Organic Green Tea. High quality Organic Green Tea are being exported from Nepal & India in many part of the World.
green tea can cure cancer? kekkles
Yea well we export a lot of cars
@KendallFrey not actually.
no shit
1 message moved to Trash
well leave it guys. :D
@MilanUptech don't paint the whole room like that
it's just @ndugger complaining
Yeah, Loktar loves herbs
sure @Loktar :)
I'm growing a bunch of Thyme and Mint next to the house
My mom is one of those crazy herbal remedy women. Thankfully she trusts doctors and stuff, but like joint pain, etc, she uses herb stuff
She sent me home with a gallon ziplock of magnesium and it looked like I had 6lbs of meth on my car seat
Magnesium lights on fire really cool
Really hot
Real talk though mix some magnesium crystals in I believe coconut oil or warm water and it's really good to help relax back pain
@ndugger different form of magnesium I think
Magnesium Chloride that's what it is
I have successfully established a p2p connection between two devices in the same network. There are two peer variables for each device in the server code. But I want to connect un-determined number of devices. What to do?
That's because magnesium relaxes your muscles; that's science though, not some dude's herbs in his back yard that he claims can cure cancer
I don't know about curing cancer but Ashwagandha helped me overcome brain fog. It's not absolutely bull shit.
@RakeshLal use an array?
I use Tylenol.js
@boo I remain skeptical.
i drove to Walgreens at 4am once to get some sort of asthma relief, only thing they had was homeopathic, so ridiculous
@MilanUptech oh look, another chinese aphrodisiac
@KendallFrey :D :D :p
I am hoping someone ca help please....

return 'from: ' + decode(inbox.messages[found].from) + '\n---\n' +
decode(fs.readFile(path.join(inbox.dir, inbox.messages[found].hash), 'utf8'))
@KendallFrey please have a look at this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/humanware/jt09tmjb/1/

As you select under 18 and select a session type and select some days. it shows and hides session time (morning & Evening). For Example, if I click on sunday & saturday it displays only Morning & if I click other days it displays both morning & evening session.
Im getting "TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function" but not sure how to fix it
the problem is if I select evening time checkbox and go back and hide it it remains selected. how can I reset it?
magnesium can also help you sleep
Linking me to non scientific articles masquerading as medical journals isn't going to help your cause
I could write my own article about how spaghetti cures herpes
@ndugger :D :D :D
@forresthopkinsa @ndugger D: D: D: (source)
Next person who pings me gets ignored
it was caprica
I don't care
she doesn't deserve that
Am I require to make threads to manage the pieces of each peers?
node doesnt use threads
child processes (in node), workers (in browser)
But you probably don't need either
c o r o u t i n e s
I don't know how those io games do it, but if you have array of objects, [0] would point to player 1's data, [1] would point to player 2's, etc...
ChRomium Os Universal chrooT envirONment
@RakeshLal what are you trying to do?
getting really pissed off at java right now
fucking type erasure
all my ads on youteb are in spanish fro som ereason
I am trying to create a p2p connection between multiple devices. Transfer a file between them using and then implement my knowledge in creating a p2p multiplayer game.
See I am learning in steps.
I'm assuming you mean browser p2p connection(I think they are called sockets). normal p2p ports are blocked at my college
how are you doing p2p? sockets? library?
use a library like socket.io and it handles multiple connections, subscribe events to run functions on response
WebSockets are not p2p; you would need to use WebRTC
WebRTC isn't really p2p either
thanks, I guess that makes sense but I'm not sure he is using 'p2p' in such a specific context, I think he means online multiplayer
Well then he shouldn't have said p2p
do you have a central server that you want to handle the game logic with @RakeshLal? Sorry I think I made some assumptions when he was asking about that .io game, which isn't p2p
pvp !== p2p
@copy not planning on it
(people were talking about APIs)
Sorry I was busy. is there a difference between peer-to-peer and point-to-point network?
@RakeshLal that's something you can easily research quora.com/…
got it
(() => {
const rand = (min = 0, max = 1) => min + Math.random() * (max - min);
const randInt = (min = 0, max = Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) => Math.trunc(rand(min, max));

return [...Array(100)].map(() => randInt()); // why are these all zeros?

I'm in such an awful mood today... Recruiter reached out to me on linkedin...
> Lucky for you, you caught me on a bad day. If you took even a second to check my profile, you would see that it very clearly says "No Recruiters" on my tagline. I am not open to opportunities, nor would I work with a third party recruiter if I were. Please remove me from whatever list you found me on and don't contact me again.
I want to go home
and drink
@Shmiddty change the return to return [...Array(100)].map(randInt); a function reference
Or to just understand your problem, x => randInt(x)
but yeah, you can just pass the function directly
oh wait, nevermind
mine is wrong, and Jordan's will have weird side effects
Your randInt function always returns 0, though
with no arguments passed in
so, package.json only allows one person to be in the author field, but many contributors. what is the etiquette for a project you forked? put yourself as the author and the creator as a contributor? or keep the creator as the author and add myself as a contributor?
add yourself as contributor
but that's quite debatable
you could make the argument that you're the one primarily responsible for the fork and you don't want people going back to the original author for support
and if you look at the Github page for the project, it'll be under your profile, not the original author's
yeah i pretty much re-wrote the entire thing but i still got the idea from him so i want to give him attribution
on the other hand, when someone marks themselves as the author of something, it's the Right Thing to leave their credit untouched
makes sense, thanks friend
yeah no problem
in your case I think I'd probably list yourself as the author
is there any function in JS like isset() in php?
or let's say empty()
if(variable) pretty much does the same thing. null, "", 0, all resolve to false. anything else resolves to true
@ndugger yeah I was wondering why it magically fixed it being a func ref
I couldn't explain why
@MilanUptech depends on the variable type
Also please use google
Q: JavaScript isset() equivalent

Bart van HeukelomIn PHP you can do if(isset($array['foo'])) { ... }. In JavaScript you often use if(array.foo) { ... } to do the same, but this is not exactly the same statement. The condition will also evaluate to false if array.foo does exists but is false or 0 (and probably other values as well). What is the ...

@SterlingArcher I am planning to generate order details of a form, to do so, I need to check filled/selected input fields and display them in order details. is there any way I can do that?
i mean... yea... that's certainly possible with javascript.
your question is quite broad.
@MilanUptech many ways. We can't keep holding your hand like this -- you gotta put in more effort
@KevinB @SterlingArcher as you can see in this form https://jsfiddle.net/humanware/jt09tmjb/2/ I want to generate order details in details.table like this:
Your Name: ................
Your Address: .................
Your Age: ....................
Selected Package: .....................
Selected Days: ............................
Selected Time: ............................
Total Cost: ...............
Reg Fee: 25
Tax: 8%
Grand Total: ......................

How can I do this?
@MilanUptech Don't be a help vampire
@KendallFrey Sorry. I am new to JS. :( I just need idea.
Try thinking.
@MilanUptech The core of this trade is creativity. When you're faced with new puzzles, you have to use your head and apply what you know. If you don't know enough, that's okay -- work with what you DO know, and you can come back later and apply new concepts once you've learned those. Once you have a specific idea and you've already started implementing it, it's okay to ask people to help you iron out gaps in your understanding.
It's not okay to use other people's experience as a substitute for your own hard thinking. That won't get you anywhere but chatroom blacklists. lol
@forresthopkinsa nicely put
I want to encourage you to be okay with doing things the wrong way. We've all been at a point where we were doing things backwards and messily and all wrong. But you have to get through the wrong ways before you can understand why the right ways are right.
Thanks Sterling
@SterlingArcher nicely post
Thanks @SterlingArcher @KendallFrey @forresthopkinsa . I will surely try that. And if I stuck anywhere and don't find any solution. I will surely ping you. :)
No don't ping me
don't ping him lol
Uh, about that -- don't ping specific people. Many don't appreciate it (it feels like being badgered for help) just post a specific question ("I tried to use this line of code, but my results are weird, heres.. etc) and anybody willing will reply
nobody ping kendall
Ohh, Sure @SterlingArcher . I will do that. :)
@SterlingArcher this is what that was on snap amazon.com/gp/product/B071HMSZ4S
It's beautiful aside from.. Ya know... THe whole thing being fucking shattered
2560x1440 pixels that's not 4k is it?
That's 1440p
I didn't have any desire for 4K tbh
It's only 75hz too but meh. I might invest further down the road in a higher refresh rate, have to see if I actually end up gaming on my desk
unless you're not gaming, then the extra rez is nicer than 240hz 1080p
I love my monitor a lot, having crazy FPS is awesome
Yeah this is my primary work monitor
I want a 240Hz VR
That's nice, but lil pricey for 1080 when I can't use anywhere near the potential of that 240hz lmao
for real though i never notice frame rates in VR
I'm buying components finally. But might not go with that 1080 or ssd
I think all said and done tho I will be plugging my desktop into the living room TV, as always
I wanted a threadripper for teh lulz but so pricey and next gen is on the horizon

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