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with disproportionately long legs
@BenFortune do you make a sound each hour ?
1m86 with a feet size 47 here :|
@KarelG huh?
big ben is that tower with a clock on it. That clock makes a sound each hour
well ... it is in maintenance atm AFAIK
@KarelG it actually is the bell
the biggest of them
not the tower?
oh lol TIL then
most people think it's the tower though
Wow these guys are persistent
the tower is, I think, the clocktower of the palace of westminster
doesn't roll off the toungue as easy
I haven't visited since 2004 - but I like their persistence :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Happy birthday!! :D
there are some years missing though
like if you did some time traveling
Elizabeth Tower it is, apparently
TIL as well
@BenjaminGruenbaum those fuckers certainly didn't care about you for solid 3 years didn't they
Yeah, they didn't :D
How do you guys name your grey colors?
@Paran0a semantically
I've got 2 grays that have 10% difference in luminosity , so since they are pure grays I thought about calling them $grey-l61: #9b9b9b and
$grey-l78: #c8c8c8
l ( luminosity ) + perct of luminosity
Don't name stuff based on what it is - name stuff after what role it plays
That's like doing for(let zero = 0; zero < length; zero++) because the initial assignment is 0. What are you using these colors for?
var string = "Wietlol";
Some are used for active borders on inputs , some are used for labels , some are mixed , its hard for me to find consistency
use activeBorder class ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum but useful constants could be named after their value
like label.activeBorder
like const grey = new Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1);
I dont really need the class , just the color name . So if you use certain grey for borders , certain text colors and even background of certain elements , how do you name that grey ? :D
or const pi = 3.14.......;
Greys are the new fingerboxes
@Wietlol no, never
for me, those gray hex colors that you have used are just gray for me
@Wietlol right, in that case you're not naming the number - you're naming what it represents.
@Wietlol I would never do that, I would name it after what the grey represents.
It represents my eternal suffering of trying to name stuff
then you can do "border.color = grey;"
^ works fine
const ONE = 1
const grey = "gray"
const ONE = 1.00001;
const TWO = ONE + ONE;
const THREE = TWO + ONE;
#define 10 1
const ONE = 10;
const THREE = 2.999999999994;
const ONE = 0x1
const TWO = 0x2;
const THREE = 0x3;
const FOUR = 0x4;
const TEN = 0x10;
@Neil Not sure I understand, what do you mean by clear? by the way changing case to true doesn't work
@Wietlol assert TEN + TEN == 0x20
Looks good to me
What did I walk into?
@makat I mean you're using switch to know what to do when you see "clear", "rain", etc.
Here you go , name these grey semantically
some guy walks into a bar, asks for 0x01 beer
If you have a map, you can use it to get the information you require associated with each weather type
A tester walks into a bar and orders a beer, two beers, -999 beers, a frog
Hi all
he left this room
define "left"
He left a very angry message in the internal repo saying he's leaving SO
What is going on
And ssube said he's taking a break and can be reinstated if he wants to
and what about ssube
Are we ovethrowing this rrom
:grabs a spear:
Who made Oliver angry
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can I have permission to read it or do you want to keep it internally ?
@KarelG no, you can not - it's written in confidence - I'm not even supposed to tell you it exists I was just
Its over you've already said too much , now our mind wonders
I was 20% expecting that
Oh shit what were we talking about
@Neoares that was a) rude and b) totally out of line
Oh do not worry about that. I will respect that. But Oliver must be so angry so I was curious at the cause of that so that I can fit his decision
sorry, the "nazi mod" thing is a twitch meme
not pretending to be rude :P
@Neoares do you really have a doubt that you'd get a year long (or at least several days long) ban would an SE community manager been here rather than me to see it?
@KarelG I have no idea why Oliver is/was so pissed off - if he comes to terms and wants to participate he's welcome to - if he doesn't then he's his own person. I like Oliver regardless of any of that.
I think we all would get banned then
for all we've said these years
You don't get banned retroactively for things you did a year ago.
the rules changed?
And again, you literally just said something random and bad about a community member.
No, if you called a non-member who wouldn't take it as a joke a nazi last year you'd get banned too.
Jhawins was banned for a week once for badmouthing (rudely) someone who isn't even on SO at all.
We've always maintained a "don't be a dick" policy.
whilst we're at it
uraraka o/
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's what I call "wrong place in the wrong moment"
@Neoares maybe, I don't know
You people are forgetting that we don't actually need more than a few room owners here. We want more room owners because we like people but it's not mandatory to RO nor is it "fun". It's more of a "glorified generator willing to help" thing.
This json string is stored in table column. Now, I want to make 'Valuation', ['Completed'], ['NotCompleted'] as first parameter and false as second parameter.
But its giving an error.
{"onchange" : "showHideCheckBox(''Valuation', ['Completed'], ['NotCompleted']',false);"}
Any RO who is not interested in the janitorial work is welcome to step down :)
who can say he has never been a dick with towc?
@Neoares it's entirely a different thing to talk to a friend and a stranger. Also - plenty of people.
I've found IT! The holy grail of semantic color naming $grey-inputBorder-cardBackground-menuListItemText-footerIcons: #F0F0F0;
:googles janitorial:
anyone who is good in json?
I'm like 85% with JSON
86% here , you can consider me an expert
please check my query
73% here
@BenjaminGruenbaum What don't you know about JSON ?
(apart when natural numbers will be part of it)
@DenysSéguret pretty soon, around a year I believe - BigInts are stage 3, in a few months other browsers ship them and in July the next ES gets cut - then the JSON subset proposal and then natural numbers.
@DenysSéguret probably a bunch of the edge cases and I still have open questions about how to efficiently parse JSON that repeats in format.
@Neoares With less than 75%, you're missing one of the letters, SON
You mean they'll take the risk to break so many applications by including big ints in JSON ?
(I'm in favor of this change)
@DenysSéguret well, they can add a parameter or flag - but I don't think it'll break anything.
(and what about NaN and infinity...)
They might introduce bigint notation to JSON or a hint
@DenysSéguret I don't think they'll solve those (or undefined) for JSON - big numbers have a real use case.
NaN and Infinity do have use cases any time you do anything numeric
I have my own parsers for that
I must send a lot of NaN and infinities in my applications
oohh look what I found :)
For example the signal of a plant sensor may contain NaN when some values aren't acquired
It's easier to transmit a big int as a string than to put a few NaN in gigantic float arrays...
@DenysSéguret I would not transmit it as NaN.
I would transmit whether or not it has a value explicitly
Think about huge arrays
I would not move huge arrays over JSON ever anyway
All your back-ends and front-ends are used to manipulate those float arrays and just handle efficiently the NaNs
(I do move huge arrays)
I wouldn't use JSON for data that lends itself to "binary data stuff" better
@BenjaminGruenbaum great. and finally >.>
well, those arrays are only part of the data
Right, I would likely serialize it with protobuf or something similar if possible at all
not using json isn't really a cool answer to json not handling well some part of the data
In general, I wouldn't pass over 50kb with JSON if I can help it
Well, JSON is a textual format, sending data that's stored that way over the wire is... weird
the response can be multi-part
it has been a common thing
put base64 representing the binary data for the array in one and the json in the other
I recall the times where devs sent json to the server that has a mongoDB and they just store the received json object there.
I manipulate highly structured data, and the arrays are in many places in those data. This is the typical use case. I mean several thousands of arrays, some small, some big. JSON is fine except for those NaNs and Infinities where I have to tune the format.
@KarelG oh, that's not a thing anymore?
that is a bad setup
Note that even Google found the need to add the option to handle NaN in their GSon library
@DenysSéguret well, if performance doesn't matter anyway then you can use the second argument of stringify/parse.
in most of those situations, they were using NoSQL db for storage instead of using SQL based storage. Like a new book: {title: "book title", isbn: ''}
nothing wrong with saving the json for posterity
@DenysSéguret ditto dates by the way, dates I'd really expect to work better in JSON (and JS in general)
they just put that json object in nosql db instead of using a SQL table Books with columns title, isbn, ect
if something goes wrong, nice to have a record of input/output
the former fits the scope better because of searching through books
of course performance matter. And the reviver only works if the data could be parsed
I would seriously consider protobuf for that use case over JSON
but saving json in a database is like writing a phone book except you look up the number using a person's street address rather than their name
@Neil most modern databases provide JSON querying and indexing support
@BenjaminGruenbaum dates would be cool yes. But I'm so used to just communicating UTC timestamps that I wouldn't probably change anything
@BenjaminGruenbaum Support doesn't mean it's particularly efficient or that it can be well-represented persisted to the disk
@DenysSéguret I'd also expect them to work with stringify
@BenjaminGruenbaum currently postgresql is the only db so far that does it very well
Same thing as providing xml support in a database. Doesn't mean the xml should be a replacement for using simple columns for querying data
@Neil you're right - in this particular case it's efficient and well represented and persisted (if done with the correct JSON types)
@Neil SQL Server actually handles XML pretty well - although quirkily
In terms of performance
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would guess nosql would do it well enough. Maybe not so much for sql server or oracle
i only use NoSQL when the data from client is dynamic (as in unstructured)
hmm I used it as a cache db once I believe
also useful there
oracle handles xml fine :P
Happy birthday @BenjaminGruenbaum!
@Neil What else would you use? if - else?
I'm not your bae, sweet
and yes, happy birthday! :D
how many? :P
let me guess... 28
uhm Neoares?
@makat an object
var map = {clear: 'myclearweather.jpg', rain: 'myrainyweather.jpg'};
img.src = map[weatherType];
so, I finished my task, and the lead is like "do what you want now"
all issues on jira are already assigned
@towc goes home
I just might
I think I'll have a look at the rest of the codebase, see what sparks my interest
one of the subprojects is called "armadillo-girdled-lizard"
it's confusing
they're all with weird names
and about 15 of them
I could do kendall's challenge, as a way to improve myself as a developer
it's really sad to think that a lot of people put so much more effort than me into getting a lot fewer benefits
I literally feel like the problem people are talking about, with being privileged and stuff
anyone feels that way too?
or does it numb out after a while
or you're like "well, I gotta feed my kids, and I'm not hurting anyone, so I just don't think about it"
@towc what kind of priviliged are we talking about here?
and heh, just got a recruiter email for something called "MEVN (MongoDB Express.js VueJS Node.js)"
I'm not sure we're going to speak about social consciousness in a JS chat but of course not everybody stops having one
@GNi33 money, safe work environment, middle of the city, understanding colleagues
no manual labour. Just sitting at a desk, with a monitor provided by the company
pretty much no pressure
ice cream 5 steps away
I mean, I love it, but I feel like I know some people who would think it's unfair, and I'd agree with them
oh, actually, I bought some devops books from humble bundle relevant to work. I guess I can read those
some people find great joy in manual labor, and a real pleasure in building concrete things with their hands. Some enjoy not breathing the pollution of the middle of the city. Or not having their abs hidden by 5 layers of ice cream.
@DenysSéguret I might be one of them
So, are you privileged ?
a part of me thinks that most of the people I've met worked a lot harder, and got "not nearly as close to where I am", depending on which metric you use
ofc I think I'm privileged
the other option is that they were all stupid, and directed their efforts in the wrong places
which is very very unlikely
memento mori
anyway, here's a list of the books from the bundle:
I guess I'm going to start with AWS
is this a humnle bundle?
Some of those interest me
I know nothing about docker or kubernaterers
I think it's still on
15$ for all those books
apparently combined value is like 1600$
peek from the AWS book:
more like combined value of 20$
well, got a lot of reading to do
textbook prices are a joke
are those ebooks or paperbacks?
pretty much lol
I might pick it up though
God knows maybe I'll have free time sometime this year
i am not a fan of ebooks
the internet is just one big interactive global ebook
ou. powershell books
I do so much work on windows, and know nothing about powershell
I work with it but I advise you to not pay much attention to it
devops for networking sounds pretty interesting
anyone know what "TypeError: Network request failed"?
meh, it's about continuous integration
it's on an ipad simulator on browserstack
I was hoping for some mad-good overview of tcp
only in automatic tests, no console, can't reproduce manually :(
Continuous integration interests me
GOT IT! #coinhive #Excel #Microsoft #Malware
@towc ci/cl, docker, kube
a lot of dev ops interests me, but the amount of effort required to learn and implement
@BenFortune is that a macro
@BartekBanachewicz MS has introduced JS into Excel
@BenFortune I'd say it doesn't sound like a very smart idea, but at the same time it had VBA in it before sooooo
I wonder if it still has all the FP quirks
onto docker next
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bartek for JS RO 2018 :D
@MadaraUchiha lmao wut
Those are @rlemon's fish loaders, aren't they?
I'm getting the same thing
well, before refreshing
Blame shitter
Damn is this 98?
Office malware, I'm feeling old.
that excel issue is much expected
Is that office for mac?
@MadaraUchiha Yes

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