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Hey Cool .. thanks.. that worked..
and I guess this is compatible with all browsers
not in IE
check the compatibility table in that link
if you really want to support IE, use .apply
is there a name for what is not a url, urn, but is a uri?
for example, facebook.com is a uri, but not a url, apparently
https://facebook.com is both a uri and a url
@KamilSolecki thanks!
data:something,something is another example
not sure @towc
@kishea Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
uri = "points to a data source"
as I understand it, urls are subsets of uris, that specify both the location of a resource, and how to access it (protocol)
url is a subset of it
same for urn
while uris only need to specify the location
I had never heard of URNs before researching URL vs URI
what is a urn?
:P networking class
and I have a CCNP cert *blush*
anyway, do you know the name for something like facebook.com/somepage that doesn't include https://facebook.com/somepage?
writing something, and using the right terminology would probably help readability a lot
@towc I don't know.. is there a name for a car without wheels?
that is called as protocol relative url IIRC
PRL or something. lemme google
@Neil well, they're not used nearly enough as this
lol there is only one line on wiki
@KarelG nice, thanks :P
I mean, it's the opposite of a URL, in some sense
shouldn't it be protocol relative URI or something?
still, it is not advisable anymore
it's confusing regardless :/
because applications would add http if that is selected as main protocol
instead of https which is recommended nowadays
that's fine. I'm doing string manipulation, and wanted a good way to call that part of it
@towc protocol agnostic*
Neat room @copy!
Protocol Agnostic URL. What's wrong with that?
What do you mean "what's wrong with that?"?
Did anyone say there's something wrong with it?
well, you moved it away
my little corner is only filled with my little bits of madness
don't attempt to put things that make sense in there
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha that's hilarious
@towc surely your little corner is absent of marbles :)
I don't get it
The expression "losing one's marbles" means to go crazy
oh, sure then
anyone got a windows 8.1 machine handy
win 7
or 10
I need IE11 on windows 8.1
or well
windows 7 too I guess
if it can have IE11
is there a significant amount of people using IE11 on windows 8.1 that would merit testing it?
anyone on 8.1 would be using IE11
@Mosho got 11, what do you need? (Win 7)
@KamilSolecki location.origin defined?
Windows 10 has IE11 too, right?
yes but apparently location.origin is undefined in win8.1
well that is what mosho says
@Mosho yea
yea, browserstack has IE11 on windows 7 too
and it has location.origin there as well
but not on windows 8.1
@Mosho Well that's a bit of an assumption. If they were unwilling to upgrade to windows 10, they may be using netscape for all you know
are you sure that you did not made a typo by accident ?
can someone make a typo on purpose?
nah, I couldn't play Overwatch yesterday... Was feeling feverish @Mosho
@KarelG me?
heh, on crossbrowsertesting they do have it in IE11 windows 8.1
so browserstack is just trying to fuck with me
Why don't you play something challenging, like TF2, instead of that cartoony fps.
speaking of cartoony
I want to play fortnite
also, TF2 cartoony af
The game mechanics are better, though.
yeah I agree. TF2 has that same cartoony style as fortnite and overwatch
I tend to just play killing floor 2
I don't have a computer than can handle Fortnite (yet).
a good graphics card will almost run you more than the computer itself these days
though you probably wouldn't need one of the more recent graphics cards to handle fortnite
I've been eyeing sea of thieves for some time now
looks like it doesn't take itself too seriously
I am looking for a way to have this setup:
My HD 4000 runs Fortnite at 2560x1080/6fps avg.
@littlepootis you don't need 2560x1080 resolution do you? geez
[digibox (TV)] HDMI out -----> HDMI in [PC] -----> HDMI in [TV]
so that I can switch between either computer or digibox when using the TV
but seems hard to accomplish
currently I am settled with
I'm sure they sell HDMI switches
@Neil Great for productivity
[digibox (TV)] HDMI out -----> HDMI in 1 [TV]
[PC] HDMI out -----> HDMI in 2 [TV]
digibox -> switch, PC -> switch, switch -> tv
can you switch remotely? :P
like from the seat
@littlepootis my friend at work is obsessed about getting the highest quality monitor
he spends so much just to get the highest resolution, best quality
i know someone with a 4k LG screen at his home. 4ish meter from his cough
@KarelG well, I imagine it's possible.. It'd probably need a usb port for power though at that point
or I should get that tiny intel usb pc
@Neil for work?
This is what I got: newegg.com/Product/…-24-025-342--Product
@littlepootis at home
He doesn't have much choice at work I think
tell him to use the dell 8k monitor
@littlepootis That is nice
That'd be more than enough for me, but knowing my friend, he might scoff at it because of some minor defect
I have 2 dropdown :Country and State
If I needed an upgrade on my PC, it'd probably be a new SSD drive though
still using that old crank hard drive
He's probably looking for 144Hz, 1440p or 4k 16:9
or 8k :P
So i should make 2 get calls for Country and State or i should make 1 call and get Country and State in 1 json?
What would be the better way?
1 call
@Ikari lol
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused populate the dropdown at the server
I'd be less productive on that 8k monitor than I am on this current ultrawide.
if it is dynamic, only prepopulate the country and get states via json
but later on if i would require only City then it would be problamatic
eh pootis, I am using a laptop and 2 external screens at my work
Isnt it?
I am having registration form where i have 2 dropdown
So once registration form is loaded i want to populate Country and State
> if it is dynamic, only prepopulate the country and get states or cities via json
Two monitors would've been better for productivity, but would suck for gaming.
am very happy
lol gaming at work would be dope
I want to get on the X399 wagon
lol amd
just checked that mobo on gigabyte site
fucking insane
@BenFortune What's wrong with it?
because it's not intel
your intel is wrong
X399 has 64 PCIe lanes, which really is the only reason I'm thinking about choosing that for my next build
TIL using bash in powershell opens WSL bash in same session
Like you'd ever come close to using half of them
I wouldn't.
PS C:\dev\> bash
custom functions loaded
done loading bash
Go to root? (y/n)n
ok staying at ~
Z370 has 24 PCIe lanes
did he left this room too ?
My cmder opens into WSL by default, it's great
@KarelG yes
the nights (EU perspective) here are so toxic it seems :|
I'll be out soon too
I think X370 has 24 too, I need 32. (4xM.2, 16 for GPU)
just curious
are the regulars leaving due of that SO blog which led to a toxic atmosphere or the toxic atmosphere created here due of the flagging and moderation interventions or something else?
I am not here when it is night (GMT) so I only read it briefly based on starred messages
Are the regulars really leaving, or just some of them ?
@KarelG I'd say second mostly
Some are less active for other reasons
I think ROs are hammering less people here now
@DenysSéguret Just a select few that aren't happy with the current situation
Well, I'm not happy, but I'm not planning to leave.
if you're not 100% happy we don't want you here, Denys
this is no place for sadness
ah well. I will miss the good times here
the 1 month ago ones?
Anyone has any Tizen experience?
I'm using node to do serial comms, and I have to send hex bytes as commands in the following form: [ 0xF2, 0x06 ]. I have this working up to the point where I need to send a 32 bit Integer with the command, in the same way. So e.g sending "3" would be: [ 0xF2, 0x06, 00, 00, 00, 03]. Starting with "3" as a string, how do I output a 32 bit int literal in this way, split up into bytes?
I am a bit confused with your question o.o
to be fair, it's confusing me too, I'm probably skipping over something. Basically I need to make "3" into [00,00,00,03]. I probably just need to use parseInt don't I.
Wait for a few hours then ask @rlemon he's the one guy here who did these things probably
cheers, if I can't figure it out I'll do that. continues bashing head off desk
!!> var num = parseInt('3'); [0xFF & (num >> 24), 0xFF & (num >> 16), 0xFF & (num >> 8), 0xFF & num]
@Neil [0,0,0,3]
will it always be positive?
!!> 0xFF
@Neoares 255
!!> 0xCAFE
@Neoares 51966
@Neil 3405691582
!!> 0xB00B5
@BenFortune 721077
learningjs here
please someone write abuse.js library with all this
@Neoares 181058266
(actual spanish word)
@Neil yes always positive
@totallyNotLizards So that should work then
@littlepootis Uses libui which isn't particularly stable, but it's alright
Hey does anyone have an idea how I can use if / switch inside map? it doesn't seem to work for me: codepen.io/pen
nice link
@makat That's an empty pen
@BenFortune maybe that is why it doesnt work...
@Neil thanks, that got me the output I was after - looks like I need to readup on bitwise. Much obliged
@totallyNotLizards no problem
@makat syntax error
See the commented values they work, but when I add switch it doesn't
It's nothing fancy, just shifts it to the right n bits and removes anything over 255
click that red exclamation mark
@Mosho ignore the syntax, it's something I implement in Angular and can't show on codepen without some work
Well ignore only that error
why make a pen then if it's not reproducable?
> Blockchain-Optimized Dating
@littlepootis Gonna start calling you little towc
Ah let me make something better
@makat that's not how switch works
you may want to change
switch (item) {
Try to make it work using a map with say, "clear" on one side and the url for the icon on the right
no need for switches
@BenFortune I'm older, but okay.
bigger towc
Here you can see it inside the "weather component"
@BenFortune Funny story. One of my colleagues at work has a last name "Grosso" which in italian means "big" (I'm in Italy)
He went on a business trip to Italy, and they started calling him "Big Joe" (joe's not his real name, but you get my drift)
They thought it was his nickname
he's actually quite small
so maybe they figured it was an ironic title
People used to call me big ben
maybe his stature isn't what it's referring to
*uncomfortable silence*
I'm quite comfortable
I'm quite silent
His feet must be rather large
I'm quite small

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