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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

has anyone ever used the Canvas' createImageData function for anything in production?
var assertWasCalledOnce = curry(curry, partialRight([1], assertWasCalled)),
    assertWasCalledWithUndefined = curry(curry,
        partialRight([undefined], assertWasCalledWith)),
    assertWasCalledWithFive = curry(curry,
        partialRight([5], assertWasCalledWith))
Is curry(curry, partialFunction) a bad pattern?
so then I can do assertWasCalledOnce(thing)
instead of curry(assertWasCalledOnce, thing)
I've nary a clue
@ThiefMaster ugh, those look terrible. I'm a fan of Egyptian style (more a fan of Python's "who needs braces?")
ha I had no idea those were called egyptian style
third one down
best part was it originated on SO
Awesome article
I miss those questions on SO
2 hours later…
hello, i'm a newb and I'm trying to figure out why would somebody try to send bytes using json, instead of simply giving the binary file URL in a string
@AntoineG JSON can carry variable types, i think
im sorry but i don,t understand what you mean
[] <-- This is an Array.
"bar" <-- This is a String.
yes, i got that
what i mean is, i see people trying to transform byte arrays into strings to embed them in JSON objects
to do so, they have to escape a bunch of illegal characters that result from the conversion from byte to char
A byte array ?
what's that
an array of bytes
You mean like this: ["01100110", "01101111", "01101111"] --> foo
well, lets say i open a picture, and extract its bytes
then i want to send them to another computer
i see people trying to embed those bytes into JSON objects
i try to understand why
how they embed into a json
json only accepts string, number, object, and array
they take each bytes and get their equivalent char
hi people
then put the chars in a huge string
you mean datauri
then for each char that is not valid in JSON, they escape it
i don't know really why, maybe another person here can answer you
kk thanks anyway =)
you're welcome ;)
Hey guys, I've got a question if anyone's has time
I'm making a personal site that will include a blog, link shortener, resume among other things, and I'm doing it on Heroku. What web technologies do you recommend for my project?
Do you mean actually using wordpress.com?
ah, I thought so.
you can download it and install it on the server
How about programming languages? RoR looks nice, but it's another thing to learn.. I know a bit of python. I'm a C# and PowerShell guy, really.
You could use Django if you already know a bit of python :)
Ok, I'll look it up. I'm also not opposed to using a starter-project from github :) There seem to be a lot of good ones
djangoproject.com That is django's site, however, i personally prefer Bottle.py micro-framework. Here is their link: bottlepy.org/docs/dev/index.html
The best part about Bottle is the fact that it is a single file, and there are no dependencies other then the python STD library, so if you have python on your server, you can use Bottle :)
PHP is the best
I just found ruhoh.com
It looks pretty neat
afternoon gentlefolk
@Derek That is your opinion, to each our own :)
I'm a relative js n00b, I usually prefer c/c++/java, but I've been working on this web application using node/jquery on the weekends lately and I was wondering if I could get some feedback
2 hours later…
Q: How would I go about setting a CSS gradient background in JavaScript?

DanThe CSS gradient is described here, but I have no idea how to select for these properties in JavaScript. I would rather not use jQuery for this if at all possible.

tomorrow is Michael Jackson's death date
anyone there?
@user931794 drop a link here
3 hours later…
@FlorianMargaine Is "pensée" feminine or masculine?
@Zirak feminine
if there's an "e" at the end, it's feminine most of the times.
ah, thanks. Wanted to make a comment grammatically correct
hrm, let's see if nothing is screwed up in transfers:
!!/hang s
  |   |
e, s
!!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
e, s, t
lol wow!
yeah, that's how the bot started. It evolved from a glorified Hangman bot.
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, s, t
awesome @Zirak
btw waht the heck is the word ?
!!/ hang i
!!/hang speedless
@Abhishek Invalid command / hang i

@Zirak Correct! The phrase is speedless.
Yeah, I really should allow people to put spaces...
i feel like an idiot (XD)
knows how to add meta tags in jsfiddle ?
!!/ hang
@Zirak Correct! The phrase is speedless.
| |

okay, that's an odd bug
ah, I see.
So does anybody knows how to put <meta> tags in jsfiddle
holy hell, the first time the bot was used was In December 24, exactly 6 months ago! chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/2197491#2197491
@Esailija EPIC
aw, ninjad
oh for fuck's sake
why doesn't chat inline the comment
Probably because the question is deleted
yeah just noticed it
this was second time in 15 mins that someone said to me that he doesn't need to learn basic syntax before posting a question
The bot is already 6 months old...I really am so very lazy.
Q: Implementation of Javascript Classes and Inheritance

Matteo PagliazziI've created a simple Javascript library to be able to create "classes" and extend them defining instance and static methods and variables. It consists in a simple function Class with two methods: create and extend. var Class = function(){}; Class.extend = function(obj){ var Extended = fu...

facebook y u bug ?
- page shows nearly instantly -
- js works ages later - :-|
that's a simple extend function, it doesn't do inheritance...
"simple extend" meaning copy properties
An AJAX newbie; Please Support stackoverflow.com/q/11177083/1189194
@Esailija how is that not inheritance
it's not prototypical inheritance for sure. It's still a form of inheritance
well you simply made an extend function to copy properties
in his extend function, properties are copied from 3 different objects
to 2 different objects
well yes
his extend thing does silly unnecessary things
actually you just made a bunch of objects, you don't even have constructor functions anywhere
you assume he is gonna use Object.create( Model ) over new Model?
besides there are millions of libraries that do this
@Abhishek would you pls help me
Is there any SQL Injection error
@Esailija no. extend({}, Model) for a new model
The main point is that all of the millions of libraries that do this are all very silly and should not be used
including pd. Pd is a silly library
so everytime you create an object, you want to copy all the things to it, every time.
Use prototypes if you care about fast object instantiation. I use prototypes as a fast object creation optimization technique
you think accessing something that is not directly on object is somehow slower?
Having flat objects with no hierachy is better
@Esailija it is slower. Accessing properties on the prototype is simply slower. But worrying about that difference is still a micro optimization
I prefer flat objects with no hierachy because you can do meta programming on them using Object.keys in a simple fashion
it should not be slower on v8 at least
hi @Amaan
it is. Go jsperf it
@AbelJojo What's up?
@Raynos I get 25% slower for nonproto in fact jsperf.com/access-speedasd
@Amaan not much
wut -.-
i claim biased test
v8 can optimize this type of code almost like static classes
fuck object.create
read the article why the first edition is fast
or the first comment
what article
as you can see non prototypical acccess is faster
Hi all @Esailija, @Raynos @Abhishek and @Amaan and all, I am happy that got privilege to chat with you. I am new to this environment. I expect all your support.
Anyone who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation.
There is some weird thing going on with that object literal though
It's as if nothing is being done at all
@Esailija there is some weird thing going on with your constructor
my jsperf completely skips it
it doesn't run any samples on it, it just skips it
well it broke now
because I edited it -.-
remove the newObj thing
that doesn't affect it, it doesn't run samples on it at all
maybe my computer is too fast
getting both skipped with infinity jsperf.com/access-speedasd/4
seems it runs too fast "Ran 500000 times in 0.000 seconds"
guys has anyone used APE?
yes it sucks
use node.js :X
was my next question :)
did I answer all your questions now
@Esailija you suggest a general architecture
are you building a skyscraper?
sorry, have trouble with the keyboard
can you suggest a general architecture of using node.js to build a multi-player board game
i mean I think i'll use apache and php for serving the website itself
Bad idea.
I only need node.js for the game itself
how come?
what would you suggest?
Because it's PHP ;)
Why not use node for the website, too? Apache/nginx/lighttpd etc. serves the static stuff, node the dynamic things
php rocks actually
Especially if you want to access some of the game stuff it'll be easier if you have the same technology for both
yes, that what i though
I don't think so
how would i integrate the two?
you have everything in somewhere both node and php can access anyway
programming real life business logic with node.js sucks ass
PHP sucks ass too though
at least you can write sane sequential code with php
great advices :D
ok, im gonna go do some more reading i guess
have a good one dudes
some arbitrary logic that changes everyday
what the hell is that ?
i am not even sure ,what is worse , that answer or how it was reviewed
it has some sort of oscillator-thing .. with no formulas, bad picture and just wall of text
its an answer's screenshot
in a university exam paper [VTU university] and the answer got full marks
how to deal with OP lying :D stackoverflow.com/q/11178512/995876
jQuery("#dropmenu li ul li ul li ul li ul li ul li ul li a span").text('');
ahahaahah what am I reading
Hey Esailija, working on this for you now for the typeahead issue
you are not using the original twitter bootstrap for sure :P
it does not support ajax, you can read the source for yourself even
hah! well i didn't modify anything... trying to get an example here for you
let me get a fiddle together
esailija - still there?
i can point you to a working example on our sandbox site
let me make you a username
Ok, go to this URL:
ok then what
use this username
you need to get to page 2
so just get past the initial sign in
and then on the company name input on the second page
you can see a working example of a twitter bootstrap typeahead ajax call
where do I enter the username
in the email address
in login or the registration form
registration form
registration form page 2 has the autocomplete that you can see in action
which one is it :D
Copmany Name
all those auto completes do it
type ahead plugin 2.0.0
with ajax as the data source
the issue is that i want to upgrade to the 2.0.4 plugin
that is not original bootstrap typeahead
it's heavily modified
oh really
crazy because i got it directlyoff their site
search for "source"
they use it as a function and even have process method etc
none of that shit is in original bootstrap typeahead
crazy -- i got it DIRECTLY off their site!
which site exactly
it wasn't easy for me to find 2.0.0
but i got it a while back
maybe they've changed a bunch of things since then?
see there is no process, onselect etc
nope, I cannot find anything about that in their history
you can try
VERY strange
those are different versions
I doubt any of them has this modified one
well maybe 1.x
but not 2.x
well honestly i'd rather be using a proper version
so i'd rather just upgrade to 2.0.4
but i of course need to be able to make ajax calls with it
proper version doesn't have this functionality, nothing even in the official documentation says anything about ajax calls or being able to use anything else than plain simple array for source
well, is there a problem with 2.0.0 typeahead?
I mean, the modified one.
if there isn't any problem, why upgrade it
so ther eis a problem
this fiddle works with 2.0.4
this fiddle does not properly write to knockout in my 2.0.0 version, but it does if you swap out to 2.0.4
so either knockout sucks or the modified typeahead..
I mean they shouldn't affect each other
how does that not work exactly with "2.0.0"
I think I found what you are using gist.github.com/1866577
the source code matches yours
ah perfect
and you should visit a doctor if you think you downloaded this from official bootstrap site :d
@Esailija lol
taking a look now, sorry lawyer is calling on the phone for our business :)
on a sunday?:P
Yep, dedication!
could be the async nature of the modified plugin that's making it "not work"
ok i'm going to try to get it to work directly with the 2.0.4 version
modified or official
but how in 2.0.4 could i make an ajax call?
i wanna use the official 2.0.4, and make an ajax call, how would i do that?
you cannot make ajax calls in the official versions at all
which is why people made modified versions
the thing is, take a look at this URL
the official lacks a lot useful features like ajax
if you scroll down it has ajax on there
oh i see, this one also has additional customisation
yeah, that's a custom extension not the official typeahead
so is there a good extension you could recommend?
this is the official repo github.com/twitter/bootstrap
but it won't work with ajax, correct?
yes it doesn't have ajax
do you have a preferred ajax extended script?
the one you linked sounds good, you should figure out logic problems in your code
it's most likely not the library's fault
it's just very strange that knockout isn't picking it up... especially because if you look at this fiddle here:
with this fiddle, everything works properly... but i guess i need an ajax enabled version of that
it's not even related to knockout
$("#" + id).typeahead({
    source: ["AItem1", "AItem2", "AItem3", "BItem1", "CItem1"]
you can do that without knockout and it works the same
right i understand but for some reason
that 2.0.0 version isn't writing to knockout's object model
if you do the same with the modified typeahead, there is some other bug than knockout/typeahead compatibility
that's what I'm trying to get around ehre
that's not doing anything to knockout's object model at all
right, that's the exact problem! :)
it should be though.
because this last fiddle i sent you works 100% correctly
i really appreciate your help by the way
so what i need is an ajax enabled version of this 2.0.4 which cooperates with knockout
found the bug
in modified source code, they are not triggering the change event when they change the value
in the 2.0.0?
in modified source code, they do this: this.$element.val(text)
they SHOULD do this:
let me try that
which makes knockout be aware the the value changed
in official source they do this:
.change() is alias for .trigger("change")
yes, you're right, that did help
so all is good now?
should i steal the official source version then?
which line of code do you prefer
no, again, the official source has no support for ajax :D
all you need is to modify this.$element.val(text)
so with your first suggestion, it appears to work properly
in the modified source change that to this.$element.val(text).trigger("change")
yes yes, i believe it's working, let me put it all together
modified = your "2.0.0", has support for ajax, but doesn't trigger `change`
official = 2.0.4 has no support for ajax, but triggers `change`
ok :D
right, i definitely understand
this was beyond helpful
I can't believe they made an extension that doesn't trigger change :/
> visited 280 days, 99 consecutive
I should get my first golden badge soon.
only one day :P
what if someone logs you out and ties you up to a chair
for a whole day
then you lose all the progress
why would someone do that?
Idea of using vars array get from @Esailija Sir, thanks Sir.
fucking annoying
should have just commented on my answer
A: Callbacks for the same function

thecodeparadoxIdea of using vars array get from @Esailija Sir, thanks Sir. var vars = [ [1, 2], [9, 3], [6, 4], [5, 6] ], i = 0; function serializeCall(x, y) { alert(x + ' ' + y); $("#block").addClass("class"); setTimeout(function() { $("#block").removeClass("class...

did I mention how much I hate that guy
Esailija - thanks again for your help
i'm on to the next thing now
take care! i'm sure i'll be back soon to bug you
@Esailija we both do, you know it ;)
you can't even downvote him because then he asks WHY THE DOWNVOTE
which is annoying
obviously cos your answer sucks
Q: How to perform efficient 2D picking in HTML5?

jSepiaI'm currently using an R-Tree for both picking and collision testing. Each entity on screen has a bounding box for collisions and a separate one for picking. Since entities may change position very frequently, both trees must be updated/reordered once per frame. While this is very efficient for ...

@Esailija could you please look this code jsfiddle.net/abelkbil/hKu76 . Just to make sure! that should i have a return statement.
use jQuery and shut up
sorry dear @Esailija
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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