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hey guys i have a regex : this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,''); but i need to add regex to this that he only accept 1 dot (.)
its about filling a percent
now i am able to write 1.5.1
@namzaG that regular expression is about removing unwanted characters
It says nothing about the format of the value
you'd need to use a second regular expression
@namzaG But you're probably looking for something along the lines of: /[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/g
apply this check after you've replaced unwanted characters
it's opposite of what i need
Just use a number input. Browsers already limit inputs; you’re just adding unnecessary complexity
@Neil it didnt work even after addi gn ^ it will delete every dot or comma what i need is just accept 1 dot
@namzaG No, you misunderstand.
The first replace you do is fine.. keep it
You need to add a 2nd regular expression check
I’m invisible
@ndugger Hmm? Anyone else felt a breeze just now?
I farted
@namzaG @ndugger made a good point though, you should listen to it
@Neil i know the problem is i work with a platfor and somethings are programmed by others where i can't (or not allowed ) edit some code so i need to find another vay
if i did it alone i would use what ndugger said
Tell the other developers that they’re bad
i am happy that some ppl understand my pain
"Other people suck" is a pretty universally understood concept actually
i suppose its universally applicable
@SomeGuy haha wow
it's that time of my circular logic cycle where I try to write a CV, again
How many CVs do you need?
well, I never finished one
someone sent me the perfect meme for me a few days ago, let me find it
I hope it's just a picture of you
those squirrels lol
@towc In that case, yeah, get on it :D
Like with a painting, start with a rough sketch, then refine details where they are lacking
what's the meme where this black singer/dancer goes "no" and the picture below he goes "yes"?
Dr. Ake
But I prefer the @SterlingArcher version
went something like this:
I was like "that's my entire life"
Don't put that on your CV
yeah :/
I mean, they've all been personal projects
I've always delivered, when there was someone to deliver to
which was like, 5 jobs
Just redefine what "finished" means and declare good, unfinished projects as reserarch
or 6
@OliverSalzburg I mean, that's what they were
I never actually tried to make a product for anyone to use
A good research ends with a conclusion though IMHO
If you just played with a tech to get used to it, I don't think I would mention that as a project or long-term assignment
That's more of a bullet under the "additional experiences" header
get a degree @towc
and have fun
@Neoares get a soul
you are a 17yo guy with 23+ guy problems
@OliverSalzburg yeah, I'm not putting them in my CV
put me in
Hey guys! Can anyone help me figure out why my jQuery isnt working to collapse my navbar? jsfiddle.net/67nx5paw/4
that's a lot of guys
I can speak well about you
@Neil plenty of them
@towc is 17?
I know it seems 13
well, I'm 18
and I seem 14, thank you very much
I figured you were 20-something
in peppers
@OliverSalzburg I think you were the only one
This actually makes a lot of the past stories less WTFy
ffs facebook changed the favicon
ffs why am I on facebook
ffs why am I on SO?
@madcrazydrumma "toggle" is unreachable?
what do you want
@madcrazydrumma Nothing in your code tries to collapse a navbar
is anyone experience in bxf format?
Also your hamburger menu isn't displaying, so there's nothing to click in the first place
it has a display:none
@Neoares @Cereal I tried using slideToggle and slideDown and they dont do anything
So I removed them by accident in the fiddle
it has a display: none
so you can not click there
Also that ^
Go responsive to see the bars
pff, hamburger menu is so 2000s
Replace <i...</i> with anything else
Updated *
Now you can see the bars
man, the "#toggle" element has display:none
how are you supposed to trigger the "click" event it has
Yes. but shorten the view
it appears in responsive dude
@SterlingArcher @Zirak imgur.com/gallery/Jt76A
Celestial feces
@MadaraUchiha uf
i'll give it 9/11
@madcrazydrumma ok, and it works
I see the "clicked" message in my console
but nothing displays
should it?
I'm not used to jquery
Yeah it should, or at least thats the effect I'm trying to achieve
Posted it as a question here stackoverflow.com/questions/49630748/…
You that 10 second auto-revert thing Windows does when you fuck with the display settings? Why is there no such thing when you fuck with networking remotely?
It seems like a good idea
ask Gates
He only cares about shit in India
then go to India and ask Gates
I thought that was shit in Africa
then go to Uganda
Why don't you ganda?!
@OliverSalzburg This should be as standard as requiring new masked passwords to be entered twice
what is ganda
@Neil for login?
@Neoares No, for creating a new password
who puts only 1 input for that
did github's rules for gh-pages change?
I don't know how everyone got the memo, but they did. You never see just one masked password field
I thought it used to be that if it finds a gh-pages branch in repo X, it would make its content available in username.github.io/X
@towc Pretty sure it can be enabled/disabled in the project settings
Not sure about default behavior
oh, you can still do it
didn't see a mention of it while scrolling through pages.github.com
but it's in the repo settings
the amount of times I wanted to tell people around me "so, here's a thing: fuck you" today has been a record
Seems to be step 1
Maybe not explicit enough
uhm, I'm getting this:
the "Project site" thing didn't make sense to me
I see it now
is it ok to re export a module borrowed from another npm lib so you don't have to get your users to download that npm package?
so they can include the lib from npm lib A instead of also needing to know to import from npm lib B
What if the user already has that package?
Long story short, don't
remember how I complained about weather and snow two days ago? Well it's +20 today.
Declare it as a peerDependency
I must have read "Load your data at the highest level possible" a million times while learning react and I just scoffed at it like I knew better.

5 weeks in, and here I am, moving the data loading out of sub components
@Cereal :)
Someone that wants to take a look at this question from me? stackoverflow.com/q/49408498/9427768
@J.Ende Your barcode scanner should be able to function as a "keyboard"
@J.Ende I looked. It's not good
In which case you only need an input and treat everything as if it's keyboard input
@OliverSalzburg haha ofc not otherwise I wouldn't ask
But I only use it on mobile devices
Through the webbrowser
@KamilSolecki yeah, odd, isn't it?
the forecast around here is "0 to 23 degrees every day of this week"
nice margin there, it's like they don't care anymore
@J.Ende I should have read the entire question first
It's supposed to snow tomorrow :(
Is there a css style that will do a max-height/max-width, but also stretch to fill if it's less than the size of the container
But also respects the aspect ratio
whats the best way to make the browser guarantee to load the index.html from the server?
I already use a simple cachebuster on my initial script tag, like blah.js?bust=<new Date()>, but it seems like browsers just cache the whole index.html
@KamilSolecki Global warming is a myth /s
@jAndy Cache-Control: must-revalidate max-age=0 I guess
I know that some clients will ignore that and just cache it anyway and never ask again. You would have to make the initial request with a cache-breaking query
setting a short lifetime on index.html is usually good enough, as long as everything else has a hash/time in it
Add a JS that checks if window.location contains a ?, if not, reload with cache breaker
@ssube short lifetime where?
on index.html. Everything else can be hash-named and cached indefinitely.
I guess I should set some headers on nginx location too
@SterlingArcher I played it for like 60 hours or so I need to get back to it. It's hard to say if it's worth it for everyone though. If you like games where you grind you'll like it
but if you HATE grinding you probably wont like it
it involves killing the same monster multiple times to get armor sets
but there is a TON of content... it's insane
and a ton of variety
I'm painting it a bit negatively, I would check out some videos for sure if you're interested at all
there are also 18 main weapons to choose from, each with their own styles/combos... it's a crazy game content wise
I got skyrim vr last night. Surprisingly good.
What really surprised me was that there was no screendoor effect for some reason. Everything's just really clear
!!urban phomies
@mega6382 phomies PHP homies
@rlemon i saw you showing up in the wrong chat
Huh, you can't reply to your own messages
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/object-fit <- This is what I needed for my prior question.

Surprisingly hard to find
@MadaraUchiha Sure you can
location  = /index.html {
                expires -1;
that should do it for nginx no?
@jAndy what kind of formatting is that?
@towc A bad one.
no wonder he can't win The Game
I only want to exclude the freaking index.html
@MadaraUchiha D= Manually
@MadaraUchiha what do you suggest for that?
@jAndy Oh the solution is fine
Just your formatting sucks.
copied right out of iTerm2
don't blame me :p
location = /index.html {
  expires -1;
That wasn't so hard.
@MadaraUchiha I like how they all look at him
that makes the video 100x times funnier
just before I have to search for hours in the webpack sourcecode... can anyone tell me how to like suffix all webpack bundles with a variable?
(pretty much for the same reason, cache control)
in webpack 4.x
Ok, how can I make it so, that htm5 <video> shows controls on mobile devices but not on PCs?
output: {
    // Make sure to use [name] or [id] in output.filename
    //  when using multiple entry points
    path: path.join(__dirname, 'static'),
    filename: "assets/entry.[name].[hash].js",
    chunkFilename: "assets/dependency.[id].[chunkhash].js",
    publicPath: '/'
jAndy I stick the hash in the name for that.
that's not webpack 4.. but i think output is the same?
I dunno.. I'm pretty sure I read something on the release notes about changes in dynamic naming bundles
but I'll try thx
the webpack docs show an example of putting [hash] in the publicPath, not in the individual files
which would work, if you account for that in your index.html
how would that work?
just make sure you use the right one in your <script> tag.
I need some fixed entry source outside of webpack for the browser
if you are using that popular html page plugin that inserts the script tags, then it's done for you
yea script tag is busted, I just needed kill any caching on the index.html
and of course... the chunks
I think I accidentally wrote a photon tracer in js
send help
what's a photon tracer?
It's a tracer of photons.
@Luggage A spline reticulator for photons.
I can't be impressed with his humblebrag unless I know what it is.
@BartekBanachewicz This is towc level commenting
@Loktar :D
@Luggage it's an algorithm that traces paths of photons in a scene
so a ray tracer?
@BartekBanachewicz so like a ray tracer? ^ lol
@Loktar something like that, but obviously much simpler since it took me like 20 minutes
ray tracers trace pixels from the screen into scene
photon tracers trace lights into scene
potato potato
it's a subtle difference, most of the calculations are the same
@BartekBanachewicz what were you actually trying to do?
his taxes
common mistake
@towc ok I was actually trying to write a photon tracer but I thought adding "accidentally" will make it more interesting
There we go.
@BartekBanachewicz it did
fake news
it's fun anyway
I have a bug somewhere though
send code so we can shit on it
@towc there's not much of it
it'll be a quick shit then
the whole thing is less than 150 lines
I'll share it once it starts at least working reliably
1000 lines of code later
@towc We actually only do that to you
my dad once told me that if I was a fruit I'd be a prune, because I make him want to take a shit
@towc he's a wise man
@BartekBanachewicz can't make it run :/
@towc width="640" height="480"
also it's awfully inefficient right now so give it a while
@Luggage Frozen browser
45 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
also it's awfully inefficient right now so give it a while
give it a couple seconds
or just reduce the number of photons to dunno 500
Frozen doesn't mean slow ;P she frozen
oh, I didn't actually run "go"
mine was frozen, but only for about 4 seconds
I had to force quit
Works now.
again, the box should be lit green from the right
needs more utah teapot
Good morning
@Luggage that should be easy enough
Lol shoe
lines in 2d are almost like triangles in 3D
So, I'm secretly in love with JS but I have no idea how to come out to my friends. Help.
that toiok forever to load
once I fix the bug it should work as is with pretty much arbitrary geometry
@Shoe don't
lol what
Oh hey bartek
keep it to yourself
said towc
Dis awkward
cuddle it and love the shit out of it
@Shoe be proud. join a parade.
nobody needs to know
Show them your beatiful modern JS
that flag
what flag?
I wish I could see flags
The one the 10K users saw.
but imma pleb
@Luggage I'm afraid my friends won't like me anymore. They hate people like me.
get more rep
it's easy
it's not :(
how could I
you could be 20k in 3-4 weeks
what languages do they think are 'real'?
!!tell 41928290 youdidntseeanything
@KevinB Not everyone can have an 8k point answer
@KevinB lol how
lots of answers
is that bird having a seizure?
@KevinB By joining SO 9 years ago, posting a couple of stupidly popular questions/answers and leeching off of those?
I feel bad answering 5rep bois
i mean, if you want to spend 6-8 years getting there, sure, but you can get there much faster with answering crappy questions
Why would you want to answer that though
@KevinB Most people are looking for non-negative rep
that downvoted answer got non-negative rep
can't we just take a test of knowledge and get free rep without helping people or contributing back in any way?
+25 -2
I helped a lot in the chat, got 0 reps for it xD
@KevinB 23 quick maths
chat doesn't count
chat is where we destroy our rep, not gain
how do we lose rep here
general social reputation, that is
it's like if the chat was a bar in where you spend your reps you've gotten from SO (job) in alcohol
oooh that rep
@Neoares You pay rep tributes to me, remember?
You're late on your payment by the way.
man look at my profile
and I have 3 kids
how I'm I supose to feed them
how much rep do we give you for one future unbanning?
What, you didn't think I got to 100k with just my jQuery skills, did you?
you corrupt mod, you
i'll get 100k one day
we could make an "In time" spin off called "In reps"
basically black mirror's social thing
Madara would be the final boss
and you'll have to answer jQuery questions to get reps, then waste it into weapons
at my current avg daily rep it'l take me another 80 days O.o
that doesn't seem right
seems rather soon
@KevinB You can give some to me
If you want it to take longer
@Neoares A weapon that turns the default JS crypto lib into something actually useful?
yes, into a 10sec-coded @towc hash function
you don't need JS' crypto lib for that
Hello fellow javascripters :)
@NetGuy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello, comments for this snakes game please?
abr 03 16:56:40 rpx4 uwsgi[10659]: Python main interpreter initialized at 0x147d760
abr 03 16:56:40 rpx4 uwsgi[10659]: your server socket listen backlog is limited to 100 connections
abr 03 16:56:40 rpx4 uwsgi[10659]: your mercy for graceful operations on workers is 60 seconds
lol @ last one

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