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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

To be honest, deep down, I kind of liked IE6, compared to IE7 and IE8 at least. Not from a web dev standpoint, but it always felt quicker and lighter than those two.
But I realize that, for the web dev community, IE6 was a blight and what I'm stating is more than likely based on end-user conjecture
!!kick hilli_micha
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: lick
!!lick hilli_micha
@KendallFrey Mmmmmmm @hilli_micha tastes just like schinkenspeck!
You're an RO, you don't need to involve Cap in your distain for my horrible opinions :P
it's a bit of an inside joke
I wouldn't be surprised if an IE6 joke popped up on a Letter Kenny episode at some point.
it's one word dammit
LetterKenny looks disgusting, I'm improving it.
also those guys don't even have computers
@hilli_micha it's also still wrong
Letterkenny? Oh dear..that's even more abhorrent.
that's the name of the town
I knew that much, at least, but still, it looks so wrong, it upsets me
yeah well your username gave me gonorrhea
Like that's two words, and they aren't related to each other. Why are we sticking them together?
either that or the salsa cookies
Or my mother.
@hilli_micha So do you also have a problem with the word carpet?
Much like I have a problem with the word together
That's three words, that's three times as upsetting.
1 hour later…
1 message moved to Trash can
@lix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Hey can someone give me a sanity check as to why this is being hit when written inversely?   if (!req.body.email || !req.body.password) {
            message: 'bad',
            error: 'Username or Password not found.'
@CapricaSix Soz Babe it's been a while.
To clarify (req.body.email && req.body.password) etc is working np
have you tried a debugger?
Anyone here had to work with fillable pdf forms embedded on webpages, I'd be quite happy to hear about any useful libraries or guides for breaking into this topic. First particular goal is to add a JS print button to print (just) the embedded PDF (so users can save to a file or print).
@Skyler Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@hilli_micha @Wietlol yes I liked IE6 in some ways. Frankly the css expressions were simpler then this CSS mess we've created
I'm not sure how I can attach a debugger to a node api? am I missing something here
Not sure what you mean by "node api" but debuggers work fine in node
oh lol, when i finally decide to post I may have found the answer after scrolling through a dozen or so wrong things, ill get back to you guys if this solves it stackoverflow.com/questions/18835648/…
nope i dont think that quite did it
I just saw a Kinder Egg commerical
I guess they're back
Sorry I meant express api, debugger saves the day thanks kendell
2 hours later…
Hi all
If anyone could help me with my js, that would be great
I can post the codepen link, if preferred
What I'm trying to do, is in essence, extract the given number and find the sum of it's digits
document.getElementById("number") returns a reference to the html element. You try to parse that. I think you mean to parse the value contained in the input element. use the .value property
Then, you try to use replace on a number. replace is for strings.
2 hours later…
guys, how can i use javascript to debug why i cant scroll
i have an embedded pdf on a webpage, for some reason on chrome when I scroll on an embedded portion of the pdf the scroll wheel completely stops working
I've been trying to use an overlay div to block the pdf and restore scroll wheel behavior, but that hasn't worked, so I want to try and trace whats going on when i scroll over that element
this behavior is not observed in firefox, though I need this working in chrome so that detail informs me but isnt too helpful
No u
go to bed
It's only 2:08 AM
2 hours later…
Sometimes TypeScript is annoying as hell...
!!> console.log(isFinite(null), Number.isFinite(null))
@MadaraUchiha "undefined" Logged: true,false
The second, more desirable one, doesn't pass TypeScript because according to TypeScript Number.isFinite() only accepts numbers, so null (or number?) is a compile error...
some of the Number.method and Object.method typedefs seem way too narrow
@ssube I've had an issue open for Number.isNaN, was told "why would you ever want to do that?" which is basically "fuck off"
heh. At a glance I can see why those limited types make sense, but that doesn't match how they've been used (to test both type and value).
@ssube No, they don't
isNaN is a function that's meant to test whether something is a number or not (read, is not a number)
It should take any and return value is not number
Although admittedly, the results are unexpected.
eh, I can see an argument for "isNaN tests to see if a number is not a number"
considering that is a special value (or set of)
at least conceptually, obviously that doesn't match usage
@ssube All you've accomplished is forcing people to add a cast (either implicitly with as or explicitly by wrapping with Number)
Which is the entire point of using isNaN over, say, Number.isNaN
if both isNaN and Number.isNaN are set to only accept numbers, they are identical.
which they probably should have been
that has always seemed like some v1/v2 duplication
> oh, we should have made it do X...
@ssube It totally is
on an unrelated note, thank god for linux. On a 4am call as we swap databases, plugged my laptop out into my desktop's line in and pacat it to my headphones.
Madara did you see the PTR changes on Gibraltar? :P
question: would it qualify as inconsistent / bad if I were to use interfaces prefixed with I for classes and without I for object literals?
where/why do you have interfaces for something other than a class?
@YassineBeloued Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
for example, CameraProperties
So that someone can throw in an object with desired properties
which language spoken in here english or javaScript
I mean, an interface is the behavior of a class (vs its state), so I don't know why you would have one without a class
I could ask for Vue.js stuffs ?
you could, few of us know Vue
@ssube does it have to be though? Consider this:
(typing on mobile, will take a while)
hehe, I'm working anyway :)
Ok. thanks
I search for my question in stackoverflow.com
interface RendererOptions {
antialiasing?: boolean;
dynamicWhatever?: boolean;

class Renderer implements IRenderer {

public constructor(options: RendererOptions) {
oh hell
weird, doesn't format.
anyways @ssube, here is a sample example
oh, I see what you mean
an interface to a POJSO, what C would call a struct
Yes, exactly.
I go back and forth on interface prefixes in general
There is a feeling inside me that the first interface, not using I, implies a DTO
But that might just be me :P
imo, marking interfaces with I is a read-ability thing, when you go to read the extends
you know which ones you can mix and which (classes) you can only singly-inherit
it's almost tempting to prefix those structs with S or something, but I don't want to go full hungarian :P
@MadaraUchiha I'd love to hear your opinion on the thing I said above as well ^^
@KamilSolecki I think you're wrong and you should feel bad.
Now what did you say?
Sounds good to me.
We don't use interfaces for classes in our frontend codebase (admittedly, we barely use classes at all, which is a whole different problem)
@Wes Imagine if it was actually michael stevens though lmao
user image
Oh fuck
@BenFortune One Of Us! One Of Us!
what do you do when the only music you are happy listening to reminds you of stuff you won't want to think about? My current solution is not listening to music, but it's not working out
the other option is listening to other music, but I don't like other music
maybe there's a third thing that is completely escaping me
dark eye liner and black clothing
please :P
listen to jpop :B
A bit of a longshot: Anyone here using react-table for something a bit nontrivial?
Wow, npm is fast now.
no u
perchance (£condition) {
    // Code here
} otherwise {
    // Code here
10/10 would definitely opt for this
The last commit to webpack was a day ago. Was it abandoned?
@littlepootis oh where have you been?
can anyone halp me with a css issue?
i have a flex box which is supposed to have a top and bottom element which are sized to their content
and the center one filling up the remaining space
but, it doesnt work well with padding which makes the content the size of the viewport rather than the size of the parent element
@KamilSolecki Oh, I've been busy with college.
uni is for plebs
I'm a pleb
@rlemon @KendallFrey Censorship
@KamilSolecki fancy a match or two in about 10 minutes?
@KamilSolecki .
@Ikari I need about 20 mins, I literally just came home
oh sure, no problemo
Is it possible to simulate xor operator by arithmetic operators (+-*/%)?
@Ikari change of plans, I can in an hour
welp ... okay :B
@KamilSolecki wat
I don't get it.
"fat hunt"
Uh.. huh.
@Ikari @MadaraUchiha overwatch?
Im getting on discord
I'm at work
Sundays are workdays in Israel :)
I'm up for it :b
@Ikari you hear me?
that's actually what happens in the anime industry :P
Too true.
you should've joined us :(, the games are being pretty fun
Like the end of Evangelion
@Luggage yeah the end of the tv series was really bad
but the movie was dope af
@MadaraUchiha Do you still have 8 hour days there? :o
@Cereal Yeah
Sunday -> friday or is there another day off in there
I can't imagine only having 1 day off. I'd be beat
@Cereal Most of the market (at least the white collars) don't work on Fridays
You mean the white collars
those were some nice games. Was fun playin' with ya! @KamilSolecki
@Ikari Glad you enjoyed!
I was with you in spirit
@Ikari oi, same!
now, I need to order some food.... what'll it be...
Hello. Can someone please explain the rationale behind pouchDB ? pouchdb.com/2014/06/17/… Here they recommend using put but how can i have unique ids then and remember them and get them later .. unless I'm misunderstanding the pouchDB paradigm.
unless there's a way to store objects under the same id ...
cause right now with put everytime i get an error that the id already exists ... if i use a unique _id then later I can't use db.get() to get it
> This is the general version (non porn)Looking for a unique VR experience? Well, look no further!In VR Kanojo, you can hang out with the lovely girl-next-door, Sakura Yuuhi. You'll practically feel her breath on your cheek and the warmth of her fingers on your arm as you laugh and talk the day away.
Dear god, why
return this.http.post('http://localhost/angular-laravel/public/email/send', form, { }).map(res => res.json()); this is not working on angular 2 any reason?
i cant see any errors too
@littlepootis poootis!
nor any network requests too
@ShrekOverflow Abhishek!
@ShrekOverflow :)
@Shog9 have you considered the rate of "please continue this discussion in chat" comments over the years? And also forcibly moved to chat rooms comments by mods. Or are these stats only for the rooms not automatically created from moved comments?
and i didn't quite get, are the graphs for room activity or just page views? Because you know, if people only find the room but don't post in it, that doesn't count
@ShrekOverflow Rule #1 of japanese media
There's an 18+ version
Speaking of VR, I got onward yesterday
Everyone online seems to know each other
I felt like I walked into someone else's house
One of the side effects of a 700 dollars barrier to entry I guess
yeah, steam sells the non-adult version, and the developers put some patch outside of steam to download to unlock the adult version
(the patch is free most of the time)
that's pretty cool
could have some better finishes on the outside though
If a server's updating to tls 1.2, I don't have to do any logic to handle 1.1 do I? Like, client sends a request with tls 1.2, server will figure out if it supports it or not and do it's thing?
Like hypothetically if the server was still using 1.1, sending 1.2 would still work
you specify the list of all versions of ssl and tls you want the server to accept
so you choose in the config if you allow 1.1 or not.
the client also has a list of supported. they find the match
Right, but if you sent with 1.2 and they supported 1.1
Would it work?
if the client will only accept 1.2 and the serevr will only accept 1.1, no
abstract question just out of curiosity: is the only way to exit the global scope, to terminate the program?
but clients usually are accepting of a wider list
and servers
you can leave the "global" scope of a module, but is that the global scope?
if so, let's ignore modules
a single javascript file
would you say the program has a ultimate purpose, described in the global scope, and to do it, it has some minor purposes it obtains every time it enters some other scope?
Hey all, doing my best to prep for a coding interview in ES6. I've been revising my data structures, anonymous functions etc.

The test will be using node.js to consume some apis.

Anything else you can think of that I should practice?
so the program exits after it reaches its ultimate purpose
@tomaytotomato do you know promises?
yea I've used Bluebird or native .then()
they might also ask you about async/await, even if it's not ES6, because it's the "new" common-ish way to do promises
so maybe read up on that
@tomaytotomato make sure you know more about native promises
ok, noted, thanks!
I don't think anyone uses bluebird anymore, unless they're not using babel/typescript
which is pretty much all js developers now
we just 3 manned a whole dungeon in Sea of Thieves
ended up as 15k gold per person
a menage a trois
This game is awesome
is it a game you need to play multiplayer to enjoy?
you can play solo or duo on a smaller ship
or 3 or 4 people on a galleon
but yeah, the game does get more fun with more people
its great when One steers, two fire cannons, the other one works the sails
Solo play is pretty much doing quests, and sinking smaller ships if you are good enough
stealing peoples' loot is real fun too
but, think about the feelings of the other person :'(
well, two guys wanted our loot
they actually came pretty close
we were close to sinking at one point
@Ikari that's what makes it fun
welp. that'd probably induce me to loot other 10 guys' loot so yeah :B
@KamilSolecki who's all playing?
@rlemon am I missing a joke here
or do I not understand the question :P
The game. You pair with friends or is it random
oh, yeah you can pair with friends
or play with randoms if you want
I always go with people I know
@KamilSolecki I've heard nothing bad bad things about this game
Like no man's sky level of bad
What do you think?
@Luggage I get it now. I was asking a stupid question because I didn't understand what I was asking
How to sanitize url in address bar using Angular 2+?
Not url I have in document, like links to images and scripts, but url of whole website?
If someone adds some paths, queries or fragments to website url in address bar i'd like to sanitize it.
DomSanisizer to me doesn't look like best solution to sanitize edited url.
Just before navigation to that url.
usually that's handled per param
and per route
not on an overall url
per param? you mean onhashchange?
your app never actually touches the url directly, right?
app no
it pulls the param from the controller, or whatever
that's where you sanitize it
it's Single Page App, I'm using route module to go betwen different subpages of app
it really pissess me off, there's not any event like onpathchange or onquerychange
@Cereal am 12-15 hours into the game so far
Its been really fun
That's a pretty good amount of time. Is it a full price game?
You can always get xbox pass for 14 days for free
and play on PC for free
@rlemon am I remembering correctly that you have Noctua fans
for those 14 days
thats what Im doing
@TylerH yes
Oh I didn't realize it was on PC
I never look at the windows store for games
yeah, I play PC :D
Says you need gold, too
Oh well, I'll wait
what gold?
I literally registered for xbox pass trial
and thats all
@rlemon how do you like them
wait, you wouldn't need xbox gold for it?
Ah balls. My rubymine license expired
I need to get a replacement 140mm and I am looking at something like newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608044
@KamilSolecki Says on the store page you need gold :o
@Ikari I dont even have an xbox
So I wouldnt get xbbox gold
inb4 kamil has a 60 dollar charge on his credit card
@TylerH that's not RGB. denied.
@Ikari I don't want LEDs
they are stupid
Okay now how do I cancel this subscription
but they look super dope though :( pair them up with some NZXT Hue+
How intuitive
and boom, pro MLG gamer
Alright, cancelled
and it's downloading
If I could not have any rgb, I'd be pretty happy
but every time I need to buy some peripheral, razer's on sale
Razer stuff on sale is still probably more expensive than good non-flashy stuff at full msrp
I had a chroma deathadder for 30 I think
and this blackwidow tournament edition was around there too
I still prefer a solid 3-button wired Logitech mouse
I need ideas for a nice little homepage for my persona lsite
Everyone here has fun little javascript nonsense with links to their social presense
and I can't think of anything
do some nyan cat styled thing, ... oooooor weeaboo styled? :B
I need a new pillow
As much as I'd love to spend 7 years learning how to try anime girls just to make a homepage
maybe I should get one of those pregnancy pillows
looks comfy af
@Mosho I thought it was a single-person pillow
not sure what you mean
But I guess they could be useful for pregnant women too
still not sure
person who is single
well, I'm single
but it's marketed as pregnancy pillow
you need it, then
also interesting
between your knees
maybe one of these for my chair too
though my ass is pretty big, not sure it'll fit
@Cereal we can play some later if you want :D
Maybe. It just finished downloading, but I'm still trying to think of something for a homepage
How about one of those "under construction" GIFs?
@OliverSalzburg with a marquee tag right?
Even better!
Websites is easy
remember cranes are mandatory
@Ikari @KamilSolecki OWL semi finals are on
@MadaraUchiha has it been 2 hours already
wtf is onitube
Oni being demon, demon tube?
Something smells fishy about that one... 🤔
looks like a youtube ripoff with hentai ads
sweet, my two favourite drivers are battling
gj netflix
"watch season 2 of jessica jones"
clicks play
shows me s01e01
a full 8 minutes later
you win
> hmm this is a little too familiar
I keep forgetting she played jesse's crazy gf in BB
I just wrecked en entire team with reinhardt :D
hammer down bitches
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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