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I don't know any of these mods running for office
gonna vote for Yvette because female.
imgur.com/gallery/AIgVn this almost feels like cheating
> I just find a little weird... such a simple question that you got a 507 up for your answer!? To me it looks like it was artificially inflated - maybe by some of your own bots? stackoverflow.com/questions/4594180/… – Avanz 19 hours ago
I haven't used VSCode. Apparently it's popular
Why'd you not link to it
@rlemon Nice
there is no link on comments for the election in this phase
@rlemon but it works, and well
like hotkeys for your shed :P
@KevinB You can't.
Even if you manually create the proper URL, it doesn't work
@rlemon that will die after a tornado
I still don't get why people construct things with wood xD
@Luggage is this how you are going to spend your male privilage points this year?
you muricans are so weird
@Neoares cheap, renewable, sturdy.
@Neoares you nonmuricans are
@rlemon "garage" smh
Looks cool but cheap af
@Neoares you think you can just like huff and puff and blow a house down? plus not everywhere has tornadoes
@Luggage yeah that's why when there's a tornado in some places of america, all I see is death and destruction
@user1596138 yea, idk about garage. but it's a nice workshop away from the hosue
@Neoares Better in almost every way than other materials.
what's wrong with wood?
@Luggage if it's not made of stone, you can't call it a home.
it goes down very easy
That thing is a toy it's just super thin cheap wood lol
@Neoares it really doesn't
only poorly constructed wood homes.
@Neoares A log cabin is sturdier than about any other type of home.
@rlemon well if it's a straw house....
they can be arbitrarily sturdy
It has the capacity to deform in ways a concrete or other static structure just can't
that garage doesn't even have holds underground
what do they makes homes out of where you live?
how it's supose to resist
@user1596138 but flexes in ways concrete doesn't
What would you do if you I asked you to write code for an unethical purpose? "No"
@Neoares That has nothing to do with the above ground building material ;P
@rlemon That's exactly my point
@Luggage bricks and cement
A well built log house will become stronger and stronger over time as the wood flexes and settles
ahh, I thought you were saying "but it'll warp. bad"
you sure those bricks aren't just a facade over wood?
no? lol
are you kidding me xD
@Neoares Btw, most of us pay property taxes based on concrete foundations. No foundation == no building tax
!!afk lunch
I'll be done in a sec @rlemon.
the structure is made out of somethinf called "hormigón armado" in spanish
But generally log buildings are built with foundations..
"reinforced concrete"
that's what translate says
it's like cement but with a shitton of metal things inside
I (with my family) built a 3000sq/ft log cabin. If you have questions.
single family homes use that? seems excessive.
everything, yes
some single homes are made out of bricks and cement
but flats are made out of that cement 'n metal shit xD
mine, for example
I can't prove this but... Take a rwecking ball to a log home and a brick home. I'll sit in the log home happily
and it's only 5 floors height
@Luggage houses around here are built totally different than across the ocean
I am only talking single family homes, not apartment buildings, though we do some of those out of wood (that I disgree with, they are noisy)
@user1596138 real life problems don't involve a fking wrecking ball hitting your house xD
I'm fairly certain my apartment is made out of chipboard
@Neoares You just said they get knocked over. So. Yeah that's kinda what we're talking about
anyway, it's not only about the material
Also better in a tornado or any other type of natural disaster.
@Luggage you can hardly find a house with a wooden structure underneath. It's all bricks.
you have to do big holes and put the main holds there
So you've completely changed topics
specially in zones with tornado warnings
First it was completely about the wood. Now it's about the foundation
it's about both xD
Which is never wood.
of course, I know
What home building experience doeth thou have
lmao imagine wooden foundation
@user1596138 0? never built one
I'm all for more permanent strong structures for your home, but wood be be very strong if built correctly. It's weakness comes from cost savings, not the material.
19 hours ago, by user1596138
https://i.imgur.com/T9E4ASV.png :
I did
I'll have you know jhorevitz is the town house builder
I spent my teens making buildings, yeah
On the llama farm and at home
@Luggage idk, I just see shitty houses taken down by tornados in america everytime
jhoverit is the most likey of the people in this room to have helped build a house, I bet.
how many teens did it cost?
I hope they came out better than that picture
I built that house with my family ^
and I always wonder "whyyyy do they use fking wood!!"
not a wood fan sorry xD
@jmb.mage Nice
Its solid log, no trickery
Same logs on the outside as the inside.
Wood makes sense here. No earthquakes, no forest fires, no tornados, not hurricanes
The garage however is just 2x4 framing with finish boards on a concrete pad
@user1596138 that will get down by a decent tornado
just saying
I just hope you don't live in a dangerous zone
@Neoares You really think that....
wood is just an excellent material that is soft enough to work with, but strong enough to build things out of.
@Neoares Lana?
Just kinda ignorant. Not sure what else to say
@Luggage funnily enough, since wooden house structures aren't popular, they tend to end up more expensive.
Masonry is pretty prevalent here in Florida due to the hurricane risk. Yeah there are some homes built with sticks still, but they're mostly from the 80s~ or so.
Tornados often throw trucks, other buildings, etc lol
@KamilSolecki exposed nice wood is expensive. I was just referring to hidden structure.
If a strong tornado is dead over your house.. It's fucked doesn't really matter the structure
@Luggage I did too.
@user1596138 no
In all other cases, wood house will just bounce a truck off of it lol but it'll be in the living room of the brick house
@Neoares You live in some silly metro then
> silly metro
Not where we have real tornados like my house lol
In the wide open.
Just think about it, if it was cheaper here, nobody would go for the much more expensive option.
gl then with tornados
@KamilSolecki maybe our land and timber farms help make it cheaper here.
maybe your house is special
but how the fuck can you make your own house? and how is that even permitted?
how is it not permitted?
You buy land
then a permit
then... build the house
@Luggage possibly that, and the fact that the brick business is flourishing here combined.
except you or your parents are architects
Have an inspector and licenced people do all the pixie stuff
Anyone can build a house, there's nothing special about it..the worst you do is get permits from the city/local area
@Neoares You make blueprints and submit them
yea, just make it to code. there is paperwork and inspections, so we have standards.
but.. you can make your own house
@Luggage idk, because if you build without knowledge you can end up dying suffocated under your house xD
You're asking some retarded questions for someone with such strong opinions
and by build the house, I mean hire someone to build the house
That's what permits and codes are for, to prevent you from doing that.
@Neoares building a house that wrong takes effort
@Neoares they have to pass an inspection
there are multiple non-profits that go around having amateurs build houses
it goes pretty well
Srsly, you have all these strong opinions and then ask "how the fuck can you make your own house? and how is that even permitted?
Girlfriend's half-sister built her own house last year
Real nice house. Super jealous
@ssube then they get blown away by tornados. :)
It's a pain in the ass
@user1596138 idk, it feels weird to me xD
Inb4 yall assume Europe is different in this case; yes you can build your own house here and yes we have inspections :P
@user1596138 She was building it for like 4 years. Took forever
Yeah, because you know nothing about it lol
@Luggage the house they were replacing left with a tornado too
@user1596138 no, because I don't live in america
@KarelG Huh?
It's the same in Europe.
@KamilSolecki I assume it's like that most places, really. Just different requirements, more or less bureaucracy
It's quite a universal concept that you can design and permit and build your own house'
@Neoares this isn't specific to America
here you can not make buildings
maybe a small house in some places
> Those lucky Americans have the freedom to build things!
But Canada is excluded, they have to contract a Moose to be their lead architect.
is this why catalonia wants out?
@Neoares So.. who does?
Yeah. You can.
Where do the houses come from if you can't build houses ._.
In RabbitMQ, can you determine if a message requires ack on the consumer side?
@Neoares so maybe what you mean is "idk, I don't live anywhere but Spain"
Think of the ramifications of that statement
@Cereal when a daddy house and a mommy house love each other very much
But I'm sure even in Spain there is a system in place, otherwise your housing is basically state-run at that point.
@Neoares that sounds like such a fake though
!!giphy cat in the hat mommy cat
@hilli_micha there are companies that build things
!!tell Neoares lmgtfy Spain residential building permit
This might be the dumbest convo I've had in here in months lol
!!info cat
@rlemon Command cat, created by Shadow Wizard on Tue, 01 Aug 2017 12:43:46 GMT
!!forget cat
nah, we can and have done better.
@rlemon Command cat forgotten.
@Neoares Right, but how does the process differ between an individual and a company? Here in Burgerland, there isn't really. Get your permits, make sure you're meeting code, and then get it inspected.
@hilli_micha idk, they have permission
they're qualified I guess
Either google it or stop defending your position
you can make your own small houses if you get a permission, also
Really interesting read ^
but depends on the zone
where I live it's impossible
Where do you live
@neoares building permits are about the land plot, not a person or a company
near barcelona
4 mins ago, by Luggage
is this why catalonia wants out?
So. You live in a giant metro in the middle of mountain ranges
@Luggage cause many things xP
Yeah, that's a comparable experience to other places lol
@user1596138 pretty accurate
Go and submit application for your building permits.
You even have a website to do it electronically
We do have rules for who can do certain tasks of building tho
For example AC systems have to be installed by a licensed HVAC technician iirc
yeah but that's for urbanizations mostly
> If there is a mortgage in place on the property to be built the lender will usually insist that only Spanish registered tradesmen work on the project.
This implies it's not a strict law
But building the actual building... Anyone can do that. Basically as long as it's not evrionmentally hazardous
that actually mostly sounds the same as the US.
@user1596138 I don't know people that does it :/
But hell. We rented a dozer and trencher and we prepped our own land, ran drainage, etc
"registered tradesmen" = "contractors"?
I know some states have some amount of licensing for them, but the big difference is usually insurances, isn't it?
> only Spanish registered tradesmen work on the project
also, it says that for big projects you need an architect and more things, as I said
yea, for large buildings you might need other requirements here, too.
@user1596138 I don't think, in general, there are any rules against putting together your own HVAC system, but practically speaking, it's such a huge undertaking, it'd be foolish for an individual.
@Luggage didn't know, I just imagined you with your friends puting a log stick ontop of another one
Of course, your location may vary*, but I've never heard of it.
doing big things
@Neoares again, we have building codes, permits to apply for, inspections. So.. you can just toss out your ides of people trying to figure out houses building on their own. That's not how it works.
@hilli_micha Well even having it refilled it's a law that it be a licensed technician
sounds like spain is a little more limited, but basically the same.
I can see the complication starts up when you start messing with freon.
the problem is that where I live it's almost impossible
In Indiana is all I know for sure.
there's no place to build more xD
@hilli_micha Exactly
But... They'll sell it to anyone so Idk
and they just build big buildings, and you always see lots of workers from companies building them
I've only ever seen it sold for cars, but I honestly haven't looked really hard for Residental applications
@Neoares What you mean is money is the barrier
large buildings NEED a professional crew. financially it's the only thing that makes sense. Get it built quickly. You don't do that as a personal project leading up to retirement like people do with homes.
No room == expensive, but if you can afford it... And get it approved..
I'm just building a massive insulated pole barn.
Will be done in 2 months
I'll have the building raised, then I'll insulate it and trim the interior
Then build the house out of 40% of it also on my own. I get materials and tools at wholesale
Slave labor for free (all the siblings)
We did all the electrical in our home too. So that will be fine
still, people who makes its own houses use bricks and cement
@Luggage wait what, we built homes without professional crews
like, most of them
in the past 20 years
I'll prob hire a plumber and there's no feasible way to dig my own well
@HatterisMad that's the point
Neoares claims you can't
My roof will be sheet metal heh. Fuck all that work otherwise..
@Neoares which is obviously a choice
what other factors go into that? the materials that are cost effective for your area, the cimate, local building codes.
many cities will just want your house to look like the ones around it, too
@ssube that's the point of our first discussion
where you or Luggage asked me if we didn't use wood for houses
and I said "no"
it might not be a choice in his area. I believe him on that
@Neoares That's gonna be a regional thing. Here in Florida, as I mentioned, mostly Masonry because of the hurricanes. But if you go 500 miles north to my home town, it's mostly stick houses with vinyl because there are hardly any incliment weather hazards up there
but not because all wood sucks
@Neoares wood, shingles, siding, drywall
@HatterisMad TL;DR... Someone said you wood homes are a death trap, then said "how the fuck can you make your own house? and how is that even permitted?" revealing they had no clue what they were talking about. Now we're all just BSing
also not everyone needs to worry about tornadoes 😛
my house is half cinderblock, half wood
@hilli_micha I've been in many places of spain... a lot of them small towns... all build with bricks and cement
mine is (above ground) wood with a bit of brick for look s
wood houses are not a thing here, almost
depends on time, place, and tons of other factors
also, wood is warmer I think
@Neoares pft, good luck in an earthquake
(not sure about that)
I mostly believe you but I bet there is more wood in those houses than you realize.
wood framing might make insulating easier
@Luggage Right? Its not like they have brick interior walls..
@user1596138 cement
@rlemon there's no earthquakes here almost
@user1596138 some do, and it's a very nice aesthetic imo
thailand was all cement buildings
Fuck that
@HatterisMad You mean mud lmao
@Neoares ohh, so you're saying it's not an issue for you so building materials adjusted to the needs of the environment?
@rlemon I've been in offices like that, but no houses
it's easier to insulate a wooden house (I think) but I'm pretty sure they won't hold heat half as well. The wall here are just.... thick af.
@user1596138 what is an interior wall?
I ignored him
Tf yoiu mean what's an interior wall. Troll
insulation provides the.. insulation.
@KamilSolecki trapped air holds heat quite well, so the wood frame really just makes space to hold insulation
then you fill it with fiberglass or foam or whatever they use now
@KamilSolecki You just don't.
@ssube both
Log houses anyway. They are insulated by default.
@rlemon doesn't matter if it's wood or bricks... maybe wood is a bit more elastic but...
@ssube From what I've seen still Fiberglass sheets for walls and celluose blow-in for attic
@Neoares no, it 100% matters.
@HatterisMad depends on how much you want to pay :)
Only issues is when things settle and gaps show up
@hilli_micha you can get blow-in insulation for the walls as well
yea, log houses have their on insulation, but most are just wooden studs that do need it (in my area, at least)
@hilli_micha you can still do blow in for walls as well
Ours hasn't had issues but it's only a 11 year old house
it's supposed to be better iirc, but expensive
I've seen it done in some subdivisions rather than ship in a train full of fiberglass
just bring in trucks and blow the walls before you put on the roof
I see. Our house which is only 10~ years old is sheets/blow-in combo.
@Neoares so you're going to bash wood because it's not as good for tornadoes, but ignore the fact it holds better for other natural disasters? you're showing a lot of bias here.
But a lot does happen in 10 years.
that image could be plaster over wood for all I can tell. :)
@user1596138 @Neoares so you're going to bash wood because it's not as good for tornadoes, but ignore the fact it holds better for other natural disasters? you're showing a lot of ignorance here. (source)
@Luggage I've seen that a lot as well :P
bondo is the best building material.
JBWeld it
@hilli_micha is it a short house or many stories? blow-in could make more sense with the 2-3 story suburban places, but not for a rancher where you can reach the roof, maybe.
1 story, 1800 sq-ft
So, like, as 'average' as average gets lol
@CapricaSix I don't think wood is better for natural disasters, honestly
it is for certain ones.
why did I answered cap
how cold does it get there in the winter, @Neoares ?
concrete is bad for others.
@Luggage in barcelona, 0ºC is already super cool
every material has its strengths and should be considered before use.
you agreed about that for concrete, just being stubborn for wood
maybe I'm biased because of news
I just said I see a lot of wood knocked down houses in america everytime a tornado appears
I think you're getting confused over a log cabin and a house made of 'sticks'.
don't forget trailer parks
And in earthquakes you see all the brick buildings crumble
Log Cabins are obnoxiously tough because those logs are obscenely heavy
@Neoares every time a tornado hits a densely populated area
which is rare compared to how many tornadoes appear
I only have the vision of america that the news and HS movies give me
yea, they mostly blow around cows and give people something to chase and take pics of
from my parent's back yard, you get to see a dozen every summer, but only once has one damaged any of their trees
@Neoares I didn't know hearthstone made movies now.
I'm kind of shocked that Tornadoes here are that news worthy in other parts of the world... Hell, I never see news about Tornados here in Florida because we're worried about the implending drowning
@Shmiddty highschool
both here in the midwest and on the east coast, tornadoes are nbd
@hilli_micha they have worse things in the news
@Neoares You just go around watching movies made by highschools?
I mean I'm sure, but the tornado thing just trips me up alittle.
there are a few outside of the city here every summer, but MD gets plenty
/ban shimidity
Tornadoes are not even a thought here. We just don't get them
nobody really worries about them
THis is badass
MD does get some, but it feels rare, and I never get to see them
we had one go through the city maybe 0.5 mile from my house as a kid
knocked over our fence, but that was it
That's the company I'd prob have do mine we know a lot of people who have
I mean, I'm sure people would build tornado-resistant structures if they could afford them.
@Luggage my parents are near Westminster/Eldersburg, if you know that area, and have plenty
I'm more worried about ice storms than any other disaster
Or just move, if they could afford it
@ssube national news right there
@Shmiddty I'd just bury a shipping container in the back
@Shmiddty yes, they're usually poor places
like ohio
@hilli_micha Exactly lol
or orlando
(I think)
@KamilSolecki nah, I've slept through tornadoes as they knocked the neighbor's barn off its foundation and hopped the house :P
@user1596138 shipping containers are super cheap. I was shocked when I learned how little you could buy one for
How much
they're really not a big deal unless you live in a tiny house in flatland
@Neoares Orlando is hardly a poor area. I think you may want to stop watching whatever news station you're tuned into, they sound like morons.
@ssube holy. We only had one around here in my lifetime, and it took some roofs in a nearby village
@user1596138 probably less than it would cost to build the same sized structure out of wood
barns are big, doesn't take much to knock one a few inches askew
@rlemon we need numbers
but the prices I was seeing were all <$1500
it knocked down a few small trees too
I saw this IRL
From my house
barns are like parachutes
big and hollow
yo momma joke
kendall's mom joke
@rlemon Well yeah processed wood is expensive af
ohh, I know :(
@hilli_micha sorry I don't remember the names
I've hit my head like that
It's not fun
@ssube Over here we lost trees like 5+ foot in diameter this last summer
@SterlingArcher hmm this wasn't oneboxed
I think it's iowa?
was for me
@Shmiddty dark theme?
also LOL @SterlingArcher
@Loktar lmao
@Shmiddty odd
any errors?
Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block; report=https://www.google.com/appserve/security-bugs/log/youtube: insecure reporting URL for secure page at character position 22. The default protections will be applied.
nahh, that's from a YT video
check the options and make sure you have it enabled
nothing else in the console
then refresh I guess
@user1596138 this was oneboxed.
Chat oneboxes images on its own
hahahahhahah @SterlingArcher
@Cereal dark theme oneboxes webm/gifv
dude her friend is like omg pull it away
@rlemon not oneboxed after refresh
I have no clue.
Yeah, I was just pointing out that the image he linked would have oneboxed regardless of the extension
Natty Light has released Slagathor, Destroyer of Worlds
Dark Theme cured my malaria.
@Shmiddty Yeah?
@Zirak Ooh, you're gonna love this umaar.com/dev-tips/166-protocol-monitor
@Cereal no it wouldn't, unless chat started to onebox gifv
@SterlingArcher is that like the beer brand
1 min ago, by Shmiddty
@user1596138 this was oneboxed.
This one
@user1596138 I was referencing your message, not speaking to you
@Cereal ohh, they were originally talking about the gifv link tho
I want to find better frozen meals...
Hot pockets
or anything convenient. cooking for one sucks.
best frozen meal
@Luggage corn, strawberries, a few dogs. turn your fridge down to -9
and make sure your cook is at least +9
jk hot pockets are bad. I just eat tuna out of a can for a lot of my meals
+9 for what? fine meals?
@Luggage just to make sure you don't get sick
@hilli_micha tuna from the can is the best
I embrace my mercury overlords
@hilli_micha meh
who can afford to eat that much tuna to care with todays prices
$3/can? wtf tuna
tomorrow I'm getting a pi zero w
$3 a can? Wow, it's like..$.79 a can here
The fuck you eating? Leather wrapped Tuna with a BMW logo?
I bought a crap ton of tuna cans and I forgot to buy a can opener
Yeah Tuna is less than $1/can here..
@SterlingArcher hacksaw
fuck. tuna here is like $1.50 -> $2.99
$1.50 is on sale too
albacore is like $3
Amazon has a 8 pack of cans for <$8
I get brand name tuna for like $0.68 a can
Is there a way to check if a service has been systemctl enable'd? Shall I just check if it exists in /etc/systemd/system/?
Chicken of teh sea
What's up my broods.
@SterlingArcher i'd pay 1 cent more
I haven't checked online, I'm just talking about my local grocery stores.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@user1596138 that's what I'm talkin about
$1-$2 per tuna can here
It's prob not tuna anyway
My god I'm just having the weirdest bug
long as it's tasty and safe it can be anything
hell, even walmart brand tuna here is $1.25
Ouch. Wal-Mart brand tuna here is essentially free as long as you ignore the fact you're eating cat food
$1.25 CAN = $0.97 USD, so not too far off
        // Form Submission
        $("#forgot-password-form").submit(function () {

            if (options['useAJAX'] == true) {
                // Dummy AJAX request (Replace this with your AJAX code)
                // If you don't want to use AJAX, remove this

                // Cancel the normal submission.
                // If you don't want to use AJAX, remove this
                return false;
I think it's cheaper than cat food

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