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those ultra wide monitors sure look dope though
watching your program process thousands of stuff correctly at the first run is soooooooooo satisfying
those ultra-ultrawide ones have worse res than the older ultrawides
... until it ofcourse crashes on stupid things
it's dumb, I'd love a full-desk curved screen
but they usually max out at 1080 high
You'd need an IDE that could do spiral syntax
how about multi monitors with really really thin bezels?
@SterlingArcher that desk is WAAAAY to short
360 degree monitor
may as well just use a headset at that point
or the monitor can be pushed back quite a bit
either of the 2
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime-overloop
@Wietlol that
the fuck you kidding me?
desk is fine. desks that are too deep just are a waste of space.
just push the monitor back
Moet tussen 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM en 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM liggen.
im gonna kill this 3rd party
after i found out what stupid datetime object they have
/me hands knife
I was expecting so much worse
hopefully his friends pulled his limp body out of the river
@Ikari wisecrack just did an episode about Evangelion: youtube.com/watch?v=USKzAj1dOq4
meh, Darwin will save the kid if he sees fit
who tf throws a watermelon
was out of shoes
I've thrown old ones in the street a few times
what the fuck is that in the background
is that a giant baby portrait
is that a ping pong table?
jesus I didn't even see that
with shot glasses? are they playing liquor pong?
what is going on in this picture
@ssube ping pong net on regular table
@SterlingArcher dog abuse clearly
I'm just glad they don't have a pair of pants with them
question 2: is the person on the left bald or long blonde hair
grandma has been rocking the wig since '93
I'd say short blond hair
he looks like the scientist in charge of the whole thing
@ssube well, eyebrow length
that'd be fucking long for me
the one standing is likely an intern, the woman is their ethical directory
@ssube he looks like a she to me
the outstretched hand looks hairy or shadowy
looks like your average old dude in a sweater to me
@ssube there is clearly no ethical director involved here
@AidanM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ssube to me it looks like an older woman, and his face looks similar to hers.
my guess is its his mom
@SterlingArcher fucking Sharon amirite
@KendallFrey there usually is one, they just find out about the real scope of the tests after the fact and all that
or they resign along with the doctor in charge
@KendallFrey not yet I don't even know a Sharon
@SterlingArcher yea you do
in person
you could meet him any time.
you just gotta come to Canada (and he needs to return)
@SterlingArcher better in than out
HO-LE-SHIT I just found the best meme.
@KendallFrey @SterlingArcher hangouts
y'all puckers name your dudes Sharon?
oh boy here we go
he's not canadian lol
everyone's a little bit canadian
Everyone? How?
wait what happened
@SterlingArcher wait so is she holding a phone or not
too big for a phone, too small for a computer
It's a tablet, so I guess she's on the medium-internet
and who the hell uses a tablet
Some people do...
You tell him, aidan
as long as we call them small, medium, and large, not the stupid starbucks made up sizes
I'm ok having 3 internets if they make sense
I'm writing this on my venti ipad pro
susan needs to connect her goddamn eye to her face first
@KendallFrey Tablets are for poor people, and Moses..
moses was poor af, why do you think he wandered the desert?
i thought it was tables not tablets
@KendallFrey no, jesus flipped tables
moses was the tablet guy
Well, if you were poor, you wouldn't be able to buy a tablet :P
false, tablets are cheap af
tablets are small tables. it makes so much sense now
@rlemon hm, it uses both words in different places
depending on translation i guess
in which story?
who tf write commandments on a table?
that's just silly talk
@ssube the moses one
Q: what the best academic and theoretical source about Freelance?

Fouad Rasezinei'm actually a student in economics college and also a Freelancer, for this reason i chose my Bachelor Final Project about freelancing. My problem is " there is no fuk*** academic source that i can based on ". so if anyone of you can suggest me a books, articles or anything ... i'll be thankful

the commandments only apply to that table and the people sitting at it then
moses got them on some rocks
@rlemon idk there were over 600 of them
@Luggage woa, thanks!
@ssube ALTER TABLE commandments...
not for long!
Moses downloaded them to his tablet.
Wait, what are commandments?
@KendallFrey 👏
@AidanM thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, no jokes, etc.
mm, arson, murder, and jaywalking
I think the story is funny because no one knows what the original actually says
oh, Moses totally made up his own before he read them
What if you are Dr. Jay walkkng?
why wouldn't you, given the opportunity to command "everyone?"
first time, 600 of them got written down, then moses broke them, and god's like fuck you i'm not writing them again so moses just picked 10 and engraved them himself
and not the 10 that everyone thinks
@ssube "Woah.. look at all of these perfectly flat river rocks.. would be a shame if someone were to ... write all over them"
1. Thou shalt not rely on ASI
2. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors Python syntax
3. Thou shalt not nest ternary expressions
4. Thou shalt not post unformatted code
5. Thou shalt not use mixed indentations
6. Thou shalt not confuse JavaScript with Java
7. Thou shalt not use document.write()
8. Thou shalt not reference w3schools
9. Thou shalt not ask XY questions
10. Thou shalt not be 007
I really like the hedgehog's dilemma that the show introduced
The 10 JS Commandments
Oh wow.
those 10 totally encompass the idea of the others
@ssube which 10?
@KendallFrey the famous ten
nah they don't
of course not
there's nothing in there about what you can and can't eat
no killy willy, no stealy wheely, no sexy wexy with your neighbours spicy wifey..
seems legit to me
nor do they make sense when used as a reason to hang out in the desert and rape and pillage the neighboring cities for 50 years
but that was Moses' thing
so that's what they did. He was a weird dude
I spent a lot of effort on those commandments fucking star it or something damn
there haha jk
@rlemon Also, art is illegal
@KendallFrey as it should be
You suck you puck dangler
It's tilly time boys
I think Jordan had a stroke
stop pretending to be a Canadian
I think I've been annexed
inb4 any regex to make that into anal
@SterlingArcher lol @ using dangler as an insult
I'm just watching all of this party or. :P
@SterlingArcher How many times you pulled your horn today bud?
play out*
ball-park 6 to 8
... I hate my keyboard.
@AidanM he he he he he
@rlemon fuck you shoresy
or in @SterlingArcher's case, how many times while at the ball park from 6 to 8
@SterlingArcher you're made of spare parts arn't ya bud?
Still about 6-8
@rlemon lmfao
all concentrated in that 2 hour window?
Dude yeah
It's the 6-8 from 6-8
It's a classic
@ssube there was a lot of concentration, believe me
are you a joke jew?
Aww man that was a good one too
did I tell you guys about how my gf's family thought they were jewish until she took a genetics test?
they aren't, at all
@ssube German?
@rlemon bruh
yup, white af north europe all the way
@SterlingArcher happens dude. think of all the families torn apart and shit during WWII
there was a family story about being russian jews, moving to europe, all this shit
how many jewish people pretend to be German, how many German people hid after the war
and it was at least 3 generations old
Probably @SterlingArcher is the same
like, that's a tiny nose there's no way
I don't think my family was really involved in the war
We came from Syria
I mean what
@KendallFrey have you seen his spending habits? no way
he's like the opposite of a banker
My grandfather's side came from egypt, and my dads side... well he doesn't know much all I got from him was "iunno mississippi-ish"
so a s/b/w/
So I'm syrian, egyptian, colombian, and white-trash
appropriate that, dicknuts
mostly you're from shithole countries, eh?
@SterlingArcher ah yes the ethnic mississippian
@SterlingArcher you can tell, it's the eyes.
@KendallFrey you can spot them by the extra limbs and cannibalism
@KendallFrey my dad doesn't really know his heritage, his family was... meh. He grew up really poor and moved out as soon as he could
He said he was even homeless for a few months
if it's only for a few months, it builds character
Well, it did.
@SterlingArcher it's amazing how much your dad and I are alike
am.. am I your dad?
My dad is the best dad. He went through a lot as a kid, and broke the family chain so that his family wouldn't suffer like he did
No dad beats my dad
@rlemon don't go there towc
@SterlingArcher well...
@SterlingArcher except at the bath house
God dammit
Who's heard of RPS101?
101 rockets per second is a nice base
got a save file I can see?
My dad did it right man. He raised a CEO, a Software Engineer, and a Paramedic
10/10 dadding
Did it right in which way
One of those things doesn't belong
> a CEO
@user1596138 standing, they're all boys
it takes a $300 deposit with the state of Delaware to be "a CEO" :P
I have a sister dummy
I was just joking about paramedic salary
@SterlingArcher I checked. no you don't
Ha. It's not rockets per second. It's Rock Paper Scissors. umop.com/rps.htm
I deff appreciate paramedics haha having taken a few ambulance rides
But it's insane.
@user1596138 lmao despite the salary, gotta respect the talent paramedics have
one saved my life by going 2 fingers and 2 knuckles (giggity) in my knee
@SterlingArcher He was so desperate for female influence in your life he bought you a fucking mannequin?
@KendallFrey dude I have a mom too LOL
@KendallFrey I would hope not. doll incest is still incest
well, it was supposed to be a sister mannequin
@rlemon oh my lol
Y'all gotta stop voting for Ted Cruz
gotta start before I can stop
but he promised to zodiac killer the swamp
I actually made a Java game based on the website I posted earlier. Took me weeks to figure out..
> TED CRUZ! ☝️
Now I'm thinking of transferring it to JavaScript...
do it
@ssube shit
You really think I should?
@SterlingArcher bruh that's a whole conspiracymeme
nahh, learn Canvas
it's fun
then go for a framework
canvas is fun, if you want to do the graphics side
graphics are for the talented
sometimes you want to make the game part
@SterlingArcher 50% of games coming out say otherwise
Nah. With java, I didn't use graphics. But with JS I might be able to more easily.
@SterlingArcher Well tbf the one riding with me after my car accident missed my IV twice and then said "This is my first time in the field"
... How do I edit a post?
@Luggage that was actually a very interesting watch. many thanks
He looked more scared than me haha I just laughed and said I don't feel jack shit anyway
@AidanM hit the up key
@Ikari yw
but you only have 2 minutes to edit
@user1596138 all I remember from my ambulance ride was a fuck ton of blood spraying, my mom slapping me to keep me awake, and half a hand emergency clamping an artery
Crazy how shock makes you black out
Haha I couldn't keep track of the seconds as they ticked away on the heart monitor
That kind of stuff creeps me out for some reason...
> 1..2.. wait where was 7?!
@AidanM totally do it with Canvas. here is a demo I just made in Canvas
So I jus told the guy I'm completely in shock it's on you haha
/me have done a fair bit of survival training
> just made
Where do I start?
Was also concussed and my nose was liquid and on the dash
@Luggage just made, last friday :P
that url used to be the ascii one, wasn't it?
no that should still work
oh, they are different subdomains
one day I'll combine all my friday links
I'm impressed..
@BadgerCat We are all born in 2017??
@KendallFrey he he
Also mine's wrong
@AidanM the only downside with Canvas is that it can only render rebecca black
it will work for your game if you add her somewhere
... Rebecca?
that's all Canvas is really. Rebecca Black
@ssube I forgot we're almost twins
Also, cool trivia. Rebecca Black isn't actually African American.
oh yeah, by like 2 days
You can sometimes get away with using white if you up the Brightness
Mine's new Date(new Date().getTime() + 86400000)
for Rebecca
@Loktar more of a grey tho.
Rebecca #999999
@AidanM codepen.io/loktar00/full/hGJBg Rebecca is in there even
I just had to hide her mostly
@Loktar yea took me till like 7am to get that one
sometimes too much Rebecca can put people off
IIRC If you let the blocks fall long enough they will render her?
once the screen fills up, they change colors
ooh, speaking of large blocks of color...
^ that will eventually draw her
since all things in canvas end up being Rebecca
@KamilSolecki I love when people call people African American when they're not.
somebody should write a Rebecca Black compression algo that compresses things down, but adds artifacts of her face
@KendallFrey If I did it the other way the joke wouldn't have as much pun to it
instead of jpeg artifacts you get ghostly rebeccas
@ssube nahh, use that porn face thingy and make Rebecca Black have Elon Musks face
@Loktar shit that's dope
but slowly.
on both counts, no
@KamilSolecki I wasn't talking about you, just making a social commentary
video starts as rebecca, ends as elon
@SterlingArcher thanks
that would be interesting, admittedly, but still no
I don't want to see either of them nekkid
no, not nude
Like, some black guy from Jamaica is not African nor American, but you know someone would say they are
deepfake, thats the name
oh, just the faces?
@Loktar also dude I find it super innerving that the bottom rows start already there
news was blowing up that porn sites were banning deepfake vids
I will never win at that tetris!
lmao yeah no one can
I wasn't aware software that good existed
but apparently it does
@rlemon Did you see Tom Scott's try with that?
it's awful lol
the idea was to do something along the lines of bots playing against eachother
deepmind and all the stuff it came up with are cool
Dat youtube voice tho
So where do I start to make a RPS canvas game?
@AidanM start with learning how to do something simple like update a canvas
how to draw the grid say
@AidanM there are SO MANY tutorials
pigs rescued from fire weren't done yet, had to go back in
just start looking them up and you will find them, phaser.io is a good start
there's also construct2 which is pretty good compiles to pretty much everything
I linked pixi earlier, that's easy to get set up
Wait, how come I haven't heard of this before? This is awesome!
@ssube pixi is the renderer for phaser, same dude made both

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