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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

!!> [].concat([1, [2, [3, [4]]]])
@Shmiddty [1,[2,[3,[4]]]]
they are nested like that?
my stuff? no
!!> [].concat(...[[1, 2], [3, 4]])
@Luggage [1,2,3,4]
it's usually more like [{ array: [...] }, { array: [...] }, ...]
so thing.reduce((out, item) => out.concat(item.array), []) happens
[].concat(...stuff.map(x => x.array));
I use reduce myself. I'm not trying to say concat is 'correct'
[].concat(...stuff.map(({ array }) => array))
const getProp = (prop) => (obj) => obj[prop];
but what if it's a tree?
make it recursive
is there a function name for it already?
1 hour later…
I....I just peaked at the side-project app my coworker has been working on for the past few months at work. 1200 Lines of code for 1 controller, no other angular in the entire project. Just one big fat god object of a controller.
You need
@godskook Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Array.prototype.smoosh and Array.prototype.smooshMap @Shmiddty
Current names for flatten
@KingTut We'd just answer an educated person than feeding a troll :)
Go to bed
You go to bed
i didnt drank anythibg almost
im going bed c u tomorrow
2 hours later…
is there a way to force loose mode in nodejs even if a script somewhere is declaring strict?
it's a bit hacky, but :P
just might work. Thank you interesting
maybe if I override require I could get a temporary solution
although very hacky
Atom. It doesn't want to auto-indent bracketless if or if/else.
Is there a fix for that? The github site for atom looks a bit ... overloaded/undermaintained.
good morning
const bcrevenuecenterrequest = new BankingChannePageData<BankingChannelRevenueCenter<any>>();
bcrevenuecenterrequest.pagedata = new BankingChannelRevenueCenter<any>();
bcrevenuecenterrequest.pagedata.common = new BankingChannelCommonRevenueCenter();
bcrevenuecenterrequest.pagedata.common = this.bcrevenuecenterarray;
can any one help me
not bale assign array
in typescript
question link
Q: Array is Not assigned to Generic objects

Rajhere is my code structure1 export class BankingChannePageData<T> { pagedata: T; revnum: number; pagetype: string; } structur2 import { BankingChannelCommonRevenueCenter } from '../../models/banking-channel/banking-channel-common-revenue-center'; export class BankingChannelRevenu...

1 hour later…
well, 50000 of us yesterday: theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/09/…
looked like a lot less
did you go too?
for a few minutes
I didn't understand what they were saying
so I couldn't clap or shout
and I was worried people might look at me weirdly
it's not a tourist attraction to me. I just don't know what they're saying :/
there was a lot of tension, didn't know if a riot might break out (it didn't), but if it did, I'd be a target right away
also, I was bored
man, I always thought there should be at least one orthorpedist 24h in Hospitals
but apparently that's not the case, at least there's only 1h and half left to wait, gives me time to think how to get there with a swollen foot that I'm limping on lol
well, I'll start moving, see yall later
2 hours later…
yo guys? any ideas how to check if user not typing in input field for N seconds?
@BenFortune too late
hi dudes
@Mosho I remember you were a fan of "css in js", I do too now (react-jss (material-ui uses it), or styled-components, or others like react-with-styles, ..) I wonder if still the case and what you are using (I haven't been here for long, used to)
@David Search for "javascript throttling"
"css in js"
Ey yo
Did someone hear about the css keylogger ?
The HN thread is more wonderful
@towc nooooooooooo
@ShrekOverflow Yeah, ages ago
I want to use some memory database so that my app does not lose everything on server crash. Redis is very limiting as everything gotta be a string and no nesting. So, it may require a lot of restructuring. Anyone knows a good alternative that just allows storing content in memory to remote locations and uses JS data structures out of the box without using JSON.parse etc
Redis supports more complex structures, quite a few of them
Depending on how you want to retrieve the data, there's nothing wrong with a dict as the in-memory store
hmset? sadd? sadd cannot store hmset. May you please give some name or tiny example
Though you'll need to store it in JSON
what exactly are you trying to store, how is it keyed, etc? those make a big difference
@Neoares this almost beats border radius
@BenFortune Thanks! I will use that.
Don't listen to me
postgres' JSON type would probably work
it's pretty solid
pg doesn't have an in-memory store though does it?
Or am I misunderstanding
I'm unclear on why an in-memory database is needed, rather than just a collection holding the data
speed maybe
I would fetch and cache rather than trying to sync an in-memory database with remote
coucbase tries to do that and it doesn't work especially well
5 years ago today we deployed FairManager for the first time ever
So much equipment! :D
@OliverSalzburg I remember this Dell model
It came with the best keyboard ever
We've used them for quite some time. Today we use NUCs
I even wore my 1337 hoodie that day
Good choice
funny name for an eslint rule: eslint.org/docs/rules/eqeqeq
how do you even find these
Find what?
That movie is a classic
well, I didn't have any idea what that movie was :B
@Ikari How old are you?
It came out in '96
oh my god I watched Mars Attacks too many times when I was a kid
I loved it
@OliverSalzburg 16
@Ikari I guess that explains it then :D
haven't really seen any old movies, that came out in 90s and berfore
You hear that you old geezers?
It's an old movie!
except some like Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club :B liked both of them
fight club was 19 years ago
1999 iirc
@Ikari What about Good Will Hunting?
erm... nope :P
have watched A Beautiful Mind, though it's post 2000 iirc
The film on John Nash? I've wanted to watch it, but haven't had the time to.
In related news, all my pants are in the dryer. I have no pants to wear. What do I do now
swing your meat in the wind?
But I'm about to cook it
Go to bed
... err... that might not be a good idea?
Find yourself a nice nudist beach
Gonna make lasagna out of it
@Zirak Hallo, Metzgermeister!
@SomeGuy Meiner Aufapfeln
some nice piano youtu.be/ZjXauJHffN4
Guten Tag, Frau Poop
Mein Kinder sind Hosen
@Zirak There's your solution!
Mes enfants terrible :(
Nicht shlecht
@SomeGuy This is going to be either about a philosopher or a serial kill
You know it
My legs are cold :(
someone come and hug me
or bring some pants
I need a website offline mirror :|
Just wear a sweater upside-down like a normal person
wget -r
You can even hang your junk out the neck hole
Not scrapers... but.. the ones that acutally launch the website hmm :\
python3 -m http.server
@Zirak /me hugs
I'm gonna create one.. :|
@Ikari Don't lie Ikari never hugged anyone after she died
hah, I hugged my boy Shinji when nobody was looking
@Zirak do you actually use those kinds of filenames?
I hope that's http.server.py, which is still weird
Use headless Chrome aka Puppeter.. and load the website.. and capture networked resources... and instead of parsing links.. acutally follow links.. :|
so, @Zirak you've watched Eva as well? Were you able to understand EoE? :B
@towc -m runs a module, http.server is a builtin
oh, TIL
runs a static file server
@Ikari Well, I gave it my own interpretation
it took me like three watches to get everything
Suggest me a name for my app :|
I really liked Evangelion, rewatched quite a few times and read a bunch of other people's interpretations
huh, interesting:
indeed, it's a fantastic series, I still hum the opening song now and then
> require.resolve('http')
I hoped it would show some filename on the device
There're also quite a few things which I'm sure were accidents, like the Adam and Eve theme in the end of EoE
But it's still fun to think about
heh, Anno and staff admitted that Christian symbolism wasn't something that they actively wanted to show
but just that it looked cool
dude easy solution, shower and curl up in bed
Check the source code of require.resolve :|
Oh noes.. .mjs is happening
Anyone seen this before with remote debugging?
this is why Firefox Masterrace exists
@Zirak some 1080p screen caps I took a couple of days earlier of EoE, might be good wallpaper material imgur.com/a/q6yEz
@Ikari Can Firefox do remote debugging of Chrome WebViews?
umm, I don't think so :B
Well, Chrome can't either right now. So it's a draw, I guess
Chrome should just buy Firefox... and Firefox would switch to Blink.. like Opera did
uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wut
It works in Canary \o/
But no console output >:(
wtf is it today with the shit dev tools again?!
Ah, it's set to hide all output by default. That's useful
Because who wants to see console output in DevTools anyway?
Birthdays here ping me if you want your name added or removed from the calendar.
@SterlingArcher ^
Wow, it's an amazing coincidence that we were all born in 2017, isn't it?
@BadgerCat BadgerCats at work
@SomeGuy Programmers are all roosters in the chinese zodiac
In related news, I have pants
@Zirak congrats!
Thanks! These were a trying couple of hours
I always thought you only wore skirts.
@SomeGuy I got a new job as a community manager
@BadgerCat 20th May :D
@KamilSolecki if you say the smile, you're a pirate.
@KamilSolecki added
oi thanks
I hate google calendar, I wish you could just edit a csv file and it would sync automatically
Google calendar is the reason why everyone has year 2017, because it's impossible to make a recurring event for the whole day through a csv file.
Maybe maintain them in a contacts group
Or write some insanely overengineerd tooling for it
I'll think about it
I have it set to send me e-mails so that I don't forget, I could automate the pin and birthday wish too, but then I feel like it's not so personal.
You can import your CSV already. Just add "Name" and "Birthday" column labels and import into contacts
Then add email, home address, social security number, ...
@OliverSalzburg Awesome! I think I have a CSV file with all that info and I didn't know where to put it.
@BadgerCat 30th December :-D
Already synced into calendar as well
Was your name SomeKittens at some point?
That name rings all of the bells and I don't remember why
Hmm... I'll do it in a couple of days
@Cereal no, SomeKittens doesn't come anymore
he works at netflix, and you can follow him on twitter
omg, he has a beard now
There was some creepy guy trying to hit on some girls next to me.
@BadgerCat Ooooh, yay!
Is this more to your liking compared to the other promotion you were offered earlier?
Does this mean less tech work for you?
@SomeGuy Yeah, less tech work unfortunately. But I think I'll love it. This is the one.
Congrats! :D
Have you started in the role already?
Not yet, I just signed the contract.
> Use a data-driven approach to identify strategic growth opportunities within your region with an emphasis on recruitment, retention, and engagement.
That does not sound easy
I had to go through 5-6 interviews, plus a test and a project.
Damn. I assume they threw a ton of data at you for you to analyze?
They didn't, I had to dig it myself.
But they loved what I did.
I don't know how a non-technical person would have done it.
Neat, that's even cooler!
Haha yeah, I was just going to ask, because it said technical skills aren't required
How'd you dig the data up?
I used StackOverflow's surveys raw data
That's a gold mine, isn't it?
haha yeah
Most of the people in community/leadership in Toptal are engineers too
So that makes me happy, I think I'll like it
And I get to travel all over Latin America for free
Oh, shit, I didn't even think of that!
That's going to be so cool!
yeah :D
This sounds really fun :D
Does this reduce how much work you do remotely?
And when do you get started?
no, it's a full remote work
in 2 weeks
how are things going for you?
Not bad
I think I've finally gotten the RSI under control, which I'm quite stoked about
Who knew that simply splitting the workload over longer timespans would be the solution?
register source index?
I don't know what RSI is
Repetitive strain injury
relative strength index?
ah lol
I googled rsi x86
Hahahaha, of course you did
I recently went to a conference
And it was surprisingly hard to explain what I do for work
go to sleep
I can imagine
I'm always trying to explain it to my mom
Working on an Intel x86 emulator for the browser is quite a mouthful, when everyone expects something like "node.js developer" or "pentester"
I can absolutely relate
> But what is your position?
And they always ask if it's a docker container
You know it
I've often ended with "I write code and research a bunch of stuff, as needed"
Regardless, it's really fun!
"And I'm excellent at it"
Some of the work we've been doing is stuff I've wanted to look into for ages
ah, nice
I'm looking at applying for GSoC this year too
wow, awesome!
I can't stop with the acronyms, can I? Like omg
That one I knew :P
What's the right side to ask about Startups?
@watchme Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've somehow managed to find the one org that I'm super interested in - an RTOS, that needs a bunch of help with their x86 port (possibly x86_64, specifically)
So I've been tinkering with that
@CapricaSix wow how do you know I have never been here? (I mean I have never been here but still)
I was hoping coreboot would make it, but they didn't. Working on something like SeaBIOS might have been fun too
@watchme She's a bot
wow, more x86 stuff
I'm owning it :P
what a modern world we live in...
you are :P
copy always uses his free time on completely unrelated things
The good thing is that since this RTOS supports a ton of architectures, I'd also learn a lot about a lot of the others
Yeah? Like what?
like OCaml
Or programming language theory stuff?
He shared a ton of amazing resources a while ago, that I sadly haven't been able to look into yet
He's obsessed with that, I hear about it every day
Hahaha, are you telling me copy's talkative about something? :P
He even talks about it in Spanish
We recently started talking only in spanish
Hahahaha, this is so you guys
@BadgerCat Oooh, going the other way now, huh?
How's he doing?
good, it's only been a week or so
I only remember dos cerveza and banjo from my basic Spanish :P
It's all I needed
he can already tell me about this new on paper on linear type systems in OCaml
haha, we're in Tulum btw
Haha, okay, that's fairly advanced
I can't do anything of that sort in German yet either
German is much harder
I'm considering finally joining classes for it
Learning it on my own feels like a lot more effort now
@BadgerCat Are y'all staying there now, or just visiting?
I never actually went down when I was there because it was too hot and I didn't think I'd care for it
@SomeGuy staying for a week
it's nice, but it's very small
Where do you go next?
Playa again
Oh, how come? I thought you wanted to do closer to Mexico City after Europe
He has to get his residence card, we're waiting for it
@FlorianMargaine Interested in a small script which mirrors package repositories?
Getting mexican residentship is very easy, but it takes so long
Rocket Silo research started, fuck yeaaaaa
@BadgerCat How long?
End of April
Then I have to give a talk in Mexico City
And from there, it will depend on my job
why don't people stop using GPUs for mining, they should just be happy with their asics
fking $500 for 1070
@Ikari ikr :(
@jAndy vegan ice cream tastes MUCH better than regular ice cream, I think you'd love it here in Tulum. There's so much amazing food.
My roommate, who recently bought a 3d printer just walked in the room and handed me this cursed object
@Ikari hey I bough mine at two third of that price a few months ago
@FélixGagnon-Grenier where?
amazon if memory serves
some sort of lightning deal perhaps?
holy fucking shit... the one I bought is 800$ now...
I was lucky to make that build before all that mining hype...
I literally cry looking at the GPU prices now
they literally doubled the price, to a fine looking 1049$ !!
@Neoares' cat:
Most metal cat everr... purr... 😼 #Caturday
11/10 cat
oh you f...
@rlemon amazing. all these years I've thought the earth was round.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It is round, dummy. Look at the video.
It's not a square, now, is it?
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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