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Well better start using semicolons then!
but it will still complain
use x86 assembly, it either complains, or it doesn't
semicolons in kotlin are like whitespaces
except if you have multiple expressions on a single line
do you want to code w/o semicolon?
let me show something
Where can I see which methods exactly does a specific TS version creates polyfills to ?
@KarelG i want to code so that the compiler understands it

fx(step, result) :-
   step > 0,
   nxt is step-1,
   fx(nxt, nxtResult),
   result is step * nxtResult.
not 100% certain if it correct tho. It's been a while with that language
guys I think I missed smth, why array mutating ? jsfiddle.net/wq9euj4m/9
haskell is better on that tho
fx 0 = 1
fx n = n * fx (n - 1)
fx n = product [1..n]
@KarelG well, it mostly works in most languages, but there are these small occasions where things just stop making sense
@David and your question is ... ?
i do not see any mutation attempts there
@Wietlol I challenge you to figure out what fx does. It accepts one numeric argument
im not sure which language that is, but as far as I understand it, fx in your first snippet uses 2 arguments
but in the second one, it has 1
@KarelG in any case, im not sure, but it seems to me that it is recurring quite a lot
yes recursion is used here. but the haskell one should be straight forward
i think it even returns 0 always, since nxtResult is not initialized
and it is multiplied by step (which is always 0 then)
and that is passed down the recursion
best to check the haskell one
@KarelG when I try to do smth like arr[0] = 'sss' this is mutation, isn't it?
gotcha make it easier
fx n = if n < 2 then 1 else n * fx (n-1)
the haskell one looks like 1*2*3*4*...*n
you are close
rather n*...*3*2*1
but i think you dont mean that with "close"
@David yes, but your fiddle does not mutate the array. I only see 3 lines of code
(in NL is het "je zit er dichterbij")
sorry, 1 * (1*2) * (1*2*3) * (1*2*3*4) * n
im not sure what it is called
does it have a mathematical name?
yes, factorials ( "faculteit")
4! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
so n!! ?
n! = n * n-1 * n - 2 * .. * 2 * 1
btw the first snippet I have posted does it exactly :P it does not return 0
does anybody have more than 4k at the bank?
> fx(step, result) :-
step > 0,
@KarelG i think "result" is an "out" parameter
it is :)
welcome to PROLOG
what does it return if step <= 0 ?
it is a pure logical programming language
i find outs not that logical :D
it is used in computational linguistic course I have attended.
@Wietlol you divide by zero and the universe ends
but what happens if !(step > 0)
and had a task in my AI course using PROLOG
needless to say, always pass step > 0
@Wietlol it stops there. if the condition is false, the statements at the right is not executed
so, what will "result" be?
you get "false" back, showing that there is a logic error in your code
it stops at 0 because it is the first predicate ( first line)
negatives are not being accepted
(well in that snippet ...)
> fx(nxt, nxtResult),
result is step * nxtResult.
nxt = 0
fx returns false
result cannot be computed?
@KarelG if you look at console you will see array is mutated, but I was expected it will be same
@Wietlol eg for 4!, you are calling fx(4, result). then at the next step, you can call result to get its output. If it returns false, you can show invalid argument
but fx(4, result) will internally call fx(3, nxtResult)
and fx(3, nxtResult) will internally call fx(2, nxtResult)
and fx(1, nxtResult) will internall call fx(0, nxtResult)
@David it is same. Are you really interpreting it correctly? (the console gives you k:v pair, key is the index, value is your array values.
you'd need to put a conditional block for when n becomes 0, I think
@Wietlol yes, that then call fx(0,1). because it is the first predicate. The 0 matches with the 0 argument. So result = 1
so it has 2 overloads, one for step=0 and one for step!=0 ?
and is evaluated at runtime when you call the method
Thats not a tail recursive function
(i could be bitching about tail recursion though :D
You'd blow the stack
there is also a prolog variant on factorial using tail recursion
Well.. you'd blow it anyway.. since JavaScript doesnt have PTC :|
@cswl i think that could be blamed on the language...
took me a while to realize that I was getting a "Date format not valid" error in oracle because to_date doesn't let you use formats containing precision of milliseconds
@KarelG I assume that the tail recursion is then optimized to avoid the recursion... right?
otherwise, tail recursion would be bad
really really bad
It was in the spec.. but implementations.. rejected it.. so it got pulled down
kept trying to check that the date values were valid and yes, FF3 meant milliseconds
@KarelG still "so it has 2 overloads, one for step=0 and one for step!=0 ?"
I havent been updated on es-2018 tho :|
@Wietlol it is used to keep the variable intact. Hard to explain that to someone that did not have done this advanced computing
Like there's shit ton of proposals.. private class variables.. decorators and shit :|
@Wietlol yes
tail recursion could be optimized so it is done in a loop instead of recurring
it is a strict language tho. Like haskell
PROLOG does not have loops :P
it wot?
you cannot loop in logic itself :D
im crying
otherwise there are already non-hacky loops in SQL queries
i think i should go back to my own code
where logic makes sense
Ow, syntatic tail call proposal got inactive.. :| there goes your tail call optimization..
so it'll blow the stack even if your method is tail recursive?
recursive methods always need to use the stack
tail ones too
that is a strength of PROLOG: it does not have a stack
Well yes.. since with syntatic tail calls... you could give a hint to compiler.. that you dont care about stack trace..
it does not have loops, it does not have stacks... is the strength of PROLOG to not have things?
github.com/tc39/proposal-ptc-syntax Last commit 2 years ago..
I wonder what does WASM say about tail calls :\
tail calls in assembly ??
I need to check how tail recursion would be optimized in bytecode
posted on March 01, 2018 by Mathias Bynens

Summary Debugging memory leaks in Chrome 66 just became much easier. Chrome’s DevTools can now trace and snapshot C++ DOM objects and display all reachable DOM objects from JavaScript with their references. This feature is one of the benefits of the new C++ tracing mechanism of the V8 garbage collector. Background A memory leak in a garbage collection system occurs when an unused object is not

@KarelG when you call a new method/function, the heap adds on the parameters passed
You only have that added to the heap in each successive calls rather than also local variables
so you just wouldn't have lines that create local variables in the loop representing the recursion
@Neil is the reference same or another one is used?
(by copying over the value at the next recursion call)
@KarelG It can't be the same, or you'd use the same values in each successive call
then there is no optimization towards normal recursion ?
you copy the values of the current parameters into new addresses, then move the heap pointer forward and execute the method
surely assembly wouldn't be doing it if there is optimization
I thought that the compiler would detect it and creates an environment where one variable is used as tailed variable and an other environment to execute the function.
You mean say, reuse parameters in successive recursive calls which haven't changed from one call to the next?
it then has access to the tailed variable
no, it's optimized because the parameters are already being copied each time
If you add a local variable, the local variable is getting saved for each call as well
@Neil I do not add it
if you don't use local variables, it is tail recursion
with the last thing happening being the recursive call itself
unless you're throwing away the returned value
Do websockets fallback on polling?
No, you’d have to do that at the library level
Socket.io does this
Then why is it polling
in fact it's polling, not websockets at that point
var socket = new Websocket(url)
and I'm getting polled at url
it's doing a GET
and then complaining it's getting an unexpected 200 response
that GET request might be / is a handshake request
It does an initial get to do an upgrade or something. It shouldn’t be polling
Is the url to a ws:// server?
Oh jk, I'm doing that
Nevermind, ignore me, I'm not qualified to ask questions anymore
            setTimeout(function() { connect(url)}, 5000);
Harp darp
Cereal pls
Although it is doing a get
Or at least it's interpreting the websocket request as a get
the handshake request though, most probably :/
What are you using for your web socket server?
Hot garbage
a sock
A wet bandaid
A moist tissue
any good tools out there for web app wireframe designs? preferably free
Ms paint
Etch a sketch
Etch a sketch looks cool!
template engine somehow got fucked
x-ception lol
Hello guys
Should I learn React Native or progressive web apps? I don't have JS background
should I turn left or right
The guy who turned right is all right now
I think right has less market share
left isn't as good but it seems like a better investment
left is too sinister for me
Yea. I mean it's too bad I couldn't give any more context about this troubling life decision I need to make
then people might be able to help me
You sounds like the Alice cat
I'm not sure how I feel about that
just smile and vanish
Hi there guys, anyone here with any knowledge on window navigation ?
@DincaAdrian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have a page with which contains an Iframe with an iframe inside
The last iframe is from another side and I don't have control on it's scripts
it has an exit function that does top.window.close();
is there a way to prevent the top.window accept comands from the iframe?
I don't want to use the window.onbeforeunload to prevent the unload cause I want the user to be able to leave the page, but I don't want it done unless the window.close() is called from the top level window itself
My knowledge is limited, but I think iframes can only use top. if it's in the same domain
But there are a way to interact between child and parent in iframes with different domains, I just don't remember how, it was some kind of listener.
this strategy works fine when opened in new window/popup since when exiting the internal iframe it means cloising the window also
but when opened in the same page it closes the page
the problem is not on chrome
Chrome is saying that you cannot close a window taht is not created by you, (programatically)
but sadly safari does not have that kind of security protocols
that guy is very very lucky,
most of the rekt gifs or webms I see, which originate from China usually end up pretty badly
somehow those drivers are not aware of their vehicle height when driving ...
Dinca, I'm not sure if this is what you want, but this is what I used to send data from a child iframe to a parent window in different domains. Based on that data, I can do whathever I want in the parent: pastebin.com/nz6mSvfK
I know about the messaging system
what I don't know how to do is how to prevent top.window.close() to run if it's not called from the top window
If I can;t controll what content has the internal Iframe , I can't prevent that the iframe is is able to close the main window
I think the iframe won't have that kind of power unless it's in the same domain as the parent
You can always use onbeforeunload to at least ask the user if he really wants to close the window
Well, see you guys :D
remember that gif where a person was sucked into the back of an escalator, things after that: webm.xyz/webm/5a9803d71ecd950010b64cac
I feel that nvm is slow af.. should I create another node version manager :|
make a PR
well if you make a PR you can't collect as many internet points so maybe not
@cswl no
Hello guys I have a JS problem here, I can't seem to bind buttons correctly
@HéctorÁlvarez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I will write it in Java.. for the lolz.. :|
I don't get any errors in the console, but the button won't lead me to the actiion I bound it to
I have this function, that runs properly
function enableLoginButtons() {
I use this SPA pattern without any particular framework, just call the page content and stick it in with JQuery
I was thinking maybe I'm not calling the enableLoginButtons after the controls are loaded
how can I make sure it's called when the elements have been dropped?
This is probably the case, because it works if I copy-paste that into the console
@BenFortune Array.from(Array(9), _ => Array(9).fill())
@HéctorÁlvarez Oi its a rare sight!
welcome to the supreme room
@BenjaminGruenbaum not everyone knows that supplying one numeric argument to the array constructor makes it setting the array length :P
probably something from the past
@HéctorÁlvarez if you unwrap the handlers, do they run?
@rlemon yes!
Would anyone here just "happen" to know C ... would wanna know what strcpy(body, &boundary[2]) means...?
boundary is again defined as char boundary[32] and assigned something later on...
@deostroll body is a pointer to a char array, so is the boundary array
check the docs ?
&coundary[2] is the location of the third char in the array
So that's where the copy "starts"
&boundary[2] -> does this mean 3rd location in array?
yes, then it copies the characters after that index
got it... thanks...
but please be aware of problems with that function
dammit VS is doing that thing again
you should use a safer alternative: strncpy
note the n
it requires a 3th argument: # of characters being copied over
strcpy => copy characters until \0 is found or until heat death of the universe
yes, but that function does not know if the destination is equal or longer than the # of characters being copied over from the source
also, the wait until the \0 thing is not reliable (has led to enough bugs in the past)
a better one is strcpy_s lol
or strncat
there are just too many similar-like functions in C :|
@KendallFrey did you try something like this to find out if something else is locking your file?
right, that was my point
Nothing is locking the file
@KamilSolecki Thanks, I thought y'all lived in room 7
@KamilSolecki Some of the squirrels solved it for me, turns out I was calling it at the wrong time
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks :P
You're welcome
I'm having the stupidest issue here, I made a whole AJAX client + restful webapi, and I seem to be unable to set the contents to be sent in the body
i.e. I want to read the serialized object using the [FromBody] tag, but it's not being passed in the body
probably in the header but I have no idea how to check that either
@HéctorÁlvarez have you ever used Fiddler?
1 message moved to Trash can
@HéctorÁlvarez Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@CapricaSix I know you dumbass, I forgot to press CTRL+K
@jmb.mage nope
google telerik fiddler, it will show you everything (in fact wayyyy too much) about all the requests, etc you are doing. When I test APIs and requests I use 2 programs: 1 Fiddler and 2 is Postman (chrome plugin)
postman lives outside of chrome these days
they've added quite a bit and made it its own electron app
I've set processData: false in the requrest, IDK if that's the parameter that lets me send it in the body (although I assume that's it)
@ssube I've got postman installed, but I need to see the traffic, not build it myself in a pretty UI.
@jmb.mage is it free?
once you are running fiddler, the first thing you'll probably want to do is turn on filters, so you see only the traffic you want
Redux is dead woohoo
even though I never use it anyway
hmm maybe not
future fetcher click bait articles
@Loktar lol nice I hoped to never get roped into using it
yeah Postman saves my ass from writing curl queries
if you go anywhere new might be a good chance they've built something with it
is a dank tool indeed
but yeah man I also hope so @Jhoverit
lol we got lucky with both implementations
reflux and mobx
@Loktar Yea everyone talks about it all hipstery, it's a good way to judge if someone is just getting into hype or actually has used the modern tools tbh haha
this Q only needs one more close vote: stackoverflow.com/questions/49038325/…
What should I name the ignored variables in array destructuring
@Loktar that one place was all hard for "Vuex"
Had never used any of this stuff tho haha jus read some articles
I was like is Vuex like Mobx?
> No. Redux
Okay then.
@cswl what?
@Loktar is it? why?
I went with ` const [$_, _$, ...stuffIwant] = array` :|
@GNi33 eh it's not totally, but Dan Abramov announced future fetcher
@cswl const [,,,three] = [0,1,2,3];
Okay that works :|
hemm, I like to have my render() as a last method in a react component
but I had to remove public-before-private from my tslint
What a shame
I feel ambiguous
@Loktar ah, I see. Very fresh news
@KamilSolecki It's probably just a phase
Yeah I'll lint out of it
in time
@KamilSolecki good film
Hello Guys I have a question and I am banned from asking new questions. So can I ask i there?
@Shezratnani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shezratnani nope
you're banned
I'm surprised the bot didn't remove your first message
You can ask, but we will make fun of it
This is unrelated to your ban status though
@OliverSalzburg lol
> No question is a dumb question!
> I got banned from asking questions
@Shezratnani Sure but we only do Vue.js here
Hey guys how can i avoid long url using js localhost/lsystem/Antiderivatives/useraccount.php#/Music to localhost/lsystem/Music and how can I avoide # I am using angular 1
guys please help me???
!!giphy wat
@AlishaSharma Can you stop vamping please
so don't call it lsystem and antiderivatives
@AlishaSharma You need to use !important when asking questions otherwise poo heads like @BenFortune respon
I made the mistake of joining a FB programming group, it was cancer.
ok @Jhoverit I heard about push state api am I in correct way??
It was literally people posting pictures of home work from their textbook asking "WHAT ANSWER?!"
Is here any one from angular background
Oh yeah, correct asf
@Jhoverit <3
Most of us are from rounded backgrounds
@Jhoverit wt jock
xf prep
sudo rm AlishaSharma
what is that ??
Guys your english is very different from mine some time I don't understand what you guys are talking about....hehehe]
So at what level is autism unlocked at?
Asking for a friend
it's a hidden achievement
@SterlingArcher 48h of nonstop 4chan
I unlocked it at birth
i guess it was still in beta then
did your parents vaccinate you too much?
ah, correct... did they vaccinate you at all?
because that's cheating
Guys is there jquery to raw js converter..hahaha
there was a website that had a shit ton of jq2js
@Luggage do you know much about DOT requirement laws?
for helmets
I know it's a requirement. There is a logo. You have that, you are good (legally)
so. no.
Replace all $ with document.queryselector ... and fix all runtime errors.. easy conversion..
Dammit. I found a Predator moto helmet i really want but the DOT certification concerns me
If it's a sticker I can't buy it
> fix all runtime errors
> easy conversion
they dont go so well together
sometimes, I like react and webpack, then I try to use plotly.js
I think you just want something safe on your head with good visibility. Not an attention-whoring squid-hat.
Have you met me?
Everything I do is for attention
morning friends
Opposite spectrum... I was also peeking at this helmet with a rear view mirror built in
Now I want an "attention-whoring squid-hat". Does amazon sell those?

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