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Just go through all their posts and make corrections to them until you cause enough drama to drive them off the site
Make sure to start a couple rollback wars
I just want them to close questions like they should be :(
downvote often
show those jquery thousandaires who's boss
yeah but people upvote them because they have rep
the world is not anymore the way it used to be, no no no
maybe there needs to be a better incentive for cleaning up the site
I spent so much damn time cleaning up the canvas section ugh
Maybe we can ban jquery rep farmers like barmar and friends
retagged SO MANY questions just because I cared
ban me
I don't. If you have rep, I downvote, it is my duty to crush the top 1% of SO users. #IAmThe99%
I CV so many questions a day
damn luckily i'm in the top 2% @hilli_micha
Ugh I always lay down for a quick nap, but then I wake up 5 hours later
I don't want to be on your bad side!
whole day gone
top 1% of what bracket?
The bracket that makes me frown
@SterlingArcher umm, nobody covers the cranberries. offensive.
I'm in the top 3% I'm safe
delet urself
fish should be banned
how do you delete nick
That would be reptarded. You guys are repdiculous. How can you repeat your reptillian reproductions.
@ndugger dude it's real good though
i think i'm 1% in all but week
@SterlingArcher Easy, wanna see a magic trick?
@SterlingArcher delet fishCollection.nick;
show us!
yay magic trick!
@SterlingArcher it will never be as good as the original
tribute shmibute
nobody touch'a my cranberries
@ndugger I actually hated Dolores' voice
and that song
but I love Bad Wolves and they did good
wow, your taste in music really is awful
get bent, bro
This TypeWiz thing is pretty damn cool
also what does Dolores rhyme with?
ur mom
A microphone
@jmb.mage oh, 10/10 joke
** flex **
I've reviewed his code, pretty freaking tight
No I'm serious, when I was younger an episode of seinfeld came on where his girls name "rhymed with a part of the female anatomy" and it ended up being dolores but I have no fucking idea what that rhymes with
export function getTypeName(value: any, nest = 0): string | null {
  if (nest === 5) {
    throw new NestError('NestError');
  if (value === null) {
    return 'null';
  if (['undefined', 'number', 'string', 'boolean'].indexOf(typeof value) >= 0) {
    return typeof value;
  if (value instanceof Array) {
    const itemTypes = Array.from(new Set(value.map((v) => getTypeName(v, nest + 1)))).filter((t) => t !== null);
    if (itemTypes.length === 0) {
      return null;
    if (itemTypes.length === 1) {
And I've been too scared to google it for like 15 years
This is the important bit
please don't ever accept praise from ndugger he is known to be a train supremacist.
don't be trainsphobic, michael
@SterlingArcher clitoris?
@Loktar huh. I mean kinda? Seems like a reach though, I thought it was like a SOLID rhyme
@MadaraUchiha using indexOf instead of includes in 2018
That's pretty disappointing
I added a console log right after the on change call and then again right after the getJSON call. Both logs appeared when I typed in the input, but it took forever for them to even appear in the log. — ShoeLace1291 1 min ago
@ndugger Heh, I'll add that to the PR
VSCode does not have a color picker by default and the one I have installed in the office must be an addon, right?
Q: What is the body part that rhymes with Dolores?

ewkochinIn the Seinfeld episode "The Junior Mints" Jerry is going out with a girl whose name he can't remember, who tells him that it rhymes with a part of the female anatomy. Later we discover that her name is Dolores. What body part does that rhyme with?

Unless you want to
@SterlingArcher ^
let foo;

try {
    foo = something();
} catch( ex ) {

if( foo ) {
   // ...
!!afk 15 years for a weak ass rhyme
@MadaraUchiha oi do tell the folks at material-ui-next to update their typewiz types they aint really good yet
please put a space in between if and your parens. if is not a function, m8
what happens here? the whole code below the try/catch is getting pulled into the try{} clause isn't it?
@KamilSolecki Sure it does.
By default, that is.
ugh, I must have turned it off
@jAndy Why would it?
you turned me off too
please stop the underage drinking photos
they make me depressed
Foster the People is a good band guys, I swear.
would you prefer overage drinking photos?
@MadaraUchiha well, what happens if something() crashes and we land in the catch clause? will the code below the whole try/catch still get executed?
yes, old men drinking shots on the beach
@jAndy Of course
well nvm after I said it its magically working now huh
@hilli_micha I'd rather listen to any band that Jordan doesn't like than any band that Jordan does like
You've caught the error
You didn't do anything with it, but you've caught it nonetheless.
welp, time to go home
!!afk you,re mom gaey
Yeah you better run
is your fridge running
Right. Doh I'm not used to use so many try/catch statements, since async/await caught me my source is all over the place using that (kinda have to). Actually I always told people to stay away from try/catch things in JS since they extend the scope chain and tend to slow down the show
@jAndy Meh, to be fair, what I'm really missing from JS nowadays are null-coalesce (even PHP has them, seriously) and try-with-resources (Like Java)
I don't really have that many try-catch in my code even with async/await
@MadaraUchiha how to handle rejected promises without catch
@jAndy Oh, you definitely need catch to handle rejected promises.
We just either don't handle all possible rejects (because they're very unlikely) or handle them higher up
@jmb.mage i downloaded vscode, but im not sure which of the 28 different extensions i have to install to get "Java language support"
not to mention the 16 "Java debugger" extensions
but consider this: You want to make a query, in order to make a query, you have to take a connection from the pool, and return it to the pool after you're done with the query
How would you go about this?
or the 9 "maven" extentions
@MadaraUchiha I usually do a try/catch on my highest order call, do a try/catch on the database interface function (re-throw errors in the catch) and handle them at the highest level
// naively:

const conn = await connPool.getConnection();
const result = await conn.query('some sql');
await conn.dispose(); // back to pool
I don't think you want to risk omitting that with promises, since it'll crash your (server) if you don't catch those
@jAndy Today, no, in Node 10 they will
yea you get this nasty message about it
@jAndy I know, I wrote it :D
[DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
you did that? :P
and you still don't catch all promises?
that's hypocrite
@jAndy Oh, I catch all promises
But my code is not full of try/catches
so you're not using await everywhere
An empty catch{} is generally a smell, and if you're forced to catch everything just for the sake of catching, it defeats the purpose of things
@jAndy I do
I allow the rejection to bubble up
well, I usually do that explicit
doing a try/catch and go for throw ex; within catch()
just in case I want to take any action later
@jAndy Meh, that's the Java approach
I hate the Java approach.
holy crap this print is much larger in person
@MadaraUchiha wot?
@MadaraUchiha I know but it feels wrong to just.. do thing and let it "crash"
what if you want to re-use a subroutine somewhere else which doesn't do error handling and stuff
if you can't meaningfully handle the error, crashing is the best option
@Wietlol Java: "Well, but what if you'd want to limit the access to this property? Best use private for EVERYTHING and add a getter and setter method for EVERY SINGLE PROPERTY"
I'm way too scared for not being explicit on those in server code
@rlemon watcha printed?
the USB hub?
@MadaraUchiha but that describes a whole different ball game of Java
39 mins ago, by rlemon
nahh, I'm working on a two part print. this is the base. it'll be a planter/filter for an aquarium
@jAndy Yeah
@MadaraUchiha java approach (or better yet, my approach) is "throw a lot and catch rarily"
I think I made the base too thick
But the approach of "I might one day want to extend this behavior, so I better insert excess boilerplate EVERYWHERE" is totally the Java way.
@MadaraUchiha java has no properties
it's only half done, but already looks plenty thick
@MadaraUchiha by the way, wouldn't I get to read your nice WORLDS ENDING message if I don't handle a promise rejection even if I handle the error at higher level?
yet, I havent seen a single language implement properties good enough to replace getters/setters
@jAndy No
It only displays it if it isn't handled within one tick
kotlin came close, but there are still a few language design requests open for votes
So if you were to do something silly like this:
> Legend tells of a HTML/CSS/JavaScript Ninja, skilled enough to build flawless user interfaces from scratch. Wielding the power to convert online window shoppers into fanatical customers. Unencumbered by WordPress templates or Bootstrap. Are you the Ninja the legends speak of? If so, we summon you.
Dear god no lol
This is the place with no QA team that wants to hire 9 front end devs haha
const p = Promise.reject(new Error('lol'));

setTimeout(() => p.catch(e => console.error(e)), 1000);
ok.. so I have to therapy myself to not go on tilt if I see a plain call to await this.db.view(whatever) in my db interface
You'd get the warning + the console.error after a second
in fact, @MadaraUchiha in Java, I get the most stable code
@Wietlol "stable" in what way?
since i will be notified of all checked exceptions
isn't Java actually very popular again for server and database business?
and i am smart enough to not be stupid enough to be caught by non-checked exceptions
@jAndy yes
and, because i am not an idiot who has try-catch blocks around everything
No way its stable. I've heard that Javas' developers desks shake from sheer anger of using the language
@Wietlol Checked exceptions is definitely an interesting feature.
the thunder of a thousand exceptions being checked and rechecked
^ try-catch that
Java's exception handling is one of the most simplistic, yet painful, ways of implementing try/catch I've used
@MadaraUchiha it is an interesting one, and one i prefer to see, but the Java version of determining which exceptions are checked and which are not is really unsatisfying
C++ had potential, but they made marking exceptions optional
but it does make sense to some extends
and JS, well... that lets you throw "string" :(
But Java tends to create deeply nested call stacks, and if you throw at the bottom later and handle at the top layer, then you'll have an arbitrary number of functions that just pass the throws clause along
at least from a compiler/generator point of view
Which is against the Law of Demeter
however, I don't give a flying fuck about Java actually, all I care about is how well Javascript/Node handles try-catch statements nowadays
browsers pretty much fucked up hard on those constructs in the past, fiddling with scope chains
@MadaraUchiha also, it needs a "hides" mechanism
All forms of exceptions have the same fatal flaw in my opinion though
i think it will come sooner rather than later since lambdas got in and they are going for some language features soon
You can't make the decision at the top level, and execute the handler at the bottom level.
@MadaraUchiha java developer like to pretend, that they do "enterprise oop"
Enterprise Eclipse OOP
Java Enterprise Eclipse OOP
... while most of them make "enterprise legacy"
I feel like some combination of Go's explicit error handling, using-resources, and pattern matching would be ideal
If you're in a loop, and you don't know how to handle the error inside the loop, you'll have to break the loop.
with-statement match errors
wait, where is my link
here we go
try-catch discussions always boil down to one fundamental question: Why don't I just go for

    try {
    } catch( ex ) {
        // save the world
@MadaraUchiha if you have such a code base, you are doing something wrong anyway
same reason as real life: you can't save the world, just make a meaningless try
@jAndy You're fucked if wholeApplication() throws asynchronously :D
@Wietlol I'm processing a logfile
Some of the lines are corrupted and the parser throws
In production, I would want to skip the lines and log the error
In development, I want to blow up
you will have to use an execute-around pattern to build up the behavior and abstract the element you want to abstract
if you can't do something to recover from the error, you're hiding rather than catching
> parser
@Wietlol I'm parsing a logfile
And the parser might throw on some lines
I iterate the log line by line
why would it throw?
how can she slap?
I cured myself already for being overlay explicit in checking arguments, arguments types, validating data etc. and "fail silently". I guess that was one thing where I was wrong the most in my "career" as developer
@Wietlol Because the line might be malformed,
it's useless, let it crash.
why would the line be malformed?
because all input is garbage
@Wietlol Because this is reality, and the previous dev was an incompetent moron
dont tell me a HUMAN intervened?
@Wietlol parity error
imho, people dont touch things that a program made
especially not logs
This isn't a hypothetical situation by the way, this is a problem I've had to deal with.
> Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept
fix your broken logs and make sure they arent made any more
izi pizi
fix 30TB/day of logs from the last 13 months? lol
im not sure if being liberal with garbage is good though @ssube
I see corrupt data from a bunch of outside influences I can't 'fix'
@Wietlol In our case, someone made a breaking change to the log scheme without letting us know
The log was from a third party
30TB and 13 months being random, but small, values
@jAndy The Game
that was a... "late" reaction to say the least
Again, fixing the system isn't the question
@MadaraUchiha then, you want your parser to not throw, but instead ignore the lines
anything from physical noise in the lines, to disk failures, to shitty networks and out of order serial data.
ignoring an error is worse than throwing
@Wietlol But only in production
all you can do is catch the error/garbage, and dispose of it
silently ignoring an error is the worst behavior you could possibly take
In dev, I want faulty errors to blow the app up, so that I can know whether I have a bug in the parser I'm developing.
@rlemon madara doesnt want to get disposed of it, i think
Now I'm faced with a few options
if I get bad data from a serial port, there's nothing I can do but dispose of it
or crash.. I guess.
@ssube I'd disagree. I'd say any error handling leads only to a reign of terror, unless it's really really simple and meaningless to program flow
otherwise, you go down the path of playing digital god
for (const line of lines) {
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
      // ...
    } else {
      // ...
But that's leaky abstraction, the bottom level is now aware of top-level decision-making
@jAndy that's why you should only catch errors you can meaningfully handle and let the rest bubble up
@MadaraUchiha which bottom level?
I'm fine with the minimal amount of error handling
if you can't recover from the error in the same logical unit, the try/catch is in the wrong unit
and which top level?
just enough to make sure nothing breaks if something breaks.
and if you can't recover at all, you shouldn't be catching
int foo() throws Exception {
@Wietlol Imagine I have an Application level with my main(), that's the "top" level, then, that code calls another function, which in turn calls another function, which in turn calls parseSingeLine(line) down the road
That's the bottom level
The deeper part of the call-stack
afaik, your procedure is as follows:
foreach log in file
- try parse the log
- catch when(environment is not production) do something else to show it
@ssube I'm not sure if I get you right on that one. If we have a two-step level where the inner function directly communicates with a database and the higher level calls an abstract function of your own that applies the db-action, you don't really have to handle a database-error at the low-level
@Wietlol But that's leaky abstraction
it would be pretty much enough to bubble the error and catch it at top, tell your user that something went wrong
Making decisions based on the environment and global config is something you generally want to do at the top level
this is the procedure of the program
Why does my log parser need to concern itself with the environment it runs?
I think users shouldn't be aware of errors unless they need to be
it doesnt
the log parser is only within the try
@jAndy that lower level may handle the DatabaseError, but it will likely log it and return an empty set or turn it into a more semantic error for the rest of the application and rethrow
if you can "silently" (log it) get rid of the error and carry on business as usual, you should.
@Wietlol But something iterates the line, that's still within the parser
And I have to catch inside the loop, or I won't be able to resume the iteration.
you dont say "parser.parseFile(myFile)"
the former is a good example of recovery (if an empty result set is otherwise valid) while the latter is a good example of not handling errors you can't handle well
@ssube yes, that's what I'm doing and @MadaraUchiha blames me for that as Java bitch
unless I totally misunderstand him, I'm agreeing with Madara
@MadaraUchiha if you really cant split up the parser, then abstract the behavior
@Wietlol Right
Then you have something akin to
you don't need to handle every error at the call that might throw it, you should handle that at a meaningful point
or, if you can't recover in a meaningful way, let them bubble so another unit has a chance
function parseLines(lines: string[], handleError: (e: Error) => void) {
  // ...
  try {
  } catch (e) {
@ssube the issue is that you want to abstract the catch block, but dont necessarily want to stop your own functionality
Night o/
And pass handleError from above
as in, parsing the file
I think rethrowing typed errors is a good thing, also, especially in the log parser example
But then you have to pass the handleError parameter all the way from the top
the problem with "doing nothing" at lower level calls and just let it bubble remains. Higher order functions don't really have a clue what happened then and most likely spit out meaningless error messages
or do worse
ParseRow can throw a dozen times and you throw a single collected error at the end
Through the function call layers, all the way down.
Which sucks.
I've got a FUN ONE pulls out hair ready?
@Wietlol then your unit is too large
I think you actually should handle any error and re-throw it meaningful
@MadaraUchiha well, you could do it without parameters
@Wietlol How so?
catch (ex) {
    if (ex is ParsingError) {
        /// do that thing
    else {
        throw ex; //wtf?!
until interaction layer or whatever you want to call it
but with parameters and immutability, your stability will be at less risk
the point where you could throw-and-exit but want to continue is the point where you smashed two different methods together
split those, put the first one in a try/catch, and problem solved
@Luggage That's not what I want though
I want that on ParsingError, handle things differently based on some higher-level factor, like the environment I'm in (prod vs dev)
ofcourse, I come from a hypothetical place, where everything is in a strictly extremely well structured strong typed object oriented landscape
@Wietlol So here's an alternative solution, from Common Lisp
in which terms, I could easily pass the handler in an options object
@MadaraUchiha ooh, this is gonna be good
So, switching from requirejs to webpack. We had a bunch of var template = require('text!template-file.hbs') things everywhere, followed by Handlebars.compile(template). So I tried to switch all the text! things to just use handlebars-loader, but it caused this horrible rabbit hole. Better if I could just continue to have the templates given as strings to all our Handlebars.compiles strewn throughout.
So I pulled out Handlebars-loader and, of course, webpack is screaming at me "WHAT DO I DO WITH .HBS I DON"T KNOW!" So QUESTION: Is there a loader or something than can go "give me an hbs, I give out a string. Bada bing, bada boom." Does this exist?
Common Lisp has a concept of Signals and Restarts
\o/ common lisp
@komali_2 add hbs to the regex that the text-loader uses when checking filenames, iirc
@ssube text-loader perfect, thanks!!!
will try now
(pls tell me signals are literally the handler, but with the syntax of catch blocks)
if (ex is ParsingError) {
     this.onParsingError(ex); // :)
You can fire a signal (akin to throwing), and it would search for an appropriate handler up throw the call-stack
The signal also offer a bunch of Restarts
up throw (through?) the call-stack
foo(barfOnParseError = false)
For example, "replace the faulty entry with <this>" or "continue without doing anything"
up throw is different
@ssube already stripped out all our text! things, you think github.com/webpack-contrib/raw-loader would work?
im not sure i understand up throw
The handler can then choose whether it wants to pick any of the restarts offered by the signal (which then gets executed in the scope of the line that threw)
Or it can choose to handle it itself, in which case code continues to run from where the handler ended
@komali_2 yeah, I think so. Just change the test to match both extensions
yield parseError;
Or it can choose to ignore, in which case the signal continues to bubble upwards.
yielding errors reminds me of go channels
sig/chan async is crazy powerful compared to JS' attempts
I want to play rebel galaxy because I was listening to the soundtrack today, but I also wanna watch tv while I play games so I need to pick a game that allows for that. so I'm playing terraria. I'm over sharing because I just thought about my dilemma and thought "wow, what a fucking first world problem you have here"
This gives you the option to choose how to handle at the top level, but execute the error handler at the bottom level
Which is mindblowing and I don't understand how we don't have this feature in modern languages.
@MadaraUchiha even though the feature sounds nice, im not sure where I would use it
I had a similar problem while playing subnautica... i liked watching subnautica streams, but having a subnautica stream playing on monitor two while you're playing it on monitor 1 is a bit problematic.
@MadaraUchiha what exactly does "choose" mean there?
@Wietlol If it were available and idiomatic, you would have.
this is something between a good feature and a hypster feature
im not sure where to place it

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