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I think when the server gets the upgrade request it fires connected
then monitors the socket (socket.io, maybe. native websockets don't care)
@ssube outer rim, then inside
it's not even done the first layer
hm, I bet that guess is going to be way off then
it's always been really bad at predicting circles
you know it's going to be a long print when the first layer takes an hour :D
ha, yeah. How many layers is it?
youtu.be/dHC7P400C6w pretty nice. @KamilSolecki you might like this
just last question, why this doesnt work: setTimeout(function() { res.render('template') , 5000})? it still renders the page immediately
afaik that should work. never done something like that before, because why would you :P
misplaced }
ohh, good catch
ah, im so stupid
thanks a lot, works now. just wanted to test it :)
well yes, send a response meaning the page that makes the connection
I thought you mean attempted to send a response from the ws
which doesn't make much sense
@ssube @hilli_micha @FélixGagnon-Grenier and anyone else who uses octoprint
you know the gcode viewer
is there a stand alone version of that I can just plug gcode into?
s3d has one, but then I have to launch s3d
I use CURA, turned off the one in octoprint I think
I know they exist. I see them online, but I just use the one in s3d and never tested others, so I can't recommend any.
yeah, unchecked that. I've seen a few web viewers, but only as part of a modeling program.
I wish s3d would show me head movement and not just payers
@Luggage the problem is octoprint looks like shit on mobile. and s3d doesn't run on mobile.
and I wanna view gcode on mobile.
there are 3d model viewers I've found that work on mobile. but none show you gcode visuals.
octoprint does look like shit on mobile. I just started using a responsive plugin for it
not sure if that helps the gcodde viewer, though
why is this a thing? developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/03/… "Make USB safer by bringing it to the web" uhhh, won't that have an effect literally opposite of that?
meh, it's protected at least
before you had nasty hacks like flash or activeX
so I can see how you could claim it's safer
unprotected anonymous sex is safer than flash
Literally injecting yourself with a disease is safer than flash
@SterlingArcher on a motorcycle is safer than flash
@Luggage SterlingArcher is afk: meeting
Cordova, Ionic are not written in JavaScript, they are written in FrankenScript.
@Luggage crashes about the same amount tho
Al Franken Script?
@ShrekOverflow Al Franken?
oh, beat me to it
No FrankenStein
Ahh, Jill FrankenStein
Franken my dear, Al don't give a damn.
pft, foreigners and their spellings
@Luggage That's python
@ndugger pfft*
I have that same shirt.
pics or it didn't happen
@rlemon you just posted the pic
I think it's about time I reboot
how much of that is cache, though?
how long has the pc been running?
14 days
@Luggage how do I tell?
13 days for me, that's shocking considering I'm on windows 10
even PCs have feelings y'know
i'm at 52 days O.o
free -h
by now Microsoft should've sent SWAT teams to my home and force my computer to shut down for some update.
chrome.. y u hate
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.7G        6.5G        122M        658M        1.0G        280M
Swap:          7.9G        3.0G        4.9G
so use that number 6.5 / 7.7 GB. linux will fill the free space with cache
I'm at 11 days
@Luggage I'm getting pretty bad input lag
so still. need a reboot
ok, then
o nice.
26 days up
only 2gb memory used
previously before rebooting for this session, I was at ~5days
@CapricaSix you were down 5 days ago, liar
before I updated my server (like a month ago) I was at 700+ days uptime
@KendallFrey FF crashed. not the pc
oh.. speaking of a machine like that
she was down for the whole weekend :(
@hilli_micha think about it tho. 😒 I maybe didn't take any security patches for two years.
we've had quite a few 0 days
Bah, 61 days on my build machine.
not much to protect when you only host lorempizza.com
all those 0 days still only add up to 0, though. No worries.
you kidding? it has pizza! That alone is worth protecting
pizza is a national security worthy item
people have mixed feelings about the pizzas I display
!!pizza 800 600
I always have good feelings about pizza.
Except pineapples
get em outta here
Pineapple and Mayonnaise pizza
once people see the egg pizza, I feel like my site loses respect
@Luggage gtfo
@CapricaSix what sort of monstrosity is that
Everyone sees a different pizza.
protip: everyone gets a different image
we have no idea what you see
just a sec
@rlemon so remove it
I'm pretty lazy
what's wrong* with egg on pizza?
That's the egg pizza.
looks so good
@Luggage what isn't?
hm. I was imagining scrambled egg, but I'd try that
I'd try it to, it's like an italian egg in a basket
that looks kinda good
Jimmy Dean needs to get on selling that shit
I'd rather have a margherita than any of those shrug
kinda like breakfast tacos
@Luggage I could eat that for breakfast, but that's not real pizza
@SaitamaSama why not both. You can like m ore than once type of pizza
yea.. i'll grant you that that isn't 'real' pizza. not with the biscuit crust and all
no one ever has a problem with these tho
I haven't had shrimp on pizza for a long time
@hilli_micha these were kind of disappointing: jimmydean.com/products/bowls/breakfast
shrimp by themselves are not great
ok, i am getting pizza today.
seafood pizza with shrimp, crab, etc is fantastic
been a while
best pizza is chicken, broccoli, and bbq sauce
but I like their sausage breakfast croissants
@Luggage mm, yeah, might try some egg pizzas probably
@rlemon kill me
@rlemon with a little feta or blue cheese
@rlemon that doesn't sound good at all
@rlemon TRUE DAT
@Shmiddty Yeah, I was thinking about the bowls in particular when I made that comment. I can't imagine they would actually be good..really more of a thawed out mush that vaguely resembles breakfast flavors.
@Luggage ohh yea, can't forget the feta
it's da shit
maybe with a blue cheese dip
I haven't had them, but I feel confident in my statement.
broccoli + bbq sauce does not sound appealing
you all need to get out
that's the worst idea I've ever heard and I like pineapple pizza
I was picturing a buffalo sauce, not bbq
broccoli in general is awful
Broccoli is amazing
@Shmiddty yea, I get that
except raw
but it's quite nice.
broccoli and bbq belong as far apart as possible
I like all sorts of veggies over my pizza
you s/tomato sauce/bbq sauce/ and chicken and broccoli and cheese... mmm
@rlemon is it diced broccoli?
depends on where you get it from
I like chunks
NOT like this
big chunks of broccoli seem like a bad idea on pizza
small chunks
not that
like that, that's good
@rlemon right, that would be more complicated to eat
@rlemon who'd even have their pizzas like that
people who lie to themselves
damn, now i want pizza for dinner
Just asked the Mrs if she wanted pizza for dinner as your message came out
variable = [ { variable_something : 1 } ], how do i make a key of variable_something content but not literally variable_something?
@rlemon do you happen to know where I could get a Chicago-style pizza? I've always wanted to try one but never found it.
variable_something.toString() doesnt work
@good_evening hwat?
I don't understand the question
let's say variable_something = 'hello', so i want to have this : variable = [{hello : 1}]
so you want "{variable_somthing : 1 }" ??
I had to take a bug for this other developer because she couldn't recognize a <br> tag adding space to a column
not variable = [{variable_something:1}]
Idk what else to say. It's more absurd than it sounds
you want computed property names
[variable_something]: 1
thanks a lot
Good evening
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: meeting
Q: display a joke using Ajax/JSON

sisiThis is my first time using AJax and JSON to retrieve data from Api, but it's not working. I am trying to display the joke from "https://api.icndb.com/jokes/15" <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <header> <h1>Joke</h1> <button id="btn">Ge...

i promise i will annoy you the last time today, but how do i access variable.some_variable where i want content of some_variable?
bracket notation
variable.[some_variable] doesnt work
remove the dot
variable.foo is the same as variable['foo']
thank you so much
im a php developer just started with js recently
my condolences
anyway , sorry
is there an easier way to init a 2D array besides making a looped init method?
@Anselm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Anselm in C++ I would use memcopy
dunno in javascript
You could serialize the result into json and then deserialize
Array.from({length: 9}, _ => Array.from({length: 9}))
var arr = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];
@Anselm is a 2d array what you really want?
@BenFortune that's groovy, can you explain the _ =>
an arrow function
_ is a variable, I just use _ to discard it
Probably makes more sense as () =>
It's convention to name useless variables after underscore.js
$ is also acceptable
You mean lodash?
New Hero!!!111 @MadaraUchiha @hilli_micha @BenFortune
@SaitamaSama Link?
It's Brigitte, just as you expected
Found it
Neat, told you it was bridgette :D
Another support? Interesting
Also, @KamilSolecki ^
Q: reform array with only 1 key

HelleWorking with some data from a JSON/Array from a known video game. I'm close to creating a new array with ONLY the localized name, but can't quite get it right. What am I missing: const endpoint = './heroes-org.json' let heroes = [] let renamed = [] fetch(endpoint) .then(text => text.json()) ...

only the russians actually say that
so.. we have airhockey, table soccer, and table tennis
why not air curling?
seems like it would work well actually.
I think that's called frisbee
@rlemon but how?
OMG it exists
but it's expensive af
print one
> mississipi
Hey, Target has one of those at the North campus
@Luggage my next 'game' to make will be from wood, and will be a crokinole board
had to look that up. still don't recognize it
@KendallFrey just like bikes
@Luggage wow, really?
or magnets
I thought everyone older than me would for sure know what it was
never seen it in my life
we had a set just like this growing up
never heard of it
/me checks, maybe it's a Canadian thing?
> The earliest known crokinole board was made by craftsman Eckhardt Wettlaufer in 1876 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.
well then.
I thought it was from Europe or some shit
Skills Required: Intuitive understanding of physics (according to wikipedia)
Yeah I've played a few times
looks like a less exciting dart board
This game requires: a bachelors in liberal arts
without the darts
it's like .. shuffle board
s/game/job at starbucks
but round
and with a hole in the middle.
and pegs to stop you
@Luggage bitch
What? I said you were safer. :)
@SterlingArcher hey hey hey, he's not the one who crashed turning a corner at walking speeds
inb4 a rendition from - 'The Taste of Feet'
show a little respect bruh
and it wasn't even a corner it was a slight 2 degree curve
weather said 0% chance precipitation. that 0 turned into 100
@KevinB "hrm, it's middle of winter, but the weather man says today will be the outlier"
2 degrees in angle or temperature? or both?
it was 32?
It was a bad day mmkay
who guessed 7 hours?
I took more damage than the bike did at least lol
you may be closest
wait, you crashed it again?
are there javascript libraries for reading from a csv file and reading it like an sql table?
@BenFortune same crash, different bitching
oh lol
@james probably
google "csv db [node?]js"
@KendallFrey I assume loft or draft will be what I want, but I can't figure out how
I want a cylinder, bottom is .. say, 10mm in diameter. top is 30
draft, I think
but that doesn't work so well because it uses angle
loft would work well
as would sweeping
and it only seems to wanna work in one direction :P
I wanna grow, not shrink (but that can be solved, just annoying)
which does?
draft does both
changing the direction makes the Draft invalid (regardless of unit)
so maybe I'm just dumb.
which is likely.
this will work, I just have to re-sketch the part I guess
You probably should be using the draft option on the extrude, not drafting an existing part
The more I think about it the more I like loft
I avoid loft because it's tricky with any nontrivial shape, but circles are perfect
draft on extrude, how did I miss that
still sucks it's degrees and not mm
but I can just eyeball it
or use atan
pls Kendall, Math has no place in 3d CAD
not atan, THE tan
not THE tan, MY tan
yeah, well if Einstein was so smart, why did he die? checkmate round earthers
if michael was so smart then why is he ugly? check
no thanks, I'm straight
m8 me
no u

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