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And if I get a new one I know I'm going to buy something stupid like a predator helmet lol
power ranger helmet
Only the coolest helmet
No because that leads to a power rangers suit and those are fucking expensive
I can't see the visibility being great in this
> Ships from Indonesia
oh, no thanks
what do you have against indonesia?
It's like the nation state of poor moto standards
DOT approved my ass
@KendallFrey I prefer youtube.com/…
@TheSmokingTire special Donald Trump inspired helmet #silverstatechallenge #yourefired
@Luggage He's gotta get that clip off the remove the pedal
yea, the clip
It's not gonna slide off for him since it;s all bent up lol
but I don't think the rod needs to come off the little fork.
The rod is what retains the clip
It looked like..
Idk, he'll figure it out
the clip only went partially around.. but yes.. i'm also done talking about these pictures :)
man, I forgot how good of a soundtrack this game has
might start a new game tonight
!!afk meeting
it's like the perfect country/rock playlist for space pirating
does it have garth brooks? every country list needs the ol gb
it does not
but seriously. check out the playlist above
and then the game
@jAndy ^
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: meeting
I know cap, it's for later
China censors the letter n absolutely hilarious
@KendallFrey .. umm, well now. i.redd.it/ldtclfp5tyi01.jpg I guess.
octoprint says 6.5 hours
(.28mm layer, 3600mm/min)
I guess.... 10 hours
Price is Right rules?
no, just closest
Hmm. Put me for 9 hours.
hello, anyone knows why in nodejs i can't do io.join(room?
no such function
only socket.join is available
patent on loops??
@good_evening and what would you like io.join to do?
i'd like to get current socket and "join" it to the room
you'd do that with socket.join
i have io initialized in the app.js, then i pass that variable to routes.js
so only io is available
no, the sockets are always available
but either way, it doesn't make sense for io to join a room.
it isn't a socket.
how i could get client's socket then from io?
io.on('connection', socket => {
  // your stuff
i already have it defined in app.js
is it fine to do it multiple times?
won't it create 2 different sockets?
but if you really didn't want to setup two listeners, you could just pass the socket to the module.
socket to me
that means i'd have to require inside of io.on('connection', function(socket) {, right?
so how else then?
import moduleA from './modules/moduleA';


io.on('connection', socket => moduleA.init(socket));
would be a way
might not be the best for your specific case. I don't know that
ok, interesting. i'll go with listening the 2nd time, thanks a lot for your help. but that 2nd listen might happen like seconds after all requests are done, is it fine?
African or European?
why am I not surprised?
@good_evening .on('connection' is hooking to an event emitter. you're just handling events
just like you would in the DOM with click and mouseover and all that
multiple handlers are fine.
I'm not racism
why so?
don't worry about it
I'm not racism
if you were racism, we could easily solve racism
we could for example garbage collect it
trains don't belong in garbage
ow, the horror you would go through just to make our lives less miserable
in PHP, 17 mins ago, by rlemon
@Wes weird, I never noticed https://i.redd.it/ovhfjqmaayi01.jpg
wes doesn't appreciate my memes
who is wes?
@rlemon It works, and thanks a lot for that. But I don't get why it works... I thought io.on('connection' is fired just once once client establishes socket connection with the server.
@Wietlol an Italian guy
good meme, bob
@good_evening go look at how EventEmitter works in node
then it should make sense
i suspect the realism of that map though
100% accurate
why would you suspect? italy is a meme
trust me, I'm Canadian.
@rlemon I made wes mad
@ndugger did you get kicked?
I just drive-by memed
@rlemon i never knew greece just had 2 islands
there were more, but they had to sell them off
it actually has 3, but the last one slipped out of frame
ow, and the netherlands is missing like 100% of its water
the netherlands is full of daisies, not water
you know a map is fake if it shows finland
maps on CNN are fake maps
@rlemon doesnt node fire an event "connection", and then all listeners have their callback executed. but what if i add io.on('connection') after event has already been fired? because that's what i'm doing and it still works
wait, does connection event get fired only after we send response to the client?
cc @Jhoverit
cc @BenFortune because his accent sounds like he's from your neck of the woods
we can't see a reflection, but we can assume he looks like you
what's a good variable name for if you want to show a "blurred preview" of an image?
wait, upon third watch I think he's australian
I have a hard time with UK vs Ausi accents
@corvid blurredPreview
if it was straya, that would be beer, not water
@rlemon lol he sounds absolutely nothing like me
don't think I've ever heard your voice
@rlemon why is he driving on the wrong side of the road?
@Wietlol no, that's the right side.
you switch after the river tho
it cant possibly be the right side
is that the river between australia and europe?
@rlemon I've been in hangouts with you a couple times
was I drunk?
are you sure??
@BenFortune bullshit
lemons make terrible wine
That is true
@rlemon when is connection fired? when client gets response from us?
Your first words were "you sound exactly like I hoped you would"
It's a sentimental memory that will stay with me forever
@BenFortune where are you from?
So you have the stereotypical British accent huh?
@good_evening probably when the socket is opened on the server.
@BenFortune that means I thought your accent was hot
To put it this way..on a scale of 1 to Stephen Fry, where are you at?
@rlemon i have some serious misunderstandings i think. i'm trying to do, if user enters correct password { join his socket to certain room } . in the routes
stephen? why not statham?
@hilli_micha nah, the stereotypical is london
I have a broad Yorkshire accent
@good_evening do the routes serve pages or are they serving data?
If an upcoming weekend doesn't pork me, I know we should still play OW with the others that do.
@rlemon they redirect to certain page
then you would have to establish a new websocket connection anyways
I'm up for it @hilli_micha
so no point in passing shit around
I was fully intending to this last weekend (on Sunday) but life really bent me over the table this last weekend..so I had to duck out Sunday
omg, puppy pile i.imgur.com/FfAujY2.gifv
@hilli_micha I'm down this weekend
I'm hoping I'm down this weekend too, so far, no snafu's could come up, school is light this week.
@BenFortune same, I gotta get down on friday. lookin forward to the weekend
@rlemon i still don't get why it works.. :( i can't find anywhere when that event is fired. if that event was fired right after we send a response to the client, i'd understand i think.
handshaking should be explained here
or at least it should link the spec that explains it
now. if I understand you correctly... user does an action, makes a http(s) request to /path/routeA, and you render a new page.
@rlemon and if i try to wrap that functionality in setTimeout, it still executed it immediately. anyway, it made me realise i dont understand nodejs at all
in that route handler you setup a new ws connection
that makes sense to me that it works fine
yes, that's what i do (instead of rendering a page, i redirect, but its the same)
yes, so a new connection is established by the new page
they don't persist with sessions or anything
each page refresh is a new connection
Browser (Client) => A normal-ish HTTP Request => Upgrade: websocket => Server => Process the websocket key => Send a normalish HTTP back to browser => duplex bi-directional connection is initiated now. that's basically the gist of a websocket handshake
yeah i get that, but in that path/routeA I do io.on('connection', function(socket) { console.log('xxx') and it prints xxx
and what does the client connection look like
new WebSocket('/path/routeA') ?
oh shit, i think i get it now
@hilli_micha @ssube quick maths. 13.3 hours
40 minutes in, 5% done
im doing <script> var socket = io(); </script>, so that connection will be fired only when response is sent to the client
right guys?
starting from the middle or the outside?
@good_evening go read up on handshaking
I don't think it cares when it responds to the client

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