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Since wasm doesn't yet have GC, does anyone know of an example, preferably rust, where someone is creating image data and feeding it back to JS to paint on the canvas?
maybe this is an option: github.com/koute/stdweb
@SaitamaSama @KamilSolecki
lmao nice
btw, did you see that zenyatta walking animation? :B
@KendallFrey it took me 2 hours but I fix'd my ksp
@SaitamaSama Nop
K. @overwatchleague https://t.co/rVHb6gkFmF
@SaitamaSama That's amazing
ikr :D
@MadaraUchiha i dont get it
@SaitamaSama Someone put googly eyes on Genji's mask
The line is a common voice line that Zarya says when Genji is on the team before the game starts
Feb 17 at 16:04, by SaitamaSama
oh... I'm dumb
guys, I'm writing a small snippet to check if two objects are equivalent regarding their keys (if both have the same keys only, not worrying about values). I've run into some SO answers involving Object.keys() and even JSON.stringfy, but I thought going simpler would be better
function checkObjs(obj1, obj2) {
	var numberOfKeys1 = 0;
	var numberOfKeys2 = 0;

	for (key in obj1) {
		if(!(key in obj2)){
			return false;
	for (key in obj2) {
	if (numberOfKeys2 > numberOfKeys1){
		return false;

	return true;
I would definitely use Object.keys
is there a reason it's better to use it? I thought avoiding it could make the code compatible with older browsers without much cost
is Object.keys faster?
It's different
Read the docs for the details
in general, people tend to frown upon using "for..in" loops instead of Object.keys
because it checks only the keys owned by the object?
and not the prototype chain?
but you could just do Object.keys on both objects, sort them alphabetically, make sure they share the same length, then make sure that the items are identical in the array
kind of shitty that there's no built-in equality that could do that for you
or ditch the sort and just check if objectA's keys includes whatever the current objectB's key is that you are iterating on
or something
@KendallFrey I was about to ask if arr1 === arr2 would work haha
considering all that, the JSON.stringfy answer is looking like a good fit actually..
for (const key of Object.keys(objectA)) if (key in objectB)
@IanC I don't know if that's a guaranteed match, though. I know objects don't necesarily store their keys in a certain order. Does JSON.stringify serialize the keys in alphabetic order?
@ndugger I think he used some sort before stringfying it
@ndugger I don't think so
I would stay away from JSON in this case; it seems like a shitty hack in place of writing logic
The obvious solution is a Set, but it doesn't have any equality
@ndugger unrelated question, but can you use const there? Isn't the key going to be reassigned in the loop?
@IanC const works there
it's a new constant each iteration
Firefox used to throw a fit there, but then they got on board with it too
a bit counter intuitive, but good to know :)
not really
It was counterintuitive for me too
well you're both super dum dum poopy heads then
thank you for that well reasoned and convincing argument
you're welcome
i mean, that sort of argument won Trump the presidency.
What we need now is the ability to use const for normal for loops
so, it must work in some manner
I didn't imagine key would be a new variable every iteration, it sounded to me that it would be the same variable being reassigned every iteration
@hilli_micha It works on super dum dum poopy heads
yeah well at least we don't suck at curling anymore
guys where should I ask algorithm related questions?
we're not smart enough for algorithms in this room
@ndugger We only do anus rhythms
So I decided to pay a developer/friend to make a simple android app and it doesn't run at all on Oreo. I'm not sure what to do. I testsed it before I paid not trusting his oh yeah it will work in Oreo fine, but I'm not tying to jip him off.
Just tell him about it and ask him if he has any theories and if he'd be willing to look at it
I think he doesn't know what is wrong
@William Sounds like you didn't plan very well, and that you did in fact trust him.
@William I think it's his job to know
He hasn't been paid yet so hey it could be worse. Thxs
@KendallFrey @ndugger for(key in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)){ /* Code */ } } would make the loop kind of equivalent to using Object.keys() or there are some other differences I'm missing?
something like that
why not just use Object.keys? Why are you trying so hard to workaround it? If it's browser compatibility, polyfill it
it's just because it's some small snippet that won't repeat itself much on the script, I'm not sure it's worth it to polyfill it if I can make it work the same with the cost of a bit more verbosity
Hey guys, may sound dumb. But is there a way to get a random number from -300 to 300?
@SaitamaSama whats your nickname on battlenet? cc @MadaraUchiha
Greenchill#2987 <---- on discord
@kolton you have to use Math.random(), which will get you a random number from 0 to 1, then multiply it by the range you have and add it to the starting value
var genAmount = Math.random() < 0.5 ? -300 : 300;

I have that right now but it gives -300 OR 300.
var randomFromRange = function (start, end) {
    var range = end - start;
    range = Math.random() * range;
    return (start + range);
@KamilSolecki init#11869
something like this
that's battle.net
oh ok
thanks @ian
When do you wanna start @KamilSolecki @SaitamaSama
me anytime
gimme ~5 minutes, gonna do a restart
Do yall have discord?
cc @BenFortune you wanted as well
bleh, don't have the windows app installed atm :P
also @hilli_micha
@kolton no problem, but I'd recommend you to read a bit on Javascript basics, you were using the ternary operator in a place it didn't fit at all
@KamilSolecki didn't get any :/
@KamilSolecki No mic though :(
@SaitamaSama sent again
@MadaraUchiha :(
@SaitamaSama do install :P
I really need to buy myself one, or a decent gaming headset
@IanC LOL yeh, I haven't slept in like 40 hours. I actually go to school for web development. I'm just a dumbass right now. Sorry
@KamilSolecki Why discord though? OW has voice chat builtin
people go to school specifically for web development? That sounds like a trash fire
It's interactive media design
@MadaraUchiha I always like using external stuff, so you can talk shit outside of the game :D
ah, so a bit more involved. THat's probably ok
@KamilSolecki Heh, that's fair. I'll join
So it has web dev, graphic design, and motion design
along with business management
but i'm going back next year after i graduate this year to specialize in back end
I was doing media design as well, and then I dropped out after a semester
Add me: Greenchill#2987 on Discord, and Ill pull you into the channel
oh how come
because college is a scam
kush#0420 on discord, add me
eh, I have an RESP so it's not a scam for me
u wanna play OW too?
I'm a senior engineer now with no student loan debt
i have to use it up
so yeah, not worth the money
oh nice
i dont have OW
what's ow? like when you stub your toe?
overwatch lmfao
i've uh, stayed up all night working on a discord bot
haven't slept for almost 40 hours
errors everywhere
@kolton Go to sleep
cc @SaitamaSama
yeah gimme a sec installing discord atm :B
@MadaraUchiha I will soon
I am working with angular js framework but I face a bit problem I can't apply css background-image rule on my web pages
in other words it does't work
 background-image: url("silver.jpg");

is the picture in the folder of the file you're trying to change the body background image of?
look in the developers tool menu
go to network
is it loading
also, go to select element and select the body, is the class being overwritten
that's all i can do over here.
i'm off to bed, adios.
Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto... I'm really looking forward to this...
what the fuck
It could be good, but it would be even better if you replaced melon with potatoes
yeah melons don't belong with an entree
I’d try it
Replace the plate with pizza dough and everything goes
pineapple yes, melon no
I’d rather put melon on pizza than pineapple
You're a nice person
I'd rather not give a shit about what Jon Skeet eats and eat a bag of deep fried chocolate bars with ice cream
or without ice cream
No, that would be disgusting
I need to go to the grocer. I’ll pick up like a pound and a half of buffalo chicken pasta
I’ll eat it all in one sitting while watching futurama
@KendallFrey prosciutto... fffffff
delete that image
I like prosciuto
you like jamon
I’ve never had proper jamon :(
I’ve had ham and cheese hot pockets; does that count?
I don't even know wtf that is
It’s a highly processed fake microwavable calzone that tastes like garbage
@KendallFrey prosciutto with melon is like italian entree 101
@ndugger But it's better than effort
The ham and cheese ones are the only edible ones. The pizza ones are putrid
@KamilSolecki No wonder towc left
@Allenph you have a cnc machine, too? neat
That is one hacked up looking printer. Steampunk
brunch with family, and then Ikea. I have met my human interaction quota for the week.
@KamilSolecki I don't use discord
we just finished :/
How about dis other cord?
Out you go
fucking cord.
gg bois
We doing OW now? @KamilSolecki @BenFortune @SaitamaSama
we just finished
we can do pubg lol
Well, I was curious because I thought it was tomorrow x_x
Its cool tho I'll hold out for whatever happens tomorrow because I need to get some stuff done either way.
I'd probably down to play OW tomorrow as well
I'm platinum in OW
only played the 10 mandatory rankeds
@BenFortune discord is 11/10
Shitty electron app that eats memory, vs teamspeak that rarely goes above 50mb
Your choice
For JS programmers with at least minimal interest in Bash:
Q: JavaScript: Cut all leading spaces (whitespaces/tabulations) and CRLFs when copying from web

user9303970I desire to copy some executable Bash code directly from my personal GitHub account, into Bash, to execute directly. The relevant code is the first codepiece here (pasted below), containing a Bash script declaration, 2 export operations and a Bash function with an here-document, indented with le...

@BenFortune that's very true tho
@user9303970 do you copy from the "raw" page in GitHub or the code view with syntax highlighting?
My dear god
I forgot to put fuel on my base lander
I always forget something
I would like to update my page dynamically when a mongodb entry is updated....would it be best to use something like socket.io for this? Or maybe use setInterval on the client side?
@Luggage I don't. I copy from the regular display with syntax highlighting.
Try the raw. That works for me. When you copy from that it copies line endings as they are in the file
@Luggage yea I tried that, I also had a problem with EOLs there (though this problem doesn't happen in all SSH clients) hence I look for a more "radical" approach that will always cover the EOL problem as well as non-raw codepieces.
I am special, I forgot the crew this time
I need to write myself a checklist
how would you write something like this in python let v={hello:"world"}
Hey, has anyone used extReact here? - Is it useful to bridge the difference between extJS (6.5, modern) and react?
My main "fear" if we jump to react is the fact that there doesn't seem to be a good component/ui library that has everything, and you'll have to hunt for things. (Which might mean the components don't fit together nicely).
@Paul23 build your own, or make it fit.
@Rick I always wonder why people suggest that. - Creating your own smooth user interface is not a trivial task; and best left to specialized people: ideally you need both programmers and a team of psychologists to understand how people react on user interface.
I've read that suggestion many times btw, not meant as critic on you personally.
There are js frameworks that deal with psychology. That's new to me.
It's just something I don't agree with: When coming from wpf I learned there that components are never "solitary" things.
I heard some guy recently tell me, "everything is plug and play, you don't even need to know how to program" well clearly @paul23 seems like there might not be a plug and play solution for your dilemma.
And most power comes from the fact that one can combine any component together. (Grid inside a button, which contains images + text fields? - sure not problem, and the interface all works smoothly with the two mouse events, bubble and tunnel).
@Rick .... Are you on purpose misunderstanding me?
@paul23 I don't know what to tell you, js is not WordPress
@Rick Do you consider WPF wordpress?
In the end: I'm just looking for a complete (event handling, interface defintion with complex composite interfaces) UI package which is using modern javascript technologies.
@paul23 as if libraries that are out there were consulted with psychologists lol
he wants components
not the whole-ui-in-a-box
@KamilSolecki I've read that this was the case in one of the blog post for c# (I think, might've also been another library like Qt)
Tesla Debuts Carless Driver https://trib.al/1oyHKH2
I need a mouse with easily replaceable buttons. they keep breaking
3d print a modular one
too much work
Or just a really durable mouse. I've been using a Logitech G400s for years and used an MX518 for even longer before that. As long as they keep producing derivatives of the MX518, I'll keep buying them.
i just got a g502 in the mail that I am opening now
to replace a logitech that replaced a razor
how much clicking do you do to wear out the mouse button. Unless you are pouring coffee and food all over it
I didn't count.
get a mouse click counter, these things need to be kept track of
why isn't tensorflow in js! Someone should do something about this
@Luggage tell your friends in the StackOverflow Illuminati to make this their top priority
I am nobody.
rlemon and kendall are the only ones in this illuminati as far as I know and they are also nobodies.
The Canadian illuminati.
I joined the wrong one? Shit.
I started reading Angels and Demons yesterday
<illuminati music>
@Luggage what modeling software do you use?
CC @hilli_micha
Also, yeah. I have a CNC machine to do PCBs.
pornhub oh the other kind of modeling
My go-to is AutoCAD
@hilli_micha What a surprise
The 3D printer is just a part of a lab to make rapid prototype custom electronics.
@Allenph I like OnShape a lot, but am learning FreeCAD now so I can have private things
@KendallFrey I know, shocking. AutoCAD MEP in particular since it has a Parametric Modeling component.
but I have only dabbled with simple shapes in both so far
My mom decided she wants to use the printer today
so now I'm printing a batch of buttons
I did dabble with onShape for a little bit, it seems intuitive enough and has everything I would possibly need.
Are those easier than Blender?
It's pretty slick, but doesn't have a lot of the really powerful features built-in
@Allenph They're completely different, for different purposes
Blender is for designing things organically, CAD is for designing things mathematically
does anyone use ai frameworks in node? I hear OpenCV is nice
OpenCV isn't in node. Might have node bindings
why are there not ai frameworks in node?
this is really upsetting
probably plenty of projects for learning, but if you want oto get serious, i'd probably not use JS. I just think more libraries are in other languages.
python and tensorflow seem to be where it's at
I know but I don't like python
tensorflow has bindings in other languages, pretty sure
@Rick Solution: Write a JS-to-Python compiler.
Then you can save much time by writing in a familiar language.
at only the expense of having to convert every example to JS first and all the time getting it to work
Oh no for those you just write a Python-to-JS compiler.
It's quite elementary you see
ohh, of course
I am just shocked that js lags behind python in this, there is a js for everything except for this.
Is there a strategy behind this lack of interest in AI, are js guys waiting for the python guys to work out all the kinks, why am I the only one sounding the alarm about this
I believe to make a good AI things in node, you'd need to write a plenty of custom native node modules for v8 first
Otherwise it will just lag behind In performance in comparison to other languages
performance is not important, getting out there is more important. performance comes with time.
Performance is quite crucial when it comes to machine learning.
Bothering doing it in node, without rapid native matrix calculations written in c++ for v8 is really just pointless
Because you can take python or c++ or anything performant and roll with it
tensorflow is mostly written in highly-optimized C++ and CUD
I mean it's super easy to write native node modules for v8 if you are considering
As long as you know c++
Yeah but the Readme states why the js part is lacking
i'd just start getting use to python. if that's what the community uses, then that's what you want to use
though, i know python isn't the only choice
C++ also has a big big share
I'd say it's like 65% python to 35% c++?
Maybe 70-30
My dislike for python made me approach it from the c++ side
I like to look at my code and say: I like this thing
This was never the case with me and python
I want my braces
I should learn lisp
I think @Luggage right, the community is important. but man do I not want to learn python. it's not a functional language. It's a language built for people who don't care about programming. Everything is some stupid keyword, they have no understanding of syntactic abstraction.
time with it will make you appreciate some things it does well
or hate it more.
@KamilSolecki Well, Lisp doesn't have braces in the literal sense, just parentheses.
you appreciate js closures, objects, arrays, and yes even "this" when working with python.
some people call those braces. especially people on the other side of the pond
How annoying. None of these work to rotate with a touch pad.
I see. {} has always been braces to me and () was parentheses. In that case, if you like your braces, then yeah, Lisp has got 'em
freecads controls suck anyway.
Isn't FreeCAD that software you were trying to model your car piece in?
still am.
it's usable with a mouse. it's 'fine'. not broken or anything.
just unintuitive button choices (I haven't changed them yet) and the UI is a bit scattered
also, fucking ugly
Sort of a pre-modern GIMP, huh?
But seems solid and capable.
it has openscad support in it, too. so you can make some parts with code
And I think you can mix. Like make a part with some openscad code, and use other tools on that to manipulate
You can't export STL from FreeCAD?
@hilli_micha Gimp is modern?
GIMP looks like crap
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