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to svg
Intel Pentium 4 3.20GHz, 1GB RAM, XP
makes sense why they slow
@Abhishek why arent you on that list?!
should of put some faces on a site
cause css-faces never got public :D
and i like them that way
i have something shocking ... but aint got time
/me steals the faces
to finish it :-|
@Loktar dont steal the face
whe nu can steal the whole body
haha I wont
dont worry im not like that lol
i know
btw the plan is to make a small fighting game in pure CSS 3
"hey guys I got a new job as Googles css cheif evangelists, because of my css3 faces!"
xD nah that aint possible
@Abhishek oh man that would be sweet
if you pull it off that will be pretty epic (the css fighting game)
i will need canvas backend for the background and fx though
remind me to show u CSS Skeleton
next time i boot on windows
86 hours and 3 weeks
its a 3d rotatable skeleton ;-)
so.. was I really the only one who didnt know whas ssjs was?
like was that a joke :?
yes lol
when I realized what it meant I was like wow facepalm
haha damn I felt like an idiot
Does anyone know what's going on here: jsfiddle.net/B5VbL ?
That joke was for pure geeks (XD)
The link is getting a really strange indent.
haha yeah.. pure geeks not retarded I guess
^ like this guy
<pre> ?
^ yeah the pre is causing it
fixed (XD) , @Loktar btw the skeleton is rotatable an runs only on a webkit uses very age old things that we used in games like Virtua Cop 2 to render 3dish graphics on boxes
thats pretty awesome sounding
man you need to make some more of this stuff public
@Abhishek I'd like to avoid breaking up the URL.
only thing is , my linux and windows hate each other way too much
people will bow to you :P
@Loktar nah they won't unless we can make something usable of it (XD)
no way man
you ever see the dumb ones out there
im sure you have
that went its rounds on the internet, its also cool.. but pointless
its nothing wait
now thats something i call AWESOME!
oh yeah I remember that too
which is also really cool
you know i can be a total idiot though lol
cause webGL will pawn my nice 3d :-( toy
by miles
alright time to deep dive in ugly C++ , reduce the mind fucking lines "// commented code ", and waste code see ya later with a polished node.js module with internal explaination of wut da fuk is it doing. sorry for profainity
wow electorate is really easy golden badge
I just started downvoting shitty questions and suddenly I have 75% done
:D :D
how do you see your percentage?
man I'm addicted. I get rep capped, then I must get votes/closevotes etc capped as well :D
I'm not seeing this percentage :(
what are you seeing
<!-- I'm a comment. Am I allowed before the doctype declaration? -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
did you try to validate it
Good point.
in parsed dom the comment is above doctype so it should be valid
<!-- " I'm a comment. Am I allowed before the doctype declaration? " -->
"This document was successfully checked as HTML5!"
Warning: "Line 1, Column 13: Comments seen before doctype. Internet Explorer will go into the quirks mode."
oh yeah, in IE you can't even have whitespace before it (text node)
I'd like to have an html file with html5 doctype. But that won't render VML...
you don't want to end up in IE quirks mode.. it's a dark place
Any other way to have a conditional doctype?
conditional per what conditions
IE below 9 doesn't support VML. For every browser that doesn't support VML (let's say IE lt 9) I'd like a doctype that allows VML.
server side sniffing then? :D
No can do.
Static html.
didn't read it but could be something
Will try now.
Big thanks!
np I just gave up trying to figure it out and googled conditional doctype :D
I did the same, but haven't got that SO link.
I let google stalk me for too long so it likes to give me stackoverflow results :P
I once searched for "date" on Google, without the intended prefix of "php"
Google, apparently, knows me well enough to give me the PHP results as opposed to the dating results.
so why the fuss about "privacy invasion", it's great
I'm fully aware that I have no online privacy
Of course, having been a freelancer, I kind of embraced my online presence
I understand when people put everything about their life on facebook and it gets into wrong hands
note how vague question? and how can someone answer it? the op himself of course... right after making the question
Well, I suppose it's a way to get the information out there.
quality information at that
(That sinking feeling when you suspect that the people whose questions you answered today will never ever come back to the site)
I can upvote, giev link
no wait
I'm out of votes (hungry for electorate) :D
After I get at least 6 rep, I won't care anymore. But a couple days ago, I realized that I was less than 200 from 5k.
The problem is that I don't see many questions that I care to answer :-P
now your even closer!
Oh, you didn't...
thats awesome
If only I had downvoted one less time...
Thought you all should know:
// if this is 0 then u are dead , NOT BE SURPRIZED >>>>><<<< YATATATATA YATATATA TOODOTATATATA KABOOOOM KABOOOOM. please check the file.

wtf ! i was really coding blindly at that time
My cousin is preparing her project in ASP.net
decides to wake me up and ask questions about a language i have no clue on >_>
Hey guys, i need help wit javascript and scroll to bottom of div
i tried $(document).ready(function() {
$(".jabox").animate({ scrollTop: $("#jabox").prop("scrollHeight") }, 1000);
but, can't work
why can't you work?
i dunno, when i load page
it's still on top
did you notice it has ".jabox" and "#jabox"
which one is correct
.jabox, it's class
<div class="jabox"
well, the other one has "#jabox"
do yousee
please let this be it
... no dont laugh , i see esailija dislikes awesome peoples
@Abhishek \o
@Esailija o/
u got what i meant dont u bro ? lol
I dislike awesome people aswell
I will now go to bed
being happy that I helped
some awesome people
@Esailija i have to push this module to git tonight as i promised before i goto sleep
ok, happy coding night then
Hopefully its not that dirty :-x
see ya tomorrow bro :-)
man !
Sounds like a good idea on the taxing for IE7 users... I might have to do that on my website and see how it affects sales lol..
Finnaly, i'm web master :P
Thanks guys
lol haven't heard that term in like 10 years...
The phrase "Finnally, i'm web master" reminded me of this
I am just a web noob :-)
and i am happy this way ;D
<--- CTO, bitch
Damn you, VML, damn you, IE, and damn your doctype hacks... damn.
If IE doesn't work - rant about it on SO chat.
And, voila, magic!
It works.
lol check this out
Q: Is there any way to make this flood fill faster in HTML5 canvas?

Ryan PeschelI'm using this tutorial right now and I got it working perfectly, but my only concern is that it's a bit slow. I have a 600x600 canvas and when using the fill tool it will take about 2 seconds to fill the canvas. In Microsoft Paint to fill a canvas of the size is instant and to fill a canvas 10x ...

I was trying to answer that
then there was a comment posted :P
@Oleg I think it should be more of: When IE doesn't work, stop supporting it completely and you shall forever more have more hair.
time to check how many down votes I accumulated on HN while our ISP was down
(on that IE 7 post)
it was another "lol we hate IE users" post so I went off
@Loktar care to give me a quick 5 minute help on centering text on the canvas?
@MattMcDonald link?
@rlemon I can try.. but thats something im not good at
Yeah i want to see the link... (though I personally really do dislike IE)
positioning text with canvas is not my strong suite :P
lol ok well I'm just UBER confused why it works on lememe and NOT on my little fiddle demo
ctx.textAlign = "center" is doing strange things...
left to right works... but toggling to respective commented lines / their counterparts will show you centering is WAY off.
but that is the exact same technique I use in lememe
there's a link to the original in the starred list too
I'm just so tired of browser elitism
@rlemon same canvas size on lememe?
canvas size is dynamic.
which is why i reference the width variable.
I would like to see his views on this now that we have to start thinking of IE10
bump up an IE version, drop two more? common now that seems fair.
love that image
because it's utterly baseless
Opera 9 having cost > benefit is just silly
I'm not about elitism. I'm about One version to rule them all (latest stable)
so only new cars get to drive on your toll road?
no but only new(er) cars can take the new(er) standards of gasoline and oil.
if you drive a old shitty car you expect to suffer a bit.
all sites should run feature free... period. this covers functionality acrossed all versions..
CSS / JS feature should be for people who keep up with the newest technologies
(IMO) ^
and now i'm going home
@rlemon setting the width/height of the canvas via style screws it up fyi
it just scales it
so everything will be off
also I learned something amazing
var len = ctx.measureText(input.value);
so you can do this
that code is eerily familiar to what I used to write in Flash
ctx.fillText(input.value, (width-len.width)/2, 20);
a lot of foo.x = stage.stageWidth / 2; and foo.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2) - (foo.width / 2);
@MattMcDonald lol yeah your right I remember doing that crap actually
don't forget about anchor points
those ruined everything
It works :-D
@copy what is that?
An alix board with a 10 euro DPF showing my local train schedule
Took me about 1h to flash the DPF, 30 minutes to write a script that downloads things from bahn.de and 6 hours to update debian
this was how I spent most of the downtime today:
haha nice
Woo! Broke 5k rep!
Q: Refactor validation of the drop down and text field

user525146I need to validate a text field based on the dropdown. I have two scenarios here 1. When the user changes the value in the dropdown and then enter the text in the textfield 2. The user enters the text in the text field and then changes the dropdown. I have written code for two cases which seems ...

I had to choose between two sequences of two for the last two flags
random chance
is my code valid
var mainMenu = $(".menu-opt > .acseticon");
	mainMenu.hover(function () { $(this).siblings('.menu-subopt').fadeIn(150); },
	function () { });
last 3 lines. the blur not worked on my code.
I see one error
well.. its not an error I guess nm
blur isnt fired on non form elements tmk though
I could be wrong though
$(mainMenu.siblings('.menu-subopt')) show me my div when i log them in console.
it's look like I can use them in element. see sample code api.jquery.com/blur
mainMenu.siblings('.menu-subopt').blur() maybe idk.
Yea i knew about measureText... not about the style stuff ... fail
I will be using measureText to calc new lines
Yeah its pretty annoying
thats why in like all of my canvas stuff I have canvas.width=canvas.height=somenumber
style just stretches it, but keeps the canvas at like 400x300 or something weird
does stack overflow block lmgtfy results?
man measureText is freaking sweet though
so happy to learn about that
Hi, could someone send me a careers 2.0 request please?
@SHOUBHIKBOSE bit.ly/K604ng
lol I have 44 invites
thank you so much :)
@Loktar that is so uber gay
thats right
uber gay
@RyanKinal i did that today as well! grats
I better get answering more questions..
I need to do the same thing @Loktar problem is all the questions I find are either horribly written, or not in my realm of expertise
@Loktar because the height/width i'm returning from the assignment no longer contains the 'px' shouldn't I be able to case it to an int like width = +(canvas.width = 400),
well that is just wonderful.
yep :)
my phone just froze and it looks like an old frozen snes game
sorry old pc
i knew it was from the past
basically my Nexus (ICS 4.0.2) just gave me ona these
like this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/11041469/… not a bad question really -- but it's a "write this for me" type...
cept it looked cooler because it was in 720p and full colour
still my android rocks... but crashes like once a week.
probably some rouge app i have installed...
@Loktar still there?
The code may be ugly but it works! jsfiddle.net/kDy2U/7 line wrapping text in Canvas.
my while in while loop makes me feel ill....
I just need to add splits on single words that are stupid long like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*5
and with that I think i'm out for a bit.
2 hours later…
@copy whats that?? :O
@copy pünktlich? are they really? ;)

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