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splitting everything up into microservices did give us a picture of how it would look like
but there comes one issue, running a few hundred web services might be quite an issue for one server to handle
and then there was Lambda
that's why you don't use a single server
lambda, beanstalk, ECS, EKS, kube, whatever, they all use a pool of servers
well, not really one server, but you get the idea
currently, they are almost all ASP.net web services
running on IIS on 4 servers
I don't know nuffin bout no IIS
@Luggage :D
@Luggage no you shiv her
it is something that hosts web services of C#
I know what it is :P
I wonder if they have IIS on the ISS
has it crashed yet?
No its still in the orbit
then there's your answer
crash as in?
literally bringing our production sites down?
@Wietlol boom bang clank poof
catastrophically break, as all Microsoft server products do
no, not that
for the ISS, that would firey
at least... not that i know of
@KamilSolecki sounds familiar
IIS is stable. I have never had an issue
It's a heavy beast, though.
IIS is not the problem
Imagine all the astronauts on board who would lose their jobs
the code base on the services that it runs is
> their jobs
it is hardly testable
a heavy full-feature web server that in most uses just hands everything off to it's most popular ISAPI plugin, ASP.NET
Are you guys in the US crazy? Why do you keep "shutting down" the government?
@ssube i mean, I'm not wrong :P
@Luggage sounds like Apache
@paul23 #define "shutting down"
@paul23 Rebooting usually fixes things, right?
^ :)
At least that's what the government support center said
I'm losing my mind
Those are typically called "voting seasons", then you reboot. But I guess it's the land of microsoft after all; rebooting many times before you finally run stable.
@KamilSolecki a center that supports the government?
I think bob uses uws
I don't know if anyone else here does
@Wietlol well there must be a support center they use. This time it might not be located in India, though.
maybe russia
in soviet russia government reboots you
im sure russia would love to help usa out in times of need
@Luggage literally.
humanity needs to re-evaluate its goals
more memes
!!afk happy hour
Or fresh fish.
sort priorities
bogo sort
Is it normal that the profiler shows that the garbage collector is running 90% of the time?
your code seems to be garbage...
My server uses a good chunk of cpu - but when profiling it shows that it's mostly v8's garbage collector doing magic.
Lmao @luggage
This is pretty cool @ssube @KendallFrey @rlemon
@sterling when you need to spit and forget that you are wearing a helmet
lol, that sucks
why the fuck is he still wearing the helmet when he has already managed to get to a park bench
just sitting around trying to drink with his helmet on?
@KamilSolecki I've never played any of the Cities games, but it is cool to watch
I fixed my problem after like 3 hours of debugging
kill me
> RUN apk add --update libc6-compat
is what was needed apparently
build-base comes with libc-dev or something like that
but you need whatever libc6-compat is
I didn't know that IANA actually included the DOOM port 666 into their list
both people on the canadian curling team are hot
I'm trying to figure out this mobx-react action error stackoverflow.com/questions/48697296/…
like i say in the question, i think it has to do with how I'm using action with a Promise that wraps firebase's auth().onAuthStateChanged firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/…
@action pullUser() {
    const fetchUser = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    return fetchUser().then(action((user: string) => {
        this.currentUser = user;
        this.isLoaded = true;
    .catch(action(error => {
        this.isLoaded = true;
that's basically what i'm doing
taking out all of the firebase-related stuff still gives me the same errors
Hi, i need help for this.... stackoverflow.com/questions/48678259/…
@Drew Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thank you, this is my first time to chat. i will wait then.. :)
Is there a simple way to copy an object a la Object.assign, but only copy a specific set of properties a la destructuring?
Think const { a, b, ...output } = input; but explicit inclusion instead of explicit exclusion
I think someone here showed me that you can spread while you destructure, or something like that, but I don't recall who or how
it might have been @rlemon
learned what?
how to randomize colors of his theme
await works
without wrapping it :D
only in console and async functions, yeah?
any mobxers here? i'm really stumped on this error
i used mobx, but, dunno how useful i'll be
we do have a bunch of mobexorsists
i kinda just faked it till it worked
Hi guys, are you all free?
Do u know about the loadgo animation ?
which loading animation?
i am having issue with it
mornings v1.1 o/
Hey guys, I've been working for 3 days on a potential memory leak now - and have hit rock bottom where I just don't know it anymore
So I posted on stackoverflow
stackoverflow.com/questions/48698000/… If anyone could give it a quick glance I'd be really happy
@rlemon @KendallFrey @Loktar @FélixGagnon-Grenier @Luggage @ssube Now I can join the "My printer is actually good club!"
what did you change?
The entire frame. Here's a before.
ohh, cool. is that a prusa?
No, the Anet A8, which is functions identically to the i3
Except it doesn't do so hot out of the box
print with it, yet?
with the new frame, i mean
Working on my first one now
Am I missing something? My colonists can't use the advanced components I have in my stockpile to work on my ship reactor
(need material: advanced component)
are they in a restricted zone?
sounds like they can't get there.
No, just sitting in my workshop
The previous frame had some pretty substantial wobbling issues that was a constant annoyance and produced a rippled effect through out any prints that were more than an inch or so high
is the stockpile in a prison?
Do they ignore it if there aren't enough to finish the project?
I have ringing in my prints
I only have two so far
They do seem to not supply materials sometimes until there are enough in the stockpile..
or so it seems, but i also remember them not waiting
also, they could be reserved by another colonist on another job
I assume they aren't forbidden
you assume right :P
nbd right now, i just started on the ship
@SterlingArcher these are old but good imgur.com/gallery/vOWYX
Poor Bowman
His wife is running around in the middle of the night snorting yayo
is that a problem?
well it would be better if she wasn't a hardcore addict
74 is a bit old to be getting smashed off your tits on hard drugs
She's frail, Donald
1 hour later…
@William xD
1 hour later…
how i can move on page 5 or 6 in datatable pagination with ajax??
1 hour later…
<table id="example" class="display table table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%;">
<th>Generic Name</th>
<th>Interact Generic</th>
<th>Interact Description</th>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#InteractGeneric').click(function () {
var GenericID = $("#hdnGenericID").val();
$("#example tbody tr").remove();


type: 'POST',

url: '@Url.Action("GenericInteractionNewDetails")',
dataType: 'json',
data: { GenericID: GenericID },
success: function (data) {
var items = '';
$.each(data.GenList, function (i, item) {

/*Find Role here - Comparing Emp List ModuleId to RoleList ModuleId*/
var rows = "<tr>"
+ "<td>" + (i + 1) + "</td>"
@IvinRaj Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
How to add page size 10
@IvinRaj Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@IvinRaj You're asking the server for data, and the server is giving it to you with parameter GenericID
To know how to increase page size 10, you have to know what parameters it expects backend
if you're not in a position to know, do what I do and look at other pages for parameters passed backend that might be similar to page size or whatnot
How can I create a Type<> from a string?
@ScubaKay Type<>? This is javascript room you know
@Neil ...
TypeScript is still JS right?
I am stringifying a couple of objects and one of the properties is a Type<>. I save it to localStorage and then I want to parse it. Everything is going right, except that I don't know how to parse the Type<> property.
@ScubaKay TypeScript !== Javascript
But in any case, I can't help you, I'm not familiar with it
Greetings. Know Python and general js concepts. Gotta go deeper into js, any good sorted resources list? Good design practice and all.
Too bad. I see the Angular channel is also for TypeScript, but it's completely deserted :(
Q: How to use page size 10 in pagination In ASP.NET MVC

Ivin Rajhere my code .. <table id="example" class="display table table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%;"> <thead> <tr> <th>S#</th> <th>Generic Name</th> <th>Interact Generic</th> <th>Interact Description</th> </thead> <tbody></tbody>...

@ScubaKay it follows ECMAScript yes, but there is some concepts that are non existent in JS
@Neil sure, but like 40% of the room knows and writes TS.
@KamilSolecki Yes, well I don't. I didn't know if Type<> were Typescript or pascal honestly
Sure. But it's still the right room to ask this :)
Might start binning if that's all you do
@ScubaKay TS compiles to JS before it's passed to the Browser. At that point, all TS specific type information is lost.
cc @MadaraUchiha you maybe want to check this out from the perspective of Main
@BenFortune same used to happen in C# if I recall correctly
Nvm it did not I've messed up usernames
@KamilSolecki @Neil I guess that means I'll have to find another way. Thanks!
@ScubaKay Sorry I couldn't help!
No problem
@BenFortune lul
> Ben the Binner
The magic adventures of Ben the Binner
Hi all, do you guys use a javascript library called loadgo ?
No, but it's cute
Ben, I told you to stop flirting with javascript libraries
Shut up, we're in love
I hope it's not Vue
someone is gonna get mad
anyone got stuff running on AWS servers?
lots of stuffs
do you understand it's pricing stuff on EC2?
Ben and loadgo sitting in a tree, C-O-M-P-I-L-I-N-G
@Neoares lets say, for example, I want to have more storage capacity on it
we have an SqlServer running on an EC2 instance, and we want to push the backups of the production to the integration/staging environment
but, those database servers have much less storage than the production one
how much would it cost to upgrade the storage capacity of it?
@Wietlol This is the right question. I approve.
lets say for example... by 1 terabyte
i dont understand much of it, but I was talking to someone who had an issue and it seems some of our staging applications read stuff from the production database
which led to, we may not do that any more
which led to, staging database must be updated every week/month to be equal to production database
which led to, it has not got enough storage for it
Hello everyone
@CvP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CvP o/
first, for databases don't use EC2
they have a service for databases
RDS or something similar
yea, we are pretty new to AWS, so most of our servers just run on EC2 instances for the time being
and EC2 itself doesn't have capacity
we are slowly moving towards Lambda for services and will get to RDS or others in a few months too
I used AWS a long time ago, so i don't remember exactly the names
I prefer google cloud. It costs more, but itโ€™s 10x more intuitive
the thing is you can increase the storage for an EC2 instance as much as you want
@ndugger you're so funny boi
I got a question for you guys, my current code is this: jsfiddle.net/juzLzw87/5 (ignore the ugly pictures, they are a placeholder). How would I use scrollspy to change the navigation class from #fxd .pagination li a to #fxd .pagination li a.selected ?
Not joking
I think the storage is called EFS
@ndugger yes you were
but you don't know
yep I dont know
I just wanted a rough expectation of price for more storage
@Wietlol 5000
@Neil ty :D
No problem :)
5000 yen?
5000 girly giggles
you wanna know currency too? man..
i sure hope not 5000 bitcoins
@Wietlol you have an aws pricing calculator
also, there's a pricing page where you can check prices
they charge you for almost everything
i suppose its $0.33/GB-month
Anyone know a place I can ask simple questions for maybe a small fee?
also it depends on the region you choose
@CvP here
@CvP You already asked. Pay up!
ok so there you go
Does the answer costs extra ? ;P
@CvP Yes, but it's worth it
considering it runs for 12 hours a day, 4 terabyte (4000 GB) would lead to 4000 * 0.5 * 0.33 = 660 dollars per month
Spoiler: It's actually not worth it
i guess
No, but I am serious, I am trying to learn html/css/js/bootstrap and sometimes I just get stuck and even googling for a week doesn't help.
yes, I know it's cheaper to buy a 4TB HDD
Bootstrap isnโ€™t a language
I finally get the basics of html/css, but am just starting with js
I know @OliverSalzburg but sometimes the questions are drowned out by all the other questions
@ndugger who said it's a language :P
He did via the context in which he listed it in
@CvP then dont google for weeks, maybe try googling for html/css/js/bootstrap
you assumed the context
No u
go eat big mac
Go eat seven jamons
@Neoares i expected some followup stuff
@Wietlol about what
if you want to use AWS services, you have to use EFS
i expected "but bla bla bla"
there's no butt
@Wietlol 8/10 meme good job
boom. I wrote a Q/A on SO after so many years. stackoverflow.com/questions/48703231/…
@FlorianMargaine can I report the question for not providing an MCVE?
feel free.
Ok, guys I am 1 step further: jsfiddle.net/juzLzw87/6, why does it still not update my class?
Because that shitty example is using a shitty library called jQuery
$100 for taking the AWS survey. This is the kind of survey I like. No SO developer survey bullshit
@IvinRaj If I bin it, that does not mean post it again
Why you delete my question @BenFortune ?
You offer no contribution to the room, other than spamming links to questions
It wouldn't be so bad if you engaged in conversation after posting the links, but you don't
@ndugger nothing
I downvoted your question for spamming it
yay, it is reproducable!
@ndugger what are you doing awake at this hour?
Your mom
its 11:17
everyone should be awake
@BenFortune ok sir
@ndugger you can do it
@ndugger thank you
Stop pinging me
Can someone kick this tool?
kicks ndugger
kicks room17
What is it with Indians and tacky portraits of themselves in cheap suits in front of solid colour backgrounds (usually blue)?
@Wietlol what's your problem ?
@Wietlol what's this?
Someone asked me to kick "this tool"
Ok guys, I posted it as a question like suggested: stackoverflow.com/questions/48703660/… If anyone wants to take a look (instead of kicking each other ;) )
@IvinRaj and that is what we call an url
@ndugger Oddly specific.
@Neil yeah, but I see it all the time
I wonder if they all use the same photographer
I want to edit that question but someone just had to add and is now blocking my edit
@OliverSalzburg that is what we call a conflict :D
@CvP Pro tip: Take you time to unindent your code blocks before posting. Write a good question → get a good answer
how can I use React without Webpack or browserify?
Why donโ€™t you want to use webpack?
I just need a simple React instance to render a list in an application that otherwise runs on jQuery (for $.get) and pure js for the rest
unless I can render lists in jquery easily
> render lists in jquery
> jquery
@ndugger Maybe he's a famous photographer
well EXCUSE me
@OliverSalzburg I'll update it
@Neil I doubt it; none of the photos look good
I'm just making a little application at work and I have no experience using Webpack and Browserify yet
@OliverSalzburg umm... did I fuck something up?
:P I saw it had some jQuery
@ndugger solid blue, man! solid blue!
you just lack vision
@gloriousCatnip Try create-react-app. It uses webpack under the hood IIRC, but there's no configuration required
@ndugger right? The stereotype also holds for middle east
@OliverSalzburg Updated the code blocks, looks nicer now
@ndugger How else are you going to key in the nice sandy beach in the background?
Why would you wear a suit to a beach?
@ndugger To look snappy
I will never understand Indians
That's because of the weird accent
@ndugger to blend in
Why do elephants paint their toenails red? So they can blend into the strawberry patch
Sneaky bastards
Can someone explain to me how this correlates with this?
this is VSCode json
that is not Json
looking at the image on "IntelliSense & Validation" they also do not use commas
I don't get it

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