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@KevinB memory leak
there must be something on this server that when requested, starts a process that never ends and leaks until the server dies several days later
it's been up for 5-6 weeks with no issues, but all of a sudden last friday things started going down hill
I'm under the assumption we have a poorly designed application.cfc or .cfm somewhere that only gets hit every now and then by a random bot that initiates a steady decline toward a crash
i haven't been able to tie any error to this occurance
Once it starts, it just keeps getting worse and worse, and will crash within 7 days if not restarted
but it can run for months without issue
plants grow
i hated searching around the ILZ
if i hadn't looked it up, i wouldn't have figured out that i needed to go inside the "lava castle" to find the thermal plant
i didn't see anything in the pda that hinted toward that
yea, i looked that up. I also read you get the coords on your PDA at some point
maybe i missed a PDA
i think you did in the past
but they removed it
i definately did. with the degassi
i guess to kinda force you to explore
but like, even when i figured out i had to get inside the lava castle, i couldn't find the entrance either :p
visibility in that area is so poor
all while trying to avoid the sea dragon
I have a sea dragon for you
i ran into the entrance right away once i started looking. got lucky
i ended up watching a video, and looking at the person's compass
it's on the south face
@ndugger i ended up watching a video, and looking at the person's ass (source)
yea, which is where i approached from
very nice
well, at that point i had already circled it 3-4 times in the cyclops
@Luggage hit them from behind, they'll never see you coming
twss or something
!!afk 🚗 🏠 🚽 🎮
@KendallFrey contortionists, man.
Don't worry I wasn't planning on trying that with Ron Jeremy
I was
!!giphy ron jeremy
@Luggage that's so funny
That was a huge gamble
just got me some crabsnake eggs. I had to go into the shrooms :(
If the moon were made of ribs, would you eat it?
no. too far away
^ Was my wall paper thanks to Unsplash. Can
poor puppy has cancer :(
cancer is for poor people
And your puppy
Do you like memes
@ndugger cancer is for alcoholic puppies, apparently
I wish I had as much chill as Bowman
oh hallelujah a strawberry fire
@towc I'm not 30 yet :S
I'm back!
I'm taking this stupid intro computer class and I'm doing worse then the computer science classes. She gave me 71 on the last assignment with no explanation.
I think she took off points for doing to much work. I did through page 75 instead of 60
that's twice today my pregnant dogs forgot to eat and miscarried
wtf how twice today?
@William only in college can you be reprimanded for going above and beyond
Those who can’t do, teach
lol probably true
woo my regex bug report resulted in another bug report by a maintainer
He's actually looking into it
It should be called irregular expressions
constipated expressions
@KendallFrey who said you could change your avatar?
Who said I couldn't?
Jquery is better than other libraries and framework javascript
@user8455694 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok good, sorry for my bad english cause i'am not english man :v
Ok then, user8455694
> Ok good, sorry for my bad english cause i'am not english man :v
neither am I man
We kicked those brits out over 200 years ago now!
We? You were alive back then?
he is like the wolverine he has lived hundred of years
2 hours later…
can anyone help me to create sidenav that is collapsible and resize able ?
@KendallFrey my word against a 68 yo's
Where is @ShrekOverflow gone???
@RahulJain He just had a root canal, so maybe he's offline for a while
@SomeGuy Oh alright. thanks
@user8455694 Starred for posterity later ;)
@KamilSolecki that's all?
That's all, folks!
huh, TIL you can cat all files in the current directory with cat *
which is kinda useful for logs
@towc Yeah, nice isn't it?
@TunLinThu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ooooh nice! Destructuring, even if not in params, allows for default values
!!> let { a=1, b=2 } = { a: 3 }; [a, b]
@towc [3,2]
that's really good to know
@towc you can also do tail -f *.out
to see updates to any (.out) files
which is nice if you have multiple log files
10 messages moved to Trash
@towc It was a wall of you talking to yourself about something no one brought up, sorry :p
at least it was loosely on topic
@Neil tailf *.out
at least we didn't break Godwin's Law and talk about Hit.. ohh, you almost got me there!
anyone tried to make SSR + AsyncComponent work, outside of Routes? I mean using AsyncCmp in another cmps...
Is there anyway to actually show the DNS lookup in the chrome dev tools network tab?
bless thee, bois
So this guy just added a useless bad answer to a question asked in 2009...
A: SQL SELECT from multiple tables


so i have an array of dates, how can I reduce the list down to all the unique dates (ignoring clock)?
!!tell gloriousCatnip mcve
@gloriousCatnip If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
!!mdn array filter
@gloriousCatnip Are they strings ?
@DenysSéguret I do honestly think that in the year 2200, they'll still be incidents of people posting answers on stackoverflow like, "Man, these answers are all wrong! Not one mentions the transfluctuator holocon.."
@Neil note that this isn't really the same level.
Ok, I have an array of dates and I want to filter out to unique dates.
Example: [12.03.2018, 12.03.2018, 14.03.2018, 14.03.2018, 15.03.2018], and I want this output [12.03.2018, 14.03.2018, 15.03.2018]. Does that make sense?
I'm preeeetty sure they are Date objects
@DenysSéguret I appreciate the note. Duly noted.
just search "remove duplicates in a list" in google
[...new Set(myDates)]
Or use a filter if you wanna be complicated
oh they're objects
you can use filter or reduce
let deduplicated = dates.map(d=>${d.getDay()}.${d.getMonth()}.${d.getYear()}).filter((d,i,arr)=>a‌​rr.indexOf(d)==i)
I swear making jokes in this room is sometimes how I'd imagine telling a joke to a room full of autistic would be.. "..Yes.. ok.. I know horses can't talk.. Yes.. okay.. clearly he can't fit through a bar door.."
something like this
@DenysSéguret he wants to filter, and you got the duplicates
or duplicated means something different
I remove the duplicates with my filter
@Neil yes, indeed
that's what my friends always tell me
but ben's solution is more elegant
So uh JS has the comma operator, but where is the commie operator I ask?
@Neoares the autistic friends or the normal friends?
@Neil I'm the autistic
they're supposed to be "normal"
@DenysSéguret It doesn't work :P
I assumed strings
@Neoares hard to tell sometimes ;)
@BenFortune I mean your solution combined with the map to strings
Ben's solution worked!
@gloriousCatnip So they're strings?
The question is if QML supports Set
!!wiki QML
!!google QML
@BenFortune I just tried it out in the console with some arbitrary Date objects, and it worked
!!mdn QML
@Neil I don't know what you were expecting trying to fit a horse through a bar door, it's pretty obvious it won't fit
@gloriousCatnip Just looked, there's a good chance it doesn't. You're gonna need babel if you want to use my solution
@DenysSéguret i think all is left Is !!FML
ugh, i'll try @DenysSéguret solution then
I'm working with angular 4, application. I have a small json to be imposted from local. I am using the http service of angular and created a service with it. I;m able to pull the data in the http service but I'm not able to return the same
Can anyone help me with it.
here is my code to get the JSON file.
            .map( (response: Response) => {
                console.log('before return : ' + response.json())
                return response.json();
            } );
@Strikers Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
the console log here is giving a proper output while i log it inside the controller it is giving different output
ngOnInit() {
        let res = this.http.getJSON();
@KamilSolecki "Why would I take your wife? I don't get it.."
His wife is a horse?
"So the chicken is on the east side now? Or the west side?"
Jokes on you, I'm single! (Pls take me)
I have a feeling that @ndugger s biological clock graph looks like bitcoin stock
output for the console log inside the init function

_isScalar: false
operator: Object { project: ../../../../../src/app/http-service.service.ts/HttpServiceService.prototype.getJSON/<(), thisArg: undefined }
source: Object { _isScalar: false, _subscribe: XHRConnection/this.response<() }
__proto__: Object { lift: ../../../../rxjs/Observable.js/Observable.prototype.lift(), subscribe: ../../../../rxjs/Observable.js/Observable.prototype.subscribe(), _trySubscribe: ../../../../rxjs/Observable.js/Observable.prototype._trySubscribe(), … }
I unescrewed all the screws on the bottom of the laptop as a last desperate thing, and now it charges!
I'm so confused
rebooted, and not even a warning
technology, I say
I better get going on that forest shelter
When the guy on the top looks down
     he only sees shit.
When the guys on the bottom looks up
     They only see assholes
hello everyone
@Timmy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can someone take a look at this issue I have at the moment, with React.js? Here is: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48633273/uncaught-typeerror-with-react-js-giphy-api
Thanks :)
@Timmy you should log what is exactly your props.gif (you may use Array.isArray)
It's also possible your problem can be solved with an Array.from(props.gif).map...
aaaaand the battery's fucked again
Can you provide a fiddle? @DenysSéguret
The fact that this code is from a tutorial does in no way mean it actually works
@Timmy you will have to do that. The problem seems to definitely be props.gifs, and your question does not show, what you pass as props
Millions of tuts recommend Mongo, in no way does it mean it's a good db.
mongo is amazing
mongo is an excellent database, though.
Uh. It has strong parts, but there is lots of backdraws, too.
Use Cassandra. It will make you tear out all of your hair
No transactions is meh
But no triggers
also data structure an get real ugly really fast
I'm a relational db fanboy though, so I'm also biased.
I was joking
Hello, i'm using momentjs and i'm trying to set the locale to 'en-gb' instead of 'en'. But it doesn't work.
drawbacks* lol
i have momentObj.format('en-GB'); console.log(momentObj.format('ll'));
Doesn't works :/
.format returns a string. It doesn’t actually modify the moment object
"Doesn't work" also isnt a very good explanation of the problem you are having :P
no format , it's .locale('en-GB') sorry
Apology accepted
the result is the same than before ( Feb 6, 2018) instead of (6 Feb 2018)
You can just use format to accomplish that
that is because you made it like that
from moment docs:
moment().format('ll');  // Feb 6, 2018
so its working just as intended.
"doesn't work" 99% of the time translates into "doesn't do what I expect"
@Neil your statement doesn't work. Do you have any data to back it up?
actually one could argue 100%, since it always does what it's being asked to do, even if it isn't what you expect it to do
@towc "doesn't work" implies it's not doing what it should be doing
@FlorianMargaine You got me. I was afraid for a moment that dismissing mongodb wasn't the thing to do to appear knowledgeable anymore
But the code always tells it what it should be doing, and unless there are hardware problems, the code gets executed flawlessly most times
it'd be like arriving at a mathematical formula using concise and sound steps and coming to the conclusion that the derived mathematical formula isn't right
@DenysSéguret hey, we're using mongodb at work
(... as a cache database)
(no way are we putting any authoritative source in mongodb)
(... most of our authoritative data is in Git...)
what do you think of pixel testing stuff like cssprecise.com
is it needed vs e2e testing?
@DenysSéguret i have updated my question. I tested your solution and it doens't work, unfortunately :/
@Timmy its time for you to make an MCVE. During the process, I want you to check what exactly props.gifs are as a first step. Then we will work from there.
I was less suggesting a solution than telling you to look at your problem to establish a diagnostic. If you don't have an array, look at what you have
@DenysSéguret "diagnosis"
@FlorianMargaine thanks
@FlorianMargaine Are you using SQL2Git?
You should convert to Blockchain IMO
@OliverSalzburg no, just using Git as a database
That sounds wrong
Is it supposed to sound wrong?
@OliverSalzburg essentially, you can create custom blobs, trees, commits, reference them in e.g. refs/custom-ref, and your Git server will protect refs/custom-ref.
> How to abuse
you get free history, integrity, etc. It's quite nice.
thats really interesting
Well, I wouldn't want to use that myself, but I guess it's not insane
as in concept-wise
all you need is a server application that is the single holder of this repository, and that server can also be the Git server that clients are using when running git push/clone/fetch/etc.
We have an in-house tool for working with our many git repos and I am painfully aware of issues in client libraries. It doesn't feel as robust to me as it hopefully does to you
@OliverSalzburg we're using a server library, not a client one.
Even if it's somewhat nice as a db from what you say, my question is why? Was it worth the effort to build all everything around just to have it set up to have a db on git?
@FlorianMargaine Well that makes it all better then :D
it does require knowing a bit about Git plumbings, but it works well. dulwich.io
@KamilSolecki all history for free is really, really, really nice.
reverting is flawless.
Rolling back every single transaction in time seems like a pretty sexy idea
Well, selectively
Although I don't roll back. I only roll forward
Onwards, my queries!
Keep rollin, rollin, rollin
I feel like I forgot about an awesome idea I had last night...
Last night I wake up at 2 AM and went to write my awesome idea on my computer. I would probably not have forgotten it but I always prefer to note them down, just to be sure...
I used to note stuff down. But I felt like that kept me awake even longer
Like, you can't sleep now, you haven't even written down anything yet!
On the contrary I feel like I can't sleep well if I'm afraid of forgetting details of my ideas. I prefer to spend a few minutes writing them (and usually doing it a few times) and then be really confident I can sleep
I also didn't follow up on my nighttime ideas enough back then
@DenysSéguret what was it?
@FlorianMargaine dirty things related to github.com/Canop/miaou.localbot
related: I'll add throttling in Miaou before including this plugin ^^
just in case somebody accidentely type this
!!localbot add not-nice
setInterval(()=>miaou.chat.sendMessage("spam"), 600)
@DenysSéguret That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Wat. OP is trying to replace JS arrays with something "better", it seems
Q: Replace empty elements in JavaScript Array

Roman M. KossJavaScript Arrays allows setting element directly like this let l1 = [] l1[6] = 6 console.log(l1, l1.length,) l1.map(x => console.log(x)) let l2 = [1,,,null,undefined,4,5] console.log("l2.map") l2.map((x, i) => console.log(i, x)) console.log("l2.forEach") l2.forEach((x, i) => conso...

Too many downvotes in my opinion but I don't understand the real question
This question seems a little confused, or a bunch of questions. Can you make the goal clearer ? — Denys Séguret 1 min ago
@DenysSéguret Something about polishing turds
Oh, he updated the question:
> Is it ok to have "emptiness" in a list?
Now that's much better! *Cough*
yeah... and it means absolutely nothing
Does the emptiness in the list fill the emptiness in your heart?
But can you actually have emptiness in a list? How can something be there is that something is nothing? — Cerbrus 10 secs ago
Hey Good evening people
Good morning
Good afternoon!
Oh look, he updated the title: "Is it ok to have "empty x N" in JavaScript Array?"
Now it's also opinion based :-)
Don't let him suffer more, just close the question
for foo in bar baz; do qux $foo & done; wait is awesome
@DenysSéguret just need more votes
I'm contemplating the idea of having this in a node file
exports.init = function(config){
	module.exports = function(... do the stuff of the module
just so I can have simpler requires as the init would be needed only once...
what does --upgrade do in pip install?
Am I going to see much of a performance hit between X86 and ARM for docker?
Scaleway are out of servers
Doesn't sounds like the scale way if they're out of servers
They're pretty shit tbh
Just dirt cheap
Regarding x86 vs ARM, no idea. I never had a workload that would run on either platform
@OliverSalzburg they just scale way slower than they should have.
Someone should show them, you know
Did you know that there’s a rapper named Lil Xan who looks like a 16 year old with face tattoos?
Lil Xan(ax)
@Neoares if the package is already installed, it'll check if there's a new version and install it
Hmm I wonder, is there an efficient way to "split a list into sublists according to a predicate function"

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