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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

you mean what ?)
oh, sorry, luck isn't a thing, right
enjoy doing the maths
@towc one more thing
its pretty hard to define what "most different actually means"
@KamilSolecki hence the quotes
its an NP-Hard
anyway, I want a doggo
Can I create question on stackoverflow for this problem ?
@ShaigKhaligli if you can word it better, sure
much better
I mean don't know if it's off topic for stackoverflow
I assume you're trying to solve a problem related to programming
if it's homework, then don't ask help here
Just beware that people in this community typically don't take kindly to those that post homework questions.
if it's something else, maybe try the mathematics SE
no I'm programmer, not school student
and it's not homework) just i wrote question in that way
then what problem are you trying to solve
learn about the XY problem: goo.gl/taIqf
it's related to photos problem
I will make photo set
@ShaigKhaligli you just generate matrices, where each of them contains only one number \
@tereško read further down
that should make them "the least similar"
@towc don;t want to :P it's a homework
what do you base that on?
the definition of the problem
it sounds homework-ish
your avatar loosely resembles a girl, so you're a girl
a proper developer problem will contain unnecessary details and information about the problem domain
@towc you are just jealous, since I am not balding :P
wait until you get to my age
I suspect that I am actually older than you
I get the balding thing is a joke and it's a nice burn. But I'm not sure why you chose it, knowing I'm younger than you :P
because many guys star balding at something like 20
wait, really?
not in my country))
I am actually serious
that doesn't sound right
Heh, you've put the fear in 'im
bah, if things go according to plan, I might be married with kids by then
and a dog
also, based on observations, if you get married before 21, you will be divorced by 24
if things don't go according to plan, I might spend the rest of my life without seeing the sun, so there's that
@tereško I met a girl who got married at 17, and is now ~25 and still married, just yesterday
then again, the sample size in this case is small, since it is limited to my friends and friends of my friends
I think Benjamin got married at something like 18 too
maybe in Latvia, it's working
and he's ~68 now, and I think still married
wait actually, is he married at all
you are just pulling this out of your ass
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^^^^
I've been in a relationship for almost 12 years. My secret? not married
@tereško so now just because I'm an emotional weirdo, I'm also a liar?
well, he's not 68, but we need to make him feel bad
I think he's past 24 though
@BenjaminGruenbaum You look pretty good for 68
@towc not sure, but you are definitely prone to exaggeration
I don't know her age, but she's around that age, and I doubt they're getting a divorce anytime soon
on one hand, she kinda needs him for legal reasons so she can have residence permits in schengen countries
are you per chance taking a gender studies course, or maybe majoring in lesbian dance therapy ?
I spend my days speculating on benjamin's age
... grandma, what weird hobbies you have
and you haven't even seen my apt yet
if you missed the implication - you are a troll and I don't believe a single word that you have said so far
@tereško I missed your implication :/ Last I checked I wasn't a troll
@monners you are just an interloper in this case. It was not aimed at you
If I have a paper-button, how do I click it in javascript?
@barlop with a finger
I just checked out a new coffee shop. At the register, there's a sign that says there's no wi-fi so that customers "make a friend." It worked! My new friend is a different coffee shop.
@tereško In javascript
@barlop let finger ... wait, no, that came out a bit inappropriate
@tereško well, then you’d better put it back in
I don't really know anything about paper-button but I have a page with them on it and I want to autoclick them
i'm presuming it's just one or a few lines I don't know the line or few lines though
google: mdn dispatch mouse event
like I have elementCollection[0] is one of them but what method calls to use I don't know
@tereško I'm genuinely interested though, what was the implication?
thanks i'm a bit rusty on my javascript but I think that page might help I will try something from there
@monners the sentence was a variation on the line from "little red riding hood", implying that he's pretending to be what he's not
@tereško Amazing. Thanks
@tereško Ohhhh, I thought you were talking about the lesbian dance therapy line. Ugh. Monday morning, need coffee
@monners I hope you actually google that thing
@KendallFrey who goes to a coffee shop to make friends
@KamilSolecki I think that's the lesson here
@KendallFrey don't leave the house for any reason?
I think an impending nuclear strike might be a valid reason
if you have a bunker nearby
@towc no, you make friends at bars, in coffee shops you drink coffee at peace while browsing me_irl
@tereško I've been a ballet dancer, competitive figure skater, circus artist, and bar tender; have seen my share of lesbians and therapy
@monners so your life you had like.. the ultimate gay experience! :D
Pretty much.
@monners no, it's actually at thing you can get a degree in
Doesn't surprise me. I was one year away from a degree in Circus Arts at NICA
this shit really scares me
TIL you can get a degree in circus arts
there's degrees in pottery too
Don't think you can anymore. The school was a bit of a train wreck from the get go. Only 5 or so graduating classes went through
I am getting a feeling, that academia might implode in the next decade
I mean, you can get a degree in sciencing computers, I wouldn't be surprised by other degrees anymore
@tereško depends in what majors
I quit when it became clear that unless you were already a world-class gymnast or dancer there were SFA employment opportunities out there for circus performers
I want 100 sets that are the "most different to each other", with 100 items available, that can't repeat in each set (because it's a set, of fixed length 9), but can repeat across sets?
most different to each other means that they have the least amount of items in common
anyway, I think it's enough for today
@ShaigKhaligli You already asked that. We already responded. Do some research.
nobody helped about idea or algorithm
So do some research
i think all i'm missing is lava lizards
oh, crab squid
the crab snake is missing
is there any game mechanic reason to do this collection or just for shits and giggles?
shits and giggles
there's hidden achievments, no idea what they are
so just doin it all
I'll shit your giggles
i think i'm completely done with the lost river
which is about the farthest i've ever gotten
I think i'm done lost river.. i did the facility and the cache.
scanned a buinsh of bones, not that I th ink that's needed for storyline
I took the cyclops as far as the lost river junction, but forgot to bring table coral and couldn't make a depth upgrade
or somethign.. I forget what I couldn't make. but i went home.
i'm about to upgrade/outfit my cyclops and go deeper
I think the lost river is best done in just a seamoth. much faster.
nothing down there it can't outrun
heh, the ampeel in my containment is showing up on my radar in cyclops
do warpers not warp you out of a cyclops? they seem to have ignored me
or maybe i jsut wasn't close/unlucky
i don't think they do
the internet said they did
not you, the other internet
you've been seeing other internets? :(
i used a firewall...
Anyone available for quick help?
@CameronGilbert Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Good job cap!
This is angular, but its still JS
b.created.getTime is not a function
Getting that error^
created is undefined
or not Date
!!> JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ created: new Date() }));
@ShrekOverflow {"created":"2018-01-28T23:56:43.405Z"}
@CameronGilbert ^
The model where new Date() is called: pastebin.com/wmyi8nrN
What i am trying to say is that when you are just doing JSON.parse
it'll not rehydrate the date
I personally just use the UNIX timestamp for most stuff
Typical data here: "created": "2018-01-13T15:24:05.307512Z",
@ShrekOverflow Where?
> response.json()
I already do that here: .map((response: Response) => {
let superPosts: SuperPost = SuperPost.parse(response.json());
weird, single step maybe
check what your created is :P
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