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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

damnit, I lost my 21 days czech streak on duolingo
my cuttlefish is gone
ohh well
there's more than 1
just finished exploring all the wrecks, got my alien containment from the mountains wreck
haven't been to degassi 500m yet
yea, i have a second egg. I wonder if I shouldn't have left it outside
gonna keep mine in the containment, thing's annoying if it follows you
I told it to stay
but yea. if i hatch anotehr, i'll keep it there.
i got a grapling hook in a timecapsule
i got 2 kyanite
which is 1 short of upgrading prawn depth
I feel like my boat is the same speed as the handheld turbine
Is this the case
the seamoth?
Also I just butchered all terminology
or the cyclops
Yeah the seamoth
it's just a little faster
main thing is it has storage and you're not dead when it dies
One thing that really annoys me is that I cannot find any of the big rooms for my base
And I can't fit a generator
that comes pretty early in the story
Hence I run out of power If i let my scanner run
if you follow the pings
To be fair I haven't followed anything yet :P
pod 19
I was all in free roam
But my base is just next to pod 19
I did pick up the pda
the pda tells you about dry land
I gotta read it then
it should have given you a ping too
or... you could just sit at the top of the pod 19 crack and look up
Likely. I'll have to follow the story now I guess :P
you always need to take breaks from the story to gear-up
Chrome is really annoying
time to craft everything and finish my base before i leave it
gonna live in your car?
till i cant progress the story more below ground
i'll be at that point soon, but time for a break.
i doubt i'll actually leave tonight, still got a lot of crafting to do
wish i could bring seamoth, too.
tow it
it's pretty much useless once you go deeper than lost river
yea, i guess so
and there's only a few places of interest there
a cache, the DRF, and a few scannable bones
ok, cool, i did all that.
just have to stop by the DRF once for the door i couldn't open
so then i guess i need cyclops depth upgrades
@KamilSolecki disclaimer: I suck at this game, even against settler ai
my plan is to do lost river, then exit with just my prawn to build the last of my prawn upgrades, then not go back to the surface till i have to
i wonder if i should build a base down there
need to recharge the cyclops
or i guess you use the thermal upgrade?
just a small one with a moon pool, a scanner, and a thermal gen or two
I want to ask about the game, then I remember the amount of time I gave each last time I did that in here
... so what game are you talking about?
> Alexa, ask Kohler to flush the toilet.
shit kyanite to make upgrades. is that in the lava zone?
i guessi can just plan to make upgrades in-situ
need to outfit the interior of my cyclops, still
move the Keep Calm Kitten poster over there.
all these words are very cool.
that is also a cool word
lies, indeed. unorganized is way, way cooler. ask any teenagers.
2 hours later…
@Zirak @MadaraUchiha copy.sh/zirak2.webm
Best website
i hate this language from the bottom of my heart.
yet it is something that haunts me everywhere
Anyone there ???
I need to open html5 video in popup window..so is there any library available ?
Yes i tried with some of the librararies
I soft bricked my phone, yay.
but doesn't seems to be workes
@copy 😃 nice
@copy lol nice :B
@copy Did you win that game though?
huh, I'm doing some resesarch for meetups and workshops. Turns out youtube's speed booster is really useful. Wish it could go above 2x
@towc you can do something like stackoverflow.com/questions/3027707/… to set a custom speed
huh, didn't know youtube used the native video element
thought it was some kind of webgl stuff managed by super-optimized javascript for the kind of packets they transmit
why did you cut your tongue?
It's just me showing my two teeths :P
4 hours later…
Hey all, does anyone know of a good package that helps with the spaming of emits
on sockets
Can anyone help me with this question please!
Q: Include multiple JavaScript before the code runs in PhantomJS?

chirag shahI want to include multiple javascript in PhantomJS. page.includeJS / page.injectJS does not show up option to include multiple scripts. Can you provide a working example for the same?

That's a duplicate.
Sadly, I can't close it as such, because you added a bounty...
> A freely available SDK allows you to code further lighting options for your convenience. Use our SDK (Software Development Kit) and your C++ skills to create your own signature illumination effects. No worries necessary. Simple knowledge of C++ is sufficient. Stand out in the crowd and be the star of every event.
Definitely a nice feature
Has StackOverFlow become less helpful since the formation of this chat forum? I have used StackOverFlow over the years and there was a time where it felt like the questions were answered faster than I could press post. Now I asked a question stackoverflow.com/questions/48141924/… weeks ago and not a peep from the community. Whats going on?
@Jonnie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix soory thanks
90% of unanswered questions are because of question bad quality
Stackoverflow has calmed down and developed resistance against vampires, however the anti-bodies are too strong and now they treat almost everything new as vampire.
@Jonnie chat has been around for years, so no, but in general, most of the good devs get sick of all the super low quality questions on the main site and evdntually come to settle in chat.
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@kenny Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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@kenny Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
hi guys how do i push an object? assuming that i have this object
ratings = {
"hotel_a": "2.8",
thenn i want it to be

ratings = {
"hotel_a": "avg:2.8,status:1"
my apologies sir @CapricaSix
@kenny check out a beginner's guide to objects in js
@towc hi sir. yeah i read but i cant seem to get the right answer :(
ratings = {};

 for (var reviewee in result){
        var objReviewee=result[reviewee];

        var revieweeForStarsClass = reviewee;
        revieweeForStarsClass = revieweeForStarsClass.replace(/\s/g,'');
this is my initial code
Software is annyoing
no u
mc donalds
Hey, quick question.
Let's say I have something like >> object.something
How would I want to make that into a string to be like "object.something"
@MrMeDo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
why would you want to?
@ndugger I want to pass that name as get and then just eval it somewhere else
sounds like a bad idea
because eval is generally a security risk, and passing a magic string from one codebase to another is generally a terrible way to write code
tbh, true it's not a good idea xD
How would i do this then?
I mean I will have for example object.something where something is a name of let's say an item.
I need to just send the name or something so I can just use it somewhere else. I don't really want to pass the whole object
I can't anyway
explain your use case a bit more and I might be able to help you figure out a better way
show him the way
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@MrMeDo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
That is not the way
@ndugger Ok. Let's say I have an object:
    var Item = {
     paper: {
       something: "something"
every time you edit it, it pings me.
Oh wow seriously? Sorry then lol
Never used this chat so no idea on formating here ;/
hello world
@Brad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Fine now. Anyway, so let's say I have that object on one side and I need to just send as GET the name of it or something so I can later easily identify it somewhere else.
@ndugger You understand me or not really ;D?
Hi ppl
Can someone explain me what does stand for the @ in require('@myjs')
private packages iirc
Ty :)
Am I aloud to link Fiddles to ask a question?
@MrMeDo JSON.stringify it and send it over HTTP, then JSON.decode it on the other end
Unless you do not want to send the object, but if you say more generally what you are attempting that will clear things up
@KamilSolecki I thought of an better idea. I'll just store someones items in both side and just send the number. Never mind :D
@Brad please do
We recommend using fiddles or codepens over sharing wall of flesh code, granted you can ask your question in english besides the wall of code
@MrMeDo just remember that if it's volatile data, you want to make sure that the endpoints are authenticated
How I see most other people's code
what kind of monster is this
is this a fish?
@ndugger can you confirm?
Wall of Flesh from terraria
i.imgur.com/YrME2m4r.png this version makes me happy terraria isn't 3d
That's a vagina with eyes and teeth
@BenFortune lol
fuck dude
:41000679 too late
@BenFortune yeah, exactly
Okay so I want the red square to look/rotate towards the angle of the mouse. jsfiddle.net/kkj9yeyo/4 I am making a small shooter game I just want to know what I need to do for the (player) to aim towards the mouse.
and if you can I want to put the angle refresh in the update function.
@Brad you're welcome to study this game I made a few years back that does that github.com/ndugger/HeliArena
@ndugger What does pageX and pageY mean?
I think, in the repo, that references the x and y coordinates of the mouse position
taken from the mousemove event
@MadaraUchiha Nope, we lost the point and the game shortly thereafter
I haven't played Overwatch in months, that clip is hilarious though
Hey I wonder if a certain "type" of question is considered "on topic" in the javascript-stackoverflow community. --> I am currently working on a system which is a bit "complex". Now in my "mind" I've create a way to solve this system, however I would like some feedback if the method used to solve it is a good aproach. Or if I should consider another way to solve the problem.
In other words: I do not have code to show (other than pseudo-code) and I do not expect any direct code as answer.
What I do need is feedback about other options I ruled out, and if the "ruling out" was good considering the full stack of technology I use.
Is such a question on topic on stackoverflow? Or is it off topic due to being "opinion based" or something?
That may be a question that is better geared towards the Software Engineering SE site
How would I come by doing this? :
Well it is based heavily on the technologies I use (javascript and especially the framework/libraries/server setup). SE seems to be truly agnostic of those things.
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@Hooga Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
  var randomData = fetch('updateData')
    .then(response => response.text().then(async function (text){
        //Make text equal to randomData
    .then(data => {
    .catch(error => {
How would I come by making the whatever text is equal to the var?
Would using return make sense?
text = randomData or text = randomData.toString() (assuming text is supposed to be a stringified representation).
@KevinB so I've been to a degasi habitat that a ping led me too. I picked up everything - pdas, data containers, scans etc. Ping is still up - does that mean I missed something?
But I think that's not what you wanted (it'd be rather silly) - what's the actual problem?
is Filthy Frank NSFW?
I call randomData in another statement and its just empty which has something to do with promises, but how can i fix it?
nevermind I found 2 more pda's
Well randomData is only set after the promises finishes executing
Thats why I use .then
Where you "call randomData in another statement" it's probably not set yet.
Lower in the code theres config.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {
But its just empty
Of course - since the promise isn't guaranteed to execute before the rest of the code.
(Oh and your promise doesn't seem to return anything)
Should I use await or something?
To simplify, await would indeed help.
Where, though?
try {
  var randomData = await fetch('updateData');
  const whatever = await randomData.text().then(async function (text){
    //Make text equal to randomData
  //.. rest of the code - or initialize randomData outside the function if you wish to perform the rest if the fetching fails.
} catch (error) {
await can only be tied to an async function
It says
Yes that would require your full function to be declared with the async keyword.
try {
  var randomData = await fetch('updateData');
  const whatever = await randomData.text();
  function (whatever){
    //Make text equal to randomData
  //.. rest of the code - or initialize randomData outside the function if you wish to perform the rest if the fetching fails.
} catch (error) {
(small error in above code)
The fetch function is not async
no the function calling the promise (when using await) needs to be async
Oh ok
Stupid IE.
I have an issue with an svg image in IE. The placement of the image is correct but the left: -20px; background-size: cover; z-index: 1000; doesn't work. It's fine in all other browsers
Is there any transpiler that doesn't tell me to transpile to a certain javascript version - but understand browser compatibilities and allows me to transpile to the "minimum of browser versions" - say I wish to support IE 10, ff 50 and chrome 49, that would mean I can't use full ES6 - but several things of ES6 can be used so I don't have to transpile fully to a previous version.
there should only be one arrow on the left and then one on the right side
My boss kind of, implicitly, expects me to support IE 6. I'm wondering how to bring to him that this isn't a good idea. -- He constantly goes to customers and says: "we develop for any version of browser you use even the oldest ones our applications will work on perfectly".
Tell them people aren't using ie6 who use your product unless people are
@paul23 babel
babel-preset-env allows you to set your environment requirements
@ndugger babel allows me to do that? Oh I'll have to look into that someday.
@paul23 microsoft stopped supporting that product, it's so outdated it contains basic vulnerabilities, you can't use a decent SSL version with it
You're doing your customers a disfavour by allowing them to use IE6, you're exposing them to a bad world
@Zirak Sure, and we don't use it. - But my boss just goes to customers and tell them "hey it's fine if you use it, we'll make sure that our stuff works" and then throws it on my plate to solve it.
I made a function called async function myData(){} then called it later in the code with var myData = await myData() and it says await can only be used on async functions?
@paul23 Then it's part of your job to educate him on that
Will he expect you to support Netscape 7? IE 5.5 on Mac? emacs w3m? The blackberry browser?
No, that'll be ridiculous, right?
@Hooga Is the function you use await in also async?
@Zirak Oh don't get him ideas. "we should make it agnostic so it runs everywhere!" is the response I get whenever I suggest something like that. Followed by "make it work on this first, but remember we'll have to make it working everywhere soon".
I noticed await cannot be used outside of async functions
@paul23 Then you need to explain what that means. He can't expect you to build a car engine which would work smoothlessly on train tracks and bicycle wheels
I just declared the functiona sync and it worked thanks!
Either he can accept that products are dead and they're dead, or tell him that supporting these is so out of good practice that writing and maintenance carries a hefty fee, both in your pay and in technological debt
@Hooga rock on
@Hooga read the mdn link above sometime soon :P
I did I was just confused please excuse me
@KamilSolecki Nope. you'll get to keep that ping forever. you can turn it off though in your pda
oh np async and promises confused me for a long time too. Especially since there's so much history in javascript about this. So you see many different ways to accomplish the same thing, and to learn how they work you'll have to actually check the date the code was written.
Yeah im doing Django right now so im diving into Javsciprt at the same time too
I wonder, is there any real use for async other than to allow await?
No, and that's how it is in other languages too, like awaiting Tasks in C#
@paul23 it automagically wraps the returned value to a promise, which may be useful maybe somehow maybe
"maybe somehow maybe" - AKA "I have no idea how this is useful, but it is something".
then and the like already autowrap so it's of limited use
someone left a printer running in the hackerspace :D
@rlemon @prinerpeople
the machine is the neighbour's, the one with the 3d printing firm
@KevinB omg I was killed by a stupid stupid stupid hand-attach leech
inside Aurora
I was so pissed that I had to save and close
> enragement level: save and close
ouch, I just got hit once again by implicit conversion of javascript.
I was wondering why I was getting some very very cryptic error message, which didn't make sense. Just when I thought I supplied a valid date object.
const date = new Date() + 1000;
"1 second from now"
Date.now() + 1000
are you asking how to fix it, or just pointing it out?
Oh pointing out - I'd expect that to either work (and provide a date object of 1000 ms, or even seconds from now); or it to fail. Not to see "Sun Jan 28 2018 22:22:30 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)1000"
well, it worked
but what works and what you expect is different
expect something else next time
@KamilSolecki hahaha
@BenFortune Oh Date.now() actually provides an numeric? I should remember that.
If I go here in youtube youtube.com/feed/history/comment_history I can get a list of comments i've made but to get them all I have to scroll down.. I can do that automatically with this javascript
var lastScrollHeight = 0;
function autoScroll() {
var sh = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
if (sh != lastScrollHeight) {
lastScrollHeight = sh;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = sh;
window.setInterval(autoScroll, 100);
@barlop Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
But there are still comments that say "read more". Is there any javascript I could use that would automatically expand them?
ok, just to spam around: I really need help on this beer question
Q: Trying to find a resealable bottle cap

tereškoA long long time ago (.. I can still remember ♫) there were these old bottle caps. My parents still have 2 or 3 at home from soviet times. They look kinda like this: What are those called? Ar there some keywords to find them? It took me at least 3- minutes to even find this image (and it was i...

Anyone here?
A flip-top, swing-top, bail, or Quillfeldt stopper (after the inventor, Charles de Quillfeldt) is a type of closure frequently used for bottles containing carbonated beverages, such as beer or mineral water. The mouth of the bottle is sealed by a stopper, usually made of porcelain or plastic, fitted with a rubber gasket and held in place by a set of wires. The bottle can be opened and resealed repeatedly and without the use of a bottle opener, with the wires acting in the same way as a latch clamp. The flip-top was the dominant method of sealing beer and mineral water bottles prior to the invention...
that's not it
... why is it so hard to find abbey road original on youtube.
it's all cover shits
@tereško The image you posted is on the wiki page lmao
@BenFortune that has a special hinge in the bottle. What I am looking for is a cap, that works with any ordinary bottle with a thin lip
I'm wondering if anyone could help me with a strange problem I have with some Node.js code I'm writing. I have an object generated by parsing from a JSON string, containing some data -- weather forecasts for some locations.
@BenFortune and, yes, I know that it is listed in the wiki page, but you can't find any other examples that way. If you look at the images there, it's one, that's not like the others
In one function, I generate lines for a logfile based on the contents of this variable, and in another function, I generate HTML code, also based on the contents of this variable.
In both functions, I have the following code line, intended to start iterating over three-hour forecast slices of a five-day forecast: 'forecastLocation.forecastData.list.forEach(function(threeHourForecast) {'
@tereško Ah right, you're looking for a resealable top without the hinge?
wikipedia has names for "precursors"
In the function that logs lines into a file, everything works fine. However, in the function that generates HTML code, the code block after that line adds the contents of a table into the HTML code, but the code appears in the wrong place -- each table is location too late.
Meaning that after the first location's title, no table appears, and after the last one's, two tables appear.
Anyone have any ideas?
And as is often the case, explaining the problem helps you see it more clearly... the whole problem was due to a missing </table> tag in the generated HTML code. Nothing to do with Javascript.
Thanks for your help, everyone! :)
I think I'll start driving lessons soon enough
I think I'll stay inside for a while
good call
I might take the wrong turn and end up in canada
also, I didn't realize driving lessons were so expensive
550€ is the cheapest one that I can find that is still decent
and I don't think the 50€ for the driving exam are included
+ I think the exam is in slovak
@towc lol, ours are on average £20/hr and on average takes about 50 lessons to pass
then you gotta pay for the theory, and the test
And if you're young, you're looking at £2-3k minimum a year for insurance
yeah, not great, huh
I'm not even sure why would someone pay so much for that
don't people have parents or friends with some free time to teach them?
One of the best things I ever did learning to drive
I guess driving lesson people have super-insured cars
on the other hand, I'm 1100€ richer than I thought I'd be, when I stopped freelancing
That'd barely last me 2 weeks
no but really, can you name some reasons to pick a driving school instead of asking some random friends?
I'm genuinely asking because I don't know what to expect and wouldn't want to throw 550€ away if I was told it wasn't worth it
Depends on your location, but the test is extremely strict in the UK
And most people pick up bad habits
huh, ok, that's fair
most of my friends from highschool had to try the theory 3 times to pass, on average, I think
Gotta pay each time you take it too
No freebies if you fail
but I don't know if that's because they don't have enough appreciation of money that isn't wasted, or because the test is actually that hard
hey there
I've question
Numbers from 1 to 100 are given. It's required to generate 100 3x3 matrices from these numbers and these matrices should be minimum similar. Any recommendations what's the fastest algorithm in this case?
minimum similar? How do you mean?
"the least similar"? What's the function that determines similarity between matrices?
I mean similarity of numbers in matrices.
For example if there is 1,2,3,6,7 in first matric, they shouldn't be in any matric. It's similarity
so numbers can repeat?
because the only way to not have that amount of repeating numbers across matrices, is to have each matrix filled with each number
@towc numbers can repeat not in a matric, but it can in different matrices.
but this similarity should be min
does order matter?
how do you determine similarity, precisely?
@ShaigKhaligli so they're sets?
of length 9
yes sets.
isn't comming up with a heuristic the idea of the homework problem
yeah it looks like homework at first look
because i didn't find another explanation,
you want 100 sets that are the "most different to each other", with 100 items available, that can't repeat in each set (because it's a set, of fixed length 9), but can repeat across sets?
most different to each other maybe means that they have the least amount of items in common
@towc exactly !
well, I've set the problem up for you
good luck
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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