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THey hooked you up with a hot clever woman and you are complaining lol
sounds like
who are they
good thing she didn't assault him by asking for his email
Was this over email
Cause I get those too
@towc did you email that one I sent you the other day bahaha
finally finished a stupid creality cat
Jan 18 at 15:43, by Jhoverit
> Browse 20000 Hot Slavic Women's Profiles
that came out pretty smooth
it did. I am very happy with it. There are flaws, but I didn't take a pic to expose them like I normally do
I want to find a good model for a curtain rod holder. I need some
many of the models are thingiverse are shitty
long unsupported arms, or too-flat ugly appearance
the people from oxford and I were on a 1-week school trip to prague
I got mad because 1) they knew the slovak girl existed, and I actually wanted to visit her while I was in prague 2) they think I need help 3) it could be really disrespectful for the other girl
@Luggage you have short fingers
this was 2 years ago
are toys/figures fairly durable? Like would this thingiverse.com/thing:2765212 work almost as well as the legit legos?
depends on what you print them in
hi guys can i a certain question about array?
@kenny Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
They're not gonna be as high quality, but they'll be generally ok
they will have a texture that real leggos don't have and the fit won't be a precise
they may 'work', but they won't be legos
that's more to do with printing vs molding, I think, though
takes some work to get the same finish
ohh sorry @CapricaSix.
right, the print head or material tolerance isn't exactly perfect yet, so you get those lines that need to be sanded?
or just accept the lines, like I do on most parts
they're often fine enough that it's just texture
well, i print a lot of 0.2.
but that cat is 0.12 and that the point where it stops being 'lines' and starts being a texture
I've been wanting to get a printer for a while, haven't done any research in a couple years, will probably check into it when my schedule opens up a bit
just get one. only way to learn
wait for a sale if you don't want to spend much
you have plenty of options across a range of prices and level of assembly required
I like to come up with little structures/builds, I usually keep it to wood but a printer would open up so many possibilities
too many, in fact, but just ask us when you get serious about buying
so i have an issue regarding about arrays. so here it goes.

var Collect = []; //array is initialized

elements are retrieved from firebase and push in this function.

function getDataFirebase(){
return new Promise (function(resolve,reject){
refReview.on("value", function(snap){
var data = snap.val();
for(var key in data){
"RevieweeName": data[key].revieweeID.firstname.concat(" ",data[key].revieweeID.lastname),
"ReviewerName": data[key].reviewerID.firstname.concat(" ",data[key].reviewerID.lastname),
argh.. i wonder is meltdown or spectre is going to kill our database performance worse
I always jump into a hobby and buy entry level stuff only to regret it. Where would you say is good starting point for something of good value but not something I'll want to be upgrading in a couple of months
@Luggage they're most likely to see a hit, unfortunately
the cieling on what you can spend is high. You'll want some 'entry level' stuff
@kenny you're trying to return data from an asynchronous callback. that isn't possible.
you'll pay a LOT more for only tiny gains
@ssube yea, but which. we may be opting out of patching
corporate never gives us money to buy new machines, and we are tight on cpu and ram as it is
isn't that extremely dangerous or are there other ways to protect unprotected machines?
so we are considering just separating some machines (with more restrictions on what they can run to reduce risk) into a cluster of vmhosts that don't get the spectre patches
can you load test?
it's dangerous in a sense as it gives one infected server potential access to the memory of another, but you still need to get infected. A server that JUST runs SQL Server with no other software is fairly safe
I don't think I've seen much more than a 4% hit on any of my dashboards
we;ll be testing, but none of our servers have microcode patches out, yet
can test meltdown hit, though
well, that patch is broken anyway
redhat pulled it, then intel pulled it
which? the microcode?
though, supposedly my dell is patched for it..
and no rebooty issues, yet
I think ubuntu delivered it to this box, but it may not be in the reboot bug chipset range anyway
exactly what impacts which chips has gotten vague beyond "intel is fucked"
ubuntu only delilvers the OS side, not the microcode, right?
though, you can d/l the microcode and have linux bootloader load it
they deliver microcode and other proprietary stuff, afaik
there's a tab for it in the update tool
@KevinB hi kevin. any tips on what should i do? sorry a beginner here
I think they just redistribute what Intel gives them like RH
move the console.log into the callback that populates the variable you wanted to log.
sweet jump
The faster internet is a pain in the butt :(, Skype call at full quality overheats my computer.
is this humble brag I see?
fast internet is for poor people and politicians
@Loktar no.
My MBP is thermal throttling when I am on a skype call
hangouts does that too
fuck being humble I got that gigabit Call of Duty ping at home
it's just how macs are
nothing to do with Mac's heat management, my room is at 34C
but I am probably gonna move all calling to my desktop
@SterlingArcher unexpected jihad
@ssube is there any tool where I can get a seamless integration b/w both of them :3 ?
as long as I can share workspaces its fine
people talk a lot about that synergy tool, never tried it. I just use picture in picture and a hardware kvm.
I thought of VNC but the latency is too high and actually noticeable 😐
heh, I frequently VNC into my work MBP rather than get it out and open it
@ssube That sounds like something I would like to do.
@SterlingArcher job description: terrorist QA
poor people are for poor people
Q: Extending base class property in Typescript

im1dermikeI'm trying to create a wrapper class for ReactReduxForm's Control component to add additional functionality. Here is the base class/component definition: export class Control<T> extends React.Component<ControlProps<T>, {}> { static custom: React.ComponentClass<ControlProps<HTMLInputElement>>...

Does anyone here have some pointers for me setting up a new Typescript project?
What do you recommend for unit testing etc. Is there something that autogenerates this stuff etc?
@SterlingArcher OMFG I Hope nobody died
bottle rockets aren't strong enough to have killed anyone
the explosion
@Jonathan mocha and no
i mean... enough of them
looked like it was from soemthing else
@Jonathan I've been using mocha and plain JS for testing. Mocha does support TS somewhat I think.
mocha is sufficiently generic that it supports almost everything :D
but it does have good typings
What's the best way to update the state of a subobject?
Ok, I'll have a look around
@SterlingArcher forcefully
const newJwt = Object.assign({}, this.state.formValues.jwt, { [name]: value });
  formValues: newJwt
@SterlingArcher subobject.state
this just gives me formValues: propName when I need formValues.jwt.propName to be updated
omglol @SterlingArcher
setState is for pleeebeans
@KevinB, hi again kevin. i tried but still not functioning correctly
@ndugger well it's how we use it so :O
@SterlingArcher why use Object.assign AND computed property names?
can you OD on water?
quit your job
@hilli_micha yes, actually
but not gatorade
apparently water-drinking contests were a thing until a few people got water poisoning
I convinced an asian person they are not asian because Thailand is a pacific island
I'd be surprised if there were something you couldn't OD on somehow
water fills you up man
it's like bread
pretty much anything is lethal if you ingest enough
not "pretty much"
this is why I keep my drinks varied all the time
@KendallFrey knowledge
cant' OD on knowledge
learn you a book until you die, #blazeit
need to make sure the vodka, beer, and water are in equal proportion, throughout my day
either you ingest enough to burst yourself, or you ingest enough to form a black hole
@SterlingArcher const newFormValues = Object.assign({}, this.state.formValues, { jwt: {[name]: value }});
@hilli_micha When I was a kid I heard a story about a guy who got so smart his brain popped.
I'm 40% confident that's not how it works.
@hilli_micha you wouldn't know
when was the last time you got your skull enlarged?
@hilli_micha Clearly you never saw the 2014 hit movie, Lucy
I genuinely do wonder if you can think yourself to death though
@ndugger You're right. le 10% meme
have a regular life, and kill yourself in one minute without physically injuring your muscles
no biting your tongue to try to bleed out
do humans burn more energy/calories by thinking about complex problems vs watching tv?
@towc If you didn't have enough food, you could consume enough energy to die of malnutrition
> have a regular life
For some people that is a regular life
uhm, fine
my life has been irregular
my life has been an acute angle, I wish I could become a right angle.
@HatterisMad I broke his whole world lol he don't even know whats real now
@hilli_micha you'd be stuck in a pretty uninteresting paradigm :/
poor people
then he could go around telling himself he is 'all right'
@KendallFrey Have you read this book?
2D beings aren't even real
get out
don't dimension shame pls, this is 2018
@hilli_micha Yes
Every day, I suspect my existence on this Earth is nothing more than a way for Kendall to have an outlet for the things he knows and enjoys, like an interviewer with a bunch of forced questions, except I have no idea what the questions are.
dimensions are on a spectrum
but does he wipe his butt?
Did u just assume my dimension
In mathematics, more specifically in fractal geometry, a fractal dimension is a ratio providing a statistical index of complexity comparing how detail in a pattern (strictly speaking, a fractal pattern) changes with the scale at which it is measured. It has also been characterized as a measure of the space-filling capacity of a pattern that tells how a fractal scales differently from the space it is embedded in; a fractal dimension does not have to be an integer. The essential idea of "fractured" dimensions has a long history in mathematics, but the term itself was brought to the fore by Benoit...

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