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Color, yeah, but same principle in general
do you by any chance have the fiddle or something?
ive been trying to get this to work with a few things now but cant say progress is there
Not now I'm doing coffee time away from workplace
Show what you got
no worries
threw everything way out of frustration
I'll look into it
bad practise i know
il send it l8er in the afternoon
il remake it
where do I search for chat messages?
need something that someone told me yesterday
i think you have to go into the transcript or history
above the users
click room full transcript , and then on the top right you have a search bar
lol that search bar
great styling
such big
@Neoares top right
@KamilSolecki you need to go to full transcript right? cause that bar doesnt allow you to check yesterday
nvm it does
problem is, don't remember the exact text
but I know the exact hour
So just browse transcript
ok found it
@Neoares as i said click room full transcript
open calender
select time table
Hack: you can input route like this {...transcript}/roomid/year/month/day/oneOrTwoDigitHour-oneOrTwoDigitHour
crazy hack
in react, how can I access to computedStyle without using a ref?
this chat looks terrifying on full width monitors
you mean in big monitors?
I have a 2k and it's everything small AF
Why don't I see the 1..delay....2 but 2...delay...1 ?
var p = new Promise((v, x) =>
    setTimeout(() =>
    }, 5000);

var p2 = new Promise((v, x) =>
    setTimeout(() =>
    }, 1000);

shouldn't ()=>p2 run after first promise is resolved ?
this is the first time that i actually put it to fullscreen and i cant say i like it
@RoyiNamir No, it's run when you create it
@OliverSalzburg create the promise ?
If you don't want that, store a function and pass that to .then()
make a function return a promise when run
but the first promise is not resolved until 5 sec...so ?
if you want it to execute afterwards
According to you, after how many seconds will v be called in your second promise?
I'm expecting : ....5sec...1............1sec....2
inshort : sequentially
instead you're getting 1 sec 2 .. 4 sec 1
because both promises are run immediately
OK so how can I make it seuqentially by logic ?
4 mins ago, by Oliver Salzburg
If you don't want that, store a function and pass that to .then()
you want something to be declared and run later.. that's a function for you
changed it to let p2 =()=> new Promise...
no it's ok.
So for not to be an XY problem : this is what caused me test it :
runPromisesInSeries = ps => ps.reduce((p, next) => p.then(next), Promise.resolve());
and this ^ doesn't do the job sequentially like I wanted it
^not my code , I just didn't understand why I dont see the right delay
so make next a function, not a promise
then do p.then(next())
so the param ps won't be array of promise , but array of ()=>promise....right ?
yep, that sounds right
@Neil p.then(next)
right, or next function could accept resolve and reject params
hi all
runPromisesInSeries = ps => ps.reduce((p, next) => p.then(next), Promise.resolve());

var p = ()=> new Promise((v,x)=>{setTimeout(()=>{console.log(1);v(1);},1000);});
var p2 =()=> new Promise((v,x)=>{setTimeout(()=>{console.log(2);v(1);},1000);});

var arr=[p,p2];
^works as expectd
is 160K usd ok to live and work and afford a 400cc motorcycle in new york city?
is that a question!
@Neoares :-)
!!is that enough?
@Neoares But of course
ok, thanks
Thanks btw Neil and Oliver
including taxes and all?
@RoyiNamir np :)
!!is that enough including taxes?
Most professional of you to ask a motorcycle question in JS chat.
@Neoares Doubtfully
@RoyiNamir That's not what this chat is about though, is it
you just have to see starred messages
Think of the memes!
@RoyiNamir You could replace that with:
everyone can ask anything , but I think it would be much more mature and adult decision to ask it in appropriate forum where people has much more expereince
var p = (v, x)=> setTimeout(()=>{console.log(1);v(1);},1000);
var p2 =(v, x)=> setTimeout(()=>{console.log(2);v(1);},1000);
this the only other place I know that I can come and ask a general life question :P
pardon :(
just like I ask here js question becuase it's the main core subject
then you don't call next(), as next is a promise at that point
@RoyiNamir you are actually wrong
@Neoares No. you think i'm wrong. there's a diff
this room's core subject are memes
just like I won't ask a mortage question here
and 3d printing
@RoyiNamir you'd be surprised
with mortgage , I don't want any surprises :-)
you mean mortgage?
ok, that
yes ( fixeD)
I asked @CapricaSix to sell or buy Ethereum the other day
and I did what she said
actually, you just have to see the 2 first tags of this room
careful.. she's one step closer to taking over the world thanks to you
that gives you a general idea of what this room is about
and someone misspelled "da wey"
Do whatever you want. it's your money.
there is a say : "adviser doesn't pay the price"
she's not my adviser, she's my waifu
I'm looking at some code snippets and saw this :
const compose = (...fns) => fns.reduce((f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)));
the OP said that ngrx uses it. but it didnt exaplain how
I know what redux is
But I'm not ashamed to say that I don't understand what does this ^ func is doing
Any clarification please ?
it's a function that takes an array of functions as a parameter
and it calls the first one as the second one as a parameter (WTF?)
it's like a recursive function call?
do you know how .reduce works?
sure I do
(total,curr)=>total+curr , {optional seed of total}
I just don't understand how it related to redux
(reducer func)
in which sense?
is that the whole reducer's function?
or it's just a middleware
^ exactly , I don't know. the one who wrote it said that redux is using this function
not the reduce function , but this one^
source? D:
don't ask me. I'm just a js control freak and I got to know everything
- hence my question ^
does ngrx have something to do with redux?
ngrx = redux + rxjs + angular
but it doesn't matter , same principle
so, that snippet is basically returning an array of functions
but each one with the same parameters
@RoyiNamir it returns a function that calls fns in order on the arguments
not to mention : what is ...args
args are the arguments
the word is arguments not args
@Neoares it does not
@Mosho Can you please show how it can be realtes to redux ?
@RoyiNamir it's rest
I know ...rest . I jsut don't know what args(arguments?) keyword here
it's not a keyword
they just named the array args
@Mosho I did the test and I'm getting an array of functions
well, true
it returns a function
@Neoares with the reduce?
and when you call it with the array of functions, it returns you another array of functions
Oh, wait. It actually is correct. The (...args) is in the second function
I haven't tested it but it looks okay
I don't see why it would return an array of functions
so ...royi makes an alias (named royi) to the spreaded array ?
@RoyiNamir it's a very basic construct, you can use it with redux to compose reducers
call each reducer in turn on an input
I'd have made a classic for
I probably would too
but it's not confusing enough for some
@Mosho isn't that the same as combineReducers ?
@Mosho Sorry I know all terms , But I don't see the overall result
@Neoares no
I mean, it composes functions yeah
but it does it with an object of functions
not an array
Fight against the combine! They only wish to enslave humanity!
oh lul
i was doing the test with an array of functions, not an object
but wait
@Neil maybe they're trying to bring peace and take down corruption
if fns is an object, you can not do fns.reduce
@RoyiNamir not sure what you mean
@Neoares talking about combineReducers
ah ok
@towc That's all Darth Vader ever wanted.. a united universe
the death star was a massive boost for employment rate
Does anyone know if there is a trivial way to do the following function in JS:
function extractDataSet(data, valueToFetch)
  let results = [];
  let extract = function(timePeriod) {

  Object.keys(data).map(timePeriod => extract);

  return results;
Bringing the universe closer, one detonated star system at a time
@Danack that probably doesn't do what you want
I think it takes some data like this:
  let data = {
    1 : {
      day: 1,
      dayString: '1st',
      visitors: 400,
      events: 20,
    2: {
      day: 2,
      dayString: '2nd',
      visitors: 300,
      events: 10,
Object.keys(data).map(timePeriod => extract);
what about
and then allow you to call extractDataSet(data, 'visitors'); to get an array of just the 'visitors' values.
@Mosho looking at this reducer :
export function simpleReducer(state: string = 'Hello World', action: Action) {
  switch (action.type) {
		case 'SPANISH':
		  return state = 'Hola Mundo'
    case 'FRENCH':
      return state = 'Bonjour le monde'
			return state;
wait wait
Object.keys(data).map(timePeriod => results.push(data[timePeriod][valueToFetch]);)
^ how can I use the function on this reducer ?
@Danack Object.keys(data).map(x => x.visitors)?
@RoyiNamir Not the best way to translate fyi ;)
@Neoares why are you pushing if you are already mapping
but I get that that may just be an example
@Mosho I just fixed the incoherence of the code, didn't take a look at it
was doing it now
like, the mapping thing
@Neil yeah. just an example ( from googling reducer)
@RoyiNamir what function?
@Mosho thanks. Just in case the library I'm passing it to needs it to be an array, does Object.values() guarantee to maintain order?
@RoyiNamir const reducer = compose(simpleReducer1, simpleReducer2)
@Danack no
@Neoares const compose = (...fns) => fns.reduce((f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)));
well there you go
@Neoares but I don't wanna
wanna what
and stop talking like yoda
who is yoda
I'll leave that hanging for a hot minute
@RoyiNamir although that specific compose probably wouldn't work for those reducers
since you want to pass the same action to each one
^that's why i'm reading this code for the 500'nd time
a reducer is for changing state
const c = (...s) => s.reduce((f, g) => (...a) => f(g(...a))); this is better
so why would I want to invoke multiple f(f(f())) ?
Shorter variable names = more confusing = more better
@RoyiNamir to call each reducer
isn't state is handled by one(!) reducer ?
@OliverSalzburg why so many spaces?
do you get payed for each space you put? lol
@RoyiNamir not unless you want
So the code is talking about multiple reducers scenario ?
in the end redux works with a single "reducer"
but you can compose multiple reducers into one
@Neoares Good point!
for better code structure
@Neoares don't you?
@RoyiNamir sometimes I have 10 reducers handling the same state
@towc no lol how can I
@Neoares it's the new standard for 2018
paid by number of characters
that's what combineReducers does too
Can someone please post an example of two reducers which uses the code snippet ?
I want to finally figure out it usage
I'm sure someone can, so yeah
@RoyiNamir those are not related
@towc ?
I'm being a pedantic dick to make up for my lack of other things
yeah, you probably want an example to copy over ?
It's not the size of your pedantic dick, it's how you use it
who said anything about size?
and that the dick was mine?
that's the spirit
@towc you didn't say it was your dick, you said you were the dick
@Neoares exactly
so it stands to reason that we need to measure your height
yeah I was going to ask, but you know... awkward
@Neil ok, that's fair now
hey towc, how tall are you? like LOL
im not gay
honestly don't know
I can probably find out
@Neoares suuure you're not
did I tell you I finally managed to measure my weight, a few weeks ago, for the first time in years?
I gotcha ;) ;)
@Mosho (reading , thanks a lot)
it wasn't bad, but I think I'd rather not have known
how much
I honestly don't remember
nor do I want to
selective amnesia
@RoyiNamir jsfiddle.net/Lpg5zef8/1 for an actual "reduction"
your dickbrain protects you from the truth
it was slightly above average for my age
I think it was 67kg
how much is the average for 12 yo kids?
but I don't mind because I have muscles
First time I entered chat on so and found people are talking about dick and it's sizes. Waao ..that cool
@UchitKumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@UchitKumar beautiful experience :)
@UchitKumar it's the europe shift
they like dicks
!!giphy burn
@towc that's like 66.9 kg above average :D
@towc I'm afraid I can't let you do that, towc
you better be
I'm coming for you cap
!!sudo undo that, bitch
@Neoares Okay.
Facebook - what do you mean something went wrong
facebook pls
I read it as don't buy an Intel CPU for a while
yeah that's dumb af
So Intel has human programmers afterall
even if they did mess up the fix, why not take it down at the vendor level rather than a public announcement to not download it
Everything is fucked. Buy PowerPC
huh, I'm shorter than average
@OliverSalzburg In case of AMD that's for old Althon
not for Ryzen or their modern ones
also, the entire Linus vs Intel back and forth
actually I'm below the ideal weight for my age and height
@ShrekOverflow Yeah, it's all pretty meh. I don't consider moving away from Intel an option for myself
or spot on
@ShrekOverflow that should have been clear after Ryzen release
@OliverSalzburg that is true, I am stuck on an Mbp
and my desktop has an i7 4770 K
@towc that's the spanish average
@ShrekOverflow My working equipment is ridiculously old
And I'm actually on an AMD right now!
@Neoares for 17yos?
@tereško I am not well versed in processor arch, care to give a summary of why ryzen is superior other than price?
What a shame...
@OliverSalzburg lol
@towc lol no, for adults
well, tbf I doubt I have much growth left to do
are you still speaking as a dick being?
I'm fully erect
can a dick have a dick?
@Neil doesn't yours?
@ShrekOverflow When someone asks you to do a job that requires an Intel CPU, you can go "Sorry, won't work on my machine"
there's a dick fractal going on in every male's pants
Clear benefit
@ShrekOverflow it has more cores
but it's not better overall
@Neoares lol
Also, ISP dude, please get off my offices roof and stop fucking with my internet
Fitbit knows How to get my attention
@ShrekOverflow it has better performance at multi-tasking related task, when it comes to the "same tier" CPUs. The motherboard chipset are not fucked up (new intel chipboards are locking features based on the CPU you put in it). There are more PCI lanes available. And in general, the mobo manufacturers were not rushed, which means that there are a lot less cooling related issues. Oh, and you can overclock all of them, if you want.
My connection as of this moment is a binary rollercoaster
From messages-noreply@fitbit.com

Hi Shrek Overflow,

Your Charge 2 battery level is low. Charge your battery as soon as possible.

To charge:

... instructions ...
@KamilSolecki Is he installing the profanity filter finally?
huh, GH warns you about security vulnerabilities in modules that you import. Neat.
@ShrekOverflow You get an email when the battery is low?
@OliverSalzburg yes
@ShrekOverflow Huh
That's slightly better than snail mail, I guess
got myself a 3rd monitor \o/
@OliverSalzburg absolutely no idea what he is doing
@BenFortune Dope!
@BenFortune noice
@OliverSalzburg in my case, that's going to get my attention faster than the push notification, as my phone is usually far far away (no use)
@BenFortune What email program is that?
@ShrekOverflow, notice that I mention "multi-tasking" and not gaming. If you are making a purely gaming machine. then i7-7700 is still the better investment (mostly, due to higher single-core performance, which is important for many online-multiplay games).
although a notification on the device itself would have been way smarter
@tereško I use my desktops as an offfload whatever will cook the macbook workload machine
so that does sound like a decent upgrade
@BenFortune Also replace WinSCP with Cyberduck. It's a good duck
@Daemonk what
@BenFortune your 3 monitors are together as big as the single monitor on the back
we're the africa of europe
well no, even africans are taller probably
wait thats not hte LG Curved
we're the mexicans of europe?
but taller
I take my comment back

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