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..I really don't know how to feel about this song.
it's classic punk, which is... a thing
It sounds like the Sex Pistols just got done listening to Mindless Self Indulgence who just got done listening to Evanescence
I went to a punk wedding one time (the preacher had liberty spikes and spiked boots) and it was very strange but fun
I went to a goth-ish wedding and the bride wore black
there were lik 11 people there
it was awkward
I'm invited to a wedding for a friend of mine who is planning on doing a black wedding dress and plans on doing a sort of psuedo-goth/emo sort of affair.
a gothic style on a wedding?
bring a boombox and play that Panic! song about cheating on each other at the wedding
She loves Panic at the Disco.
ssube, do you still tinker with Kubernetes ?
If so, i have a question for ya
I run a few clusters for work and one personally for gitlab, going to do a mirantis certification or something this summer
so yeah :)
> mirantis certification
was going to ask about that
any experience on that ?
they seem reputable enough and work pays for it, so...
in which extend would you trust a person with that certificate?
I do not know the content of the program, what got being taught
dunno yet, I need to take it and see what it covers
tbf, never heard of mirantis so far
I don't know much about them, heard of them a number of times
my last job used OpenStack and they came up quite a few times in that context
mostly good things, I think?
I mentioned Mindless Self Indulgence a few minutes ago, and since then, I've been stuck wondering to myself, where they actually any good?
that is why i am asking about it. I do know about OpenStack as iaas.
but since it is open source, does the certificate of it only show that you can use it ?
@hilli_micha I love MSI, especially the crowdfunded album, which I know got mixed reviews
I am almost placing that certificate on the same level as those other online certification programs
@KarelG essentially, yeah. They're exams to prove you can deploy on the platform, understand the best practices, etc
some provide the hardware, some have an AWS credit, it varies
which kind of hardware?
if it's a hands-on exam, you need a k8s cluster
@FlorianMargaine @rlemon @KendallFrey rebecca.blacfriday happy Friday broooos
happy friday!
dead link bro
feels bad
Lol my PC is a jet again
I'm gonna have my own happy friday.. with blackjack.
85C and flying away haha
@rlemon can I have a juicebox, that looks tasty
it is
and no, get your own juicebox
@ssube what is a k8s cluster>
oh nvm
kubernetes cluster?
best juicebox ever
Ohhh I thought it said Aliens
I am less interested now
@rlemon Sick wrapping
k8s is 4chan for kubernetes
how can I deep compare 2 objects?
@rlemon is that the new meme?
did they invent i18n and l10n too?
@Neoares Compare both to JSON, then easy string compare
JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2)
what's l10n?
@ssube no Andressen Horowitz did
the OG
I want to go on a road trip after work until Sun night
But I live in Omaha
Is Kansas City even cool lol only thing near me
@TylerH l3n
Oops you guys are on-topic atm lol
@Jhoverit yeah it's weird
brb 3d printing
I was going to inb4 that
@rlemon wut, the dj?
I actually have enough things printed, I need to catch up finishing them
@TylerH lemon
show your creations
trademarking it now
I got a steam friend request from a canadian, but I don't know who it is
Well there are only 10 of us so it shouldn't be hard to find out
yeah I'll just drive up and ask everybody over lunch
I thought I could insert an array of objects with knex
@ssube Don't bother, just text Justin and get him to send out a poll
but it's not fakin workin mn
Are you programming K'Nex right now
the docs say it can. what SQL does it try to output?
and what is the error?
error: invalid input syntax for integer: "45.85"
ohh. well, there you go.
but the data.. I don't understand
is it sending a string?
if it is, that's not what the data contains before I try to insert
I checked the object, the values are all ints
not strings
how is 45.85 being called an int
It's 2018, an int can have a decimal if it really wants to
that's why we have just Number
well then arrays can start with 0
stop decimal shaming
damn, I'm dumb
hey in some cultures it's comma shaming
did you just assume my decimal separator
yes, roast me on twitter
it must be sending a string. i get the same error with a string
the debug is funny to look at, I am to assume the bindings are my values bound to the ?
because if that's true, then it's for sure getting numbers -- probably a bad type
I'll change them to floats
the string is a timestamp
when I don't know if my s/ will pass the quality check I just don't add the !!
> the quality check
so I heard good things about mobX
mobx is de wey
what's the best way to filter an object through its key?
@Neoares loop the keys and build a new object
 Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { ...; delete obj[key] });
ew, don't mutate the object
not that ^^
I can't mutate the object
I thought he meant to remove keys from the object
I need to create a new one
@towc * slaps yur face *
reduce it
He wasn't very specific tbf
@towc yeah, and that's not how you do it
@Neoares like so?
i expected better from you towc :|
yes, but that's too long
ffs people
that's why I was asking
maybe he wanted to mutate the object
then we would be cross with him
but he didn't, you did
turns out he didn't. How would I know?
I can't mutate a state object :P
well, ask a better question next time
even then, better to not mutate objects directly
I know I can just do delete
mutating things is bad
const outputObject = {};
for (const [ value, key ] of Object.entries(inputObject)) {
    // ...
@towc what's the differente between that and just delete obj[key]
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

This is amazing
@Neoares you're not filtering
@Meredith this convo has reminded me of you. How have you been? :O
well, if I'm more specific
I just want to delete one object :P
but I said filter because I don't want to mutate
that's completely different
despite you can still filter mutating
just call the delete on ur object if you want to delete one thing
const newObj = { ...obj, key: null }; // this can work, depending on needs
Object.assign({}, {unwantedKey:null}, obj);
^ better
myFilteredObj = Object.keys(o).reduce((newObj, key) => {
  if (validationFunc(o[key])) newObj[key] = o[key];
  return newObj;
}, {})
Overly verbose example
Idk if you're actually validating the keys, the values or what
mine might be in the wrong order, I don't use Object.assign much
I'd just run it if Cap could handle multi lines
put it on one line?
I'm probably overly irritable. I guess I'm on my period
@rlemon the main obj has to come first tbf, it only mark the value as null
Wait what lol
@rlemon do I also add the face?
@Jhoverit Maybe he doesn't realize we couldn't see him scowling
the face is required
thanks brudda
He often doesn't realize we don't have his context lol
!!urban scowling
@towc [scowling](http://scowling.urbanup.com/2831424) 1. To look at someone with a wierdly angry face.

2. To punish someone.
@Neoares be aware that the key is still present in ur object ...
> To punish someone.
I have never heard it used that way
Me either.
It's urban dictionary
It would be weird if it was right
@KarelG can't I just delete?
since Object.assign creates a new object
yes, but rlemon's approach gives you an object with an existing key. However, when you tries to get the value of that key, you get null
that is different to what delete does
the latter really removes the key
he means after the rlemon shallow clone
can a lemon tree do deep clones of lemons?
I want to really remove the key
yes, but only in porn
you have to suck lemons to get some clones of him first
so if I have obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3}
use delete ...
I want to get something like obj = {a:1, c:3}
or jhoverit's solution. or mine
yeah I will
or add delete to lemon's
const { a, b } = state;
return { a, b };
if it's really so simple
Just ignore the value portion of mine and that's basically a one liner
const { removeThisKey, ...newObject } = inputObject;
look at mr fancy pants over here
myFilteredObj = Object.keys(o).reduce((newObj, key) => {
  if (!['b', 't'].includes(key)) newObj[key] = o[key];
  return newObj;
}, {})
also, yea, do that instead
Idk how you could use object assign if you have an array of keys you don't want
But if you know upfront what you don't want I'd do that

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