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the -1 was removed from yesterday, bringing the total up 1
210, 190,
makes sense
!!afk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@DoctorWayne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> This is obviously the old thread
there is no close reasons for "not actually a problem"
@KendallFrey still need something to print? thingiverse.com/thing:251725
Hi, I'm trying to solve a puzzle where variable == true and variable == false. What should I search for?
@KevinB Yeah, Jon Skeet has been known to get maybe even 500 in a day, IIRC
@Unihedron Aspirin
A: Can (a ==1 && a== 2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true?

Kevin BIf you take advantage of how == works, you could simply create an object with a custom toString (or valueOf) function that changes what it returns each time it is used such that it satisfies all three conditions. const a = { i: 1, toString: function () { return a.i++; } } i...

same concept-ish
@rlemon Oh.
@KendallFrey rep cap doesn't account for bounties
oh yeah that too
Notably I think +15 from an accept isn't counted
rep cap is also ignored for historical occasions like rep refunding and answer accepts
yeah, what happened is i gained 10 rep today due to downvoted answers being deleted yesterday, so that 10 rep was reported for yesterday, not today, but counted toward today's rep cap
because the deletion happened today
someone from Wellington, NZ
health is a social construct?
The rest of her tumblr is fucking toxic
> It may be the holidays, but that doesn’t mean you should wear deodorant. Stand up to sexism and don’t wear deodorant today.
I wear deodorant mostly for my own benefit
not many people are physically close to me day to day
She's talking not wearing deodorant for a whole month
that sounds really uncomfortable
I'd have to shower like 5 times a day
I can't stand BO, not even my own
BO like bad odors?
stupid keyboard layout
like, your pits would start getting sticky/slimey
body odors, but yes, usually indicating bad
but yeah, who the fuck thinks deodorant is about sexism anyway?
@KevinB I can't do antiperspirant, and I don't recommend it for anyone
sweating is healthy
but stinky
i only enjoy organic vegan sweat
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Apparently it's because women's is more expensive
which it is, and they usually don't work as well
well, let's boycott women's deodorant?
holly steals mine half the time
and I'm okay with that
so buy mens deodorant?
i mean...
mine smells really nice, I'd be happy to smell it on someone I'm about to be close with
but yeah, there's some bullshit that needs to be destroyed about stuff marketted as women's being more expensive
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The counterclaim is that it has more expensive ingredients
heh, you got me there
I read a good article that outlines it with power wheels a while back
the rational was that 'generic' (i.e. "boy targeted" red) was mass produced, 'princess pink' costs them more to make in the long run because of machines and re-working things
so generic will always be cheaper
@KendallFrey being the good stupid person that I am, I did not for a fucking milisecond tried to challenge the idea, and just went full fucking patriarchy
The 2017 fake news awards are now up (not): gop.com/the-highly-anticipated-2017-fake-news-awards
that's a nice domain
did I not have stackoverfiow.com I'd be a bit jealous
I wonder if Trump DDoSed his own party's website
also shit, I need to https stackoverfiow
was about to say, that does nothing but spin for me
clearly they should have used cloudflare
it's becoming harder and harder to troll people on friday
it helps to start on wednesday
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Use cyrillic characters, so they won't be able to spot the difference by looking
@Luggage can confirm :P
but that's cheating!
so the mrs had a mild allergic reaction to some cream and the right side of her face is really puffy, so everytime we look at each other, I puff out my cheeks really hard. am I golng to hell?
@hilli_micha puff it up and use it as a pillow when you go to bed, she'll love that :D
> what are you doing?!
ohh, just getting comfy, thanks
holy shit
@KevinB you are genius
for what
the key is to follow flame threads on reddit and answer beforehand
holy shit
@rlemon done deal.
didn't the thread come after the question?
damnit stop crushing my dreams
the question was -7 when i answered it
maybe that's the strategy
is there a SEDE query anyone knows of to find the fastest upvote by minute ratio on SO?
@hilli_micha omg duuuuude
glad it was you
so I had a big order for 3 realtor signs
3 blue ones
I friggin put your address label on it
YO, 3 for 1? HELLL YEAH
lmao I'm sitting here trying to figure out why this dudes in MO's is going to FL
ask that on meta
give me more linkbacks
I mean totally keep them
I need to print up some more for this other order now
that just means you've covered mothers' day, her birthday and christmas.
did you still want the white, or you good with the blue?
I'm fine with blue tbh
god such a damn mess up on my end, but I was happy it was you
since I can talk to you directly
ok awesome man I'll mark yours as shipped
and add the tracking to it
...should i put on 'i need to speak to a manager voice"?
"I asked for white, not blue. I want a 30% discount on top of the 25% discount you gave me."
yeah it's a $69 order too
I told the guy I was sorry and upgrading his shipping
can't believe I did that
lol now I need to get 3 more printed tonight bleh
its cool, thanks for checking though.
yeah np, I freaked out a bit
saw that dudes label sitting here still and was like wait... that's for my big order
lol then couldn't find the zip to who it was going to, since I didn't have yours marked as shipped
I added the tracking to yours it should be there day after tomorrow it looks like
thanks for accepting the blue ones, I mean I would still send out the white too lol
I just look like a screw up to this other guy, oh well
Indeed, but it's chill, blue is good. I didn't see the color on your Etsy, what shade is it? Bright Blue or Darker Blue?
America Blue
The best kind of blue.
da ba dee
darker blue
I need to add a pic.. I will tonight since I have to make more up anyway
OH, I had to say that out loud like 20 times to make the connection @KendallFrey
tbh the white are kind of bland
@Loktar Russian blue?!
I need to get a pic of those up too
@Luggage just blue mixed with a tad of American Blood
so a bit purple
Seriously? Because my mother-in-law's favourite color is actually purple and she loves blood.
is she klingon?
6 days
that's some cosanguine shit
lol no not purple :? if you hate them I can send a white one still since that's technically what you ordered
just let me know when you get them
just sucks the large order is the one I screw up lol
No no, believe me, Blue will be great dude. Plus it's 3, if I even remotely sound like I'm being "UHH THIS ISNT WHAT I ORDERED" I apologize and don't mean to sound like that for a second
oh nah you don't
sorry I'm just flustered, but definitely a silver lining at least
was glad I accidently shipped to you
I was trying to find out who tf it was so I could tell them sorry as well lol
the thing is you know how much filament is, so like material wise it's no skin off my back, just embarrassment haha
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@qaispak Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
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@qaispak Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
Where does it get the req and res from? I don't actually pass in those arguments from anywhere do I.
No. express provides them.
From where? Where/when does express pass in those variables.
I don't get that.
It* has the values when it calls that function you give it. The one you pass into get()
you're essentially binding an event handler.
req and res are similar to the event object that you get when an event handler in the browser is invoked.
similar in that it's generated based on the event that occured. In this case, req will contain information about the request that was received, and res will contain information on the response that is being generated for that request
@KevinB not sure I understand. Are you saying, req and res are events that the browser fires and we are listening for it here?
req and res are objects that contain information about the request and response being handled
but.. we define that information right. when we say res.status(200) we are defining the status of the response
When you bind an event, you don't pass in event, right? the browser populates it for you.
myel.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
it's the same concept, you gave express a function to call when it receives a request to '/'. when it receives said request, it will call your function with information about the request and the response to that request
Actually, even in the event case I don't understand where event is coming from. That's what I'm mainly asking
we say function(event) but how/who passes 'event' to it
I (think) I understand the Callback part. I don't get the event part. Where does that event arguments get passed. How/when does that callback function get executed.
it happens in code that you don't see
but it works the same way as explained at that link
When someone requests that URL from your web server Express does it's magic and calls your function.
it calls your function, with the two parameters
yourfunction(request, response)
Okay but if I had myfunction(r, resres) would it still know how to call it/
try it
What I am getting at is, what if I wanted my own callback function there and not want express to call it.
if you don't want express to call it, you wouldn't give it to express, i guess i don't understand the question.
Yeah, sorry I was just reading something and then got confused. Will try it when I get to my better functioning laptop.
    @KevinB, say I wanted to say that every time I have a get request I want a callback function that does something (apart from the req, res)

so I would say:

    something = function(x){alert(x)}
    app.get('/', something, function(req, res){
that would confuse express right?
well, no
express would treat it as a request that timed out
put the something() INSIDE the callback.
because you never respond to it, or call the third parameter called next which would tell express to continue
that's what it's for
every function passed to app.get() must either respond, or call next
your function doesn't belong there, because it doesn't fit that profile
you would instead call it inside of one of the functions that do
something = function(x){alert(x)}
app.get('/', function(req, res){
  something('Hello World!');
@Luggage yes, that would be logical. what I am trying to understand is that for these express functions that we have, do have to follow a pattern or order of the functions passed or does express have some magic that just finds the req, res function and do its thing
you follow it's api.
@KevinB, okay. So there is order but it must follow those rules.
note that even in the above example though, express would time out the request because no repsonse was sent
but it would call your function
and do whatever alert is
Alright. I think I get it. Sorry guys, I come from Java/Ruby background and really struggle with Js :(
Did anyone figure out who answered the most questions??
yes it was not me after all
i have answered the most of my own questions, though
Ok, I may be the last person to stumble onto this, but did ya'll know you can do static type checking in VSCode by defining JSDoc block comments?!! No additional deps, all valid JavaScript, and it's opt-in
Hell, you can even define typescript definition files that the comments pick up on throughout your project (without having to import)
@BenFortune @SterlingArcher @ndugger i.redd.it/qm13uo5nxoa01.jpg
Q: How is aᅠ==1 && a== 2 &&ᅠa==3 true in javascript

Shubham KhatriI recently came across a snippet in which aᅠ==1 && a== 2 &&ᅠa==3 will be evaluated to true. Below is a relevant snippet var aᅠ = 1; var a = 2; var ᅠa = 3; if(aᅠ==1 && a== 2 &&ᅠa==3) { console.log("Why hello there!") } other cases like (aᅠ==1 && a==2 && a==3) and (aᅠ== 1 && a=...

Immediately looking at that, that almost looks to be milking the rep cash cow from the inital question.
@Tanner, the point of the question was that the answer wan't clearly explaining where the difference was and how because it isn't actually visible in the snippet — Shubham Khatri 13 hours ago
he confirms that himself basically
the answer did explain what was going on
What a dick.
@KevinB Why are all your questions so heavily downvoted? :D
yesterday, by Kevin B
4 mins ago, by Kevin B
because people don't like me
ugh it doesnt have homer's response. failed.
hello yall
have a good coding day!
@KevinB I guess the algorithm for detecting rage downvoters isn't perfect
@Traitor no. don't ever tell me to have a good day.
Hi, can anyone please help me to suggest me a solution for the following. I have the following HTML code with inline onlcick event with some arguments: <button id="dark" onclick="selectStroke(0.5)" class="txtcolor uk-button" type="button">1px</button> Now i want to get rid of the inline event but want to keep the functionality. I tried Jquery .click event handler but have no idea how to pass the argument to the click function from the HTML and receive them in the event handler. HELP
@Victor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it doesn't detect rage downvoters, it detects serial voters
oh, i'm capped again
@Victor do you have a jsfiddle?
@KevinB jsfiddle.net/98gde6e6 want to remove the inline event
here's one that works: jsfiddle.net/98gde6e6/1
What jquery did you try?
@KevinB $('.btn').click(function(arg){alert(arg)});
use your original function inside of that function in place of the alert
:40861804   <button id="dark"  onclick="selectStroke(0.5)" class="txtcolor uk-button" type="button">1px</button> HTML
1 message moved to Trash can
@Victor Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
you don't have to ping me with every message
@CapricaSix Thanks
@KevinB Cool
@KevinB ok :)
@KevinB lmao
i hit ignore, and heard another ping, thought wtf
@KevinB it wasn’t me
I was getting annoyed just imagining the pings you're getting. DINK. DINK. DINK.
I wonder how many pings Madara gets on a daily basis.
@KevinB My sympathies
@KevinB Truly :)
oh, i clicked the mute button too
Dude... I said I was gonna grill a ton in the new house, and I apparently live a block away from a butcher shop... Stoked!
3 hours later…
arrived at work. and I am alone in the dark... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@rlemon he got removed from the group. lol +1
hello Guys
I have visual studio 2017
I created a new web form empty web application and I need to use angular JS
I make a reference to library and it works but the intellsence of angular not found
it shows
attribute 'ng-model' is not a valid attribute
but it works
I need VS to be able to see Angular Directives
did you have tried google? it will lead you to Language Support in VS
Q: How to do Material sidnav over main page?

its meHere i have menu with left side nav .when i click menu side nav come over main page and main page should get disabled how can i do this help me out ? As of now when i click side menu its pushing the main page .i want side menu over the main page https://oexnkexggyo.angular.stackblitz.io/'>link ...

@SomeGuy MY ISP tells me I can download 850 GB of data on a 4mbps connection
for some weird reason now they are giving carry-over data from last months
@rlemon ay lmao
are yours doing the same ?
@Mosho did texlive finish installing?
I started installing it on my newly set machine
this is not going well
@ShrekOverflow Huh
I'm so glad my ISP offers affordable unlimited data plans
@SomeGuy What ISP are you using?
I have an unlimited plan too
but the FUP is rising each month
dat logo
@SomeGuy your ISPs website took 59 seconds to looad
no plans page :o
whats the data rate?
Happy Birthday @Miszy!
@ShrekOverflow 8 mbps
@ShrekOverflow I was surprised they mentioned the internet plans on their website at all
I get faster than that on my 4G
oh, he deleted his account apparently
well, there's this guy: stackoverflow.com/users/395272/miszy
but could easily be a fake account
lol, neat!
I'm honestly okay with anything > 2 mbps
4 preferably
I get 4 but its annoying to do even video calls with customers are 4
screensharing looks like a slideshow
Used to be fine for me when I did that
wait whats your upload speed?
cause my upload speed is almost non-existent
@towc is that wireless?
some people get 225mbps with different drivers/network chips here
@SomeGuy That explains
I get 1/10th uploads on broadband so it becomes 400 kbps
also do you stream music @SomeGuy or do you hear it off your local disk ?
Always streaming
Which service are you using IIRC it was Google Music, Aye?
on my work
@KarelG Mine was wireless 4G
its ~15x faster than my wired on average :D
In b4 benji posts a 1 GBPS speedtest
does he have fiber net? :o
my country only has 2 ISPs with physical network. Other ISPs (there are 4 I think) uses their network when providing their service.
@KarelG Aha you are from Belgium :o
whoa 5GBPS NEIL, dafuk!
Cool eh?

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