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clean code tho
@SterlingArcher Fucking love PTH dude
I haven’t had to use mobx actions
they're recommended
for a reason
@SterlingArcher you can write clean code in anything
I use actions all the time
with redux it's easier to keep track of changes
@BenFortune I just heard them yesterday, haven't heard another song yet
Bloodmeat is another good one
@ndugger yah but from what I'm seeing if you use redux write, it's hard to have bad code
the separation alone makes things really easy to debug
take it with a grain of salt that I know nothing and havent used mobx
Your argument about separation is moot, though. You can have separation with mobx too
it should be easier to debug as well, yes
because there's no "magic"
The magic is what I love most about mobx. I haven’t had any reason to debug it very deeply because it just works
yeah, it's pretty great
but using something like redux has benefits too
You’ve said that but haven’t said why
just harder to not end up with messed up code
@ndugger I did, easier to reason about and debug
I think a lot of that can come down to discipline and documentation
just because you haven't found a need to debug doesn't mean no one does
See, I find mobx to be much easier to reason about on a high level
I've run into problems with change detection
because I set something up improperly
pretty hard to debug
for example
this girl on wild n out got these heavy ass hoop earrings on and all i can think is she's gonna give herself gauges with those things
Don’t set it up improperly then
not everyone is perfect like you
I still haven't used any state management libs when I've been dabbing about with react
I’ve noticed
I'm guessing mobx and redux are the big ones?
The world would be a better place if everyone was just like me
everyone being serializable can be useful too
we have a "cancel" button in forms to revert changes
simply setting the state to a point in the past
stuff like that
sending "actions" over the wire
You can do that with mobx too, just gotta do it yourself, but with Object.assign and observable objects, it’s pretty simple
@MadaraUchiha you have way too many consonants in your name, you should buy a vowel
@ndugger Object.assign is shallow
Have shallow state then
I always separate my state into logical chunks
my state is deep af
it's going to be at least one level deep
if you have arbitrary objects
and you do
I have to pee and have a cig
don't light the wrong one
cigs are cancer
that would be a bad day
enjoy it for me
we went through a massive refactor at the end of last year to flatten our redux state
such a mission
It’s snowed all day and I didn’t notice. There has to be at least 4 inches
Well, you're not the first one not to notice at least 4 inches
How do you dress for work as a programmer?
Terry Lambert
Terry Lambert, Apple Core OS Kernel Team; technical lead on several projects over 8 years
Answered Jan 8
I pretty much wear whatever the hell is clean.

They pay me $400K a year.

I do what I do.

I’m fantastic at it.

They pay me.

I go home.

Ignore the stuff on the whiteboard.
You make 400k usd?
Oh nvm
it's exactly how I expect a very senior dev at apple to be like
and look like
I turned down a guy like that once
he was full of himself and decided he wanted to do JS after 20 years in linux or whatever tf he did, and his attitude sucked cause he thought he was the shit
@SterlingArcher check the video i just sent you
needs audio tho
@Mosho I wouldn’t consider 8 yers to be “very” senior
@rlemon was I shot?
> It's fake!
yea well, mines real.
@ndugger he means at that team
if he makes 400k, he is definitely "very" senior
Apple has a lot of money too, but who knows
yah but you dont get that kind of money paying people too much
you get that kind of money paying people what they're worth
oh, and by abusing labour laws
he typed, from his Mac
and by keeping your money in places with low/no taxes on it
yeah but china is overpopulated anyways, gotta put those toddlers to work somehow
Yeah, must suck to earn that much and pay more tax than the company you work for
he also may be including his RSUs and yearly bonuses
shit I wanted a real job when I was 10. I got $10 per lawn and it took like 2 hours to mow each yard
I've heard of people making upwards of 300k after 3-4 years at google & co out of school in cali
but not base salary
fantasy movie recommendations?
I don't trust non-salary money
Most of those sign on bonuses and shit are contractually obligated to pay back if you leave/are fired early
it's pretty legit at places like google
@rlemon ummmmmm Dragonheart?
maybe slightly newer :P
idk, if you want fantasy show, The Magicians was great and 2 seasons are on netflix
magicians was boring
you're boring
NZ pay is so shitty compared to that
@SterlingArcher yeah, so I know boring
No boring people find good things boring
@phenomnomnominal those salaries are limited to the bay
and perhaps seattle
and fintechs in NYC
no, DC is not up there at all
You can easily make huge money if you got that clearance
clearance money is hella money
not that much
for a dev
yes it is, I seent it
I mean I make < US90k in a "tech lead" role after 5 years
but you live on an island in the middle of nowhere
@SterlingArcher show me pay stubs
which makes lots of things more expensive
except sheep
@phenomnomnominal what's rent for you?
@Mosho lol
umm let me convert
I make even less than that in canada
but I WFH and also study full time to finish this shit degree
yah but what's your rent
USD$550 a week
$1800 cad
but it's for a 2500sqft house
but it's in bumfuk
$550 a week is steep
I pay more for a 1/3rd of the space :(
less than that actually
> bumfuk
yeah I get it you like anal
things in and or around your butt
it's cool man
just making sure
suddenly i regret reverting to the got dick avatar again
my backyard
do you have a lawnmower
are you going to farm like bobert?
don't need a lawnmower
Damn, can’t send photos from mobile?
to where
I use imgur
That’s my view
Used the full site uploaded
Here it's blank dark with a hint of -7 Celsius, no wind and no snow.
thats pretty
Also yeah that's a pretty view!
@phenomnomnominal nice
not a big fan of views
or sunlight
ontario pretty perfect in that regard
it's pretty good here
Whenever I see tavo say hi to the chat it means I overdone with watching movies late again
@Tavo o/
being able to see flags makes me feel so special
and I'm on time today instead of early
so you've overdone it quite a lot
Normally I'd have 4h of sleep left
But I'm stay-at-home with bronchitis
is it normal for my 2D arrays to start at 1?
cause for some reason when reading the length it starts at 1.
If you are doing lua, maybe :P
@RTarson well length is length, indexing is indexing.
@KamilSolecki ah okay
If there is an element at [0], then the length is 1.
@david 0
cool. just checking
@KamilSolecki everyone in the office is sick as well. Must be the T virus
Mine is unfortunately not a virus
define "unfortunately"
Bacterial bronchitis
Viruses are pretty chill
Bacterias are worse
(Very generally)
but bacteria can be attacked with antibiotics. Viruses... Well, they are viruses
unless it's ebola
(don't ban me)
ugandan knuckles can sniff out ebola
@Tavo true. Although In case of upper respiratory tracts, bacterial infections happen to cause more damage
As in, if it goes as far as a bacterial pneumonia, you better get to the hospital asap
I don't know enough to have an opinion, so I'll take your word for it :)
Ive had a bacterial pneumonia once, when I was 12 or 13. Spent 2 months without leaving home
@KamilSolecki jealous
@KendallFrey right? Imagine all the things you could launch in ksp
A manhole cover
they would all be bacteria shaped
A bacteria shaped manhole cover sounds like sad manufacturers
Vikings won
vikings suk
no u
lol wot the Jaguars have a shot at the Super Bowl this year?
hah good work
Photo taken about a year before I moved in
you mean google's?
yeah the streetview one
yeah pretty old
they skipped that alley in 2015
NZ is generally pretty our of date
I used to live on a hillside
was fun with a bike
it's funny, my work building it there in streetview, but it's still a construction site in the map view
@Mosho that looks like a nice place, I wish I lived there
come visit
so far
also everything's backwards
drive on the left, summer in january, dark during the day
The toilet flushes backwards too, what kind of world is the Southern Hemisphere?
(the toilet does not actually flush backwards, my comment was an effect based on popular myth to make a joke, please don't @ me correcting me, I'm super sensitive)
@hilli_micha you’re so wrong you stupid dumb head
southern ontario probably most boring terrain on the planet
@ndugger shut up, fish.
Aint no fish, bruv
I randomly put the streetview guy and got this nice summary of ontario
i see those gills mane and those scales
ok enough google maps for today
I need someone opinion which is a better option. What I'm doing is creating a AI that needs to display messages and user input. Currently this is how I have my messages/options stored in array like aiMSG = [[1, 'h3', 'message to user', 'yesno'], etc...] Should I actually do it this way instead aiMSG = [[1, 2],['h3','p',],['message1', 'message2'], ['yesno','yesNoCancel']?
played that
@RTarson Why not use objects?
@Mosho play again
maybe later
@KendallFrey I could but when i store messages can mySQL store js objects?
It can store records
which can easily be translated to objects
@KendallFrey okay I'll do it that way then. thx
I'm still on my first one. I've narrowed it down to... Russia
cyka blyat
god dammit stop putting me in the middle of long abandoned roads
god dammit it's russia again
my first one had a handy sign with 'NV' on it
and we're back on windows
That was a fun weekend. Shame I couldn't get it working
Damnit now I have 11 Chrome Extensions
because of that gif?
So I could watch the 300th episode of Family Guy
huh this peanut butter powder is legit af
@Mosho So... crushed peanuts?
processed somehow to have high protein
5g per 50 kcal serving
you mix it with water
and it becomes peanut butter
Anyone use node-sass-chokidar before?
jk nvm
how could i make this scrollbar always visible, no matter if the user needs to scroll or not?
Like this
You could use a scroll plugin (please don't), but this is a bad idea. Visibility of scrollbars is controlled by the OS, and overriding this behaviour can be a massive pain in the ass, both for you and your users
Okay but how could i add a scrollbar to the content without raising the menu part. Sec i'll show you an example
i don't wan't that white part under that dark menu
Also i'm using tables so i can't really add a container to the scrollable part
The whole tbody is scrollable. I just added position fixed to the first row and used margin left for positioning
I think i can handle the coding part i just can'tfigure out the logical part D
nvm, i made absolute position act fixed
@RTarson You can also store json in mysql which can be translated to an object tree (including arrays).
Otherwise, I'd say your first aiMSG is better. Easier to add/modify/delete a record.
My favorite klingon is neil degrasse tyson
@Sheepy I was thinking the same thing cause I've been working on a new function that can be viewed here: jsfiddle.net/rtarson/Lx9czfsm/4 It makes more sense to just use my first method in the case of adding new messages or values... But i'm still deciding what i want to do
@Sheepy thank you for your input btw
1 hour later…
it took way too long to remember the name of this game
and, of course, it has a game on steam now
lol amazon.ca sells coke cans and half the reviews are 1 star about the cans exploding from the cold before reaching the buyer
@Mosho link? I have a Canadian colleague here to send that to
Hola people
!!code keyboard or hyper x?
@ShrekOverflow That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: coke
@ShrekOverflow code keyboard
hyper x?
ah interesting
haven't seen this
looks pretty nice
@Loktar they are the only affordable one (Aka one which won't cost the same as its price for shipping :D)
evne then the tenkeyless option isn't available :|
any one using Cassandra db ?
1 hour later…
@Mosho I'd have assumed those 18-wheelers would have some sort of heating in the storage compartment
Doesn't have to be a cozy 70 degrees, but at least above freezing
@ShrekOverflow I recently bought the Corsair K70 Lux RGB, very happy with it.
the package delivery cars in my region are regular vehicles; without cooling/heating compartment. But it is very cold in Canada. It could be that the package got frozen during a delivery to a regional centre with a truck
so I would expect this type of problem to happen with any product containing liquid or semi-liquid fluid
seems like one heck of an oversight
@MadaraUchiha how much was it?
@ShrekOverflow Got it in black friday, normally around $150
Over here it's ~$350 (import + profitmongering)

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