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alligators don't eat people unless clinton asks them to
@ssube after identifying flight patterns they used machine learning to identify other flights that were flying
Imagine if gators could fly bro
These flights were FAA blacklisted, meaning that 3 letter agencies went out of their way to prevent their discovery
@SterlingArcher geese
we wouldn't be alive
@SterlingArcher no, that's scary af
Imagine if gators could also ride 3 wheelers
I think a flying gator would be a pterodactyl
imagine if gators had 8 legs
imagine if gators could win a football game
I'm not fucking kidding, have you ever seen their mouths?
flying gators man
imagine if Ajit Pai wasn't an asshole
sorry, I'm not that imaginative
is... is that goose getting sexed?
Also that's no worse than a penguins mouth
no its a goose about to eat your face off
nobody will sex you when your tongue has teeth
@SterlingArcher but penguins arn't assholes.
except other geese
I think this is the third discussion about Geese we've had. I'm convinced someone in here is a goose and is trying to spread something 2016 Russia style
no, a few of us are Canadian
@hilli_micha thank the lord you don't have to deal with these assholes.
Canada doesn't join real wars because they have to fight the geese every spring
geese are aggressive af
But I do..they fucking come here in Winter.
@ssube poynter.org/news/… talks a bit about buzzfeed's investment in investigative journalism, though it is light on criticisms (such as the click-baity nature of some articles)
I got bit by a goose in high school
shit hurt
I've been chased by geese on my bicycle when I was a kid
it hissed at me
most Canadians know to just avoid them
You can't avoid them when they take over your neighbourhood
don't go outside
Canadian geese are an infestation here
they're like rats in NY
that's one angry penguin
noot noot
noob noob
pingu 4 lyf
thomas the train sux
@Vap0r ok, why is that site reputable? From their frontpage, they have a lot of the same clickbait.
I was gonna say "kys" in response, but bob told me I can't say that anymore
@ssube I never claimed reputability
> not that all of their articles are better, but buzzfeed has dumped a bunch of money into investigative reporting and has produced some amazing articles
k, try something else like, 'i suggest you engage in significant self-bodily harm'
be polite about it and i'll be fine
@Vap0r then why are you linking a disreputable source?
no one is stopping you from telling someone to punch themselves in the face
I recommend that you damage your physical body, permanently
clickbait A linking to clickbait B only really proves that they know SEO
@ssube the idea that you "write-off" a source of news info based on something as simple as clickbait is pretty basic
can i get some instructions?
Don't click the clickbait
Don't read buzzfeed whatever. But my statement stands
@Vap0r it's not a source of news at that point, it's just a website
buzzfeed is about as reputable as an angular 1 developer
not every blog matters
that could be a hashtag
if it's just a bunch of clickbait articles, how do you justify calling it news?
ask CNN or Fox
Yeah for real dude
they seem to justify it somehow
Every "news" source has falsehoods and bad practices
$166 for two, in a damaged box
CNN and Fox are a bit different than HuffPost and Buzzfeed
The difference is that nobody considers Buzzfeed to be news
@ssube you might not like the site but the journalists who have won awards for their investigative articles (for buzzfeed) might agree with your dismissive attitude
@ndugger except Vapor
@rlemon regular price?
@Vap0r I asked for references and you linked a website you don't even think is reputable
> The top 10 investigative discoveries I made, and why you should care
I saw them online for $122 last week
can't find it on amazon anymore
@ssube you're putting words in my mouth
so far, there is 0 evidence of this
That have never been there before
I'll put something else in your mouth
This is ridiculous
no u wont, its too small
your mouth?
4 mins ago, by Vap0r
@ssube I never claimed reputability
@hilli_micha he needed floss anyways
123 all of your opinions
if you don't think that source is reputable, how does it support your argument?
@ssube exactly dude. I have made no claims for or against reputability
My argument is that some of their articles are very good
Nothing else
that site or buzzfeed?
If someone is a good journalist with anything worth writing about, they don't write it up and put it on buzzfeed. If they do, that's their own fault, and nobody is to take them seriously.
@Vap0r wouldn't a good news article imply it was reputable?
@rlemon yes, the articles themselves I'm referring to are reputable
is there any evidence that buzzfeed actually does their research and does it right?
The site however like you said has a poor reputation
@ssube read the article they self-verify in it
the article whose source you can't vouch for?
@Vap0r the article's reputation depends a lot on the platform on which it resides. If the platform is not reputable, the article loses reputation.
I'm mostly confused why you used that article
It's simple geography, m8
@ssube because I've read it and liked it
if you don't know the source or how good they are, why cite it?
They fact-check themselves
And are exhaustive
so did both candidates :|
You know @ndugger made a good point earlier (how) by bringing up CNN and Fox. They all engage in creating headlines that have the sole purpose of drawing attention through knee-jerk emotion. Do we hate buzzfeed only because they do the same with hardly any work involved?
That's a continuation
Of the same theme
@hilli_micha mostly.
They are exhaustive.
It's that they cut right to the least common denominator, imo
@hilli_micha Nobody here is saying that we hate buzzfeed any more than we hate CNN or Fox
CNN reports something resembling news, with bullshit headlines to compete with buzzfeed
Buzzfeed reports approx. nothing (although they do have the occasional article with substance) and made those titles a thing
I hate everything equally
> although they do have the occasional article with substance
@ndugger Not exactly my point, I'm operating off of general perception.
they brought the bar down and until James Cameron goes to get it, we're boned
That's all I ever argued @ssube
Nothing else
@Vap0r I thought you were arguing for them as a whole or that particular article
I still haven't seen a good article, but neither of us can prove it, so...
No. I've read a couple of articles from them as of late that made me check the top in incredulity
Couldn't believe it was Buzzfeed
@hilli_micha another fun trick is putting out something false that gains all the attention and retweets, then doing a retraction later that gets barely any visibility
I mean, occasionally Fox news actually reports news as well. That doesn't boost their reputation, though
I just feel it's unfair to a reporter that does that much work to be instantly discounted. I guess you could argue for them to "work for a better company", but they have to get feet on the ground somehow
@ndugger that's like calling interpretive dance dance
I don't know seems like a bad policy to discount an entire organizations member's based off of certain organization-based bad practices
@ssube here's a giant soup can. art
yeah, fuck warhol
@Loktar Isn't that a hoot, I'm surprised more people don't go to sort over slander in those cases. The whole 'make accusation, get someone fired, OOPS IT WAS FAKE THE WHOLE TIME' thing happens a fair bit.
what a coked out tool
nahh, he's proof that you can make money from doing acid
I'm just jelly
@hilli_micha yeah and more and more recently, overall it seems pretty unanimous that the public distrusts main stream media
and being a dick to everybody
@ssube wow you really have an issue huh?
windows group policies are fun
@Vap0r that's kind of how everything works ever. If the organization isn't reputable, then nothing it does is reputable. If you as a member of that organization want to produce reputable work, then you need to find a new organization to work for
@Vap0r I conceded that you might be right because neither of us can prove it. What drama are you looking for?
@ssube the way you went about arguing with me was really rude, made assumptions, and was generally unpleasant, and at the end you pretty much said: "well you might be right but we'll never know because you didn't reproduce their findings"
@Vap0r Here's another example: If a candidate we want to interview has significant time in gambling "gaming" companies and/or binary options companies, they fail screening instantly.
Even if they're max grades at best uni with extremely relevant experience.
Nice, my company rented out a bar for our holiday party tomorrow
They instantly fail screening on moral grounds.
open bar for 3 hours :O
@Vap0r please don't put words in my mouth, especially after complaining about that while I was editing to fix it
neither of us have cited any sources that we would vouch for
binary options companies?
@SterlingArcher damn nice dude
Now you could say that we shouldn't blame the members for the organization's poor mortal decisions
3 hours!
@ssube I'd vouch for that article
so yes
I have
9 mins ago, by Vap0r
@ssube exactly dude. I have made no claims for or against reputability
you said you wouldn't
But if you work for such a company for an extended period of time, we don't want you.
reputability as a whole.
@Luggage Binary options is basically gambling about whether or not a stock's price would increase or not.
@SterlingArcher now I need to go get something to drink
what if you work for an evil corporation that isn't involved in gambling but it just generally shitty?
The trick being that all of those companies market themselves as investment companies, and not gambling companies.
@MadaraUchiha seems a bit unfair but I can see it at your company I suppose
what if the person hated the prior job though
And they scam the old and the naive into thinking it's a solid investment
and that's the entire reason they're looking
When in fact it's a gamble.
@Loktar yeah I'm overdue, I've only used 2/3 yearly blackouts this year so I'm due for a holiday blackout
like not allowing an excon a job after they did their time, seems a bit weird but I can see both sides
@Loktar I wouldn't hold it against you if you were there for 4-5 months, figured it out, then left.
Maybe not at the company party but christmas might be a good one
But if you have 3-4 years there?
@MadaraUchiha yeah I guess that's a good point
You have plenty of options in Israel dude.
@MadaraUchiha so you're cool with misdemeanors, but not felonies (in essence, very paraphrased, etc)?
is gambling a felony?
I mean, in scale.
we don't hire people until they've grown at least 9 cobs of corn.
illegal gambling is
@ssube We're simply not cool with people who have no problem with tricking my grandma into "investing" and losing all her money.
@rlemon lmao
hey guys, i'm a react noob seeking advice/documentation on how to do something like store.dispatch(loadArticles()) from a Container component which is child of router, called ArticlePage. i am wondering if store is apart of the props on my component? Apologize if dumb question, i am having difficulty finding correct phrasing for what i'm trying to do. essentially i just want to dispatch the action to load the articles. i am brand spanking new to react/redux.
yeah, sorry, I just meant in scale
I don't even care that it wasn't illegal until about a year ago.
(It is now)
would you consider online poker to be despicable or just the 'sell gambling as investment'?
drawing the line between 6 months at a scam and 3 years is, imo, like the line between those two types of crime
might be the same shit, but the amount matters
@Luggage There's a thin line to be made. Personally, I don't care much for people working at casinos (others in my company have no real issue with it, but my say is stronger than theirs)
@ssube on the other side of the coin, someone who hasn't had a job in a few months can blind themselves into thinking the multi level marketing scheme isn't actually a scam!
What really ticks me off though is casino companies that market themselves as "gaming" companies
The line for me is between known gambling and preying on people
Those are a big no-no for us.
@Luggage Exactly.
but I would put online poker in the 'known gambling' category
But since gambling is illegal in israel, most companies here that do it can't outright say that that's what they do.
and while I don't do it.. meh.
like loot boxes and mystery boxes?
ohh, i see.
@rlemon @rlemon I read your message out of context and I was sure you meant bitcoin or litecoin or something.
@rlemon sure, but does that make it better?
@rlemon Same with lotteries, the powerball for example, it's a 1 in 300 million chance of winning, when you put that into scale. That is utterly astronomical, but the way it's structured makes it seem like you have a legitimate chance of winning (you don't)
@KevinB Exactly.
And even that darker shades of those practices.
@Luggage what is the distinguishing mark of preying on people? misleading advertising?
that shit needs to go
@ssube imo, yes. desperation leads to bad decisions usually. that doesn't mean the person is bad, just was in a bad place.
only thing i dislike about poe
@r3wt Yea. the examples of 'binary options' that Madara posted
See, I don't mind the lootbox system in games like Overwatch
@rlemon I agree, generally, but that line gets blurry if you follow it far enough
Where it's just cosmetics and have 0 effect on gameplay
@ssube well, most lines do
which is why its such a hard thing to judge
only if you exhale
like a noob
If real money gives you a real advantage in a game, I hate it
I'm just offering up another perspective
right, but it's slimey as hell, it may not affect you in game
But when it gets you credit to make actual gameplay changes? That's a big no-no for me.
but if you want that cosmetic set, you have to buy 20-30 boxes to get the 6 piece set
which btw it still does in BF2 with the stupid star card system
rare cosmetics have always been part of games
I really wanted to play battlefront 2 but now I will never buy it because they ruined it
@ssube this is a source I'll claim has full reputability, more-so than any other source having to do with the topics they cover: justsecurity.org
@SterlingArcher pay to win is a scam 4 sure.
They're just narrow niche
Basically, we have an (admittedly subjective) moral view, and we care about it enough to screen people that don't align with our moral view.
This links back to the discussion about an individual's reputability within an irreputable organization.
The organization has more inertia, but eventually its reputation falls to that of the least-trusted member.
@Luggage how's the arm coming along?
Yes, I think that if you work for Buzzfeed for years at a time, you shouldn't be surprised when people look at you like a clown, instead of a journalist.
fine. the base (like 9 hour) went bad during the last 1/4 and left a sub-par surface, but it's usable.
> Top 10 reasons why you should think of me as a journalist, instead of a clown
If that still fails it might be blocked?
that one works
Works for me.
@Luggage can sanding solve that?
or too bad
can't sand holes
@ndugger +1
@Luggage have a round file?
!!tell Luggage lenny
@Luggage ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
!!tell rlemon unban ndugger
!!unban ndugger
just don't be a dork
@rlemon ndugger freed from mindjail!
towc should stay until Jan
or when he turns 18
he is
ndugger was just provoking at the wrong time
Mine was a joke in jest of towc's ban
towc was told multiple times
@Luggage ohh that's not terrible
bad surface, but quite usable. I'll use that. maybe re-print later if I actually use the arm a lot (meh... we'll see)
some bondo and some sanding will fix that up real nice
bondo, it's what plants crave
meh. i'll leave it.
I might be able to fix my auto leveling tonight, got new fiberglass reinforced belts for mine.
the other side was a lot better. I think it only had problems traveling in one direction.
it dries flexible but fairly strong, good for building and filling, super easy to cut
I should clean and re-tighten everything, check belts, etc
two coats of this, sand with 120 -> 300 till you see plastic again
it's what plants crave
do you paint your plants
maybe not that exact brand
one that works on plastic
I have ABS and Nylon on the way.
I wanna buy some petg after the holidays
I want to get a vent to stick in my window that I can leave it (pest-safe)
I asked for a lot of different filaments for christmas
woah Towc was banned?
You know, I haven't been able to smell the ABS I've been printing..
@Loktar just from cap
@Loktar only from the bot
dang I go on vaca and miss all the stuff
ahh ok
I saw a window-mount dryer vent that would work, but 'spensive
for welcoming the same folks innumerable times
nm not a big deal lol
is this the correct way?
My printer is in a closet (acting as a heat enclosure) and the smell just hasn't been there.
@hilli_micha then it must be safe and good for you. :)
@r3wt if you're masochistic and insist on using redux, maybe
I need a steel nozzle so I can print my straw cup
/me orders that now
@r3wt how far in are you?
@ndugger man i'm a noob, i feel like you're just fucking with me.
@Luggage what kind of window do you have? Can you rig/build something?
if it's not too late, switch to mobx
i have about 0 fucking clue what the fuck i'm doing
stupid e3d, taking forever to get me my hotend. british people...
redux is probably fine (idk) but more of us use mobx
@ssube a normal window? yea. I can make something, but I was hoping to find something or at least something that didn't need too much work
redux works, but the overhead complexity is so absolutely ridiculous, that you might as well write it in C
I have a bush that'll cover that up. (that's just an example of what I want)
my basement has weird windows, hence asking
I bet you could get a piece that fits in the window and fits a vent, then get the vent on its own
for cheaper
I figure if I have a slow intake near the printer, it'll get most fmes without cooling to too much
use a bathroom fan on the enclosure and just toss the exit pipe out the window
if you want a seal, cut a pizza box
toss/put it through a piece of plywood and spray some foam in
yea, that's the plan. not the pizza boz
but yknow, whatevs
bathroom fans are cheap
I hope I can make/get something I can leave in
put a flapper on it so squirrels don't house in it
@rlemon don't call me cheap
It just seems like a low profile window mount vent that is pest-resistant should be cheaper
i'm lazy
are you serious about mobx or just fuckign with me
no, we're serious. We all really like mobx
that's not sarcasm
I know it's hard to tell
redux won't put you out of business (probably), but mobx is way nicer
@r3wt egghead.io/courses/manage-complex-state-in-react-apps-with-mobx give this a watch before you do anything
see if it looks nicer than what you have now
its at least worth taking a half hour to check out
@rlemon what about for a complete noob who doesn't even understand the principles. thats where i'm at, in effect, i have nothing. so far i've just been using axios and setState, i am just now trying to get into the react/redux stuff.
lol, in the "Recommended Tech" repo here at Target, bootstrap is marked as "Do Not Use"
damn I want that warcrfaft or starcraft themed
that is super cool
@r3wt if you're just starting, now is the time to skip redux, go all the way to mobx, and succeed
do you sand PLA?
fuck that, keep it star wars!
@Luggage sometimes
just depends on the model for me
What are your realtor signs made of? do you sand them?
like masks for sure
ok man, but i am reading about mobx. i have no idea what the fuck decorators are or whatever mobx is even talking about. also, do i need babel and webpack for this? fucking confused.
those are all pla no post processing
I only sand something if I'm going to paint it
or if it has burrs
* is dumb
because the paint really brings out all the lines
yeah I'll use woodputty/sanding for gaps/smoothness
I sand the top and bottom pretty heavily before painting, less so the sides
and filler primer too, just depends I guess
plastic putty for missing layers and larger gaps, sand that again, then prime with the stuff lemon has
hm. i want as little post-processing as possible, mostly.
pretty sure my wife is getting me an airbrushing kit
can't wait
I asked for a cheap airbrush
painting with brushes is so 1600s
nice, yeah man they seem pretty badass
I love brush painting too, but would be nice to do certain things with an airbrush
way cheaper than I thought they'd be
how are your fgures coming out, ssube? small figures are not the strongest area for FDM
the one I want is like $129
yeah @ssube would be one to benefit from a resin printer for sure
@Luggage I've only painted a few so far, as practice, but fairly well. Still getting a handle on how enamel thins.
or go down in nozzle size
I want to finish up a few others this weekend
oh you're using enamel?
will take pictures then
I ditched those years ago, those were such a hassle
switched fully to acrylics
they're a bit of a hassle, but most of the painting I've done has been oil or enamel, so meh
just not model enamels
plus you can sip on the thinner as you work
i prefer to engage in high quality sipping with monster ultra white
@ssube LOL
@Loktar did you peek that Veil of Maya song?
@r3wt It can seem like a lot at first, but take a deep breath, get another cup of coffee, and start reading.
@SterlingArcher the one yesterday right?
The only way you're doing to find out what a decorator is, is by reading
yeah was hard af
I got nylon in white for gears and ABS in black for.. things. Not sure, yet. I just figured black would be the right color for ABS
yay or nay?
@r3wt if your'e just starting, watch the course
it'll get you going
and it's only 28 minutes or something like tht
@Loktar yasssss they are fire
Tyrant and Fracture are another couple good ones, along with any song from Matriarch
Lukas got flow yo
@Luggage I making an outdoor cat box out of wood ofc, but some parts need to be printed. I only have PLA tho
probably gonna have to replace most of it in the spring.
don't think the PLA will survive a Canadian winter
I didn't know Doctor Strange learned how to rap
I re-purposed some filament clips to hold my bag of salt closed. we'll see how that weathers, too
my fish tank parts are doing fine. did a bit of research and PLA breakdown in water should be on the order of years
so no worries there.
but the cold concerns me
I would worry about a slow leaching of chemicals before you can see any visible degredation..
what chems?
Corn Starch ?
undyed should be fine
no idea. whatever polylactic acid is or breaks down into
So I named my roomba Bender, but it gives me notifications that "Bender successfully completed a job!"
Which I know is a lie, Bender never works
polylactic acid is made from starch
So I need to rename my roomba. ANy ideas?
made from != it IS starch
roomba sounds like a fine name
no, but it shouldn't break down into anything toxic in the water
but the dyes might
Don't you talk to me or my son ever again @FélixGagnon-Grenier
you should know damn well it's not a fine name and has to be punny
IT might be 100% safe. I don't know.. but.. I am just saying if it breaks down in years, it likely breaks down ALL THE TIME, you just don't notice it yet
@SterlingArcher Sweepy McSuckface
@SterlingArcher so that means, your sister is fair game?
Random tip maybe a lot of you know it but I use it a bit and just did again, ctrl + shift + t will open up you're last closed tab in chrome (and you can keep doing it to open all the previous ones you've closed).
@Luggage if shrimp start dying I'll have an idea
@SterlingArcher ... true dat. apologies.
@Mosho Poing
Ha yeah good luck. My sister is a piece of work
@rlemon ehhh
I think PETG is food safe, so it likely doesn't break down in water at all.. (I don't know this either, just think so)
yeah it is @Luggage
it's FDA approved
I got some FDA approved pla as well though that's dishwasher safe too
from makergeeks
idk why it's under askwomen but
dishwsher safe? higher temp?
oh come on... why is a vacuum thread in askwomen
@Luggage yea
lmao cmon
you print it at a higher temp like 240 and then put it in the oven for 30 mins or so at some temp (I can't recall) to anneal it
> Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Suck-Up-All-The-Dirt Machiney
I think that's called a vacuum
@SterlingArcher dude, I was looking up vacuums a few years back
@SterlingArcher Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Suck-Up-All-The-Dirt Machiy (source)
I came across entire forums dedicated to them
oh god dammit i ninjad myself
where people collected them
ahh, annealed pla. that is supposedly pretty strong / heat resistant
never tried (or had a reason to)
analed pla
@Loktar lmao no shit? cray
don't you have to gas it with alcohol or acetone?
acetone is for ABS
oh, that's different than annealing
Btw the roomba works great guys, every morning at 9am that little fucker cleans my floors
@SterlingArcher lol yeah was nuts, people were bragging about their 5 vacuums collections and shit
but I did get some legit reviews
@SterlingArcher every Monday at 4:30pm I clean my floors, works great
with a $40 vacuum
plus it builds discipline
I need some googlely eyes
@ssube can you say "fuck that"?
or just a cowboy hat
I was either going to buy a vacuum I'd never use, or let a machine actually do something
@rlemon lmao
doing chores is good for you
Work smarter not harder ssube
vacuuming is kinda relaxing if you ask me
I spend like 30 minutes each mon-thurs cleaning and then wreck it fri-sun
way better than mopping
i love vaccuming
I like vacuuming
I don't love it, though
I'm waiting for my roommate to pass out on my floor and get scared when the roomba turns on
I wouldn't marry a vacuum
i'm a man who can commit to his feelings
of all the household chores, it's probably the best
@hilli_micha I'm not a man
I will admit, mopping is oddly satisfying
@ndugger yes
it's like a white noise machine combined with the motion of jerking it
@SterlingArcher can you say fuck that (and then come mop my house)
@ssube please don't ever touch a penis

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