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wut no no no
I guess it's not the type of software you can just hop on and learn as you fumble.
I haven't done moving parts. Only basic things. I am an onshape noob
but.. I see the structure and like that.
@Luggage no I mean like moving a part over an inch
like.. the fucking basics
@Baldráni just do the checking from within the function
it keeps resizing the part
@rlemon It's not designed for you to move stuff around until it's right, it's designed to help you put things in the right place from the start.
why move a part?
DO NOT add dynamic methods to vue components
that just makes the whole project even more of a mess
@rlemon and that is ... ?
@Luggage I have those two rectangles, still trying to get them to align for me
fwiw, I almost always move everything by editing dimension constraints
@towc I've tried but its messing with an other comportement (I guess its about propagation); but anyway I'm curious of the multiple possibility for reslving my problem
make one big rectangle, with some line segment in it to divid it up, then only extrude the two parts you want
@rlemon use 3 rectangles and merge them?
I try to eliminate all blue lines
@KarelG nvm, you said LED. I read LCD
I don't have a good led display
2 horizontal ones, and a vertical one
I meant LCD ...
sorry :D
typing /fail
Funduino 1602 LCD
came in a kit, but I'm sure you can buy it alone
you have a pic/drawing of what you want to make? I want to try (later tonight) and make sure I'm not juts blowing smoke.
@Luggage I do.
Heck, why don't I make one too
hell, if one of you wants to make the basic shape and export it to a stl, much love.
depending on the part I may not even know how.
it's stupid simple.
I could do the entire thing in tinkercad but the fillets
I did a high accuracy drawing on a note sticky
top rect should be centered horizontally on the bottom, which is why I left out those dimensions
just give me the inches
ugh, those are all mm
the original had inches
just some are missing
and I just fucking converted them
@KendallFrey 9
bottom rect is 2.530 in wide, .7 tall, the top rect is .7 wide, 1.763 tall
all fillets are .250
the rest of the shape I'm going to do in tinkercad
extrude to .285 I guess
so a T, with some filets on some corners, all extruded flat at 0.285 units 'thick'?
@rlemon I'm gonna buy this rpi with this screen
i've only done filets after an extrusion, not before, but.. I think that's all doable (by me with my current skill)
both of those links err connection reset for me
i can just make them line segments if i have to
@Luggage yea I can do the fillets pre extrusion (I just did, very easy)
no gearbest dot com for canadians? :P
ohh.. yea. can just do after, too.
now how do I make cap remind me to do this?
yea.. then a number.. the minutes? hours?
@rlemon is that for the flat bit ? what about the bits sticking up? I guess .125 extra for those?
@KendallFrey I was going to do that in tinkercad
meh. show us that, too
I'm asking for dimensions because I'm ready to extrude
the .285 is the total height.
the 'base' is .16 and the raised bits are .125
jeebus how'd you draw that so fast?
@KendallFrey hmmm, have you been seeing other citri?
walk through the steps to see the order I did things
I may have to spend an evening watching some videos on onshape
@FelisPhasma You need to switch to webgl, cpu isn't fast enough for your use case
You can drag that bar around to see the history of the part
the sketch is the most complicated bit, though, and it doesn't have history
but you can look at the constraints I used
cool, thanks
Where can I set custom configuration parameters in a node application? Undef "config" in my package.json?
@rlemon How often do you mow your corn?
that article doesn't seem so outlandish to appear on the onion
kids are stupid.
Not stupid enough to call a John Deere red
Unless colour blind
@Shoe You can set them whereever you want
Node applications don't require a package.json either
Wow, the noun for "await" is "await" TIL
Sounds wrong though. Better go with "awaitening" or "awaital"
@OliverSalzburg context?
Where do you guys think should I put a URL that is used in pretty much all my Mocha tests and is configured via an environment variable?
I'm using process.env.GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT but Typescript complains that it has type of string | undefined (which is of course correct), but I don't want to write var endpoint = (process.env.GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT) ? process.env.GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT : '/default'; in all my tests
posted on November 29, 2017 by Mathias Bynens

JavaScript objects in V8 are allocated on a heap managed by V8’s garbage collector. In previous blog posts we have already talked about how we reduce garbage collection pause times (more than once) and memory consumption. In this blog post we introduce the parallel Scavenger, one of the latest features of Orinoco, V8’s mostly concurrent and parallel garbage collector and discuss design decisio

@Shoe Can you just initialize it at the start of the file?
@KendallFrey Each test file?
Well, if you have more than one that run together, than somewhere that runs before them all
Unless that also doesn't solve the TS problem
Mocha doesn't have such a hook AFAIK
I have many test files, yes
@Shoe You can use the non-null assertion operator
@Shoe With mocha, just put it before the first describe
process.env.GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT! => string
I don't know mocha orders test runs
@MadaraUchiha Though it looks like he wants a default fallback
Actually I don't
I'm sure the environment is set
It was just to get rid of the error
So the non-null assertion operator is exactly what you need.
oh then yeah use !
It basically means "I know this might be null, I don't care, if it's null, let there be a runtime error"
Thank you guys

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