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We don't yet know how we will do __dirname and __filename iirc great :|
is this in the browser?
ohh, node doesn't expose __dirname when the files is .mjs?
@GNi33 "Social Experiment"
I have to find a spot where __dirname was the best way
lol they dig up old videos from like 1925 "Alright I'm about to start my social experiment to see if you can use directed hate to take over a nation and get them to do what I want"
No.. since in CJS.. modules are wrapped as function which passes those as arguments
> 1943 December 2nd. - This has gone much further that I ever wanted, all I want to do is curl up and read a good book, but I'm too far into this game now. I fucking hate my mustache too.
again, why mix module formats?
@Loktar lol
I'm not.. I'm just trying to get the directory where the .mjs file.. I'm just saying I could use __dirname if I was using CJS.. but not in .mjs
jesus lol
You know what maybe I could just use CJS as entry point instead of .mjs
@KendallFrey lol
I imagine a whole movie written on this, one where Hitler actually wanted no one to get hurt
but... I could see people actually believing that, like weird sympathizers
he needs to wear scarves and glasses without lenses
@KendallFrey oh. my.
full on hipster hitler whose prank went horribly wrong
@SterlingArcher Someday I'm gonna tell my grandkids about the days when uppercase was for emphasis and lowercase was normal.
Actually now it's mixing module formats.. Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: transpiling it is..
You need kids to have grandkids.
I meant grandnieces and grandnephews
checks wikipedia. Yup.
man I think I'll be a grandpa at around 45
when did you have your first kid?
kind of excited though tbh
my mom was 40 when I had my first kid...
I'm HOPING my kids wait a bit longer than that though
at least mid 20's
but my families track record is young births
@Loktar lol the way you said that was super weird
as if you had a kid with your mom
LOL nasty
that's perverted, dennis
edited idk if it makes it any better but whatever
My mom was 41 when she had me
my parents were a totally-average 27/28
yeah my oldest tells me all the time I'm one of the youngest dads out of all his friends
> His name was Adam when his mom had him
great song lyrics
lol @KendallFrey
had in the biblical sense? Was his mom named Eve?
i hope not
but I didn't write the song
that's be an interesting twist
I don't pay attention to lyrics much, in the car Cat will say "This song is stupid" and quote something like @KendallFrey did above
ends up ruining the song for me :/
I prefer Korean and Japanese lyrics
This is the song btw
huh, banggood has a bunch of printers on sale again
how much?
/me checks
haha, do you need another one?
@Loktar psych, he meant inkjet
@GNi33 no 😬
my wife would physically assualt me most likely
or just not talk to me for a day or so
mostly because Christmas is coming
and we haven't got the kids gifts yet lol
you could get them printers ;)
> No you don't get it. This is for the kids.
I'm going to get a slightly fancier camera to spy on mine
Your kids or your printer
@ssube sounds like a bad porn site
@SterlingArcher No, it's good, it's in the name. gosh Jason
it's like bang the drum slowly but instead of a drum it's a printer
@KendallFrey well I could always print new kids I guess
I did print an Alien, so I know it's possible
@SterlingArcher lmao "bang the drum slowly" is fine but "bang the printer slowly" would get you kicked out of Staples
!!afk moving shit
@KendallFrey You gotta be fast. Shoot and scoot.
I bet a 3D printer could be made into an adequate sex machine...
yea, 30mm/s just like I like it. Now 120mm, not 30mm again.
Nice, we have a test in our suite named "CoolTest"
My fang turned out pretty good. It's got some zits or whatever they're called. But the supports worked out really well
Which one did you print?
The only one that'll fit a 40*40*20 fan
@rlemon @SterlingArcher I finally found the answer to that Webpack problem I was having last week:

test: /@npmscope\/euc\/src\/.*\.jsx? /
test: /\/euc\/src\/.*\.jsx?/

When the npm scope name is not included when testing for packages to put through babel loader. Therefore `test: /@warmlyyours\/euc\/src\/.*\.jsx? /` didn't match `euc/src/index.js`
much thicker mounting holes for the hotend, too
what is up with those lines @rlemon
you have any other filament to try?
I was getting those on some bad white filament I had, worth a shot before you screw with your lead screw I guess
Not different brands.
Just colours
I wonder if the bed is shaking or something?
yeah amz3d has been amazing for me, but you can totally get bad rolls, I doubt thats the case here
> Hey, Matei. Maybe I have one job for you. But I'm looking for quality and responsible html5/css/js developer
but worth a shot
it looks like every so often, a layer is just slightly offset
probably bad english, but it hurts :/
or maybe a dual lead is a good upgrade for @rlemon even
I think it's like $40?
@towc they had one job
they did
@Loktar dual lead?
@rlemon yeah adds another stepper to the right side, with another lead screw
but your's is probably just a bit off center I bet
Ahh. Isn't that the dual z?
> I need 95+% on Google Pagespeed Insights for mobile and desktop
so it's a bit harder to turn at points causing the lines
uhmmm this is new
ah, that makes sense
yeah dual z, it's just a big lead screw so that's why I said that :P
slower turn == thicker layer
yeah I used to get them somewhat randomly
but i took all mine apart and lined it all up, used some folded paper as a spacer between the stepper and frame
I did just fuck with the hot end.
ideally you should be able to print a solid coupler to work instead of that flexible one they have
Could be not level
@rlemon weren't you getting it before though?
@Loktar depends on the print. Sometimes
I mean I've replaced my entire hotend and it's still fine, as long as the screws are tight it should be level
yeah your small one was fine for example, but barely had to move up
there is a spacer you can print too one sec
My hot end has room to move. You have to get it oevel before you tighten it
ah, I just tighten mine and it's level fortunately
I've removed it a couple times, then just replaced the entire thing
I just got invited into a "reddit chat" beta
that little print looked really good though, but your fang is liney af
because I Come to reddit to chat with people
@Loktar yea the fang is liney. My last fish tank mod was 160mm tall. No lines ;(
check the grease too
the grease it comes with attracts all kinds of grime
check the headlight fluid
I mean if you don't care, whatever, it is just a fang
totally fine for a fang
Hello guys, I am on firefox 57 and webcomponents doesn't work in spite of setting the flag...is this a bug in ff 57
I cannot browse the website: polymer-project.org/2.0/start with FF 57
> between 0901200pam on 20 October 2017 and 2359 on 31 December 2017
nailed it
was wondering about any usecase of firebase here
@Loktar I care, just not enough to re-print 'functional' items. i.e. items that will be used and not looked at
config wrapper.
woop woop
filament and fans
come back from lunch to presents is always nice
o.o prime
cant wait for the drones though, shipment will be reduced to same day
I can't wait till 3d printed drones are delivering 3d printers.
canada computers just sent me the same e-mail 3 times
fuck Canada Computers
those bastards sold me a DOA tablet then wouldn't return it
I bought a GPU from them, it caught fire
4 years later
wouldnt return a DOA tablet? what planet are they from? lol
they made me go through asus support to replace it
they wouldn't refund me
brought it back in same day too
now I boycott them
I like them because I get stuff i buy the next day
I ordered a computer from them once thursday night
my amazon package just gave birth
Got it friday morning
was it a boy or a girl?
@rlemon why is it sad?
@erotavlas Twins!
@Neoares because amazon is depressing
@rlemon identical or fraternal?
hopefully identical, but they're DC motors, so probably not
order from amazon and alexa prints it for you immediately
@KendallFrey couldn't find a connector to fit the fan, and I wanna add one while replacing it
remembered we have old mobos
ok i got it finally, i should create a firebase project in google.
they have 2 wire fan connectors.
\o/ win
Windows updated today
Now my cobol compiler takes 4 minutes to compile a program
Thanks microsoft
4 minutes
2.3 this time
still faster than C++
PS C:\source> Measure-Command { start-process ccbl32 THING.CBL -Wait }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 2
Seconds           : 23
Milliseconds      : 126
Ticks             : 1431263928
TotalDays         : 0.00165655547222222
TotalHours        : 0.0397573313333333
TotalMinutes      : 2.38543988
TotalSeconds      : 143.1263928
TotalMilliseconds : 143126.3928
i don't know in this html file there is 3 references to firebase-app , firebase-auth and init not present in there emplacements, what are they used for ? and how to generate them ?
are you using firebase hosting?
no, i use static html.
must I use nodejs or php ?
did you read and follow the instructions in the file you shared?
i struggle to understand the instructions.
what about that line do you not understand?
> The snippet contains initialization information to configure the Firebase JavaScri ... etc
i already generated the snippet in google services.
i dunno what are these 3 js refs for.
oh there is 5 of them o_o!
dude it's on the page
and now its a full blown meme
hah thats pretty cool
@Loktar you ever do airsoft?
youtu.be/jbJIRgpVExI?t=3m10s <- glow in the dark airsoft balls with an flash to 'charge' them before they leave the barrel
I have once, bought a bunch of gear for myself and the kids even, much prefer paintball though
as do the kids
looks like a laser gun
freaking coool
those are cool looking
Would this circumvent an isp throttle on a site?
I wonder what kind of flash and power they used
that's a lot of flashes close together

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