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Kinda like FSM. And I bet in a couple of years there are people who don't know the origin of it and treat it like every other deity
i.imgur.com/abbsdP6.jpg @KendallFrey @zirak @rlemon
Where do they make drag queen meets and greets lol
I wanna go
Just google it
@ShrekOverflow which xcode version did you use & ios version?
it works perfectly on android.
Then burn your browser history
@KamilSolecki those 3 females. aren't those male?
@KarelG hence drag queen duh
never looked into the definition of "drag queen" :P
Yea it's a male crossdresser
oh ...
> A man who dresses up as a woman for entertainment purposes. This man is not always homosexual or bisexual. Often they are just regular men who like living an alternate life in the evenings performing.
I thought that urban would come with a savage description
@KarelG I dare you to urban ts :D
hey guys..
Madara has taught me to not search for "ts playground"
since I now have a home gym
I have almost 0 reasons to leave the house
I want to implement a loading image for as page doing some interactive queries with backend
Noice, don't leave
only 1 I can think of is milk
Outside is hostile
> @odedsh a workaround for now might be this:

$ node --no-warnings <file>

process.on('warning', (warning) => {
if (warning.name == 'ExperimentalWarning' && warning.message == 'The http2 module is an experimental API.') {
// suppressed
} else {
console.warn(`${warning.name}: ${warning.message}`);
@Mosho buy a cow
Or, you know, don't use experimental shit in your production code
@OliverSalzburg Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
are you subscribed to a food delivery service @Mosho ? LOL
@CapricaSix That was a quote. Stop bothering me!
	function load(url) {
		    // display loading image here...
		    document.getElementById('loadingImg').visible = true;
		    // request your data...
		    var reqest = new XMLHttpRequest();
		    request.open("POST", url, true);

		    requesr.onreadystatechange = function () {
		        if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) {
		            // content is loaded...hide the gif and display the content...
		            if (req.responseText) {
		                document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = req.responseText;
But I am facing problem in addoing loading Image..
sorry adding
That's some high quality photography
I've been home for 5 days I think
I have downloaded loading image but not able to add it in html page
oh, well, once it starts snowing I plan to go to a nearby ski hill every couple weeks
but that's fine
do you measure your calorie intake?
the delivery info contains servings with # of calories. Pretty useful.
yeah, that's why it's the law :P
who knows how accurate it is
@KarelG That is amazing to see the news.. but Please can anybody give attention on loading image javascript
@Mosho nice, what gear have you got?
rogue ohio barbell and bumper plates
no rack?
got a cheap rack off amazon
don't really care about the quality of the rack
@Sheel your question is vague and could be qualified as a requirement instead of a specific question which could be answered on the whim. Please take a moment to read the room rules.
ah, I see. I still need one of these
which costs more than the rack I got :P
I just have a bench, but it obviously isn't enough without at least some sort of rack
I also have some random stuff
a t-bar rowing station
a dip stand
adjustable dumbells
yeah, I have a curl bar, an olympic bar and around 120kg of weights lying around here, but without a rack or just some adjustable stands that stuff isn't of much use
@Mosho that's amazing, nice!
@Mosho That looks heavy
I especially dig the mickey mouse decals
me too
@OliverSalzburg Mosho's a beast from what I've heard
Topless pics please!
For research
you want @jAndy's
@Mosho He already posted those
They went right into the collection
which collection? :o
the "research" collection
@Mosho The one where I shop my face on other people for random cyber dating
that's alright. I was worried about being covered on random pr0n sites
@OliverSalzburg tbh, that collection would be glorious
but you have a 1337 hoodie. why would you need a body of a greek god?
Who says I don't?!
...have the body of a greek god
nobody. Just saying you're way above that already
@OliverSalzburg tbf there are woman that does not like a too big muscular males
@GNi33 Thanks! :D
They're all lying to themselves
still I am still impressed that mosho can bench lift 180kg
I lift 180kg when I get out of bed!
@KarelG bench lift? :P
I'm impressed that a dog can learn how to benchlift anything 0.o
what is a bench lift?
@OliverSalzburg @OliverSalzburg You don't have to sleep with your mom. You're already an adult ...
bench press?
either bench press or deadlift
and a 180kg bench press is really fucking impressive
or was it a deadlift ? >.>
the bar on the floor is for deadlifting
user image
hope I'm not too late
the most I've benched was a little under 170kg
@towc Never too late for that
how do I detect window resize? (compatible with IE10+)
by far the best one
never understood that one
Sep 5 at 6:11, by Mosho
I did 425x3 squats the other day
Soll das sowas wie das Bergfest sein?
what's not to understand there?
Alpenländisch, mein Freund. Bier und Lederhosn
Aber warum Mittwoch?
425 pounds = 192.77 kg
Warum nicht?
Gute Frage!
I very recently did 210kg for 1
Es ist der Mittwoch-Frosch!
all time pr :>
I saw a little toy frog the other day and instantly thought that I need to take a picture of it and share it with you guys
trying to lose some weight though
That's how far Wednesday frog has driven me already
@Mosho that is even double of my pr 😐
so probably won't beat that for a while
you are not a dog anymore, but a fiercy bull.
@KarelG my goal is to beat the women squat WR
well, bring a standard 300kg weight to the moon. Then you'll both beat your PB and you'd have lost weight!
at which weight class?
@KarelG jesus christ
the heaviest one?
u mad
no u
I should be able to get 615lbs at some point
a few years
> 198+ Weight Class - 854 lb (387 kg) Squat
then you'll be the best woman?
Becca Swanson (born November 20 1973) is an American bodybuilder, multiple world record holding professional powerlifter, pro wrestler and accomplished strongwoman who, due to her tremendous accomplishments in competitive weightlifting is often referred to and regarded as "The World's Strongest Woman" or "The Strongest Woman on the Planet". Swanson holds several powerlifting world records for women, including the highest squat, highest deadlift, highest bench press and highest total lift. Many of her lifts stand unrivaled. == Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, and Strongwoman == Swanson started out in...
Is there a better way to measure the throughput of a stream pastie.margaine.com/252516ab-2516-4312-a00a-f9ed27dbde68
@KarelG not raw
This gives me around ~300megs/sec lower readings than pv
@KarelG You sure that's not a post-op man?
raw = belt and wraps only, no squat suit
!!breakfast or skip
@towc skip
!!lunch or skip
@towc lunch
@towc don't skip breakfast
it does weird things to your body
things that you don't want to happen to your body
well, it's 12:35
> As US prepares to gut net neutrality rules, Canada strengthens them
is this supposed to be compatible with every browser?
@towc then make it a brunch :D
go team canada
Go Canada!
@Mosho although the next president is going to have fun
@Neoares yes, as old as the internet
although, this being passed in US will be bad for other countries :/
@Mosho then what does this mean caniuse.com/#search=onresize
:/ I'm confused
> Resize Observer
so it's not the same?
@Neoares not the same thing
I though that by observer it meant listener
var ro = new ResizeObserver( entries => {
  for (let entry of entries) {
    let cs = window.getComputedStyle(entry.target);
    console.log('watching element:', entry.target);
    console.log(entry.contentRect.width,' is ', cs.width);
    console.log(entry.contentRect.height,' is ', cs.height);
    console.log(entry.contentRect.top,' is ', cs.paddingTop);
    console.log(entry.contentRect.left,' is ', cs.paddingLeft);
    if (entry.target.handleResize)
NO ^
Thats the one you linked
@Neoares there's a list of resources
click some
@Neoares onResize != Resize Observer
@Mosho hI!
by the way it seems that for IE11 you need to polyfill the CustomEvent function
in order to get the resize event
@towc breakfast = break fast = stop with fasting from night. It is actually an important meal of the day. If you want to skip meals, do that for lunches or dinner but never breakfasts o.O
it gives you energy for the day
Even Ogre's know that
kubernetes pretty neat
well, I'm going to eat anyway
as I said, I woke up really really late
@KarelG And if you skip it you fall asleep too early?
I used to have runs before breakfast
and breakfast would be my reward for exercise
I've heard that "energy for the day" bit thousands of time and I don't understand it
I never have breakfast. I generally eat when I get hungry and that works pretty well
@OliverSalzburg When I hear no breakfast,
@OliverSalzburg the urge of sleep is kinda independent of your energy intake. But if there aren't enough energy reserves in your body, your body wants to go sleep due of a reflex to survive. You are consuming less energy when sleeping.
I also have trouble sleeping, so if I skip breakfast, it will be easier?
Depends, I can't fall asleep when I am hungry
but then I never sleep
not sure. But sleeping with an empty stomach does not work well i think
just have a small dinner.
or get drunk
Breakfast uses the time slot where I like to oversleep
And I like sleeping a lot
I find it to be extremely relaxing
Unlike fucking Microsoft support who is late for our 12:30 appointment!
what's a tool to use to play/manipulate tabular data like what ps outputs
@Mosho You mean ncurses?
do I?
don't laugh at my terminal skills
edited because I don't know powershell either
@Mosho In spodr we use npmjs.com/package/cli-table if that is any help
Meaning that we like the module. Which automatically makes it superior to most others
what I mean is
say I got a table output
I want row 5, column 3
What do you "want" with it? And is this in JS? Bash?
this specific case is
kubectl get pods
which gives me a list of pods
with name, ready, status, restarts, age columns
and I want to ssh into a pod
so I need the name column of a specific row
@Mosho awk would be an option, yes
I guess I could just grep with a regex
I think awk tokenizes on space by default, so awk '{print $2}' would print the third column
$ kubectl.exe get pods | awk '{print $1}' | head -2 | tail -1
what else can I use to get the Nth row?
@Mosho Move the awk to the end
Q: Shell/Bash Command to get nth line of STDOUT

Alan StormIs there any bash command that will let you get the nth line of STDOUT? That is to say, something that would take this $ ls -l -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel my.txt -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel files.txt -rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel here.txt and do something like $ ls -l | magic-command 2 -rw-r--r--@ 1...

kubectl exec -ti $(kubectl.exe get pods | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $1}') bash
though a little long
kubessh() {
    local row=$(($1+1))
    kubectl exec -ti $(kubectl.exe get pods | sed -n "$row"p | awk '{print $1}') bash
nailed it
kubessh() {
    kubectl exec -ti $(kubectl.exe get pods | tail -n +2 | sed -n "$1"p | awk '{print $1}') bash
I should probably learn bash at some point for real
Bash scripting on Windows is really nice
I do that a lot as well and drive people crazy with my bug reports
Or do you name your binaries .exe on UNIX systems?
That sounds like a sweet way to fuck with people
well, I don't really need any of this outside of our vm's
I use bash on Windows all the time. And then I always try to hook up my bash tools to my Windows tools and things break
I use git bash
haven't seen a bug yet
@OliverSalzburg WSL is fucking great
I find that hard to believe :P
I didn't mean WSL. I just meant straight up bash on Windows
@Mosho It's usually something related to path separators or control codes
I know, I was just expressing my love for WSL
I don't intermingle unix and windows paths
They just need USB and proper socket support
And there are so many tools that have code like if (windows) run .cmd else run .sh
in git bash I only use unix paths
and that's it
Yeah, you do. But other people are stupid
And they write software
@FlorianMargaine hmm nice, though I don't remember defining a role anywhere
also, "ssh" is vastly overestimating kubectl exec
(the major change being that you lose your ssh agent)
it's not the best name
it's a nice pun
but it does ssh into the vm with gcloud
regardless of the container
(given the existing usage of the "kexec" word)
@OliverSalzburg Hey hey hey
support are people too
@FlorianMargaine How much does hosting pastie.margaine.com
cost you ?
@ShrekOverflow People who waste my time, yes
@OliverSalzburg How much time did they waste :3 ?
45 minutes
also do they happen to be Active Directory support ?
I prefer to waste my time myself
@ShrekOverflow Office365
Why? You have an AD question? :D
I used to be kinda am AD Support :D
but Office 365, good luck! :D
It annoys me to talk to support people who know less about the subject than I do and just have me make random changes, hoping that something sticks
O365 support fits into that category
@ShrekOverflow O365 fits into that category (source)
I have nightmares
In general, MS support can be pretty annoying. Especially when you have an issue that spans multiple of their products. Then you're really fucked because nobody knows both
> Oh, this is surely an Exchange issue. I'll transfer your ticket to them!
I had to deal with them once, regarding azure service deployment. I ended hanging up.
Best supports so far: AWS and Adaptec
Everyone else is shit
@OliverSalzburg try Auth0 :P
disclosure: I work for Auth0.
I once had a complaint about passport not returning the return values of the callbacks it invokes and was not greeted with the enthusiasm I expected!
is your name the same ?
lemon posted that yesterday
hope he lives long enough to tell his fans he made a huge mistake
@ShrekOverflow I think it was on Jared's GitHub
awww :/
oh ok :P
that might not be tracked that well
I since realized that it was mostly a programming error on our part though
@towc INb4 they call this was a conspreancy
btw, I actually forgot who ryan kinal was
I have seen that issue in past, i think I ran into it aswell.
found it on his social media
@towc he is the guy who dances and writes god like CSS
I remember him being from the chat
firebase is a google product??
@Vijay so are you
@ShrekOverflow fire is a google product?? (source)
Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Firebase, Inc. in 2011, then acquired by Google in 2014. == History == Firebase evolved from Envolve, a prior startup founded by James Tamplin and Andrew Lee in 2011. Envolve provided developers an API that enables the integration of online chat functionality into their websites. After releasing the chat service, Tamplin and Lee found that it was being used to pass application data that wasn't chat messages. Developers were using Envolve to sync application data such as game state in real time across their users. Tamplin...
@ShrekOverflow whose nick was?
Checks out
yeah for confirmation @OliverSalzburg thanks man
@towc @RyanKinal
just like that?
are you sure?
if so he hasn't been here for ages :/
he was here like 3 weeks ago
or so.
@towc too much coke is bad for you.
Night night, I better get an hour of sleep :P
I submitted a PR to TS 3 weeks ago and no comment :X
That's their way of letting you know that they don't give a fuck

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