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What does didn't lift mean? That doesn't sound good to me
@MadaraUchiha yes
@William what context?
ohh i see
he means it didn't detach from the print bed and ruin the prnt
it's good
@rlemon the bed warms up before it starts printing, right? every slicer i have used has that in the gcode to wait for the bed to get to temp first
I try to pre-warm mine just because it takes so long
yeah they should have an option to stabilize temps before printing
I need to alter the gcode to only shut off the head heat, not the bed. slicer settings did that.
@Loktar cura did it by default.
all of mine shut it down by default
yours doesnt?
the end gcode is responsible for that, i think. so you can change it
yeah all of mine stabilize by default too, but there is an option to toggle it off
the start/end gcode i used in slicer kept the bed on, which I liked
after the print, i mean
yeah I have mine turn off I can remove the print when it hits 30c
it just slides right off
i was printing lots of test cubes last night. kept that thing hot to reduce time
just ripped them off the hot bed
@Luggage yea I'm just saying it takes a while
I like to be there for the start of the print, or at least be watching it to see if it stays on the bed
ohh, I see.
gotcha. I thought you were saying it started cold, but I gotcha now
you didn't get to babysit the first layer
yea, stressful
why does a hot bed stick better, not worse? Is it not hot enough to actually melt the plastic, just make it tacky?
I put on the thermal pads. that helped leveling even more, somehow
(I get why it doesn't stick cold)
now my first layer is pretty. even the little 'clear the head' line is perfect.
@ssube the plastic melts at ~180-220 the bed heats to like 60-65
@Luggage yeah man I like that as well
gets rid of the clips
@ssube depends on the material. some want a diff temp. the glass transition temp for PLA is around 60-65c
right, but why is it 60-65? What does that do?
PLA does not NEED a heated bed, though
but heated on glass means no tape or other chemical.s nice and simple
I don't know, exactly.
@ssube A lot of it is preventing warping from a hot layer going on top of a cold layer and then shrinking
cooling plastic changes shape
but I can imagine that if the plastic is at it's glass transition point, it can flow into the small structure of the surface to griip..
heated bed means the plastic doesn't change shape
ah, so it's less about grip and more about warping
therefore adheres better
cool it slower, it stays in shape and stays stuck
initial temp helps grip, too, i think
The grip question is still valid though, and idk
but i heave heard of some people turning down, and then OFF the heat during a PLA print
i keep mine at 61c until the end.
I keep mine at 60
but it's in a warm room to begin with
so that might help?
let's say yes.
my basement is nice and toasty, just need to decide where to put it
you'll want light.
ordered a $5 usb webcam, too, I'm going to try for the complicated docker/octoprint setup
possibly a little clip-on light for the bed.
the lighting is mediocre everywhere, but I have some desk lamps around
what webcam? I want a cheap one that works with octoprint, too
@ssube lamp for sure
you don't wanna leave a room light on 24/7 if a small led lamp would suffice
no idea if it will work with linux, but I'm willing to gamble
@Luggage any usb webcam should work
@rlemon we mostly have LED bulbs, so idgaf either way :D
print the cooling fang mod and you get even nicer views
@BenjaminGruenbaum I miss the office sometimes, a little bit
@Loktar I need to print that just because
I had droopy spots on the lama
where the bridges didn't cool fast enough
@Loktar definitely looking at that, a distance/level sensor mod that is integrated with it, and the dual Z/10s mod
I printed a fang, but I accedently printed it for a e3d v6
so now I have to buy one of them. (j/k)
@Cereal so: (no formatting am on phone) The good: customization is awesome. Much fun, + the wrap editor is great. The map is more open than ever before, and by that I mean that all off-road places are available to go into at any time. Graphics is a plus too, except for some text-Based wraps, Which sometimes get rugged corners. Races are fun too.
gotta get the damn thing first tho :P
The bad: its easy. Very easy. On hard, i usually win the races on first Try. Sometimes the game leads you through stuff too much, like for example the police escapes built into the plot - you have to go through checkpoints, and as you approach the destination then poof - popo magically slows down and at the End dissapears. That does not hold in normal police escapes, Which are fine.
haha @Luggage
though like anything as time goes by only the good memories remain
@ssube dual z's are super hit or miss
actually, since I bought 2 blowers, i might do the dueal fan setup
I'd only get it if you have z issues when you get yours
kinda like fang, but woder and lower
people have a lot of problems getting it working
and I forget about sleeping in an armchair in the middle of the office
hm. They made it sound like the kit had some other reinforcing bits too.
@Luggage yeah I've seen that one, my cooling is fine but I kind of want it just to get the better views of the nozzle
which seemed good, but I will wait and see
@KamilSolecki Should I assume everything else is hot garbage?
Not that I play nfs for the story
@Loktar multi camera setup
oh idc about when it's past the first couple layers
I don't use octoprint/cams at all
@Cereal not sure what you mean by 'hot garbage' :P
would make it nicer to level too since I could see the nozzle so much easier with the fang mod
I'm getting my printer a cam so it can earn its keep
I have it printed, just need to install
someone train a neural net to detect a failed print from the camera
@Loktar leveling would be easier with a mirror too (I'm still using clear glass) I think
I see the reflection of the head from the bed under the glass.
it is since the stock glass sucks
throws you right off
the reflection is useless for leveling
no, I see the reflection in the glass.
I don't want it
ohh, i see
my mirror is all sanded up anyway
I have glass on the ender 2 though
mine is glossy. i like the finish it leaves on the parts
@Luggage did that lift ever work out?
I wonder how a clone v6 is.
@KamilSolecki Sorry, it means "bad"
I stopped the lift at 6 hours. two parts started getting welded together
I'm printing that worm gear setup
@Luggage I almost pulled the trigger on one
the microswiss
if it works out, I'm going to scale it up and make a window plant rotation stand :D
I did get silicon insulators the other day though
silicone* :)
it's annoying applying the thermal shit
ohh, and I've been toying with the idea of gutting my office closet (currently storing christmas shit and board games) and building a 3d printer stand in there
maybe two.. ;)
3d printer in a closet 😃 low noise, low dust concerns.
keeps the heat in
huh.. that would be easier than making an enclosure
I was going to say, damn near consistent heat.
@Jhoverit I wonder how a cologne v6 is. (source)
I blew 3 of those up
@Mosho I just know working for home will make me lazy
anyone knows of a library that can render a graph of nodes in a way that makes sense structurally from the dependencies of the nodes? like if I have a tree structure, it should render a tree looking graph
And working around people who are also working makes me like working
@Mosho d3 has a thing for that I think
I think so too
force directed graph?
directed, not force
position and layers based on dependencies of the nodes
from d3 I mean
@mosho whatever this uses is nice github.com/cgadam/dependencies-analyzer
Wait that's not it
@Loktar do you remember what that tool was I was looking at the dep. trees with?
I did that with graphviz a while ago
never used graphviz in js though, if that's even a thing
@BenjaminGruenbaum it does, but if you have a group of remote workers who are active on slack it's a similar effect
it's not JS. it's an old (but udated) binary. you give it text, it gives you image
I need something that outputs html/svg/canvas
all three?
nah, just something I can put in a browser
@BenjaminGruenbaum going off your answer here, stackoverflow.com/a/33089750/774078, could you technically "sort" a set by new Set([...new Set([1,2,3,4]) ])].sort()); immutably assigning it to a new set?
graphviz is the right thing though, looks-wise
gravizo.com makes svgs
I guess that's not really sorting though it's just rehashing the set key
that uses graphviz..
ohh, that's a service for embedding
hmm.. i like this, though. might be useful
@ssube @FlorianMargaine ^
> flowrian
@Mosho prob not useful for you but this is what I meant npm.anvaka.com/#/view/3d/dualshock
The 2D is more interactive lol
@Jhoverit yeah, that's a d3 force directed graph
Ah okay cool.
it's my best option atm
Little overbearing to navigate
but I'm not sure I trust its accuracy
for my use-case
graphviz supports svg output
5 hours ago, by rlemon
const stores = getStores();
ReactDOM.render(<Provider stores={...stores}>getRoutes(stores.userStore)</Provider>, container);
@Luggage but can it run in a browser?
5 hours ago, by rlemon
I'm using react-router 3 still (yea yea) and I need a onEnter check, and that needs to check if the userhas auth
I'm using react-router 2 :D
tried with inject('userStore') but that fucks up react-router 3
so I'm not sure other than passing in the store how to get access to the store outside of a component class
(trying again)
react routers 3 doesn't make 'real' components. you probably can't stick it into a provider
put the provider inside a "/" path in react router so it's for all pages
withRouter works for Provider
@rlemon you can render and pass in the auth as a prop?
withRouter decorates real react components.
<Route path='/' component={Layout} onEnter={({params}, replace) => !userStore.currentUser ? replace('/user/login') : null}>
<Route exact path="/" render={ _ => {
    return <AuthComponent authRoute={Index} authFallback={Login} />
}} />
I could do that, yes.
but.. this is cleaner on the component tree yea?
I accidentally caused my VS Code explorer to focus on a single folder only. How do I undo that? I don't even find it in the docs
But I see this badge
though I am using react-router-4
@SterlingArcher neither do I :P
that's why I'm here :D
and yea, I am still stuck on 3
what does getRoutes() return?
one day I'll switch to 4, or something better than react-router
@Luggage <Router ..> .... </Router>
!!afk need more water for my tea
@SterlingArcher that doesn't have a store :P
<Router> is a real component.. but it might have it's children in another tree.
@Mosho this is true
$ yes 'yes yes'
@rlemon you can wrap your entire shiz with a component that checks auth
or wrap each separate component that needs authentication separately
redux can do that withConnect right?
you're mixing withRouter and connect
if I understand redux (I don't), his <Provider> is like @connect()
I was wondering if perhaps someone had an answer to this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/47292207/…
oh sorry those were supposed to be separate words
@Luggage nah
idk withRouter
connect looks for the store you put in Provider
@Jonathan webpack --watch is kinda a half-way
it rebuilds like dev server, but just dumps local files for you to serve, not serves them from memory
You can do more by using webpack-dev-middlware
@Cereal i bought NFS mostly for customization and havin Fun with it. If you are hoping to get a challenge out of races, then meh.
@SterlingArcher then yeah, connect is how you could get the store to those components
ohh, then connect is like mobx-react's inject()?
@Luggage webpack-dev-middleware is library on npm presumably.
yea. it's the library that webpack-dev-server wraps
@Luggage you mean observer
by using the middleware directly you have the ability to fine-tune it's behavior more
no, inject. takes an item from <Provider> and injects it into props
like a store.
neither mobx-react nor redux-react have inject()
connect injects into props through a wrapper component
well, the docs for mobx-react have it
and I've used it
@SterlingArcher You may dont know the utilitie of make any question with your own code and your specific problem. And thanks people for free downvotes — SilverSurfer 2 hours ago
observer wraps render and lifecycle methods in reactive autorun
mobx-react 100% has it
Thnx for free dowvotes
I'm using it
@Luggage Though, in the readme it says that webpack-dev-middleware does the following

* No files are written to disk, it handle the files in memory
* If files changed in watch mode, the middleware no longer serves the old bundle, but delays requests until the compiling has finished. You don't have to wait before refreshing the page after a file modification.
@Luggage ah, I see
yeah I think I saw that at one point, never used it
@Jhoverit yeah idk what I may don't know the utilitie of
utilitie sounds kinky
he's got me there
kind of an anti-pattern if you ask me
@Jonathan it doesn't do it out of the box, but there is a way to get the files from the middleware. i've seen it
otherwise, just use watch
@luggage I'll try out watch then. If you happen to find a resource on the other thing, you're welcome to share :)
Thought I was in the omni bar bahaha
why do all my prints look like butt plugs?
You have a camera?
What software is that
no, he painted that. looks good, right?
@rlemon brims/rafts
Is the cam just some separate ipcam
rpi cam
any webcam
That is a nice interface for stringing together unrelated components like that
Looks much more professional through the lens
Why have you not printed a horse helmet yet
I printed wednesday frog
good enough right?
Print me something wild to go on my car
A bigger spoiler
I have like 3X.5 of grill space with no emblems now :O
@Jhoverit what colour would you like your dick hood ornament
If I get a rpi, should I use it for octoprint?
const stream = require('stream');
const output = 'y';

const out = stream.Readable({
    read(howMany) {
        while(howMany--) this.push(output);

Hey all. You're always in the know. So is the new Firefox Quantum good ?
@rlemon By the way, what orientation did you print that frog at? On it's feet? On it's butt?
@KamilSolecki I like competing with people in time trails
why not?
@DenysSéguret its faster
But no one I know plays nfs, so it's a wash :(
@DenysSéguret work is raving about it. It's fast af
looks like shit on a mac though
@hilli_micha butt, but that was probably a mistake
he's got an awful bum now
Print me the "R/T" in same font
But make it say "J/S"
Bc javascript and Josiah
No thats gay
I would make the most useless shit if I had a printer
That's what they are for.
And specialized tools..
I'll be a pig in shit if this worm gear works out

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