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the first few layers look nice and flat. looks ok so far (not that I know what to look for)
I love the changing shape in the youtube video
I always flush the head well after changing colour
@Luggage well good luck and enjoy :)
@KendallFrey I always change color after flushing the head
i'm bored already. these things are slow
Said no woman ever
Fuck yea, I'm calling .NET from Node
@KendallFrey "I looked up the old values and the speed of light has dropped between 1928.... It had dropped in all over the world. Up in 1948 it went up..."
global slowing
That was during the dark matter crisis
I facepalmed when he mentioned dark matter
007 remembers the dark matter crisis
who me? I way making a fuel crisis + futurama joke
He was trying to explain how the fundamental constant of nature could change, and then suddenly switched to using dark matter to explain the varying measurements
you mean racial issues?
@Luggage The dude from the video
I've forgotten his name already, he's so unimportant
"weekly report on constants like the stock market" The video gets better.
entropy is up this weekend
expect gravitational shifts
lost me at: 0:20 "it's a belief system"
Basically he lists 8 or 9 facts that have been discovered by science, and 1 or 2 axioms of science, and calls them all dogmas, throws them out, and replaces them with nothing.
called em dogmas :)
The crazy thing is he has a PhD and has attended what many would consider decent schools or at least what I thought were.
Less than 20 years ago, the British Passport Agency has decided to install a new Siemens computer system without testing it and showing its employees how to work with it. As a result, the system did not work properly causing long lines of people waiting for their documents in front of the Agency.
and how they illustrate the damage?
The organization spent millions of dollars buying umbrellas for customers standing in lines under the pouring rain, covering overtime work, and compensating for an untimely service delivery.
!!public events or strikes
@KevinB public events
Back running
holy variable height
why don't commercial gyms have this kind of common sense
where do you live? All the gyms I use do
like that?
yes just like that
to be fair I have only really used private gyms
nice rack
I used them in high school even
thot it was for gear, you lift mosho?
going to a big chain worked out well with my moving around
live in southern ontario
@Webster yes
I started this summer
we have a rack
I use an app
5x5 stronglifts
I lift my wifes pink weights
looking forward to regaling you all next week, have a good un
Does mocha not have any reference documentation?
a home gym is going to cost like
which I guess I expected
for some reason the head took the scenic route and left a string, but otherwise perfect so far
@Luggage Spider web consistency, or an actually significant strand of plastic?
i don't want to stick my hand there there and bump it, but looks very thin almost like a spide web
Right, that should be no problem
the head just moved far away and came back for some reason
More than just going around the model?
yea, move almost to the edge and came back. might jut be those default cat.gcode
very odd
You mean you're printing a sample gcode model?
yes. the cr-10 comes with a cat that many people print as their first
as I am
I wouldn't worry about it unless you see the same thing with prints from Cura
Don't you love it when you need to treat a complex type with a circular reference as though it didn't have that, so you rewrite the entire structure to avoid that? Don't you especially love when you need to do that in more than one place?
What are you, some kind of non-masochist?
The worst part is the circular reference isn't a problem until JS takes the type information away.
food is here. good luck with that
and to you
@towc Google "Practical Common Lisp"
My first print imgur.com/a/IbxrZ failed
cc @rlemon @Loktar @KendallFrey
you know that's supposed to happen though right?
I think I saw something about the cat being corrupt. I thinkt he quality was great until it want full retard
the headless cat is a meme on the cr10 group
yeah it's a known bad file
the smoothness on the rest of it was surprising
that front with the chinese characters is much flatter and clearer than it looks in the pic
yeah that looks nice man
that's awesome
glad it's working
has anybody tried wit.ai / api. ai
I am become memory leak destroyer of Ram.
join the chrome user's group
I need to figure it out
I wonder if valgrind is still useful
Is there a way to split one TS file into multiple files without making them separate modules?
i haven't had issues with recursive imports
Me neither
Part of the problem is bundling them together only works with amd and system modules
well, to answer your question: kinda. 2 ways i can think of
And I didn't really want the output to be split up
1. use ts in non-moudles module (with namespaces). eww
2. use multiple modules and just have an injed.ts that re-exports them all
you mean a single output file?
oh. i have only ever used ts in one-to-one file output mode
The only reason I didn't want a single source file is to separate code into meaningful chunks
You're about to tell me to use a bundler, probably webpack, right?
maybe. if you need a single umd
if this is going into npm you only need to compile to separate .js files
using webpack to just make a umd with no css and other BS is real simple.
I really need to learn how to publish to npm
I like bundling before publishing as well
but that's just preference
I'm not gonna take some random guy's PR on faith ;)
good idea.
publishing is easy, just keep your secrets safe
what if random guy does the umd stuff?
yea, it's publishable right now with that PR. you just need an account. probably. i didn't test, but i put in the missing junk in package.json.
@Luggage In this case, it's nothing but plain portable JS. No client or server specific stuff
@Luggage I'm skeptical, because there's some weird stuff in there that doesn't make sense
Go on.
Like, you exported a type that wasn't exported before
BTW, what I'm working on today is a different project
yea, because I have it in a stricter mode and you need to export a type you use like that
take that off and you'll see the TS error saying that
I had no idea there was a stricter mode
they add a new one every few versions
many. i have it cranked.
lint, or something else?
not even lint, jsut stricter type checking rules
they're all worth using, especially the latest
no implcit any, etc.
strict: true to turn them all on
i think
huh, didn't know about that
--strict: Enable all strict type checking options.
Enabling --strict enables --noImplicitAny, --noImplicitThis, --alwaysStrict, --strictNullChecks and --strictFunctionTypes. [sauce](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html)
@Luggage I had that on
But you're saying there are more
I think strictFunctionTypes is the newest one, which prevents unprovably some-variant types being passed as params
yea. I forget what, but it had a compile time error that required that export
only broke a couple places in my code and they were, after fixing, obviously wrong
Was it the type definitions file perhaps?
file: 'file:///Users/dmull/src/scratch/src/scratch.ts'
severity: 'Error'
message: 'Return type of public method from exported class has or is using private name 'LinePointPartial'.'
at: '115,23'
source: 'ts'
It was used as a return type, so you had to export it
I'll be damned if I can remember where I used that as a return type.
hsl maybe
on these lines
Oh yeah the other thing I dislike is not being able to bulk-import a module into scope
import * as foo from 'module';
Oh it goes by parameters too
@Luggage yeah but I don't wanna qualify everything
how bulk? Destructuring is good
I'm used to C# dammit
at least you get intellisense/completion when importing
@ssube I mean, not much, but it's the principle of the thing
iirc I enforce destructuring for all imports
it makes reading modules much easier and default exports are an antipattern, imo
depends. defaults can make sense for some modules. I feel we've had that talk. I feel deja vue
I know I spelled that wrong, but I am leaving it.
I think we have
That feeling like you've been towc before
I have no idea how to fix a mem leak D:
just stop leaking
no more ram until you've finished your peas
Now I've got another question
If I'm to compile to multiple output files, what should I use for a makefile rule?
just dist: src/*.ts doesn't seem to do it
@Luggage I don't even know what can allocat
That sounds like a question for ssube
200 megs of friken ram
I have one of his makefiles, one sec
for 1 ping call D:
(mostly likely the C++ module that I wrote)
Oh yeah ofc that doesn't work
wait a minute, will C++ call destructor automatically
when things run out of scope ?
The fuck is that?
one of ssube'ss makesfiles that uses tsc. not sure if it does what you want. I didn't read before pasting.
ohh, uses webpack
@ShrekOverflow that is the point of them
well that doesn't seem to happen here :/
I need to
then it's never deleted
ohh, v8
some kind of smart pointer?
maybe i should instead work on fixing
@Luggage Does that use any non-phony targets at all? jesus
@ssube it has Handle and Local
I am guessing that I confused one
@KendallFrey nope :D
you just want to run tsc for all files anyway
but if you used make patterns, it would load and run node every time
which would be slow
So there's no don't-rebuild-if-up-to-date logic?
yea, i meant run tsc once and have it get all files
the loader can do that
I have a newer one with watch, too
you guys are terrible at solving problems the way I expect them to be solved
tsc might have a cache.. not sure
tsc used to do it, yeah
So I'm ok with making everything phony then?
Ok Need to use v8::Local
(Is there a shortcut to make all targets phony?)
and just --watch in BUNDLE_OPTS
I guess I don't want everything in the file to be phony
The C# can avoid compiling every time thx
if you have more than one tool, I put them in subdirs and use a PID or timestamp file
there's a way to make a real target compare timestamps and then kick off a phony target once
but that is beyond me
I just got sick of gulp breaking things
I'm dealing with a bunch of command-line tools, I didn't wanna deal with gulp today
take the rest of the night off
I've been curious about abusing Ansible as a build tool recently, since it has: targets (roles), groups, variables, can pass output to the next stage, all sorts of file templates, and smart updates/restarts
I'm also calling mocha
And the C# compiler
shoot me
it's definitely not a good idea, but...
you guys are totally above me but I like listening
i use ts-node/register with mocha
@KendallFrey lol my hackathon project calls webpack, mocha, nyc, some python tools, various zip things, docker, terraform, and a metric shitload of bash
@Luggage wuzzat
with a short harness, webpack can make a very nice test bundle
@Luggage wuzzat do
then you just run mocha like usual and it works with istanbul/nyc
ts-node is a module on npm that register with node's require() to compile as-imorted
wuzzat mean
1 min ago, by William
you guys are totally above me but I like listening
you just require a .ts file
on-the-fly compilation
um, ew?
for tests you are just going to compile once before anyway
just like running tsc first.
for some reason it feels safer to run tests from the compiled version
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => {
  console.error('unhandled error during tests', reason);


  then: null,
  unsubscribe: null


const context = (require as any).context('.', true, /Test.*$/);
export default context;
this makes it so there is no difference, but I can drop it.
Oh yeah, commonjs or umd for node? It seems to work with both
I can't wait for import support
I think that style test loader works with webpack and the way Luggage is suggesting
I'm strongly resisting the advice to learn webpack
It looks complicated and scary and I just wanna write cool things that work
it is, you could paste one
i'll make a pr for one in that project. You'll see it's butt-simple.
Pasting unknown things is the scariest of all
@Luggage Don't bother, I'm working on something else right now
i wasn't going to tonight anyway.
ok, fine, but don't expect me to do anything with it
I cannot fucking wait for the day I can download understanding
Wait a minute
what happens to structures like
    fd_set *rfds = new fd_set;
when they get out of scope :o ?
I think they won't be destructed twill they :D
you're gonna have to rtfm on that one
pointers are like all of C
they will not
IIRC new needs a matching delete
i.e. manual memory management
it's the best
If the pointer just goes out of scope, you've leaked memory
i maybe should take a C 101 :|
also that's C++
no garbage collection. pack in, pack out
C uses malloc and free
that was the oddest flag
not as odd as the sandwich flags
mm, sandwich flags
Now I remmeber
Also am I the only one that sees a 0 for the flag count?
I should use unique_ptr (and shared, weak etc)
Only in the blue bubble though
it was a 1, then I -1d
it shows up as 0 for a bit usually
I saw it as 0 from the start
I don't think it's supposed to include counterflags
and it hasn't disappeared yet
Cya in 3 years, need to read Cpp reference
I feel like an idiot for forgettting unique_ptr :|
forgetting memory mgmt is the defining feature of C/++
I do not program in C/C++ and I would say that is definitely 101 stuff like you said
I wrote my code with so many stars, now its stds everywhere D:
Well the memory leak is fixed :D
Thanks guys :)
still rising though but I am guessing thats coming from my node code (~0.2 kbps)
Can't wait for alacritty to get windows support.
@littlepootis Why are you on Windows lately?
@SomeGuy A new update broke TF2 on Linux, which is the only game I play. So I had to install Windows 7.
I've been trying to learn something new while I'm at it.
Ah, gotcha. What are you learning?
@KendallFrey @rlemon youtube.com/watch?v=Xc4xYacTu-E
Hey ho
@BenFortune Ben go to sleep for gods sake
No u
2 hours later…
No u.
@Loktar 2 hrs later? fell asleep at the keyboard did you ? :p
lol nah just looked
going to bed now though almost 3 am here
good night...\o
@SomeGuy Unity
Anyone have experience with ember-cli and postcss ?
Having issues getting postcss plugins to run from my broccoli build file
Do we even need a bloody app where a website should be fine ?
hey guys
do you use github.com/defunctzombie/commonjs-assert like Python assert in production?
Using assert in production is a terrible practice.
@ShrekOverflow Yes because Android permissions aren't user friendly, as well as aren't able to do notification tasks.
I don't want to install a dumb fucking 86.2 mb app
just to book a god-damned flight
on a device that's more powerful than my MBP
Only 82 mb? You got luck :-)
The Pandora app on Android uses 300 > mb of RAM to display what appears to be the Pandora website.
people cry about their react app being bulky
@Mikhail Jessus christ, are they running emscriptened-ffmpeg in javascript to decode the samples or what?
Its actually 100 mb > more than the desktop FF client uses
We can safely assume its spyware
But I really feel that the FireFox OS was visionary in this regard. Nobody would care about Electron RAM consumption if the app was an additional Chrome tab. That way it would merely contribute a small margin to a big baseline.
and Chrome could manage the power / memory etc
@towc write a preprocessor for C
Or an assembler
Just take nand to tetris
if you haven't done it (part 2)
then do whatever he says
Wire me $1000 every month.
@FlorianMargaine cheers!
it's suggesting I use emacs :/
Use emacs
emacs > vim
windows > linux
tabs > spaces
are you still on windows 7?
@towc he is trolling
sure, but I'm still asking :P
u yoused to be cool
I had to switch. I realized Windows is clearly better.
class Foo {
    private bar() {}

new Foo()['bar']; // typed
I feel like now is the best time to start learning machine learning
hey guys . if you have two chises : Angular and JS which one would you choose ?
As angular is a javascript framework you should overthink your question ;-)
I want to spend time to learn one of them , but I dont know is there any company who just using JS with out any Frameworks?
just generate your website using a big PNG image. There are few advantages to this.

1) png supports transparency by default
2) you can easily generate PNGs in PHP
3) It's high quality
4) nobody can hack your website
5) SEO compliant since Google is happy to index your PNG based site
It's a similar idea as server-side rendering a react website but much lighter weight.
and you can very easily set up a powerful caching layer
@osmanRahimi if you wanna learn Angular, you will need to learn JS anyway.
well, limp as a substitute for slime is working well :D
Hi, is there any library to detect language type from source code string?
i have tired to find
i mean computer language type
i.e "h1 { color: red; }" -> 'css'
@DININDU what have you googled?
nodejs detect computer language type from source code
just like this
you need to up your google skills
try again :)
:) you find one?
:) so what is the wrong with my search query
still i didnt :(
try other search queries
think about what someone who might write about it would actually write
According to this stackoverflow.com/a/30764590/4737012. I thing the best way is train a classifier :(

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