I just had an idea for a tool that I hope already exists: A way to show, temporarily, a "heat map" of your tabs, so you know what you want to keep during a Tab Purge.
"views": A click on the tab that is not followed by clicking away, but rather some time reading and scrolling or clicking or any activity. And "time spent".
@ssube that may be an oversimplification IMHO. Not sure how much fight or flight applies to longer term prospects, but as a general description I'd agree
@ssube this is probably something that'd have to be tested, but I feel that even an optimization of an extra memory location would still be an addition of an optimized memory location
Random Dungeon Rooms V3; More content, variety, and sub-rooms. Shows changing layout decisions with size. #procgen #Unity3D #gamedev https://t.co/j7NvuctM84
ssube well thanks for that. I'm going to have to wait until I have a second to sit down and understand what you're doing (I see what's happening but need to understand jsperf [and general perf testing requirements] better to understand why you do it that way).
@Milly25 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
I aliased the type of a function that returns nothing to Callable and aliased "no op", so that way at least the signature is (action: Callable = noop) => () => {}