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@OliverSalzburg EF still says its 0..1 on 0..n
i guess ill just use .First() then to get around it
@Wietlol No clue how EF deducts the information :\
me neither
its a magic box
but the magic is not strong in this one
morning everyone
good song so far, confusing art
is that a dog in a tracksuit with a worldstar necklace?
got a trap station going on gmusic
so I don't get the sweet art
caps going down for a minute
So no laws while cap is down? Like The Purge?
Quick, everyone make fun of towc
Hold on, I have a list.
I just converted a project to using webpack, but to do so, made one giant bundle. This bundle is not kind to IE11.
So, now I need to do some optimizing :(
Hi all
I guess first stop is a commons chunk and check all my caching.
does IE 11 cache any JITed code.. or does it even do that?
I don't know who that is.
hello... is it me you're looking for?
Ah. Lionel Ritchie?
yea, creepy ritchie
(not sure of spelling)
I trusted you and look where it got me
I just had an idea for a tool that I hope already exists: A way to show, temporarily, a "heat map" of your tabs, so you know what you want to keep during a Tab Purge.
tab width based on usage
that would be super handy
@rlemon Meg Myers!
hm, yea.
@rlemon > Couldn't open the station page.
tab width or even just color
That's my playlist
color all the time could be too much, with page icons, but temporarily
@ssube that's a shame
maybe not full color, a badge would be good enough
searching for anything to do with tabs in chrome webstore is painful
everything is just about css tab-width
@Luggage WhatPulse has a cool heatmap and keystroke count, you could probably base your stuff of their methodology
In fact this room might enjoy creating a WhatPulse team to compete w/ each other and other teams
I'll have to look up what that is.
I can use this to pay my employees by the keystroke.
@Luggage how would you want it to record activity? mouse / keyboard activity in the tab? or simply time spent with the tab focused?
Alternatively - don't most browsers have tab groups now? You could have a 'favorites' tab group that you just never close
"views": A click on the tab that is not followed by clicking away, but rather some time reading and scrolling or clicking or any activity. And "time spent".
Sounds like AutoIt or AutoHotKey are what you want... maybe Selenium since it's browser-specific
focus += X weight
time spent += X/Y weight
kinda thing
No, what I want is someone else to do it and me click "download extension" :)
I haven't even looked for one, just a thought
no soup for you
I'd like someone to click "download extension" for me too
while we're at it
Yea, why can't I just ask my phone?
"Google, purge all the tabs I am not using"
(or Siri or whoever)
No, not that jerk
A UDP packet walks into a bar.
A UDP packet walks into a bar.
A walks UDP packet. bar a into
@Vap0r That's many packets
The data inside the packet isn't going to change order :)
Two versions, one where the packet is the sentence and the other where the packet is a word :)
Pick your poison :P
@Luggage well that's a little soul-crushing
You're welcome
It's Friday can't we just listen to Rebecca Black and be happy?
Nothing is more soul crushing than that.
!!s/ crushing/ful/
@Vap0r Nothing is more soulful than that. (source)
The thing everyone wants more of, time, is what soul crushes you as a way to die? I was picking the least bad, which is some people's dream.
Though, I guess time doesn't make everything better.
e.g. Your mom
"is what soul crushes you as a way to die?" eh, what?
Got me.
time is a terrible waste of space
Only in black holes
but if you compress space, you don't need as much time
Eh it was mostly in jest but I suppose time is a reminder of our transient nature and kinda causes an existential threat in some people :/
this one is pretty good ^^
It was meant to, but I was offering an alternate view.
@Vap0r either that or it's the most invigorating driver around
@ssube it can be both
everyone needs a midlife crisis
@ssube I suppose so but either of those positions seem to be those of fear. One response being urgency and the other being panic
I'm a fan of constant crisis. Bezos calls it always day one.
@Vap0r it depends on if you choose fight or flight
@ssube that may be an oversimplification IMHO. Not sure how much fight or flight applies to longer term prospects, but as a general description I'd agree
I choose neither. Non-existence doesn't drive me to do anything
it is simplified, yeah
Only existence does.
this is a good read, though: amazon.com/p/feature/z6o9g6sysxur57t
There may be an infinite number of existences, or none, or some alternate existence, but I'm sure I have whatever this existence is
and what I was referencing in my bastardization of the day 1 idea
I'm sure that I'm not sure
const { foo, bar, biz, bang } = obj;
let { fizz } = obj;

or just make them all let's
Are you asking?
what are you doing with fizz later?
possibly changing it
which is why it needs to be a let
@SterlingArcher Holy shit 1:10
Then you might possibly need a let
conditional check
@BenFortune yeah man, dope song
what about window.fizz = obj.fizz
as an const purist, I would refactor that check into a method and declare a second const at that point, but you'd probably prefer to keep it inline
almost as dope as 0:49 here @BenFortune
@rlemon lol
so just keep the one let as a sign of shame and reassign later :D
Why not just use obj.fizz until you need to possibly redefine then hold the const there?
^ not joking on that one lol
destructuring into a const, then declaring a second const is functionally the same, I think
you just need two names
which is arguably a good thing
functionally yes, wasn't sure if we were trying to do some codegolf-esque performance improvements too
no, just wanna make it look pretty
performance should be the same, the compiler can probably combine them
Then go with @ssube 's suggestion mine is going to be a bit less clear
locals are usually easy to optimize because the scope is clear
I went with my original code :D
@ssube this is probably something that'd have to be tested, but I feel that even an optimization of an extra memory location would still be an addition of an optimized memory location
I'm curious enough to write a test, but doubt you'll see anything significant
I'm interested. Though to be clear I'm not claiming significance of difference but rather existence of a performance difference
I mean statistical significant
but let's see
I can't figure out how I would test that without introducing new issues that would effect performance
no measurable difference between single-const and method-const, but double-const is 10%+ slower
Random Dungeon Rooms V3; More content, variety, and sub-rooms. Shows changing layout decisions with size. #procgen #Unity3D #gamedev https://t.co/j7NvuctM84
@ssube "LetsDoIt" chuckles
@rlemon nice
inb4 Blizzard says "yes have you seen Diablo 3 before?"
@rlemon shit that's cool
@rlemon @FlorianMargaine @KendallFrey happy Friday!
I like the cut of your jib
@Vap0r yeah, I was going to do more with the objects (that's why they had ctors), but didn't need to.
ssube well thanks for that. I'm going to have to wait until I have a second to sit down and understand what you're doing (I see what's happening but need to understand jsperf [and general perf testing requirements] better to understand why you do it that way).
1 message moved to Trash can
@Milly25 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
                            function calculate() {
                                var sum = 0;
                                $(".txt").each(function () {
                                    if (!isNaN(this.value) && this.value.length != 0) {
                                        sum += parseFloat(this.value);

                                document.getElementById("<%=txtFBTotal.ClientID %>").value = sum.toFixed(2);
also please don't indent stuff a million times
But the C standard is 8 spaces per level of indentation
maybe that's just 3 class levels deep
@Cereal I'm talking about how every line is indented like 30 spaces
Yes, and I was joking
Needs some work
We don't do that here.
joking or work
@TylerH don't tell me how to indent
i bet you use spaces you savage
@SterlingArcher Yes, I also make more money, if you believe Stack Overflow's blog
@Milly25 what's not working?
they pay more because the suicide rate of devs who use spaces over tabs is 100%
all of us use the tab key at least though right?
I'm gonna switch to spaces and ask for a raise due to industry standard space-pay
ain't nobody got time for the space bar
I use spaces because cobol's indentation pattern is fucking mental
I just imagine some literal space dev
well... literally in space, using the space bar
> not switching to tabs gonna tap this space bar
I imagine it's easier to get the spins at a space bar
@Milly25 this works for me: codepen.io/michaelrwiley/pen/qPvpmV
> i do use vim over emacs
no one uses spaces like that
someone knows anything about the "top layer"?
@SterlingArcher hahahaha that's great is most of silicon valley this funny?
8 spaces too wth?
I used to 2 space everything
@Vap0r the show is so funny
because it's causing this -> jsfiddle.net/ssj587zj/2 to not work
I mean, the controls are not shown on fullscreen mode
Hey ho: anybody hangouts tomorrow?
in mozilla
Cc @rlemon @ssube @SterlingArcher @FlorianMargaine @KendallFrey @all y'all really
actually that example works only on mozilla
tomorrow is the only day I can't
which is where I'm having tihs problem
@KamilSolecki potentially, I have to work this weekend and I have a date in the evening
@KamilSolecki yeah I guess
what time?
@SterlingArcher I love him
    $(function() {

      $(".btn").on("click", btnEventRegistry);
like that ^
@KamilSolecki maybe
probably not tho
it's gonna be 22C and sunny, so I plan on shampooing my carpets
@SterlingArcher Any really, as long as it's past 2pm utc
@rlemon Do carpets need cleaning?
@chade_ haha no dude just be gross!
lol maybe i should tell that my grandma
> the fridge is putting up a fight so i'm going to have tp put some strain on the wiring
@chade_ yes
@ssube twice a year. fall and spring
and spot clean any mess ofc
one of my rugs needs replaced, it was a cheapo ikea one and the edges are frayed
fixed some issues in the example: jsfiddle.net/ssj587zj/3
today will be mowing up leaves, though
still not showing the control bar xD
the back yard is just leaves
I found the perfect way to make the customer call you back immediately
crash the server
@chade_ yes
@SterlingArcher Great idea, i'm gonna try it now ;D
@Loktar no I use the rube goldberg method - space four times for the first indentation and then copy those four spaces and paste them as necessary :-P
@SterlingArcher have you ever gone to the youtube Id linked in the bottom right hand corner of the code?
@SterlingArcher The funny thing is that mime is still doing his thing on every display fridge in the store for the next few days
I haven't seen any of the new SV
@rlemon well why the fuck not
forgot about the show tbh
@rlemon lol yeah I do that too
> Jian-Yangs smart fridge must be self correcting
@KendallFrey happens a lot to me, I don't have cable. so I have to go looking for the shows
very easy to forget about them between seasons
I'm pretty happy to find youtube/google has season passes for a lot of shows
@KendallFrey teslarati.com/…
createAction = (action: () => void = () => {}) => () => {
Any better way to do this?
Basically just using it to create menu items that close when clicked
What does the () mean in => () =>?
oh wait duh
<MenuItem label="Create New Item" onClick={this.createAction(openModal)} />
@corvid any way that doesn't result in looking at the code and saying "what the fuck?"
because right now that is wtf
yeah my code is pretty shit eh, that's why I am asking what is a better way to do it
step 1 would be to break it apart to be less confusing
I aliased the type of a function that returns nothing to Callable and aliased "no op", so that way at least the signature is (action: Callable = noop) => () => {}

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